Happy Tuesday!
Cozmic One has been away at school in sunny Ocala for two and a half weeks now. He and his jolly ball are settled in to a stall with an opening so he can see and say “hi” to fellow students. On October 8, he started learning lessons like wearing a saddle, working on a lunge line, and adjusting to a rider. We’ll keep you updated about his progress.

-Team Z
Terri Holliday
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing to the world how people should cherish and take care of their horses!! And that is exactly why you will continue to have successful, self-assured horses…. they trust you…. and are very content, and oh, such a beautiful thing! What a great world it would be if every animal owner cherished, respected and cared for their horses as the Zenyatta team does!!
I am very excited for Cozmic One…… he will be the best he can be with the team of people who are working with him…… this story gives a lot of hope…… thank you for sharing… horses bring a lot of lessons for us mortals to learn……….
Delrene from Carlsbad, California
What a beautiful gift to give all of us this day!!!! Coz’s first days in “school” Thank you to all who contributed to his success!!! He is so handsome!!!! The pictures are priceless. Yes, Mama would be proud….
Christina "Beana" Farrell from VA
Thanks for the Update on Coz! He is going to be a fastburner! He looks like his mum & pop!
PatB from NM
Lovely boy! Seems to have Mama’s profile and backside. Love you always, Z, CoZ, and baby red.
Oh what a wonderful surprise this update is. Thank you ALL !!!!
I know we’re not suppose to play favorites with our ‘kids’, but I can’t help it, Coz is my pick, cuz he looks so much like mom i guess.
I think he’ll do well on the track with those long beautiful legs.
He appears well cared for. Thanks so much for keeping us Zsters informed of his progress. We appreciate ANY news, great or small.
Donna H
Love it!!! I watch closely for news and knew you would let us know of his arrival and progress. He’s gorgeous! Thank you so much. He looks like he is doing so well and know you, Team Z, are so proud of him.
Shema Satya
oh it means so much to see these pics and hear about Coz, thank you so much!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Bravo, Coz! Off to a great start.
candi carter
good luck to you coz,you gonna be big A student an honor student..
Barbara Rubenau
He’s so handsome. I’ve broken quite a few babies in my days. Looks like he’s doing very well.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
I was just thinking, “gee, I wish the team would just post a message saying CoZ was doing okay, and had settled in nicely,” but to sign on and see this pic of him saddled, with a rider on his back is amazing. Thank you so much to Team Z, the Mosses, and now Mayberry Farm, for sharing his training with us. WHAT A TREAT! He looks beautiful and I love that big “Z butt” and ears. I’m glad to hear he has his jolly ball too, I so enjoyed watching him play with that. He will always be my favorite, although I will love all “Z” babies.
Barbara Wood, I haven’t been able to pull up the video of Capone but I’ll keep trying, I continue to pray for her, Betsy, and Destiny.
My love and kisses to Zenny and little Red. Auntie Sue
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Sue. You might try their FB page. Just type in Panhandle Equine Rescue. Or do a YouTube search for Capona. Hugs.
I was wondering how Coz was doing! He looks like he’s adjusted to having a saddle and rider just fine! What a good boy he is. :) :)
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Thank you so much for the pics! Coz is gorgeous and appears to be training great! He’s going to look perfect in all those win photos! :)
Please keep us updated on Coz’s progress and many kisses and treats to Zenyatta and baby Z!
Dear Barbara It’s wonderful to see Capona doing so well after the earlier sad videos.Power up sweetheart! hugs Sheena
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, I agree. Thanks!
Joanna from TX
Again, thanks to all of Team Z for the updates on our first prince. He is maturing into beautiful guy. And I agree with earlier posts….he looks like he’s got mom’s rear engine! But I have to say I think that elegant face is coming from Bernie.
Dear Max Great news about Supersteve, his Xrays are good and he’s putting weight on the leg,his appetite is wonderful#yum-yum!He’s missing the girls but has made lots of new friends!Power up steve! neigh Sheena ps They are going to test the samples from Clifton Promise again, will hear in a couple of weeks, Paget says he cant understand how it happened??hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this good new update on Supersteve. PU Steve. Love and Hugs, JB
Great news Sheena
Sheena. Very happy to hear this news. Hoping that they move Steve home soon. Moosie has been strangely quiet lately. Isn’t he going to Cheltenham for the jumps season opening?
