Happy Sunday!
The 2015 Zenyatta.com Celebration has been extended through Monday, November 2. Celebration Stickers will be available in the Zenyatta Shop through tomorrow—everyone who purchases one of these stickers will automatically entered to win An Invitation to Meet Zenyatta.
Based on your feedback we have added a very special auction for an opportunity to meet Zenyatta. The 2015 Celebration Bonus Auction: An Afternoon With Zenyatta is now live! This auction will end Monday, November 2 at 11:45 pm PT.
Important: Celebration auction Lots 1–10 will end as originally scheduled tonight at 11:45 pm PT. The high bid will be posted for each auction at 6:00 pm PT, and this will be the final update. Good luck!
Go to the 2015 Zenyatta.com Celebration
Thank you to everyone who has joined the celebration!
Team Z
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Team Z and Kyle:
This is a lovely photo of Z; so serene. Thank you for all of the wonderful photos you post and for giving the fans the chance to meet her. Love and Hugs, JB
Kristin Baker
Zenyatta saved me
Deb E.
Only if you want to, please share your moment of “Zen”. She is truly a miraculous being that God has gifted us with here on Earth.
DebbI M
Oh, you guys are sooooo nice. That’s wonderful to add this feature to the auction and hope it becomes an annual addition!!
Donna Alsabrook
In an interview this morning, Bob Baffert told Mike Joyce of TVG that yesterday with AP was his “Zenyatta” moment. Our Queen and her win in the Classic was on his mind. How cool is that!
Janie (in L.A.)
I’m not surprised – Zenyatta and American Pharoah are amazingly wonderful horses! Being the winners of the Breeder’s Cup Classic is something that they will both share forever!
Kris O - Lombard, IL
We were at Hollywood Park for Zenyatta’s historic win in the 2010 Vanity Handicap. The very kind woman next to us pointed out all the trainers that had come to watch Zenyatta run, including Bob Baffert. She encouraged me to get his autograph, and he and I talked for a minute about her. He was just as big a fan as the rest of us, so it’s no surprise he called AP his “Zenyatta moment.”
I also got Mike Smith’s autograph that day, and he discussed a replay of the race with me and a few other people (there was a TV outside the jockeys’ room). He said she got rolling a little late, but shortly before the wire he knew they had it. Not many memories will top that one!
Beholder sleep in deep soft straw, drink eat well, walk on air with groom, quietly and not quickly get well, may be you will choose way of Zenny ? , Zenny and Coz i like your now time photos and videos, Zi is in lil earlier videos, Coz breeze carefully, have good long rest after run, care of back legs hooves health, say to Zi too, Coz say hello to Zi and mates in stable, beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates stay comfy and cozy, eat apples, kiss your soft noses, lil 14z filly Dubai Flash im rememering you
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
loved it andrej
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear andrej:
Ditto what Sally said. Love and Hugs, JB
As you rightly celebrate American Pharoah’s victory yesterday remember the mighty Man O’War died this day in 1947 only 29 days after the passing of his long time friend and carer Will Harbut.RIP.Hugs SheenaX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Sheena.
RIP Man O’ War We will never forget your magnificence.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
RIP Man o’ War. Love and Hugs, JB
Deb E.
They said Will Harbut was the only human Man ‘O War truly loved and when Mr. Harbut died, Man’O War died shorthly after of a broken heart. Rest in Peace, Big Red the First.
Marshall (NC Broad)
And Rest in Peace Mr. Harbut
I am sure that you and Big Red are enjoying the heavenly fields together, forever happy.
Bless you both.
Elizabeth in NM
Have been loving catching up on all of your webpages, Zenny! Love reading everyone’s comments. This is just so exciting! Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday, especially you Queen Z! with love, Elizabeth
Oh, how I would love to kiss your sweet, soft nose, Queen Z! I think we would have a wonderful time together…I’m hoping and praying I will win a date with you.
Pam from Florida
I am glad we still remember Man Of War. Without him we would not have either Zenyatta or American Pharoah. Considering he was bred to a very little number of mares and his impact on racing even today, it is amazing. I still consider him the best of the best.
Pam in Florida
Sad news about Run Happy’s trainer Maria Borell she has been sacked.The manager somebody called Laura wanted him out on the course today even though he had heat in his leg,Since when do you get sacked because you care about a horse and what on earth would he be doing on the track the morning after winning a big race.
AP leaves Keeneland for his new home tomorrow at 8am.Ryan’s in the air again will arrive in Australia tomorrow has passed through 15 time zones dropped off in France to ride 2 horses on the way!!Sheena
Dear Sheena,
You have to know Jim McInvale ( Mattress Mac) or of him -sad for the horse and her.
