Here’s a little Zenyatta fun to brighten your Friday! These photos are from Ann’s Thanksgiving trip to Kentucky.
For holiday shoppers, we’re offering free domestic shipping at the Zenyatta Shop through Monday!
Team Z
Queen of Racing
Here’s a little Zenyatta fun to brighten your Friday! These photos are from Ann’s Thanksgiving trip to Kentucky.
For holiday shoppers, we’re offering free domestic shipping at the Zenyatta Shop through Monday!
Team Z
Bluegrass Girl
Hollendorfer, Smith Have the Next Songbird?
By Bill Finley TDN Friday, December 2, 2016
For any trainer and jockey, a filly like Songbird (Medaglia d’Oro) is supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime proposition. Not so for Mike Smith and Jerry Hollendorfer. They might have another one, one that could be just as good.
Exactly 16 months after Songbird broke her maiden by 6 1/2 lengths at Del Mar, the Hollendorfer team brought another freakishly fast filly to the winner’s circle at the seaside oval in second-time starter Unique Bella (Tapit). A Pennsylvania-bred, she won a maiden race Saturday at Del Mar by 10 1/4 lengths and was tabbed a “TDN Rising Star”.
“Ability-wise and as far raw talent goes, I don’t know if they get as talented as she is,” Smith said of Unique Bella.
Hollendorfer said Unique Bella’s next start will likely come in the Jan. 8 GII Santa Ynez S., a seven-furlong test at Santa Anita.
Thanks! Will look forward to her races.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear BGG,
Thanks so much for posting this one. What a beautiful girl Unique Bella is! Pray she continues to do great things. Hope you have a wonderful day, BGG.
with love, Elizabeth
How cute is this?? Thanks Ann for always make the day brighter with photos from our Zenyatta who has shown before that she likes hats!!! I remember a pix where she took John Shirreff’s cap!
Adorable photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Remembering Shared Belief today.Run free now cariadX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Loved that gorgeous boy. Run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Zen loves her Mom and loves to play with her. I love Zen soooo much.
Jan S. / Houston
Zenny is still the ham!! ??
Susan in Fl
Such fantastic pictures! Thanks for sharing the fun pics! Peace & Happiness
Bluegrass Girl
Vale Dori Impressive in Bayakoa Victory (RACE REPLAY)
By Jeremy Balan The Blood-Horse December 3, 2016
Mohammed bin Khalifa al Maktoum’s Vale Dori continued to impress on U.S. soil with a clear victory in the $200,000 Bayakoa Handicap (gr. III) Dec. 3 at Del Mar. Watch Video
Mike Smith jockey
Bob Baffert trainer
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai and Baby Z, will always love you.
beautyfull Zenny :-) you smile when you see on carrots, you look quiet and joyfull on photos with hat, Zenny i want lil to tell to your 4yo and 3yo foals, Zi :-) well workout, Ziconic 3yo foal dece1 four furlongs in 50:00 7th horse from 9 horses, Coz :-) and Zi :-) slowly drink clean not cold water, eat green light hay apples pears sweet potatoe carrot juice, walk on air with groom, care of your health, Zi :-) if all is well with health and legs keep time from 50:00 to 49:40 and 8 or 11 days between workouts, with changing of weather on earth twenty of quick breeze in year look comfortable for racehorses
Coz :-) and Zi :-) google ” weather in del mar california us ” , ” weather in del mar accuweather forecast for ca 92014 ” , ” 5, month outlook ” , Zi well rainy days for race from my view in friday dece23, saturday dece24, sunday dece25, friday dece30,,,,, Coz and Zi come on course only if you are full healthy and well rested and want lil to breeze quickly, Zi and Coz always remember about your thin legs and your style with long free space in front of your noses and very glide increasing and decreasing of speed, Coz and Zi try to breeze more times on muddy or sloppy course, in rainy very sloppy kentucky derby of Orb all twenty horses came home to stalls healthy, Coz from my view muddy or sloppy dirt course is more convenient for you, Coz you are big height horse, in turf race horses usually breeze in big herd very near to each other there will be no long free space lil to right lil to left and in front of your nose, Coz better continue your two dirt 1 1/16 mile races in videos on course you keep your tail like mom Zenny
December 4 Cherokee Devotional
Smoke rises from the river bottom where pecan groves have been cleared to make ready for the harvest. Fragrant air moves up gently and hangs like a blue curtain among the tallest trees.
