Team Z is in Kentucky for Zenyatta’s 8th birthday. We celebrated yesterday with Zenyatta, Baby Z and Lane’s End staff. Cards and gifts from the fans were highlights of the day, along with a very special birthday cake of pears and carrots. It was a rainy morning, but the sun came out just in time for the festivities. Baby Z got a kick out of all the attention and had just as much fun as his mom.
Everyone had a great time… no foolin’!
Here’s to another great year!

Good morning, Z and everyone. I hope all is well and everyone is happy. Sad about Tasty not taking to her baby but I guess that happens.
Happy Thursday, gorgeous girl!!!
sue and tony
Can you tell us about Tasty and her foal? Isn’t she taking to him?
No. She turned him away. She’s been turned to a nurse mare. There’s a photo of him on Facebook. Soooo cute. All is well. I guess it’s very common.
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
OK, Paddock Tree Gang!! (I didn’t know ‘we’ had a moniker for the Z dumplings!!)
JAG, Stephanie, Pat, Tina, Robyn, and me (blush, blush!) Z dumplings in this film for the HRTV film festival! Sorry me :( , JAG, and Stephanie! We missed our calling – on the cutting room floor! Wasup wit that!? After all the primping and prettying up we did too!!! Haha! It was still fun! WooWhooo! The film in the link above is called: A Day At The Races … The Paddock Tree Gang by Miguel Mouchess. (groan … I really do have to lose those saddle bags on my hips, rump, and tummy – humpty-dumpty dumpling!)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
There is at least one other “A Day at the Races” (which I watched several times before I realized my mistake (duh!!!). Are you the $2 bet gal?
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
haha yep!! Our interviews were actually long, each of us got to tell them what we loved about SA. But alas! they pulled the plug on us!
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Here is the link to the video, The Paddock Tree Gang!
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yup! They didn’t like what we all had to say – I thought it was pretty cool, oh well!! :-(
We spoke about YOU, Zenny! And, about YOUR JOHN! And, about your Mommy & Daddy, Ann & Jerry….. about how we come to the track to support them. Of course, I also mentioned YOUR MIKEY :o)
{{Hugs}} and Mucho Kisses, My Queen and Baby Prince 12 Z xoxoxoxo
Auntie Judy (looking forward to Mikey’s 5,000 win!)
Terry Crow
Even thought your appearance was only a cameo, you were the star. Mr. Demille says you are ready for your close up.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
Nice video. What a beautiful place Santa Anita is. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That’s great! I loved the cameo shot of you gals, really too bad you were unceremoniously cut. But I still enjoyed that Zenyatta got mentioned! Thanks.
Eveline / Maryland.
That was really cool! Your names in the credits as well!
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
TERRY! BLUSH! BLUSH! They must of thought we were three amigas in the silent movie version of Sunset Blvd!!! (Was gonna say three stooges, nuk nuk … uhmmm!) And a close-up would of done-in the cameraman!!
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Karen
LOL that’s funny!
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Happy Happy Birthday Jane Wade!!!! L♥ve
Yvonne and Maurice
Dear Judy from Rhode Island, Thank you so much. Have a great day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Yvonne and Maurice:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
My oh my, have I missed this!!! I am so happy to be back home with my own computer. I wish sweet Zenyatta a Belated Happy 8th Birthday with kisses, love & hugs sent her way always. Kisses to her 12 Z too.