Ann NC
Please keep us posted about The Mad Jumping Bean Moose, Sheena and Max.
Happy to know, SSteve is making good progress. Keep up the good work champ!
Ann NC. The real irony is that the Moose has lots of talent but only puts it on display when he’s in the mood. He owned by one of the top British trainers and has his own horse psychologist. I cannot get through a day without checking on Moosie and Cigar, and Zenyatta.
Ann NC
And who ever said horses do not have personality?
A good group to follow, Max. Moosie is teaching all of usnew skills!
Dear Sally B So sorry to hear about Mia’s encounter with the bins(as we call them over here) dogs just love swallowing anything!!Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers PUM Hugs SheenaX
Mary Jo Gardner from n.w. MT
Thanks for updates. It is thrilling to think of what he may be!!
Janet Newman
For anyone interested, Old Friends on their facebook page has a 2013 Breeder’s Cup package up for bid and done on their FB page only.
The seats are in Box 600 number 3 and 4 valued at $1900 with starting bids of $1000.
The tix are for both days. There are some other items listed as well.
I wish I could, it was donated in hopes of raising money for OF. They also have other ebay auction items listed as well on their page.
What a dream come true this would be Janet. I hope the person that wins has the time of there life.
Maryp NY
The BC package (only on Facebook) is a valuable item for anyone who plans on attending and can afford to bid. A great contribution by someone to help the retirees at Old Friends.
Ann K
He seems to be a quick learner. I’m so glad we’ll be kept in the loop on his progress and get such great pictures of him! I very much look forward to following his development as a race horse.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Thanks! He looks so grown up!
Would also love to see some pasture video of 13Z when you get a chance. Always enjoyed the videos of Coz with his playmates.
me too Bobbie
Dave & Merryl
OH BOY! We’re off to the races again! He is gorgeous; like his mother and sibling, RED. Looking forward to much excitement at the tracks around the country and especially, here in California. Congrats, Jerry and Ann… Nui Loa
Roxanne Cook
He’s growing up so fast! Time to get some racing muscles. Thank you so much for posting this update.
I have to go back to work now :(.
I do have a question I hope that it was not asked.
Is it safe that Coz is carrying a person’s weight and he is still under 2 years of age?
I am not a horse person I just thought that was too young?
Let me correct that statement. I LOVE Horses and everything about them I am just not Horse educated like most of the gang.
Coz I Can 2015
Terry Crow
Coz is perfectly capable of supporting a rider. He merely has to get used to the idea that someone is on his back.
Rosemary McCauley
Coz is perfectly safe with a rider in the method the Mayberrys are using. All yearlings are started this way, including his Mom, who was sent to the very same farm to be started. You must consider who Coz’s connections are before asking if anything that is being done is safe. Your concern is commendable and understandable, but in this case, with these connections and this training facility it is misplaced.
Terry Crow
Well put, Rosemary. You can’t fault Sue for being concerned, though. It takes a horsewoman like you to set the record straight.
Rosemary McCauley
Thanks Terry. I absolutely don’t fault her for her concern – I just wanted to be certain everyone stops and thinks about who is behind all decisions made for Zenyatta and her boys (or maybe girls in the future?). We need to enjoy Coz’s life experiences as he progresses to what will hopefully be a successful career.
The photo of Coz’s first days of school brought a tear to my eye and a wish that time could be turned back to when I was riding thoroughbred yearlings at the ranch after mornings at the track. Each one was unique with their own personality and difficulty, and never a dull moment.
I am not sure that you understood the question.
I was not asking about Zenyatta the Mosses or the folks at Mayberry farm. I have been following horses including Zenyatta for over 30 years.
My question was simple the correct age for a hose to be ridden.
I guess I should not have asked. I am sorry I did.
Sue, Questions are always welcome on the Blog. I have been following horse racing for over 50 years and do at times wonder if the young ones in general are perhaps brought along too soon. So many of the speedy 2 year olds never make it at 3.
Terry Crow
Thank you, shirlee, for your post. I would not want Sue to think that we thought her question was trivial. Speaking for myself, I never want anyone to feel that a question is not important as it is always important to the one who asks. I guess what I mean to say is that some of the words in my replies might be misconstrued and taken in a manner it was not meant to be. Sue-If any of this offended you I apologize. Some of the language I used was unfortunate.
Sue Fl CPRC your question doesn’t have a cut or dry answer.
