Here’s a little Zenyatta fun to brighten your Friday! These photos are from Ann’s Thanksgiving trip to Kentucky.
For holiday shoppers, we’re offering free domestic shipping at the Zenyatta Shop through Monday!
Team Z
Queen of Racing
Here’s a little Zenyatta fun to brighten your Friday! These photos are from Ann’s Thanksgiving trip to Kentucky.
For holiday shoppers, we’re offering free domestic shipping at the Zenyatta Shop through Monday!
Team Z
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Here is the link to the article about Stradivari:
A beautiful colt gone much too soon. With the angels. RIP Stradivari
Condolences to all who love him and are grieving.
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall,
That is so heartbreaking. RIP beautiful boy. He was so gorgeous and we should have had him longer. Prayers for all who are hurting.
Hugs, Kathy
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Marshall and Kathy,
How tragic that this beautiful boy is gone. Beyond words. Keeping everyone who loved and cared for him in my prayers. with love, Elizabeth
PS I have such admiration for all of the doctors and those who nurse and care for these beautiful horses. Can’t imagine how heartbreaking this is when they lose one of them.
Dear Elizabeth,
I remember so well Dr. Richardson and all the staff at New Bolton when we lost Barbaro. They felt that loss to their cores…
Hugs, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Elizabeth and Kathy,
Yes, the doctors and staff at these wonderful veterinary hospitals are truly amazing and are indeed admirable. Condolences to those at Rood & Riddle who tried so hard to mend this lovely young colt and had such hope for a positive outcome.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Oh, I’m crying. I loved this beautiful boy. So very sad. Just so young. Run free in God’s Heaven gorgeous one. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
I know. :-(
Hugs and Love
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
RIP Stradivari, just so very soon to leave these green pastures but I am sure there are heavenly ones where you have gone. love n hugs, Sally B
December 9 Cherokee Devotional
Winter doesn’t always come gradually. Sometimes it jumps on us with both feet, armed with ice and frigid winds that make the livestock hunt for cover and people shiver by the fire. We think how long and cold and mean and dangerous it is, and feel that winter will last forever. But it doesn’t
A time of adjustment comes with any change-whether that is a change of season or a change of life. Our grandmother used to say that our blood was too thin when winter began, but it would adjust and then it would warm us. We never knew if that was true, but we certainly hoped it was! Whatever comes, we adjust and go on. And one day, before long, the weather will change and we will be more comfortable. It’s good to remember that at the beginning of winter and at other times of change.
All the savages who are not converted believe that the soul is immortal; but they maintain that when it is separated from the body it goes to a beautiful and fertile land, where the climate is neither cold not hot, but agreeably temperate.
-Nicolas Perrot, 1718
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny,
Hope you and Vixana have a wonderful day together and eat lots of yummy carrots and treats today. with much love, Elizabeth – pacing in New Mexico
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Martha Fosdick
Like Kathy I too remember Dr. Richardson and Barbaro’s brave battle. In fact, I just read today that Barbaro’s Mom, La Ville Rouge is now pensioned. Nicanor and Lentenor are both standing at stud and Margano and Pennmarydel are retired.
Dear Martha,
It’s so good to get all that news on Barbaro’s family! I wish only the very best for all of them…
Hugs, Kathy
December 10 Cherokee Devotional
We are creatures with needs that go deeper than what we work for daily. Especially at this busy time of year, we need to find some quiet time to be alone with ourselves. We need to be able to let down our guard and enjoy a moment when there is no pressure. As we let go of tensions and “to-do” lists, we begin to rest in body, mind, and spirit. Often quiet times like these refresh us more in a few short minutes than hours of sleep do. That’s because here we let go to a far deeper rest-a spirit rest.
White people need a church house, a preacher, and a pipe organ to get into a praying mood. There are so many things to distract you…We think you can’t have a vision that way.
John (Fire) Lame Deer, Lakota
Dear Sheena,
Hope you’re having a good Saturday. I get to work today. We are having an adult craft today…crocheted dish cloths! The ratties enjoyed a yummy looking drink. I think it was was chocolate with whipped cream! Zoe got to meet some new people on her visit. We get to hear about them in the future. She also visited Mr. George. Enjoy your day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.Lovely devotional.Another wet but incredibly mild day over here.The ground is getting softer by the moment at Cheltenham Nicky is getting concerned about running My Tent or Yours.Evie is settling in well she is Ossie’s mother.Named after Dame Evelyn Sharp the first female permanent secretary to the cabinet.One of Larry’s Lords a-leaping fell on a French Hen and feathers are flying.!Yes Zoe had some good visits yesterday.Felix’s calenders sold out in 18hrs .She raised £5000 for the Samaritans and is ordering more.I hope Kirk Douglas enjoyed his party last night.A wonderful age.Frankel’s daughter Soul Stirring is running tomorrow in Japan.A good racecourse gallop ftom Oscietra this week mama’s little girl.Paul’s having a fabulous day.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Tremendous performance from the New One ridden by Dickie Johnson this time.He got the ride because Ryan Hatch got badly injured in a fall at Cheltenham yesterday.Nigel TD very excited.