@ all great dumplings and Zsters! I will never be able to catch up, but for what it is worth, I feel so much better to be connected again!! I had a very active, fun time in Fla. in spite of obtaining on the 1st actual day walking on the beach, a severe sunburn too my neck & upper chest. Geez, I saw a doctor there; diagnosis-sun poisoning, remedy, a prednesone shot to the buttocks and a few pills of it to take. (I must have been still groggy from the drive down and forgot to put sun bloc on those areas!) My arms & legs were fine! Now, how do you keep those areas covered from the sun when the idea was to enjoy the outdoors?! Fortunately I brought along a nice brimmed hat I wore to BC and Z’s farewell in Keenland. I went to the grocery store & purchased white cotton kitchen drying towels. I’d wrap that around my neck. (perhaps a little redneck thing) I did get a lot of looks where ever I went; unfortunately it was not for my good looks!ha Things were getting better until I tried a sunblock on those areas. Things got so inflamed and burned that I eventually saw the doctor again, this time doc said contact dermatitis. I got the shot in the buttocks again! Oh, that is not all. John’s Pass is a wonderful waterfront boardwalk full of shops & restaurants, pelicans, blue heron and a few dolphins. I was in the shops; husband went for the sandwich. He was doing a kind deed I suppose when we met up & he gave me a remaining piece of grouper sandwich to taste as it was sooo good. A spice attacked my throat, into the ears. Bicycling back to our place, I began to sneeze and sneeze, my eyes began to water. Back, when I took my sun glasses off husband said “Jesus Christ, your eyes!” I immediately went to a mirror; skin by the eyes were so puffy with fluid I looked like an alien as they were somewhat closed. I went to my medicine bag, took a Benadryl and began with cold compresses. (I have learned a long the way to carry just about every over the counter just in case! ha)
Thank goodness for sun glasses. Apart from all this, I did have a great time there. We covered the gulf coast from St. Petes Beach to up at Tarpon Springs, biking and by car, walked the beach, went to many shops etc. The agreement was that I would be able to visit Mayberry Farm, go one day to Tampa Bay Downs for racing and to Ocala’s 2 year in training sale. This was honored, except I only got to be at the sale on the 2nd day, the 14th. Of all the different beauty of Fla.’s beaches, ocean and it’s sound, and it’s bird wildlife, the highlight of the month of March was being around the horses, their beauty and sound. I loved being at Mayberry Farm watching several horses on the training track, feeding carrots to many in their stalls, talking to April, (her mom was called away), watching a dentist for horses file down a horses teeth, and just breathing in the air. Best of all, I got to see Zenyatta’s stall, where she stayed when she began her training. They now have placed a golden plague with her name at the stall. I believe at this time they have 99 horses there, mostly owned by others. Wow, quite a responsibility but labor of love.
I never got to swim in the pool, but I got to drool over the horses.
I was so thankful my BF kept me informed prior to Z foaling and when she foaled. Z was forever gentle on my mind. I ran over to the library many times but sometimes they were all taken or when I did read on the diary, I could not respond. Hugs to all!!!!
Peggy (N) or is it Margaret (senior moment) I really would have liked to meet you at Ocala’s sale. I never got to go to the stalls there as husband & a friend of his wanted to leave right after the sale. Did you see a women with a white dish towel around her neck? ha
@BarbaraWood, TerryCrow, Trina, Judy B., Dawn Conrad, Signofthetimes, Karen Gogue, Sue Fredrick, Margaret, Peggy(N), Alex, Jag, and all other Zsters, I am so glad to know you are still here.
@BarbaraWood, Now that I am back I would like to send a couple donations to rescue on behalf of Z and 12 Z. One I think will be Old Friends. Do you have the address & name again of the rescue out west?
Terry Crow
Sally-You are not fooling me. I know that those shots in the buttocks were steroids in an attempt to bulk up for your match with Sue F. Well, that has been declared off and you and her are co-presidents of the Wisconsin chapter. In all seriousness, great to have you back with us.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Thankful
Terry, I knew it, I knew it. It was a fraudulent attempt to gain advantage over me, she knew I’d never notice the needle marks THERE. I think she should be automatically disqualified……..but I don’t know if I want to be the winner. Are there cash prizes?
Terry Crow
Sally tried to cheat in a contest that has already been canceled. I don’t know, but that might make her a bigger redneck than you. However, the final result still stands. Tie.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, and she even tried to hide her Redneck with that dish towel wrapped around it! Talk about cheating!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry, ha ha ha. Didn’t gain any muscle but a couple more hairs grew on my chin!!! hah ha Have not checked any where else. hee ha Oh, I did not know we stopped the up coming fight. Why did I bike and walk so much? I know Sue F. would have gone for my neck as the skin is still healing!!
I am proud to be co-Pres of the Wi. chapter. I hope when I see her she won’t take me down any way! ha ha
You sure still are my entertainer for sure! hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B. Sue And Terry C.:
You all are too funny. Hugs, JB
How very funny; TC and SB.
