Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Dear Judy:Late tonight Eurovision has been on.Despite Brexit we did better than I expected Portugal won.Yes some 100 countries were affected by the cyber attack things are slowly improving now.Acapulco is running tomorrow she is in foal to Galileo.He has 6 sons in the top 10 for the derby.Bad day at the office for Aidan though .A big day for Zenyatta tomorrow(Mother’s day)Glad Charlie enjoyed his muffins.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Dear Judy:Wales NHS was not affected by the cyber attack but hospitals were taking precautions.Love and hugs.
HRH The Duchess of Cornwall visited the Living Legends yesterday.Harry had some difficulty holding on to the ‘Fly’!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Galileo and his sons. Fly’s groom was holding on for dear life. I think I heard the gentleman warn the Duchess to be careful when giving Fly his treats, just in case. Too funny. Fly bows to no one. Love and Hugs, JB
So much for the theory that The Fly has mellowed.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Love his spirit! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
The Fly is absolutely delightful!
Thanks for sharing this.
Maybe he would react better to Princess Diana?
Georgia Hamilton
She is one gorgeous filly. Zenyatta did herself proud!
Sophia Gates
Wow. Thank you for the pix!
Zenyatta is GLORIOUS. And the filly, exquisite – what a darling! She’s a little moon filly – Diana:)
What a joy! Thanks for keeping us updated and sharing these too precious for words photos.
Donna Z
Here’s to Happy Mothers’ Day to all mothers tomorrow & an extra special one to Zenyatta & Ann as well as to my own mother.
This wish is for ALL mothers, even the ones who do not human children of their own; those who have fur babies & those who are mothers to children who are not their own.
May God bless us all in a very special way every day.
judy berube
Dear Donna and Z Fans:
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
For Sunday May 14
Happy Happy Birthday to one of my very favorite horses. Another “Mr Longtail”
Love you so much my Beautiful Boy.
Sure wish you were closer. So I could visit you.
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Orfevre. Love and Hugs, JB
Lisa in Colorado
OH MY!!!! Baby Girl Z is beautiful…and Zenny is perfection, as always. What a loving mom.
Thank you Team Z for sharing these beautiful pictures.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hoping everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow!
It will be especially nice for our Queen Z — enjoy your day with your beautiful filly, sweet girl. Perhaps your company will be there with you, too!
Lots of Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Happy Mother’s Day. Love and Hugs, JB
Cheryl in Bellflower, Ca
How about ExquiZite?
Beautiful Photo’s of Zenny and her Filly.
Can’t wait to watch her grow.
I wish all nothing but the best….
My sweet Zenyatta HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! YOUR LITTLE GIRL IS SO CUTE. I love the way you look at each other sharing love and admiration. One of the pictures where you are looking at eachother and almost are touching noses really looks like she has a little smile. Lots of love, hugs and kisses. Have a WONDERFUL day. Donna
Bev Airehart
This filly is beautiful. I like the name Daisy. That could be a pasture name for her. Congratulations to all the connections and of course Zenyatta.
Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta! And a Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there in Z-land!
Thanks to all the wonderful Zenyatta team at Lanes End for these pictures of her and the new little princess. Zenny looks so content and happy to have a baby to love on. Good health and safety to her and little Princess d’Oro.
Ida Lee
Beautiful photos of the Queen and her gorgeous little Princess….Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta …. you did good….
Susan Spurlock
I think she should carry the name Mondatta.. keeping with the tradition of where Zenyatta got her name from the Police album Zenyatta Mondatta.Plus, with the sire being Medaglia d’Oro, it is almost a combination of both names. It’s just a thought. Either way, she is beautiful.
Royal Mo has sustained an injury during a work out.A fracture to the sesamoid on his front leg according to John.Sad.
LoriW (So.Cal)
I just read about this on Bloodhorse.com…..how awful…I was so looking forward to seeing him in the Preakness as were many others! Now, praying for his recovery. It almost sounds like he may not race again….Very sad!
Kalar Walters
YAY! So happy to see Mom and babygirl doing so well! Congratulations to all!!! ♥
My thoughts and prayers go out to Team Z and ROYAL MO this morning. John was amazing, as was Gary Stevens. Doesn’t sound life-threatening but according to Gary, he’ll never race again. Mario, according to my FB friend Jane Wade, loves him so much. Said he was going to be great.
I’m gutted.
This is horrible news for Mo fans. Very bad luck is stalking our horses.
Ann NC
Uhhhh, heartbreaking.
Thoughts and prayers to Royal Mo and all. I am so very sorry.
Also this. Photo of John with ROYAL MO as they waited for the van to take him to New Bolton is heartbreaking:
After looking at this photo of John and Mo, you cannot doubt his compassion and love of his horses. So very sad. Royal Mo looked be one of the ones to make a showing in the Preakness.
judy berube
Dear Abigail, Shirlee and Z Fans:
That photo says it all. JS loves his horses. The so, so sad part of racing. God Bless you Mo; hope you recover completely to be pain free. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
As Gary S. says in the article Abigail posted, it’s a blessing that Mo wasn’t going full out when it happened. Could have been much more damage. We have to be thankful that he should be able to live a good, long, healthy life with no complications. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Barbara Livingston really captured so much in this photo. Hard to hold the tears back knowing the reason for John’s compassion. You can see how much Royal Mo trusts him. Sending love and best wishes to all concerned. ♥♥♥
Mo is a good looking guy. Very unfortunate. I was really looking forward to his Preakness run. Now we can only hope that he recovers to have a good life away from racing. Sorry for Jerry and Ann Moss and the team.
Acapulco makes a great start for the new man in her life Aidan O’Brien with a fine win at the Curragh.Ridden by his son Donnacha she now heads for the King’s Stand at RA and is unlikely to wear a hood.She wore one today to help her settle.
Thinking of Royal Mo and hoping he recovers from his injury.Gary looked after him well.Mo is in the best place.
A happy mother’s day to Zenyatta and all mums here on the blog.We celebrate during lent.
Marilyn Braudrick
Sheena, I did not know that pregnant mares are raced. Is this only in England/Europe or do they race them in U.S. too. I’ve never heard of this. Is it ok for the unborn foals?
LoriW (So.Cal)
Happy Mother’s Day Zenny :) Have a beautiful day with your adorable little girl!
Luv & kisses to you, your little girl, Coz & Zi!
Ann NC
Happy Mother’s Day to all Z fans.
Very special one for you, Zenny. Your little lady is beautiful.
Love to all.
Mary Jane
So sorry to hear the shocking news about Royal Mo. Thank goodness Hall of Famer Gary Stevens was in the saddle and acted quickly. This is just not fair for everyone involved. These are dedicated, good people doing all they can to carefully manage a talented colt and now, this fluke accident. Dear Jerry & Ann, John & Dottie, Mario et al… my heartfelt thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Sue Williams
Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta! ❤️
Marilyn Braudrick
Happy Mothers Day to all Zenyatta and Team Z supporters. As a supporter you are all “mothers” in some way to these horses. We all are. So Happy Mothers day to us all!!
Amy Krauss
Royal Mo is injured in his morning work – saved by Stevens. Prayers for his recovery.