Wishing Nicky Henderson a very Happy Birthday.
Nyquist just loves the cards he has received from Shari Voltz’s students.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
This is too cute! The children will be so happy that Nyquist loves their cards. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Sheena!
Enjoyed this and am sure Shari’s class appreciated this post, too. Too Cute.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Another nice article on Black Caviar’s Oscietra, with photo and video from the Paulick Report. Love and Hugs, JB
DearJudy.I think mum is rightly proud.A lovely filly.Hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Judy and Sheena,
Love her name and so wonderful she’s following in her mother’s hoof prints. Exciting to think of what ahead for her. Hope both of you and everyone here in Zenny’s family has a wonderful evening. Been a long week, but am making progress on my project.
with love, Elizabeth
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Yes, was thinking the same thing. This little girl is off to a great start.
Say hello to the little Roadrunner and all the critters for me. Beep, beep! Love and Hugs, JB
The short guy has deserted Douvan to ride Djakadam tomorrow Paul Townend rides instead.Good luck to Highland Reel in Hong Kong tomorrow and Soul Stirring in Japan
Judy B from Rhode Island
Godspeed Highland Reel. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Do you remember Mei-Lun and Mei-Huan the pandas from Atlanta zoo?They have had difficulty in settling down in China.They don’t care for the spicy treats or the Chinese language but are slowly getting accustomed now.The new twin girls will be named on Monday and Bei-Bei is much better.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Loveand hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Hope Mei Lun and Mei Huan acclimate soon; tough to get used to new surroundings. Glad to know Bei-Bei is better. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Elizabeth in NM
Hope everyone has a good night’s sleep and a nice Sunday tomorrow.
with love, Elizabeth
Bluegrass Girl
Pure Sensation out of HKG Race!
HKJC Racing @HKJC_Racing on Sat. Dec. 10 2016
Statement from Kim Kelly, the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Chief Stipendiary Steward, regarding the scratching of Pure Sensation #HKIR
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Prayers for Pure Sensation for full recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
RACE REPLAY: 2016 CashCall Futurity Featuring Mastery
TVG Published on Dec 10, 2016
Mastery wins the 2016 CashCall Futurity Saturday at Los Alamitos.
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan · Sat. Dec. 10 2016
Mastery’s winning margin in the Los Al Futurity was 7 1/4 lengths.
Bluegrass Girl
TVG on Sat. Dec. 10 2016 VIDEO
.@BritneyEurton discusses Mastery’s win in the CashCall Futurity
with winning rider Mike Smith!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
So Happy for Mikey and Mastery; congrats to both of them. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to Mastery, Mike, Bob and all connections on the CashCall win!
Well done.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Wishing all of you a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Bluegrass Girl
RACE REPLAY: 2016 Starlet Featuring Abel Tasman
TVG Published on Dec 10, 2016
Abel Tasman wins the 2016 Starlet Saturday at Los Alamitos.
American Girl & Mike Smith 2nd
Steve Andersen @DRFAndersen Sat. Dec. 10 2016
In Saturday’s G1 STarlet Stakes, 12-1 Abel Tasman caught 4-5f American Gal
in the last eighth of race at 1 1-16 miles. #losal #drf
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Two photos of Medaglia d’Oro’s gorgeous Stradivari. RIP Baby Boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Stunning boy, tremendous loss. So very sad. RIP
Thanks for posting the photos.
Hugs and Love
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Dear Zenyatta and all; Are you getting a snow storm too? Where I am in Wi. we are expecting 7- 10 inches through Sunday evening depending on where we are located.
I left our cozy home to take Mia out at 9 pm walking in softly falling snow. With Christmas decorations shining from various homes I did not need to turn my flashlight on. Then it really hit me; wow, it was so silent and calm with the houses bright, how beautiful the season for Christmas and the birth of Jesus.
I hope the plows keep up as I have horse duties tomorrow night. Fancy and Jo are still doing great although we are watching Jo’s weight a bit as she had once foundered when she was too heavy. Amazing Fancy, now 35, still nickers when I appear and it is not unusual to see her in a trot out in the pasture.