I apologize if this has already been posted. I don’t have all day to read through the posts. Lanes End has said that Tasty didn’t take well to motherhood and the foal is on a nurse mare. Mom & baby are doing well. Glad to finally know what is going on. They also promised pics of the little one.
There are a couple of photos of Tasty’s foal on Facebook. Cute little face:
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for the link to Tasty T’s foal and the nurse mare. Very cute foal!
Lane’s End on Facebook
Tasty Temptation update: As you know, she deivered a healthy colt just last week but unfortunately, she did not take to motherhood. Lane’s End is always prepared for these situations and has successfully placed the colt with a nurse mare. The colt is being cared for and loved. Tasty is also fine and she is now spending time with other mares. We will post some photos soon.
Then Lane’s End said:
posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album “PHOTO UPDATE ON TASTY TEMPTATION & HER CANDY RIDE COLT
Here are a few photos of Tasty, her Candy Ride colt and the nurse mare. They are doing fine & Tasty is scheduled to be bred to Unbridled’s Song.
Especially Horses / Southern California
What a beauty he is!
And to think, in the end it didn’t matter that she didn’t foal nearly the same time as Z ….her baby would be with a nurse mare and Tasty would be in another pasture enjoying singlehood regardless. Didn’t I read comments about Tasty still being as mean as ever? Hmmm, well Tasty showed us, too funny.
I don’t think anyone in Z’s diary mentioned her
Mean streak. The LE folks did and it is a permanent
Part of her personality. We also don’t know
How often Zenny may have had to put TT
In her place.
sharon in seattle
could it have been that LE put Tasty with Z because they knew Z would be able to “put her in her place” if necessary??? just speculation on my part – no experience to back it up!!
Ingrid Arnone
Keta, thanks for the link, he is so cute, hugs Ingrid.
Tasty, her foal and nurse mare are gorgeous;
Many of the comments On Facebook sadden
Me. Not accepting or desiring to be a mother
After giving birth happens to all species. In humans
It leads to giving up the child for adoption, etc….
LE did a superb job with the situation and probably
Has many available nurse mares.
Tasty seeing Zenny nurture her foal would have
Made no difference and may have actually caused
Harm to him, by putting him with a horse that did
Not want to be a mother and would have caused
Problems for Zenny to protect her foal against
The anger.
I assume that is why we did not see TT and the foal,
Special arrangements and bonding needed to occur.
It is obvious that Tasty has a little mean streak
As a lot of mares do. Mares are very difficult to
Work with and can make your life miserable.
Hats off to the LE foaling team and their expertise
In dealing with all of those crazy maares, pregnant
Or not.
Sign. Your comments are very well said. We are in no position to pass judgment on Tasty. These things just unfortunately happen. I like Tasty so much from her time with the Queen, that, although I am sorry for the upset to the colt, I have to admire her independent streak. Tasty is obviously her own horse.
I am however happy that LE has found a substitute mom for the little colt. He is gorgeous. Although it is hard to tell from the picture, he looks quite large for a week old foal? Tasty did a good job bringing him into the world even if the next stage will be handled by another mare. Best wishes to all of these horses.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I love Tasty, no judgment intended. She has offered another view into the ups / downs and the twist and turns of handling broodmares. She produced a beautiful colt, can’t expect more than that…good going TT.
Especially Horses. I cannot speak for Sign, but I do not think that her comments were directed at you. You did not say anything negative about poor Tasty. You only pointed out the irony of the situation of the lateness of foaling and of our concern as Z fans that the two foals would not be together. I think that Sign was referring to some comments on the Lane’s End Facebook from certain posters, which were rather critical of our Tasty.
Thanks for the clarification Max and yes I was commenting about
all of the negativity on LE Facebook.
Below another poster commented as well.
People forget about Child Protective Services; and all the the horrible
child abuse that happens to our human children when they are with parents that do not want them.
The nurse mare is a wonderful substitue for Tasty’s beautiful colt; she did produce and beautiful boy and just because she did not desire to be
a mother at this time, it is her choice as a horse; and as Max said; she
has a very strong mind and is very opinionated.
Have owned a very opinionated TB gelding, they are quite a challenge as they are always “commenting” on everything done to them, everything they want and everything you ask them to do. We as humans must listen to their opinions and negotiate with them to keep them happy.