Sounds like their was a conflict over the last few months
before the BC with plans to have him race in CA and
other places that she was not able to go.
Love and hugs
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
I saw the new auction added to have an afternoon with you. This has been my dream. The bid was at $1500 and so I went to my hubby. I said if our horse loving friends could pitch in half I would bid higher, we could see Zenyatta, what do you say. He said he’d go along with it. I came back to computer and the last bid appeared at $6000. I can not afford that. If I had the money I’d pay greatly to see my love. I guess I will just have to wait for the drawing.
Wow! American Pharoah had his rest and showed once again his greatness! Congratulations to AP. I was tickled to see A.P. Indy’s son Honor Code come racing by numerous to take third. An Effenix (spelling?) Indy’s son’s son came in second! Be proud A.P. Indy!! I am! Congratulations to all these first place winners of the Breeders Cup.
I believe we watched every race but somehow we did not see the race with Rachel Valentina. I would like to know how her race went. Could some one tell me?
hugs to all, Sally B
Dear Sally B,
Rachel Valentina came in second to Songbird- a huge talented filly from
the westcoast. Looking forward to future meetings when they are older.
Songbird took the lead and went gate to wire with Mike Smith aboard.
Love and hugs
Dear Sally B.Rachel Valentina was 2nd.Songbird and Mike were amazing!Hugs Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
We posted together.
Love and hugs
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Thank you for this pretty picture of Z. She is the most beautiful mare inside and out!
Zenyatta, love you with kisses and to your sons
loving z princess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Dear Judy.Sad news about Maria Borell’s treatment.It seems Laura previously trained him and is a sister-in-law of the owner.Maria had a wonderful relationship with Run Happy.Still nothing from Max I am very worried.It has been warmest November day on record in Wales 72F.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Didn’t know about Run Happy’s trainer until I read your post. Wow. I hope we hear from Max soon. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Don’t forget to download Zenny’s wallpaper on Instagram. You can edit the size to fit your device. Love it! Thanks Team Z! AP reminds me of her with his kind and tolerant nature toward his fans. Such a puppy dog. So sad for Beholder and her connections. Kinda wanted her to win the BC. Maybe next year. Just get well big girl.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Team Z.
Thank you for the one more day!
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and Team Z and Z fan family,
Love this celebration of you, our Queen, Zenyatta! Love seeing everyone’s pics. So much fun. Hope everyone is having a wonderful time. Sure wish we could all be together. This is the next best thing. God’s blessings to everyone for a wonderful week ahead. Look forward to seeing more tomorrow and catching up.
with love, Elizabeth
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Hi Zenny Friends,
It’s been a long time but I do check in and read periodically. This celebration is just great, would sure l;ove to win a visit, dreams do come true for some, you never know.
Congrats to AP on a magnificent finish to his career, he truly gave us some wonderful and thrilling mements. I’m sure he will have a great life at stud.
My beloved Honor Code did well even though the race did not set up for him when Beholder had to drop out. Codey has been retired to LE and here is his picture in front of his daddy Indy’s statue. https://www.facebook.com/162609087279650/photos/np.1446410307223346.100000171611666/431221460418410/?type=3¬if_t=notify_me_page
Good luck to everyone in the bidding. Kisses to Mama Zen, Coz, Zi and angel Princess and my Indy and Codey.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sweet Sue:
Your Honor Code did very well in running third to AP in the BCC. He will join his Daddy, Indy, at Lane’s End along with Liam’s Map. I think Pahroah proved just how special he is; great win for him.
So nice to have a post from you. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Opps: Sorry, Pharoah. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hi Judy B.!
I was happy for Honor Code, too — like Shug M.! Mike Smith did well on Effinex, also. It was a great race.
Lots of Hugs and Love
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy The Beauty,
Your namesake has been retired and could be bred to AP, Wow wouldn’t that be great!!
Thanks for the welcome back, Have missed many of you. love and hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great to hear from you, Sue Fredrick!
We miss you when you are gone. Hope you are well!
Hugs and Love
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Thank you for the lovely sentiment. I’m doing okay, will try to get back in the groove so miss the nice people here. hugs and love back at you
Donna H
Just been reminiscing this weekend looking at videos of our precious Queen and reading every word published about her. We are so blessed to be able to share in her life as we have. If we could count every little moment of joy that she has brought to thousands, the number would be overwhelming.
We love you and your babies, Zenny. Truly hope you are as contented as you can be.
Stay warm as the cooler weather moves you. Bless you.