For every article that speaks to how training and work increases bone density in young horses, you have an article that will speak counter. For every trainer/training system that takes its time you have another that just rushes a young horse along, simply wanting to get them in the starting gate.
There is no right or wrong answer, except to listen to what the horse tells you.
Coz has a rider on his back. He’s learning that this man up there is not a mountain lion about to eat him, he’s learning how to balance himself with that weight up there and he’s learning his manners about carrying a human. He is learning these basic building blocks at a young, mentally malleable age, when he is still tractable enough to the idea of new things.
Remember, horses are creatures of routine and habit. The longer he goes without the routine of being tacked up, carrying a rider, working with this human on his back, the less amenable he’s going to be too it when he’s older and then you have a fight.
Coz is not going out on the track or galloping around, carrying that weight at speed or even extended periods of time. Right now, its about his getting used to a rider being bounced up on his back, learning this is nothing to be frightened about and then walking around the shed row for a bit and then done for the day. I’d be very surprised if that rider is up there for longer than 10 minutes.
After this foundation work is set in place, Coz will dictate the next steps and this is where Rosemary’s point about the Mosses and Mayberry being so good and so patient. Are there some owners and trainers who would be clamoring for him to just keep going, get to the track and be fit for the 2 year old season? Sure and they would risk injuring him.
I think we’re all fooling ourselves if the Mosses don’t want to see if Coz can put it together in time to go on the Triple Crown trail. The thing is, they are good, patient owners and if he shows he’s going to need more time to put it all together, they’ll give him that time and forget the TC races.
The weight of the rider is not the fear with a horse the size of Coz or Zenyatta. The concern is his own weight and his ability to coordinate his body and his legs, his training this fall is to build muscle, build coordination and build a trust in what the human on his back intends and an understanding of the routine he will follow when he does get to the race track.
Rosemary McCauley
Sue: Don’t ever be sorry for asking a question. Where would we be if no one ever asked anyone about anything.
Rosemary McCauley
Sue: I too apologize if you misunderstood my message in response to your question. As Terry said it is impossible to read the tine of words that are in print and it is easy to misconstrue those words, as Terry was able to point out much better than I did. Z12Rulsz did a much better job than I did too (but who doesn’t).
What we did with the yearlings was to simply ride them for 60-90 days beginning around this time of year, and nothing strenuous. We had a training track on the ranch and after many days of riding in the round pen (similar to one Coz is in in photo above) and we walked them around it always with a pony along in the beginning making sure they knew their manners and knew how to turn right and left. After 60-90 days the yearlings were turned back out until after they turned two. When they were brought back up they had changed drastically because of the earlier training. They were muscled up and taller and so grown up looking.
What we should do is compare Coz’s photo above with rider to a photo of him three months from now.
Anyway, long message, but I just wanted to assure Sue – no intent on my part to belittle her question. It is true some young horses are rushed, but you won’t find that with Coz’s connections. Zenyatta was almost four when she made her very first start.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Z13Rulz, thank-you for that explanation — I have little experience with horses, and didn’t know all that. I come here and find myself being educated.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thank you so much for the wonderful update on Coz. May he keep safe and enjoy all his new training. He looks fantastic. Hope Zenyatta and new baby Z and Lil’ Big Red are doing well.
Hope all the contenders are safe and happy as they prepare for the Breeders Cup. God speed to all.
Chris Balmes
This is great that you shared this as we do all wonderful about the “kids” and what happens to them. He looks like he is absolutely beautiful condition and invested in his work – that’s fun to see. Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoyed it.
Nicole Proulx
He has Bernardini’s Head and Zenyatta’s Body. Beautiful conformation
Coz looks like a natural ! So great to see his training progress. Hugs to Z, 13Z, and Coz ! :)
Barbara Brayton
Coz looks great. Glad to see him doing so well.
Hi All,
It’s great seeing Coz in training. Love keeping up with all things Zenyatta !
Thank you to all.
Arlene from Vermont
Marshall (NC broad)
So good to hear from our Vermont Z’ster!!
Hope all is well with you.
Take care and lots of hugs!
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Team Z.
Thank you for the up date on Coz, I can see he is enjoying training.
Next year around this time, he is preparing for the Breeders’ Cup!
Deep in my heart, I have a filling that he is going to be a Champion!
Dear Coz, with God’s help, you are going to make!!!!!
Hugs & Kisses’ Ingrid.