The haynets have been cut down as they were failing. A couple of them developed holes and upon arriving a couple weeks ago, preparing food etc., when I opened Fancy stall to give her the feed, I saw Blackie, the goat, standing lifeless with the net tightly around her neck. Apparently Blackie tried to move his head into the net to get at some remaining yummy hay. Oh I scrabbled as fast as I could and lifted Blackie up from the back of her front legs, as I thought he was almost dead, to relieve such tightness while with my other hand struggled to get the net off. I was successful and placed Blackie down gently. He almost fell and I think he was dazed and dizzy for a while. But Brownie the other goat, came to Blackie later and kept coaxing him to get up and go out of the stall with him. It was really cute to see Brownie softly rubbing his head on Blackies instead of the head butts I generally see them do. ha ha Blackie recovered well. I guess one never knows what to expect when you arrive there at the barn.
I just do not want to get stuck there in the snow tomorrow night. The barn is not heated.
Every one stay warm and safe including you Zenyatta!
love n hugs, Sally B
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Love your description of the new fallen snow and the peace you felt. Thank God you were there to save Blackie and that he has recovered well. Fancy, Jo and the goats are so lucky to have you caring for them. Safe travel. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally,
What a beautiful picture you created with your words about your walk with Mia in the snow! Just lovely.
Glad Blackie is okay! How lucky you arrived in the nick of time. You are the best caregiver!
Fancy is one amazing girl!
Hugs and Love
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Goodnight Zenyatta
love you with kisses and to all your sons,
Z Princess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Huge congratulations to Soul Stirring for giving our beloved Frankel his first group one winner as a stallion.She won the Hanshin Juvenile fillies in style.Maurice bowed out with a win in the Hong Kong cup and Highland Reel came sooo close to his 2nd Hong Kong vase when beaten by Satona Crown(think I have got the winner’s name correct).
Soul Stirring ridden by Christophe Lemaire.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
She is one gorgeous filly! Congratulations to Soul Stirring and all connections!
Job well done.
Hugs and Love
December 11 Cherokee Devotional
Slowly but surely things take shape and the long-awaited holidays are upon us. It always seems to take longer to prepare for the holidays than we think it should. And, of course, we want everything to be perfect-and it seldom is.
But if there is a perfect moment, a time when the meaning of this time truly comes home to us, all the work is worth it. Then we do not see the extra effort as a trial or burden. How could it be when our goal is to make someone happy, to show someone how much they are loved?
The reason for the survival of the Hopis has been our dedication to and faithfulness to our one God of the universe, and our adherence to our tradition and learnings.
-Daisy Albert, Hopi
Dear Sheena,
Hope you’re having a nice day. All seems well with the FB furbabies I’ve visited. Soul Stirring’s win was just wonderful. Thanks for posting the link! Zoe looked beautiful in her Christmas dress and she got that yummy looking peanut butter lollipop from Santa Paws. Have a blessed Sabbath and take care. I’m going to make sure my turtling sock is ready for tomorrow! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Douvan never looked threatened today as he extended his winning sequence to 11 from11.Ridden by Paul Townend he won by 22 lengths(just a schooling session really)I cannot wait to see him in the Champion Chase.All roads lead to the festival!
Dear Kathy.Such a beautiful devotional today.Another mild but more sunny day here.Exciting times with Soul Stirring.Christophe Lemaire rode her mum Stacelita too plus Papa Christophe.Wow Douvan certainly knows how to win a race.
Mango’s mums are busy clearing the old house and painting.I haven’t been on Zoe’s page yet.Larry has made it to 100,000 followers on twitter.He’s got the piper’s piping today and says his true love doesn’t really know him.Evie is having a look around her new pad! Have a blessed Sabbath.My socks are all ready for tomorrow.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
A good win for Djakadam in the John Durkan memorial chase.Unlike his stablemate Douvan this horse doesn’t “do” fireworks but stays,battles and jumps.except for a scruffy jump at the 2nd last all was well.Listen Dear also won for Mullins.Paul thought Douvan was actually going slow at one time during his race.Now 4-9 for the Champion Chase.
Gormley and Ziconic worked out this AM at Santa Anita. You can watch work outs at for free.
Sally I love your post! It sounds like you had some excitement last night. The way you describe things is amazing, I can actually see it in my mind.
Everyone stay dry and warm. Linda
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Linda:
Thanks for this info on ZI and the work out web address. Love and Hugs, JB