Happy Friday!
We loved hearing from so many of you following Ziconic’s debut. Trainer John Shirreffs reports that Ziconic looks great following his first race. His coat is shiny, his muscle tone is excellent, and has fully recovered from the race. John is pleased with his Febrauary 20 performance, saying “It gives us something to build upon.” Dottie added, “We love having Z’s colts with us, and getting to see both of them each day is a complete joy and thrill.”
Fun fact: Ziconic wore a special brow band in his debut, matching the one worn by his mom in the 2009 Clement L. Hirsch Stakes at Del Mar.

Scroll down for more photos from Ziconic’s debut and watch the race again here.
Don’t forget that Coz’s birthday is next week! Come back to the blog on Tuesday to leave him birthday wishes.
Team Z

Maria Sharapova has failed a drug test at the Australian open.She may receive a 4yr ban.It will effectively end her career.
The flat racing career of Joesph O’Brien has effectively come to an end >He will not race-ride this year and will now concentrate on his training .He already looks after 70 horses in Piltown County Kilkenny.Never one of my favourite jockeys he was always well-behaved and polite with the press.I wish him the best of luck.Sheena
Songbird, Cathryn Sophia and tall warm good kind fillyes breeze one or lower races in month like Zenny, choose sloppy course, choose usual races where mates can be compare in health and power, see Ria Antonia with Chromy in muddy sloppy 2014 preakness stakes on tv and dont try in real in churchill downs in pimlico and in belmont park, Coz and Zi breeze carefully, if possible not long distance, not often, choose sloppy course, quietly follow your everyday routine, to walk on air with groom spring weather spring flowers are usefull for health, beautyfull Zenny do all quietly and not quickly, walk on air with mates, sleep long time on warm ground and in deep soft straw in stall for to recover energy, eat apples care of health, beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates stay comfy and cozy, eat apples care of health, kiss your soft noses, lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
Dear Judy.I am so glad you loved the photos.Summer enjoyed her visit to San Jose and finaled in 5 rings.They was a flight delay coming home due to heavy rainstorms and she loved being fussed over at the airport.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs Sheenax
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, beautiful family. Congrats Summer; bet she made lots of friends during the lay over. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Bluegrass Girl
Excellent analysis of race & performance!
California Chrome Analysis – Racing UK
Racing UK Published on Feb 26, 2016
Angus McNae and James Willoughby analyse California Chromes win
in the 2016 Trans Gulf Electromechanical Trophy for Racing UK viewers.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Z, hope your getting some rest and lots of yummy treats. Goodnight. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Oops: Meant “you’re” getting some rest……Love and Hugs, JB
Lou in Tx
Looks like Ziconic may be just like Mom. He is absolutely gorgeous. Love that he wore a headband like Moms. Know Mom would have been very proud of her son. Glad to know that you all love Queen Z’s boys so much. They are definitely special. Love the whole family sooo much! Thank you so much for this article and the wonderful pictures. Hopefully Mike will be able to ride him next time. Thought Gary’s comment on the third place finish cheers was so funny! He gave him a great ride! Love you bunches Ziconic!

