Happy Friday!
We loved hearing from so many of you following Ziconic’s debut. Trainer John Shirreffs reports that Ziconic looks great following his first race. His coat is shiny, his muscle tone is excellent, and has fully recovered from the race. John is pleased with his Febrauary 20 performance, saying “It gives us something to build upon.” Dottie added, “We love having Z’s colts with us, and getting to see both of them each day is a complete joy and thrill.”
Fun fact: Ziconic wore a special brow band in his debut, matching the one worn by his mom in the 2009 Clement L. Hirsch Stakes at Del Mar.

Scroll down for more photos from Ziconic’s debut and watch the race again here.
Don’t forget that Coz’s birthday is next week! Come back to the blog on Tuesday to leave him birthday wishes.
Team Z

It’s a pleasure to see these photos of Ziconic. I’m looking forward to his next race, if my nerves can take it. Kick butt, Ziconic.
Beautiful photos of Ziconic. Love keeping up to date on Zenyatta and her boys; was watching his debut. I have the picture of him as a foal running beside his mama that I bought from this website and I love to look at it and then look at him now.
PatB from NM
Love you so much, Ziconic. Forever. Also love your bro and sis and bro/sis to be. AND love your mama, my queen.
Roxanne Cook
Loved watching Ziconic’s first race! Thanks for sharing these photos. We’re also taking another look at Coz since he’s stepped up for his workouts. Wow, hope you can get the same result in the afternoon. Looking so forward to seeing these two compete in 2016.
Harshad Trivedi
Thanks for sharing Ziconic’s progress. Hope he can emulate her conquests …
Thanks for the pictures. Love love love them. Mario looks nervous but Gary and John are smiling. Think they knew they had a red dynamo? So happy he came out of the race healthy. He probably learned a lot. Bet Gary wishes he could get the mount on him again.
Sweet Coz, we haven’t forgotten you. Just that little brother is in the limelight right now. Your day is going to come!
What a journey we have been on with the Queen Mother and her boys.
Thank you a million times over for sharing and keeping us updated on the Zenyatta dynasty! I love her so much and get so ridiculously emotional as soon as I hear anything about her. What a gift she is to us all!! Her offspring will always be loved by her fans!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Beautiful photos of the Red Prince! Thanks so much to Team Z! Great work, Zoe Metz.
Glad to hear that Zi is flourishing after his race, too.
Hugs and Love
Love his wide-set eyes, narrow nose and dish face!
Linda in NJ
What an exciting race that was. Really it was quite unbelievable that Ziconic was so far back and he advanced to winning a third place finish. It looked like he ran out of real estate otherwise he may have won. It was a very exciting race. Way to go Ziconic. I hope I’ll have a chance to see you at Belmont Park or Saratoga. Wouldn’t that be something!
Look forward to his next race!!!
All the best.
– Linda
Pamela Manzer
Ziconic was wonderful in his racing debut. Stay safe and sound.
Ziconic is absolutely gorgeous. First race reminded me of Mom, the thrill when “he turned it on” and began passing them one by one!
Alexandra Bowdoin
Thank You for posting this. I believe Ziconic learned to be a “race horse” that day. So much like how his Mom ran, he got his engine moving slowly and then when asked by Gary started his big move. My nickname for Ziconic is “Little Red” and he showed us how he wants to pass horses going into the homestretch. Love how he does his version of his Mom’s “Dance”… Lots of Hugs
Dear Judy.Hope all is well.Treve posted a new photo today but still no news of a foal on the way .She looks wonderful.Hovis is on you-tube now they have posted the video of mini-mother training for Cheltenham and have some of the big guy read to post.Just put Hovis Friday Diary in the search and you’ll find him.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Shari Voltz/ Ohio
Hi Ziconic I showed your class your race and they were so excited. We love you and know you will continue to Win. Your race to us was a Win!!!! Love you sweet boy, Mrs. Voltz and Ziconic’s class 4th Period
Sophia Gates
Love love love Ziconic!
He is gorgeous and also shows so much desire.
Also, Coz looks like a different horse these days. He is quite magnificent.
Z’s babies are fantastic.
Thanks so much to Team Z for sharing this with us.