And that is what LE has done; Tasty is with a group of mares enjoying life and going to be bred to the wonderful Unbridled. So look forward to her first colt to run.
Remember Lane’s End video on the foaling barn,
and pregnancy, and foal care.
It was so well done.
It goes back to DIary days.
I know one of the segments talked about nurse mares and how they help in situations like this or when a mare has insufficient milk.
Donna Vowles did an amazing job of explaining it
Here is the link
Hugs, Keta
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Keta that was the foaling barn vid. This is the link to Donna Vowles interview on nurse mares:
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign, Max and Z Fans:
Yes, rejection of babies happens in humans too. As I posted earlier, the same thing happened to Rachel Alexandra and her Dam, Lotta Kim. RA was her first foal and a nurse mare was necessary. But, LK has been fine with other foals she’s had since then. May be the case with TT. Guess we’ll see down the road. Hugs, JB
Judy. Now we know why Tasty and her foal were missing in action. I am very sorry for this. Our Tasty has obviously gone Dynaformer. She is not taking orders from anyone, not even her owners at Lane’s End. Maybe they will have to take the Sir Henry Cecil approach with Tasty? He has first to listen to what Frankel has to say before anything can happen.
Her little foal however is very handsome. His eyes are quite alert and he looks well. His step mom appears to be very attentive. Let us hope that all works out for him and for Tasty. Tasty, we will always love you as a true friend to Zenyatta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Especially Horses and Sign:
Yes, we will always have a special place in our hearts for TT. I do feel sad for the baby, but the nurse mare will be a great comfort to him I think. He is absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful, alert eye as you said, Max.
I agree with Max, Especially Horses, you were not judging. I think Sign was saying she was saddened by some of the comments on Facebook that were judgmental about TT. You never know, TT may accept future foals as she gains experience as a broodmare. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
What happens to a Nurse Mare’s own foal if the Nurse Mare is needed as in the cases of Rachel Alexandra and TT’s foal? How are they nursed and cared for? Are they bottled fed? Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Do you know how that works. What happens to the Nurse Mare’s own foal if she is nursing another horse’s foal? Hugs, JB
Judy. There is a link below to a video of Donna Vowles at Lane’s End from Keta, which explains the role of the nurse mare. The link also appears on the forum under the discussion of Tasty.
In this case, the new nurse mare lost her own foal. She is probably absolutely thrilled to have 12TT as a substitute for her loss.
It sounds like this situation turned out well for the little foal and his new mom. She looks so happy to be with him. He looks just great. They seem suited to each other. Life can be sweet.
Dear Judy,
Donna Asst Broodmare manager from Lanes Ends says the farms around KY actually raise nurse mares. The one in the video Keta posted, did have a foal; it was taken from her and given to another mare; she was given a sedative and blindfolded. The foal is not fed for about an hour so it is hungry and when the nurse mare arrives; they put the nurse mares milk on the foal so he smells like her and then let the foal come to her head; unblind fold the mare and they will then imprint. Sad but Happy. These mares must have the personality to be nurse mares. It is imperative that they are available for the TB industry; as TB mares can be very high strung; biters and kickers.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign and Max:
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, but I’m not sure I like the way this works. The Nurse Mare’s foal gets taken away (not in TT’s case) and given to another Mare to nurse? What happens to the other Mares foal? I did some Googling on the subject. Don’t like what I read. Check it out. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Judy that was some of the commentary on FB that sign referred to, that became so contentious, because it’s so painful to hear about, or imagine could be true. I like to face reality, even if sad, but am also glad to know the “worst scenario” is not what always happens. I didn’t like that possibility either. I thought L.E. handled the rancor pretty well. They did not censor it, and they did answer a tough direct question, however much they could not have enjoyed the whole topic.
Taylor Made Sales Foal Photos
Here are some really cute photos
Thought you’d enjoy
How very cute !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you so much for this link to the foals at Taylor Made. How precious they all are. Hugs, JB
Mike Smith posted on Facebook on Thurs. April 5th
Working my way to my 5000th win with 3 to go!
Today I ride at Santa Anita:
Come on out and see me!