Zenny, you are Racing Royalty. Stay safe beautiful one.
November 2 Cherokee Devotional
Big job? Start out in faith. Begin to work and the power to do it will come. Make the beginning, get involved, reach to do the work, and strength and inspiration will come.
If we put as much power into a job as we do worrying about it before we begin, the whole thing would move forward with ease. Showing a willingness to work, bending to it, opens the way and then the feeling of accomplishment cannot be taken away.
Taking an action is like plugging into a strength that lies dormant until we make contact. It is not just a job well done-but a personal victory.
We know that you are very strong-we have heard that you are very wise.
Seneca Chief
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Kathy,
Love the devotional today. It is so true. Worrying is hard not to do, but praying is much better. God’s honors the ‘plunges’ we make when we step out in faith. It doesn’t always turn out the way we thought we wanted, but often is a surprise and even better than we imagine. Other times, when it’s different than we thought we wanted – it may take us out of our comfort zone and be harder, but eventually we may see a bit more clearly how God is working. Pray God’s wonderful blessings for you today.
with love, Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
Amen! Have a blessed day.
Dear Kathy.As my mother often told me hard work never kills!Stress is our enemy.The office is closed today but the ratties still have plenty of candy left over.We still have Guy Fawkes to come on the 5th.If it’s Monday it must be Australia if you are Ryan Moore!Some worries about the ground there they have moved the rail out.News from Boss Lady about Hovis this morning he is fit and sound!Karen is sooo happy.No doubt we will hear all about the XC on Friday.Owner has treated Maria shamefully wins a BC for him and then they get shot of her even Beholder was tweeting with the#Keeprunhappywith maria!He was meant to have come to RA next year.
Mango is due a big surprise when Judy and Nay return.Bob and James have been travelling a lot lately book signing.It’s a country of 2 halves today very foggy in the East but beautiful sunshine with us in the west it was our hottest November day on record!
Poor Zoe is having FB problems.She had a very pretty dress on yesterday.The Oxford street Christmas lights were turned on last night by Kylie.It just comes too early for me.It’s Remembrance week with us.I do enjoy the service at the Cenotaph on sunday.Remember to turtle!Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO.The Fly looked fantastic at Down Royal on Saturday.Mullins big guns will all be out soon.
Dear Sheena,
It’s a good thing hard work won’t kill us. We are no strangers to it being in the middle class! lol The ratties are wise to keep the office closed. Should be a good day for them with the leftover candy! That’s good that Hovis has been pronounced fit and sound. Sad to hear about poor Maria’s treatment. Mango will be thrilled to have Judy and Nay back home and a nice surprise, too. Enjoyed the pic of Bob and James. Thank you! That’s crazy you had such high temps. Felt bad for Zoe and her FB problems. She always looks gorgeous. She has a wonderful wardrobe. Better than a lot of people! Oh my, Christmas lights??? Sorry, I can’t wrap my brain around that. Glad you had a good sighting of The Fly. Enjoy Guy Fawkes day and the service at Cenotaph on Sunday. Turtle-turtle. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Deb E.
Remembering former Sen. Fred Thompson who passed away this weekend. In his non-exsitent spare time, he was also a fine actor probably best known for his work on Law and Order, but for fans of the movie Secretariat, he portrayed “Bull” Hancock, mentor to Penny Chenery and owner of Claiborne Farms.
Also remembering Team Pharoah , particularly Bob Baffert. Today, AP is going to his new home at Coolmore Farms in Versailles, KY and in this interview from yesterday, Mr. Baffert is having a hard time dealing with his champion’s retirement. I’m sure there are going to be TONS of tears shed.
Mr. Baffert also mentions Our Beautiful Queen in this interview, so thank you, Mr. Baffert, for remembering her greatness on the track.
Zenyatta, you have a new neighbor! I hope someday you and AP can have a date and get to know each other!
Dear Deb E,
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said.
RIP Fred Thompson, you will be missed.
I know how much I will miss AP. I can’t imagine how hard this is for the people who were with him every day. Thank you, Mr. Baffert for the mention of the Queen and “our John.”
I hope that AP will be babied and will enjoy his life at Coolmore Ashford Stud. I certainly is a beautiful farm.
Thanks again, Deb. Have a good day.
Hug, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Deb E.,
Thank you for posting the link of Bob Baffert talking about American Pharoah after the race. Loved it! It is so nice to hear a trainer speak with such affection for the horse. That was really a fantastic race. AP has the most beautiful stride.
RIP Fred Thompson
A very nice man and a fine actor as well. You were an intelligent senator, also.
