Happy Tuesday!
Cozmic One has been away at school in sunny Ocala for two and a half weeks now. He and his jolly ball are settled in to a stall with an opening so he can see and say “hi” to fellow students. On October 8, he started learning lessons like wearing a saddle, working on a lunge line, and adjusting to a rider. We’ll keep you updated about his progress.

-Team Z
Wow, does he look wonderful! Thanks for sending the pictures!
Janine Gober
He is every bit as beautiful as his Momma! He doesn’t look to happy though with a man on his back. I can’t wait until he starts racing. I’ll bet he does Zenyatta proud!
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
It’s a very new thing for him. He has to learn to trust that the man on his back is NOT a lion preparing to eat him.
Linda R. Moss
Congratulations to all of Team Z – such a moment and it came so fast!
We love you, George, Linda, and Milyone
I LOVE you my soon to be Big Boy COZ!!! Looking good already!!! Kisses and hugs to you!!
Eveline / Maryland.
What a handsome guy! He looks like such a good boy. Thanks for keeping us updated on his training! :)
Good to see him doing well;) Thanks for the update!
Especially Horses / So Cal
So exciting! Wonderful.
Good luck, Cozmic One! See you at the races! XOX!
Thank you!It is such a joy to see these updates.He is a good-looking colt!
COZ I CAN 2015 ;-)
My he is so handsome. all schooling now for the run of his life. I do hope he does great at racing. be safe sweet Coz..
WOW, this has happend so fast! Before we all know it he will be the Triple Crown King! LOL
mitchell hecht
go coz go
Thank you for the wonderful photos. So good to know he is doing well. I still hate to see him grow up. Like our own children, we wish he could stay sweet and at home and play at Lanes End.
So sorry to hear about Dullahan. At least it is not a life and death situation. He will have a great time at the farm being a stud.
Liza G. Fly
Gee! That was quick! He looks amazing. xo
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hi, Liza! Maybe Coz will one day inspire you to compose and sing another thrilling ballad as you did for the Queen! I LOVE your Zenyatta song! High hoof! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz2kvJf22gs
Terry Crow
Agree with Trina.
Great idea Trina
Thanks for posting Liza’s Zenny song.
Linda in NJ
Dear Coz
Hey we really appreciate you asking Mayberry Farms to send us some school pics of you. You look awesome. I bet you are right at othe head of your class. How do you like the other kids. It’s kind of hard to get use to being away from home but then you meet others in the same situation and you begin to have a lot of fun.
I bet your teachers are very strict. That’s good Coz because that teaches you discipline.
Well make sure you get a good night sleep every night. Not too much partying, okay.
Study hard Coz. Every lesson is very valuable. But most important Coz, remember this, we all love you and are cheering you on. You go Coz!!!! You go!!!
Linda in NJ
Hi Liza
l just thought I would let you know that I am really enjoying your CD.
He is just stunning! Thank you for sharing his training updates!
Forgot to add that I hope that rider knows who he is sitting on and that there are many aunties out here watching every move. Coz does not seem to be too thrilled with someone on his back.
good add
Such a handsome boy! It looks like he is being good. I hope he takes after his mama and runs for the roses! Thanks for the update!
Maryp NY
Thank you Team Z from my heart! So good to see Coz looking so fine and learning to be a “big” man!! Thank you for telling us you will keep us in the loop on his training.
He is so special and so are you, Jerry and Ann Moss. A million thanks.
Lorie C
so glad to see these wonderful pics he looks like he may be a quick study and he looks like he’s is going to be a really big boy
can’t wait to see him run.
Kathy L
He looks like he might be made for the turf (I often thought the same of Zenyatta, herself). I can’t wait to see how his training progresses.
Terry Crow
Kathy L-I could never understand why Zenyatta was not tried on the turf. With her stride she would have been a natural.
Thanks for the update! Praying for Coz and all that work with him! He is so handsome!
Barb Guckert
I’m glad to see he’s adjusting nicely to his new life. I an’t wait ot see him on the track.
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Look at that handsome Boy! He appears to be accepting things as they come. Good boy, Coz! Would love a video! Thank you Team Z for keeping us in the loop!
B. Saul
Very pleased to see his training progresses. Doing great! Will continue to watch for updates.
Janie (in L.A.)
I’m so glad to hear that Coz and his jolly ball have settled in nicely. He is such a beauty, just like his mom and dad, and I’m sure he’ll be a fast learner, too. Thanks for the update!
Joy Elliott
Thank you for sharing!! he is beautiful,,and looks to have Zenyatta’s hind quarters.
What kind of bite is that? Seems to keep his lips open where standing or moving.
D ring snaffle bit.
It may be copper or have copper rollers to encourage him to mouth and play with it. Young horses often work the bit a lot in their mouth which is a good thing but would give the impression that his mouth is ‘open’.
Nothing about the bit is doing anything to his mouth to keep it open.
He’s still so young but is growing up fast. Can’t wait to see how he looks with some running muscle on him. Thanks Team Z for letting us share in this part of his life. I wonder if John will be training and racing him now that John is working out of the East.
Allison W
I can’t believe that he’s already in training! I can’t wait to see him racing, perhaps one day he’ll be sporting a Breeders’ Cup blanket! Thanks for the update!