Happy Tuesday!
Cozmic One has been away at school in sunny Ocala for two and a half weeks now. He and his jolly ball are settled in to a stall with an opening so he can see and say “hi” to fellow students. On October 8, he started learning lessons like wearing a saddle, working on a lunge line, and adjusting to a rider. We’ll keep you updated about his progress.

-Team Z
My what a beauty. Seems like yesterday we were all trying to predict his arrival and so excited to finally see him and Queen Z together. Just love getting these updates Thank you all Team Z
Wow! Coz looks wonderful. Thank you to everyone involved with keeping us up to speed on Zenyatta and her boys. It really means alot to many. Keep up the outstanding communication. Well done.
Jane Wade
He looks fantastic and I’m sure is a quick learner! Thanks again for the updates! We appreciate it! ♡♡♡
Jane Wade
sue and tony
We are so spoiled and it’s wonderful. To think we get updates on our beloved Coz while he is in training is amazing. Zenny would be so proud of her firstborn…he seems to take things in stride just as she did. To the Mosses and the Mayberrys…THANK YOU for understanding how important the Queen and her boyz are to all of us. He was the our first prince and will always hold a very special place in our hearts. He looks splendid.
Mary in Boone, NC
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Team Z, Team Mayberry’s, and always Team Lane’s End for this posting!!!!!
My dear CoZ, I remember well that night you were born. Now, you are in the next stage of your life. You look so mature: quite the racehorse in the making! You still have those ears I adore….I hope to see them in person one day!!!!
Take care, CoZ: your godparents are watching, praying, worrying over you.
I Love You,
Mary in Boone
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful update on how our adorable first son is doing in his schooling. The photos are beautiful and it appears that he is adjusting and adapting to this next phase of learning as he should. I am so grateful that you are continuing to share your precious Zenyatta and her family with those of us who love her so. My sincere thanks to the Mosses, all of Team Z, Lane’s End and the Mayberrys in Ocala. My heart is happy with this news.
What a wonderful Tuesday surprise! I just couldn’t believe it when I saw him under saddle… he looks fabulous. He also looks like he’s going to be big like Mom.
Thank you so much Ann and Jerry, Team Z, Lane’s End, and now Mayberry Farm for realizing how much this means to all of us to get updates, not only on Zenny but now her babies. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Glad to hear he has settled in well.. Hope to see him soon.. I live only 50 mins away.
Debbie G/Kentucky
You need to do a drive-by, Catherine! Who knows, maybe you’ll see him.
All I can say is, thank you so much for these updates. It is so wonderful to see Coz developing into such a beautiful, mature horse. He looks so wonderful and content. I cannot believe that he is already in training– time flies!!!
Pam M
Thanks for the update news on Coz and his up coming training to be a race horse. Can’t wait to see Zenyatta’s little boy in all of his glory in the world of horse racing. He will always make us fans proud.
Maryann Lane
Thank you for sharing Coz new adventure with us.
Janet Newman
How fantastic to come on and see these pictures of Coz.
Thanks to the folks at Mayberry for letting us see how well he is
doing. As always it is such an honor and privilege that Ann and Jerry
Moss not only shares Zenyatta with us, but her sons as well. Another big thanks to Lanes End for maintaining the blog and updates.
I do not think there are any other owner(s) like Ann and Jerry Moss, who know what it means for the fans to still be included in the life of a great race mare once their racing career is finished. Barbara Banke has done a nice job on RA, but nothing as extensive and consistent as this.
There is a lot of work by many people to do this and you are much appreciated as well.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I think you said it best Janet so I’m just going to add an “Amen” to this one! We are very fortunate folks.
Adding another Amen
Maryp NY
and another, Amen.
Michelle Biedscheid
Love the post. Thank you for sharing. Hope he safely continues to develop :)
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Thank You all for the updates. Oh Cozmic One you are Always in my prayers. This picture made me cry because you are all grown up and so Beautiful. Your baby picture with your mom hangs in my livingroom. All the children (186) know about You, Zenyatta and Baby Z 13. You will always be so Special because you are Zenyatta’s first born. I Love you and pray God always watches over you to keep you safe. Hugs and many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Thank you all for the update. He is adorable. He looks like his mom and I hope he will like racing as much as Zenyatta. I know us fans will enjoy seeing him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lane’s End, Z Team, Mr. & Mrs. Moss:
Thank you, thank you so much for these wonderful photos of COZ and for keeping us in the loop on his training. He looks fantastic and like a natural saddled up. Beautiful, beautiful boy. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Team Z, Lane’s End, the Mosses and the Mayberry’s!! How wonderful to see Coz already catching on!! Wow!! Thank you so much for sharing. I wonder if this is the same jockey at Mayberry’s that had the privelege to break and ride Zenyatta!!!
I can not tell you how uplifting this is when back home your German Sheperd, technically owned by by son, but since purchased half mine, winds up going through a garbage bag that I can only assume has been placed out some time ago containing disgarded meat, food, candy wrappers and pipe cleaners! When my son came down here with Mia , things began to happen. By the end of Monday she would not eat and had vomited up everything prior including candy wrapper and several pipe cleaners. I just had to take her in to emergency. EXPENSIVE!