Loved your portrayal of Bull Hancock in “Secretariat”.
Hugs and Love
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Deb,
Fred Thompson was such a great actor. Thanks for posting about him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and close friends.
with love, Elizabeth
Workouts for the boys:
Cozmic One (3-Year-Old Colt)
Date: November 2, 2015
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.01:12 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 3/15
Ziconic (2-Year-Old Colt)
Date: November 2, 2015
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 52:26 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 22/23
My sweet Lea was welcomed home to Claiborne this morning with peppermints, praise and lots of love. 2nd wasn’t too shabby! Will miss him on the track but so glad he has retired safely.
The Ramseys have decided not to sell Stephanies Kitten but to retire her home at the farm where she was born. Thank you Stephanie for the nice payoff you gave me on Saturday!
She’s been sold, privately to Shadai’s Northern Farm in Japan.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
good afternoon zsters :)
watching AP run was amazing! spectacular race! wow!
@kathy- loved todays devo :)
today devo:
Even when we desperately want to be free, one struggle often keeps our hearts in bondage: fear.
Fear that we won’t be enough.
Fear that we will be rejected.
Most of all, fear that we won’t be loved.
Thankfully, God has promised just what our hearts need: perfect love. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment” (1 John 4:18).
Perfect love can be hard to understand and embrace because we don’t experience it from each other this side of heaven. Even those closest to us can hurt us or let us down sometimes. When we understand the different ways God perfectly loves us like no human can, our hearts can finally be healed and free.
Excerpt from Holley Gerth’s new book: You’re Loved No Matter What: Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect
hugz/prayerz, vamp
Dear Vamp Sue.I have just been reading about AP’a arrival at Ashford.He will be turned out with Thunder Gulch who,at 23, is a lot older and wiser.He will teach him to relax.He has a wonderful home.Beautiful devotional.Love and hugs Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
The old veterans are the best teachers; I would love to see
AP trying to get him to run and Thunder Gulches response.
That would make a great video. What a great way to let the youngsters
Love and hugs
Bluegrass Girl
American Pharoah: Into the Pantheon
Hangin’ With Haskin 01 November, 2015 5:06 PM –
At 2 a.m Sunday morning, America turned the clocks back an hour. Approximately eight hours earlier, the Thoroughbred racing world turned the clocks back 40, 50, 60 years, back to the Golden Era of the sport when there were Triple Crown winners who would go on to earn their place among the truly greats.
There have been many great colts and geldings to compete in this country over the past four decades who have made it to the gates of the pantheon, but simply did not achieve enough to gain entrance and mingle with the likes of Secretariat, Seattle Slew, Affirmed, Citation, Count Fleet, and the older greats such as the legendary Man o’War
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks a million for posting this link! Steve Haskin is the BEST writer ever. This article brought tears to my eyes several times. Everything mentioned in this piece is just brilliant! I was (still am) a huge fan of all Walter Farley books, Marguerite Henry’s “King of the Wind” (my very favorite book at the time), Fury and My Friend Flicka (staples of my Saturday TV viewing) and of course, Black Beauty. All of these things created a lifelong love of all things equine. Thanks, SH, for the stroll down memory lane, and for the fine American Pharoah tribute — pantheon of the gods, AP is there among them!
Love your posts, BBG!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
That should be “BGG” not BBG — sincere apologies for stuttering fingers on the keyboard.
Hugs aplenty!
Dear Marshall.I too loved Black Beauty as a child.I enjoy reading it still,We have a great writer in the UK called Alastair Down.It’s sad we don’t get to see him much on our racing programmes.I hope Smudge and Bailey are keeping you on your toes and bringing joy into your days.God bless always. Love and hugs Sheena.
Jan S. / Houston
You look wonderful Zenyatta!!
Dear Tizgood.Batch and Nobby won a race at Plumpton today!!Bwilliant as Batch would say.Great excitement.Hugs Sheena
Dear Sheena,
So glad they won a race; they are so funny,
glad they can be serious and successful. Laughter
makes one feel good. I copied that Halloween video
on my computer; and it makes me laugh so when
the day is not the best, I will play it and laugh.
Love and hugs
Dear Judy.Your namesake Judy the Beauty is to retire as well.Big day in Melbourne tomorrow!So sad to see the last horses leaving Warren Place today.Shed a tear the end of an era.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenyatta Family, I saw a post earlier about Zenyatta ‘wallpaper’. If anyone knows about that, could you please post a link to this note? I’ve looked for it, and can’t find it. Would love it in my art studio. Thanks so much. with love, Elizabeth