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
Mike came in 3rd
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I LOVED the story of Comanche! I don’t know where you all find such neat stuff to post. I would love to add about 5 hours to my day.
@Sally B.–so glad you’re back. I’ve had some killer sunburns myself too–the worst from a trip to Cozumel. Are you talking about Marlene Dodge at Valley View? Her website is She is now a 501c3. Mailing address is:
57025 Jolon Rd.
King City, CA 93930.
Hope this helps. Hugs.
@Dawn Conrad–do we have a report on your mom? I’m not sure where to look–here or the forum. Hugs to you too!
Terry Crow
There was a Disney movie about Comanche starring Sal Mineo.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I haven’t seen “Comanche”. Sal Mineo was also memorable in “Rebel Without a Cause”, for which he received an Oscar nomination, as well as his 2nd nom. later, for “Exodus”.
Terry Crow
Vicki-The title of the movie was Tonka. Agree on Mineo, but he apparently had a lot pf personal problems.
carol in utah
glad to have update and pics of Tasty….
do not think she is “bad” mom as just inexperienced..or it could have been a milk production any case the little guy seems to be doing well…looks feisty…
Rachels mom…Lotta Kim…had some same issues…and she did better with next babies…
i do not know how to do links…but drf today has article about favorite Santa Anita Derby’s run…Silky Sullivan’s is included…many of you know he is a special fav of mine from long ago…a real deeeep closer….wish they had video of the races the article talks about
anyone here who does not go to forum side… have got to …just to read
AS THE CLUBHOUSE TURNS….it is hysterical….
more later…
love to all
peppermint kisses to all soft noses worldwide
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol In Utah:
Here is a video of Silky Sullivan making up as much as 41 lengths to win a 6 1/2 furlong race and he won the 1958 Santa Anita Derby making up 28 lengths. What a gorgeous horse he was. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Here’s the link.
carol in utah
hi Judy….he was gorgeous….just hard headed….he did it his way….but everyone loved him….such a HAM…he lived out is life in the bay area..would make personal appearances at Golden Gate…not much of a sire but can find him in pedigrees occasionally ….esp from europe
They have an Inside Information on Silky Sullivan; his trainer said that he would always have him run up to a group of horses and kept putting him farther and farther behind the group of horses training so that is where
he came up with his style. It is a great show.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Silky and Zenny have some of the same dance moves….. Thanks Judy, I really enjoyed that. I had heard the name of course over the years. Great video. what a personality…. Gorgeous horse.
Terry Crow
I saw that race in person. I remember a guy in the crowd saying “here comes your thrill race.” Boy, was he right.
Louise Castello
I agree, absolutely beyond hilarious!!! I find myself constantly wanting more and anxious for the next chapter. There are some really talented people on this site!
Louise Castello
Oops, I meant this to be to carol in utah about “as the clubhouse turns”!
Terry Crow
Here are some hall of fame redneck jokes. You might be a redneck if you refer to your cousin as “my boyfriend.” You might be a redneck if you have to shuck your toilet paper before you use it. You might be a redneck if your car horn plays “Dixie.” You might be a redneck if you introduce your friends to your husband and your brother and the friend only has to shake one hand. You might be a redneck if you spell out NASCAR in your Christmas lights. You might be a redneck if the directions to your bathroom include “Go past the big oak and hang a left at the woodshed.”
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Too funny!
Terry Crow
High praise from a charter member of the Texas chapter.
These are great jokes as usual; Thanks Terry.
Terry Crow
High praise from the president of the Texas chapter.
Marshall (NC broad)
Terry Crow,
Thanks for the redneck jokes today. Very funny!
Terry Crow
High praise from the president of the North Carolina chapter.
You are on a roll
Sorry, could not resist that :)
Terry Crow
Good one, Keta.
Here is Donna Vowles talking about nurse mares
My previous post was on the foaling barn.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks so much for the link to Donna Vowles on nurse mares. So very interesting.