??? Glad you came out of the race in good condition.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
This photo of Z and Mikey is so beautiful. It measures Z’s stride. My gosh, how much COZ looks like Z. I did a double take when I first saw it. What a gorgeous boy he is. The second photo is COZ. Love and Hugs, JB
What a big boy Coz is. Wonder how tall he is. Gotta be close to or over 17 hands! Yes, he does look a lot like mom.
Dear Judy,
Thank you so much for these wonderful pics! Coz absolutely looks a lot like Mom! It’s hard to believe that he’s 4! Time marches on…
Hugs, Kathy XOXO
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Handsome boy and Zenny stretching out, wow. I could have been a math wiz, if it had been taught with visuals including beautiful Zenny.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee, Kathy and Ann:
Beautiful Mama and Son. Ann, me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear COZ:
Happy Fourth Birthday First Prince. Looking forward to your next start. Godspeed; safe and sound when you go. Love you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
PS: It’s 1:40 PM on the East Coast; March 8th. COZMIC ONE’s Birthday!
Ann NC
Happy Birthday Coz!
Gosh, it is hard to believe you once stood under your Mom. Now look.
Luv ya, handsome boy!!
Barbara Spencer
Happy Birthday sweet prince Coz ! Hope lots of treats and lots of kisses on your sweet nose!
Luv to beautiful Ziconic and tons of luv and kisses to beautiful, sweet Zenyatta ?
March 8 Cherokee Devotional
March winds tell us how close the time to plant is getting. They lift up the carpet of leaves on the hillside and send them dancing straight up on end where they land in piles to become compost for the garden. But very often the wind finds them again and moves the heap to a new location until the rains come. We pray for the rain because without the moisture the leaves take a very long time to compost, and the garden will not grow from lack of nutrients. So it is with us-we must be fed if we are to produce. We must have nourishment, mental, physical, and spiritual food or our bodies and souls languish. But the rain will come if we call to it-not all at once but in the right spirit and at the right time.
I never ask for anything that is not needed.
-Sitting Bull, Sioux
Dear Kathy.I heard you had some rainstorms in CA over the weekend.Happy International women’s day to you.I sent you a link to Will and Kate plus the children.There was the most beautiful painting of Kauto and Denman on one of or FB’s last night I shared it on my timeline.Lots of Cheltenham memories this week.Istabraq is a little annoyed he came 2nd in the RP poll to the Fly he said he’d have definitely beaten him on the racecourse!
I love the ratties facebook cover with Mr Fibbs for President.He’s certain to make it to the White House especially after handing out doughnuts,Still no sign of Fubu 3 weeks now.The camper van with Judy looks like a home from home Mattie had to get sedated though the traffic was frightening her.You remember the tale of the pet goose in Hertfordshire she died of natural causes!Who on earth came up with the story of a drive by shooting??At least she can rest in peace now.Beatrice’s transmitter isn’t sending out very good signals a lot of low cloud and rain and she has moved from her usual stopover at the river Adour but they have received photos of her in the Basque country.They are releasing Scottish born ospreys there.Rutland are hoping Maya returns safe and sound.It was sad to hear Frankel’s mum Kind has slipped her last 3 foals I have been trying to get news for ages.She is returning to Kingman again so hooves crossed.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you.kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO.I am waiting patiently for Hovis videos to be posted on you-tube.
Dear Sheena,
Yes, we had a few drops. MUCH needed! I saw the Will and Kate plus children link. Would love to see the Kauto and Denman painting. Sorry, Istabraq! Fibbs is running a great campaign. I’m sure the doughnuts aren’t hurting! Hopefully we will hear something from Fubu and Kimberly soon. Poor Mattie! Furkids get so scared.You just never know. RIP goose from Hertfordshire. Safe travels, Beatrice and also Maya! Sad news about Kind. Hooves crossed, indeed! Keep us updated on any Hovis videos! Have a wonderful day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
A very Happy Birthday to darling Coz the first-born Prince.Also remembering Our Mims on her special day.She lives on.Love and hugs SheenaXOXO
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy happy Birthday to our Prince Coz. NONE of us will ever forget your birth. What a night that was!!! Thinking of you today and of all our friends who were there then but haven’t been heard from in ages and ages. We are such a great family, and it’s hard to feel like there are folks who are missing.
May this year bring all sorts of good things for you, Coz. We love you and will be keeping watch as always. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Cheryl in Bellflower CA
Happy, happy birthday, Coz!!! You’re mom started her winning racing path at 4, and we’re rooting for you to do the same. But whatever comes, you’ll always be the first!!! Would love to see you in person…Cheryl
Mary Margaret in Central Georgia
Coz, wishes for a very Happy Birthday, beautiful boy xoxoxox
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Happy Birthday, Coz! So much ahead for you, and very exciting for us! Love you,
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Don’t miss the new post today for Coz’s Birthday!!
carol rose
Best wishes to a very special boy. Hope you get lots of carrots and hugs!
Rosemary McCauley
Ziconic is so beautiful. Very much enjoyed watching his first race. Looking forward to his future.
What a beauty Ziconic has grown up to be. Here is wishing him lots of success in 2016. How many hands tall is he now?
Happy Birthday to Coz on his 4th year. I’m disappointed as there has been very little news in 2015 about Coz and Ziconic regarding their training and progress. Are they just too large as 3 year olds to race yet – like Zenyatta?
Didn’t notice the brow band when watching on TVG. That IS a fun fact. Thanks for posting the race so we could watch it again. Ziconic IS SOOO HANDSOME. Loved his stretch run. Looking forward to #2 with a longer distance so he can swoop by them all like his mama.