Thank you so much, Team Z! BEAUTIFUL pics of Ziconic! A wonderful update. We can never thank you enough.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ziconic, Loved your race and I’m so happy that your doing well. To all of Team Z, I Thank You so much for letting us be a part of the Zenyatta Family. So Grateful. to you all.
Coz I’ll be back on Tuesday to wish you happy birthday.
Dear Dottie, so hope your reading, please tell David, Can’t say this enough. Please tell him how much we Thank Him for finding our wonderful Love, Zenyatta. As I was looking at the gorgeous Tapit Colt that he purchased for clients down in Fla yesterday, Dottie he is such a talent. I keep Zenyatta’s sale video on my laptop and so often replay it. Just beyond words how beautiful she is and how much we love her. Just beyond words. And, that face on the Tapit Colt, Oh my, what a find. He is just gorgeous too. Know he’s made some new owners real happy.
Zenyatta has made us so happy and I just Thank the Good Lord all the time that she and her family are with us. Please tell David how very Thankful we are to him for finding theses wonderful horses especially Zenyatta and Family and love always for little princess Z.
That was a wonderful race for Ziconic!!! He really seems to have a touch of mom’s personality. He was looking at people and had a little prance to his step! So fun to see the QUEEN’S boy!!!!!! Hopefully good things to come. also, Gary Stevens seemed to really be enjoying the attention this prince was getting! Thank you for the photos!
Anita in SoCal
I also remember looking at little Zi with his Mom in the paddock and seeing something special in his eye and in him. His first race was very exciting and i’m excited for more to come from him. Love his dance moves and come from behind big move that he showed. He has a lot of his Mama in him, and hopefully a lot from his Papa too. ;-)
Beautiful pictures of Ziconic, Mario, and Gary. Thank you for sharing.
Kris (Lombard, IL)
It’s so much fun to look forward to a “Z” racing again! Thanks for sharing.
March 5 Cherokee Devotional
Sheep and goats have to be kept separate. Sheep are mild and graze quietly while goats nip and bite and keep things stirred up and unpleasant. Every teacher is acquainted with sheep and goats. The goats usually outnumber the sheep and they are constantly on the move, doing something to keep others from giving their full attention to what they should be learning. Am I a sheep or a goat? How many times have I disrupted the short time given to learning how to solve problems? Children and adults should know how to be quiet in a public place-how to do our part in making the time pleasant and rewarding. Leaders should never have to be disciplinarians; we behave ourselves because it is the right thing to do. For certain periods of time there should be no unnecessary movements and no excessive noise, even if we have to insist on it.
Silence and isolation is the rule of life for the expectant mother.
-Ohiyesa, Dakota
Ron Spratt
Thanks for the update and amazing pictures. Ziconic has been my favorite since the day I saw him. He’s built like his mom. I hope he has an amazing career. I’ll be watching him.
Dear Sheena,
Working today. I hope you have a great day. The FB furbabies I’ve visited are well. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Linda Mann
Is he doing a dance step in that photo? I thought I saw him take at least one dance step in the live coverage
Dear Kathy.I was a very well-behaved child.Conduct and manners always excellent.I haven’t had time to visit the furbabies yet I went up the cemetary earlier it’s Mothering Sunday with us tomorrow.Zeus came up in my newsfeed didn’t know he’d had an operation on his leg.Weather pretty cold over here.Have a good day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Congratulations to the mighty Sprinter Sacre winning the people’s choice in the Racing Post poll.Although his recent health problems have been well-documented he annihilated the opposition during the 2012/13 season.I was soo proud of our Moosie coming 2nd to him once at Cheltenham.Now slowly hoping to make the mother of all comebacks.There won’t be a dry eye in the stands if he can regain his Champion Chase crown.Hugs Sheena
Postponed made his winning debut for new trainer Roger Varian in the Dubai City of Gold.Andrea Atzeni hardly moved a muscle on last year’s King G and Queen E winner.A fine prep for the Dubai Sheema Classic on World cup day.Old warrior Sole Power was a fine 3rd in a 3 way photo finish in the sprint.Sheena
Ann NC
Thanks you for the Zi update. Nice knowing he came out strong and healthy. Keep eating those Sweet Taters handsome boy!
Love the beautiful brow band. Zi looked so proud and confident. Very special touch by a very special Team Z.
Keep at it kid!