Good to know that the nurse mare’s foal will be either bucket fed or given to another mare for raising. So much to learn!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
Welcome back. Yes, we still have this wonderful Blog to connect us and share our comments. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thanks Judy; sure happy you all are here. I’ll have to get busy checking out all the interesting links left here right after Easter!! Have a Happy Easter too! hugs, dumpling Sally
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
TT’s little Candy Ride foal is adorable. Maybe she just needs the experience and will accept her next foal. Same thing happened with Rachel Alexandra. Her Dam, Lotta Kim, rejected her when she was born and a nurse mare was brought in. RA was Lotta Kim’s first foal. LK was fine with her subsequent foals. So maybe that will be the case with TT. Hugs, JB
Elyse Mach
Happy, Happy Birthday beautiful Zenny!!!!! Love and hugs go out to the Queen and her precious little Prince. Much love, EM
Louise Castello
ALL: I noticed on Lane’s End facebook some not so nice things being said about Tasty and the whole nursemare thing. I am not on facebook, but maybe if some of ya’ll are, someone from here can go there and educate some people! It scares me that too many negative comments will cause Lane’s End to stop giving out info on anything! That would be horrible for us! I would do it if I could. Thanks guys!
Completely agree Lousie and personally I think all the comments on the Monday night Before the diary was stopped reflected comments like that as well. Saying negative
things about subjects one knows nothing about is very inappropriate. Lanes End
is a top class breeding operation. And they have a top class very experienced staff
under the direction of William Farrish and his family who have been involved in the horse business since the Civil War years.
Shame on those people.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I AGREE Signofthetimes. LE is a top class operation with the best knowledgable people on staff. I was there visiting twice now. Ann & Jerry know that, that is why Z’s there as a broadmare now.
WOW Sally B, two visits to LE.
I hope I can go and see THE MAN;
Jan S. / Houston
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing well. Ms. Tasty’s colt is just adorable, and those eyes of his, so tender looking. Do Mares go through post partum depression!
Not sure you would call it that; they may get uncomfortable with their foal like Rachel did;
he was very fiesty and at her udders all the time and wore her out; They may have a reaction more like Fear as remember horses are prey animals so when they get
anxious they run; When their foals are taken away them may become a little anxious
and need some sedation.
Stonestreet Farm tweeted on Thurs. April 5th
Like a proud grandad! Steve Asmussen visits with Rachel’s colt for the first time
and momma was so happy to see him!
Nice to know Rachel Alexandra is doing well,
The photo of Steve & the colt is adorable!!
Here is the link to the photo.
It is via Twitter!/StonestreetFarm/status/187996445067051008/photo/1
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for the photo of Steve Asmussen and RA’ colt. Beautiful photo. Hugs, JB
carol in utah
He is huge……very muscular…Rachel must be taking great care of him….
Oh my; Curlin is really is father;
That colt is huge;
Definately not a good match for Zenny; Curlin;
they might produce a Beahemouth !!!!
Steve A is very handsome!
Steve looks so proud, be he can’t wait to treat that little one.
Ingrid Arnone
Keta, thank you so much great link, Ingrid.
The Blood-Horse
Funny Headline!
Or, at least it struck me as funny!
Russian Greek Eyes Blue Grass for Dorochenko
It is all in how you read it: Russain Greek Eyes Blue :)
Seemed to fit in with some of today’s names.
Congratulations, Joe!!
Joe Talamo, 22, Records 1,000th Career Win
By Jack Shinar
Updated: Thursday, April 5, 2012 7:24 PM
Jockey Joe Talamo reached recorded his 1,000th career victory April 5 when he guided 2-5 choice Splendid Fortune to a 7 1/4-length victory in the fourth race at Santa Anita Park.
Splendid Fortune, who is trained by Bob Baffert for owner Arnold Zetcher, went gate to wire in the maiden special weight event for 3-year-old fillies. Making her second lifetime start, the daughter of Giant’s Causeway ran six furlongs in 1:09.02.
“That was fun. It’s nice to get it out of the way early,” said Talamo.
Talamo, a 22-year-old native of Marrero, La., has been riding on the Southern California circuit since the spring of 2007. He earned his first grade I victory that summer at Hollywood Park aboard Nashoba’s Key in the 2007 Vanity Handicap
Read more:
Terry Crow
Talamo has had a remarkable career thus far. Too bad he lost his chance at a Kentucky Derby winner a few years back when his horse, who would have been the favorite, was withdrawn at the last moment.