Huge bales of gold-colored hay dot the meadows and suggest that one or two hard workers have a harvest. But the harvest is for everyone, according to what has been planted.
Seedtime and harvest also extend to what we have planted in thought, word, and action. The sower plants a word and it comes up in many different forms: hate, love, peace, patience. So be careful what you sow, because that is what you will reap.
The mocking bird said that it would take overnight to give them different languages. The mocking bird asked the chief if he would like to speak some other different language, but the chief said he would rather keep his own language.
-Edmund Nequatewa, Hopi
Dear Sheena,
Hope your Sunday is going well. Zoe reminds us that we are all miracles. In a cute look back at Wimbley’s humor we are reminded that the least favorite reindeer of the dinosaurs is Comet! Have a blessed Sabbath. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Apple’s Jade has beaten Vroum-Vroum Mag in the Hatton’s Grace.Sarah is happy to see they have ditched the nose band.Airlie Beach continues to win she foaled before starting her racing career when Miguel Angel (thought to be a gelding) was put in her field.You can imagine the fun they had!Landofhopeandglory has also won for Young Joe and is now favourite for the Triumph Hurdle at the Festival in march.
Ann NC
Oh my, talk about surprises. Congrats Airlie B., sweet baby girl.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Ann:
Wow, that is surprising. Congrats to Apple’s Jade and Airlie Beach. Love and Hugs, JB
beautyfull Zenny :-) horses like when folks walk around and care of them, Zenny :-) you took Ann in your herd and feel yourself quiet and joyfull its well, Coz :-) and Zi :-) slowly drink clean not cold water, eat green light hay apples pears sweet potato carrot juice, walk on air with groom care of your health, beautyfull Zenny :-) do all quietly and not quickly walk on air eat apples pears care of your health say to Vixana too :-) , beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz dC and mates stay comfy and cozy eat apples pears care of your health kiss your soft noses lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
Dear Kathy.Still sunny and cold over here.Yes I saw Marty’s post they have well over 40,000 followers now.Mother Theresa hasn’t been invited to the EU end of year dinner typical they have never forgiven us for Trafalgar,Waterloo,Agincourt, Crecy, the Spanish Armada 2 world wars the list is endless!Larry is eating his way through the12days of Christmas I don’t know about the 5 gold rings!Fabulous days racing yesterday.I shall only post if there is racing news over here this week.I will keep in touch with you through FB.Wonderful to see Hera skipping through the clinic.Papa Christophe and CDA have been named ambassadors for the RoR ,Someone asked why he was back with Corine Shared custody!!!Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.XOXO
Prince Garlingari has arrived in Hong Kong for the Vase next sunday.Cirrus keeps us informed.It’s a delight to see him with his beloved Corine.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
My gosh, he’s beautiful; covered in dapples. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Barbara Livingston PHOTO Sunday Dec. 4 2016
Dual classic-winning champion CHARISMATIC had a fun visit with old friend Wayne Lukas this morning at @Oldfriendsfarm .
Bluegrass Girl
Barbara Livingston PHOTO Sunday Dec. 4 2016
Champion CHARISMATIC, 20, looking dapper and happy during his first turnout at @Oldfriendsfarm in Kentucky this morning.
Ann NC
Wow, beautiful photo, beautiful boy!
Thanks for sharing.
Judy B’s , Papa Charlie would love to inspect that blanket..hehe! Papa is a big time blanket thief.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG and Ann:
Thank you Blue for posting this wonderful photo of gorgeous Charismatic; he looks wonderful and full of run.
Ann, you are so right; Papa Charlie would more than inspect that blanket. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG, Ann and Z Fans:
Wish Chris Antley could have been here to join Mr. Lukas in welcoming Charismatic to Old Friends. Never think of Charismatic without remember Chris A. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for these links! Charismatic looks as though he could still be racing — he is as drop-dead gorgeous as he ever was! Very nice of D. Wayne Lukas to welcome him home. I like to think that Chris Antley was smiling, too.
Thank goodness for Old Friends.
Hugs and Love
Thank you for the photos of Charismatic. He looks happy to be home in Kentucky. Wonder if he has to learn English again. He looks wonderful for 20. Thanks to the farm in Japan that took such good care of him. So sad about Chris Antley. He was so young.