Please keep Mia in your thoughts as she is recovering from surgery. Hopefully she will come home tomorrow on Weds. I miss her here.
God Bless all! hugs in Dumplingland, Sally B
ZENYATTA!! If you could see these pictures of your son Coz, oh by golly. you would be the proudest Mom!
Sweet dreams to my cherished Queen
lovenkisses on your soft nose and to Coz and 13z
Auntie Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
Praying for Mia’s full recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
Sally B,
Will pray for Mia’s full recovery.
I had a dog that went through this. She thought she would eat the stuffing out of her toys.
Had to watch her like a hawk after surgery, no more toys either. My heart goes out to you.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sally,
Prayers for Mia, will do! Hope she recovers quickly. My Reilly swallowed a foreign object that he found in the backyard — this happened when he was about 3 or 4 years old. Had to have abdominal surgery at a veterinary specialty clinic. They were closing up when he passed the object out the normal way! Too bad this didn’t occur earlier in the day! Happily, he recovered completely. He is 13 now, and so far, he is doing quite well with a significant heart murmur. This character is very special to me, as is his adopted brother, Huey. Reilly and I, however, have a special bond. Of course, they are all special in their own way.
Best wishes to you and Mia!! Hugs
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for Mia! Get well, Mia, and don’t do that again, OK?
Ann NC
Dear Mia,
Get better and stop being a trsh hound!!
Sally B., sending you hugs, these pups keep us on our toes.
Rosemary McCauley
Sally: I hope your Mia comes home sound and well. We will keep her in our thoughts. Please keep us posted on her recovery.
My Mia (Italian Greyhound) was a trash hound. I had to put baby locks on the kitchen cabinet so she couldn’t get to it.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Sally,
Sending prayers and good thoughts for Mia. Can truly empathize with trips to the “Emergency Vet” and the resulting emotional trauma and $$$. Hope the surgery was successful and she learned her lesson! (Right!).
Terry Crow
Sally-Here’s hoping that Mia will be good as new soon. Bad things should never happen to good people or the animals that they care for.
Sally I hope you have your baby home today. I am hoping for a quick recovery for Mia.
love Sue
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you so much for these new pictures, Lanes End and Mayberry Farm. Coz is such a beauty. It’s hard to believe he’s already in school. It seems like only yesterday all his aunties were pacing the floor waiting for him to arrive.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
Ain’t that the truth GF!!! Time flys…. I’m so grateful that Mayberry and the Moss’ have been so generous with sharing CoZ with us. They don’t have to. ♥
Looking like big Z. He’s so cute. Anxious to see what trainer he goes to now that John’s on the east coast………hmmmm
Wow, I can’t believe Coz is so grown up. Mama would be so proud to see you now! Learn your lessons well, Big Baby Boy. You are so handsome. Thank you Team Z for sharing this with us.
Oh, Zenny! You should be very proud of your first prince, our beloved Coz. He looks wonderful at his new home with the Mayberrys. God Bless all of Team Z who allow us to get these special peeks into the lives of our Queen and her princes.
Thank you to the Mosses, Mayberry and Lane’s End for this wonderful update! Coz looks fantastic and it makes my heart overflow that we fans are being kept up to date with all the news.
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
Just as everyone has said…A BIG THANK YOU to the Mosses and to the Mayberry’s for sending us these very cute pictures of CoZ. How big is he now? I think they said that Queen Z kept growing and that’s why she needed time to come into her own. Only John would have let her have the time she needed, and she made history. CoZ is absolutely stunning. Bet he loves to run now just like when he did as a foal!
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks to the Mosses, Lane’s End and Mayberry for these photos!
Coz looks great!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Team Z/LE–I’ve been thinking all day that it’s about time for a new set of pictures. Thank you so much. Such a beautiful boy, just like Mama Z. Wonder how big he will be. He doesn’t look as big, but he is still growing.
@Sally B.–urgent prayers for Mia. Our German Shepherd, Daisy Mae, sends her best. Please keep us updated. Love you.
And Zenny, of course, we all love you always. Nighty-night.
Alex Bowdoin
THANK YOU LEF AND TEAM Z!! The new chapter for Coz begins!! I posted today for some an article or 2 about your Mom. How Steve Willard galloped your Mom and how she could be so tough to ride….I wonder if you will follow in her footsteps? I wish you well in your training and may you be kind to your riders and not scare them too much!!! You look Fabulous! Thank you so much for this update on COZMIC ONE!!
Alex Bowdoin
Praying for Mia!! Good Lord….I hope she is home soon!!
Perky Green
My God!! this baby, he is just gorgeous He has his Mom’s hind quarters. WOW!!!!! can’t wait to see him on the track. He looks like he is taking everything in stride. Stay healthy and sound oh little one , you have some mighty big hoofs to fill.
Thank you so much for the updates on Zen, Skippy, and Coz.
Coz looks wonderful under saddle. The pictures are great!
Thank you for sharing