Terry Crow
I had a senior moment and could not remember the name of the horse. It was I Want Revenge in 2009.
OMGS!! Happy,Happy birthday zeny!! Hope your having a great birthday week!,My birth day is on the 14th so glad we share the same B-day month! Love you and your baby soso much! FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
I love that photo of TT on LE Facebook page, when you look at the whole photo;
She looks like she is saying, “yes I did finally have that pesky foal; and I do prefer
my girlfriends so there”; She looks like a woman on a mission; wonder what she was like with her trainer, jockey etc….
Maybe Max can find some information about her personality in her racing days.
I love the stories about Goldikova in her “box” as Freddy Head says. She is very
studdish, don’t walk up to her in her box, you might get bitten or kicked. But when she is out of her box she is wonderful. Always notice he pets her when she is out of her
Sign I found this article with a video of TT winning. She looks good. The only comment about her character from her trainer was that he said that she was a horse who wanted to win her races. He also said some good things about her in this article.
I agree with your observation about what she might be thinking in that LE photo. She knows what she wants and no one is going to change her mind. Maybe Tasty figured that, if she could not be with Zenyatta and 12Z, she would give motherhood a pass. There is always next time.
Lovely article Max,
Having leased a very difficult mare,
You can not win with them, if they are
Having a bad day you will too.
No matter what you do they will not
Relent until they are good and ready.
My friend took her mare and gelding
To a show. Her mare was awesome the first
Week and then became a PMSing witch the
Next. Runny all the lines in hunter show worse
With her trainer than her.
Maybe she really enjoyed racing and does not
Like grazing all day and eating BON BON’s (carrots
And grass) if her disposition was good on the track.
Maybe she is more of a CARRER WOMAN !!!!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Hi All – So glad this blog is still being maintained. I’ve learned so much, but bouncing back and forth between the blog and forum can be very time consuming. I can’t say it’s not time well spent- but there are some “chores” -bummer that must be accomplished. i. e. grocery shopping vacuuming, etc ( ha ha ) much more entertaining to catch up on this blog and I learn so much.
Learned of Tasty’s foal and her nurse mare today and thank you so much for that wonderful photo display of all the foals and Mom’s by Taylor Made. All way too cute.
thanks to all for all the news. Still playing “catch up”
Congratulations to Joe…. Well done – and Mike, now it is your turn. Perhaps on Derby Day.
Hope to make it befor the meet closes. Unfortunately, I will have to pass on this Derby Day. Have fun everyone. So much excitement and pomp and circumstance. gotta say it, “Good Luck Creative Cause” and to all a safe ride and peppermints for all the beautiful horses.
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Interesting comments about TT. Queen Z and TT were such good friends while they were ladies in waiting. What a different outcome for each of them. Z loves being a mom and Tasty not so much! Zenny’s temperment is so very positive it doesn’t surprise me that she is enjoying motherhood. Even the birthday video shows how happy she is! We heard little z, wish we could have seen him. Zenny’s disposition makes her life so much easier for everyone that handles her, and of course, for her and Z12.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Hi Rose–glad to know your name!
Eveline / Maryland.
Hi Rose, how is your foundered mare doing?
OraJean Stevenson
HAPPY–HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! Dearest Zenyatta, (sorry, I’m a few days late).
You are the loveliest MOM I’ve ever seen. Your little-one is just the cutest
FOAL on this planet. Thanks for the pics and videos of this awesome duo !!
Hope Your Mike gets his 5000th win on SA Derby Day…I’ll be there to cheer
him on for you.
Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Congratulations jockey Joe Talamo – Smokin’ Joe!! 1,000 career wins!
Come on Mikey! Lets get 5,000!!
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
High Hoof Joey! I watched that race on Cal Racing shhhh Then he went on to win another one :o)
Great race, Cali Dumplings, saw it on HRTV.
The filly was spooking at the 1000 race sign.
Joe Talamo is such a nice young man/jockey.
Go go go Mikey; 5000 wins this weekend !!!
David Brock
Does anyone know when Vertigineux is due to foal Zenyatta’s full bro/sis???
Hey, David: If I remember correctly, the breeding to Street Cry last year didn’t take. Vertigineux is supposed to be bred back to him this year.
Yes, that is correct.