Brenda Springer
I would love to have a picture of Zenyatta with me to sit next to my Makers Mark bottle. Zenny could toss my hat and do my hair any time, and how nice to see that she still enjoys doing Ann’s hair. I’m happy to see that Zenyatta approved of her commemorative plaque, it was a thrill to see it when it was unveiled.
Vic tells me that Ebby sold for a very good price at Tattersalls and she thinks (hopes) that we might see Ebby back on our side of the pond.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Brenda,
Great to see a post from you! Hope all is well in your world.
Yes, it seems that Ebby will return to Kentucky in the not too distant future — maybe after the foaling and weaning. Good news indeed!
Happy Holidays to you, Vic and all your loved ones!
Hugs and Love
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Brenda,
What wonderful news that will be if Ebby does get to come back here to the U.S. !
Will look for updates on that. Wouldn’t it be fun to see Zenny and Ebby and Vixana as pasture mates?! Even though that’s not the plan, it’s fun to think about. Thanks for posting the news. with love, Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth.I posted the news about Ebby last week.She is travelling to Ireland to foal and may even be covered by another European stallion before returning home to Summer Wind..Love and hugs Sheena.
Nice win for Miss Temple City in the G1 matriarch.She was over here for Royal Ascot in June.
Dear Judy.We have a lovely series on now about US troops in Northern Ireland during the war and how they integrated with the locals.Very easy sunday evening viewing.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
sue and tony
Nothing better than seeing these two spending time together…Zenny is such a bright spot in any day. She continues to have a love affair with Ann’s head which as another poster said is “too cute”.
Sweet Zenny, you can be my hairdresser any time! Lucky Ann…to have you as a best friend is a bit of heaven on earth.
Thanks, Alys, for more stunning photos of two lovely ladies.
December 5 Cherokee Devotional
Even with free choice, each of us has a tomorrow for which we are responsible. Never believe for a moment that you are free to meander across the world at random without influencing anything and anyone. No matter how misguided you may have been in the past, you have sensed there is something greater that loves and tries to help. Do not cut yourself off from Spirit help.
Emerson said there is no knowledge that is not power. Know that you have power, not over others but over yourself. If you believe you can overcome anything, you can overcome anything. Trust yourself and trust the Spirit to help you do what you were meant to do.
No longer should the Indian be dehumanized.
-Chief Luther Standing Bear, Lakota
Dear Kathy.I remember Princess Diana telling the boys that knowledge is power.A rather dull Monday here but promises milder this week Yay!I love they are keeping on Marty’s Christmas countdown.Poor Luni is having problems she honks a lot.A big problem with the breed Dr Jill said,I shared the “vicious wolves” from Rupert’s page he does do cute sometimes!Larry is heading for 100,000 followers he got the 5 gold rings sold them and bought more birds I don’t know what will happen when he gets to the swans because it’s against the law to eat them.The Italian PM Matteo Renzi lost the referendum yesterday and has resigned remind you of someone??Have no idea what will happen there.The appeal to the supreme court begins today about triggering article 50.Why are court cases so much more exciting on telly???What will happen if our MP’s vote to remain?It’s all call me Dave’s fault because the result wasn’t enshrined in law.So arrogant he assumed he would win and off he sailed into the sunset to make pots of money.
I hadn’t been on Boo’s page in a while some very cute photos and Betsy is going to make a Christmas video.She is sooo happy in her new home.The catman of Alleppo remains and they sent him €5000 over the weekend.His wife and children have had to leave though.Big day for Mango and the sissys moving to the camper gosh it’s huge!I won’t be here the rest of the week back Saturday for the races.I will still be on FB though and will message you.Remember to turtle in your sock.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Don’t be too hard on your Dave. Enshrining the results of that referendum in law would have been a very hard thing to do. The government would have had to use its whip. It was pretty clear from the get go that a whipped vote was not going to work with so factious a caucus. The Cabinet was split on that question. Even if the whip had worked and Parliament had passed such legislation, Parliament can just pass another law and overturn it. That is the true beauty of your parliamentary system.
According to the short guy a trip to Ascot for the Clarence House looks likely for Tingle Creek hero Un de Sceaux and Douvan will most probably make his seasonal debut at Cork this sunday.
Mary McLeod
Hats off to Mrs. Moss, Zenyatta, and Alys. It might be Fall/Winter, but Our Queen Zenyatta and Our Special Mrs. Moss act like a Spring Tonic on each other. The love light clearly shines.
Thank you for sharing these happy photos,
Mary in Boone