Team Z is in Kentucky for Zenyatta’s 8th birthday. We celebrated yesterday with Zenyatta, Baby Z and Lane’s End staff. Cards and gifts from the fans were highlights of the day, along with a very special birthday cake of pears and carrots. It was a rainy morning, but the sun came out just in time for the festivities. Baby Z got a kick out of all the attention and had just as much fun as his mom.
Everyone had a great time… no foolin’!
Here’s to another great year!

Happy Birthday Queen Z. I heard Z12 in the background, he sonds too cute!
Carole Klumb #42 / Eagle, WI
I was wondering if there is any one out there who could help me. We have a Standardbred (Queen) and she raced at Maywood Park in
Illinois and won one race…Feb. 1997. I did contact the U.S. trotting assn. and I know who the driver was, the trainer and the owner at that time. I would like a winning picture of her but the photographer did not have the negatives anymore. If anyone lives in Illinois and can think of any other places I could check I would truly appreciate it.
Louise Castello
So glad you had your family for your birthday!! You are looking so good. Just watched Seabiscuit AGAIN! So awesome! Just reminded me more of you. Love you Big Girl!! Happy birthday again!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I just watched it again too!!! It must have been a long time ago when I saw it the first time because I understood things I never would have before. And getting to see Santa Anita – I was “OMG!!!! there it is – mountains in the background and all!!”
Terry Crow
My mother was at Seabiscuit’s final race, the 1940 Santa Anita Handicap. The stories she used to tell. Just the mention of Seabiscuit’s name could bring a smile to her face.
sharon in seattle
wow, Terry!!! double wow!! I would LOVE to hear those stories. I can only imagine being t Seabiscuit’s 1940 win at SA! There were thousands there if one can judge from the pictures. What a moment in history!!!
Terry Crow
Santa Anita use to regularly draw crowds of 45,000 to 55,000 people on Saturdays as there was no Sunday racing in California until the 1970s. My mother used to say that, on that day, you couldn’t get anywhere near the track after about 11 a.m. it would be interesting to know what the attendance was that day. Anyway, the race itself was not like it was depicted in the movie. Seabiscuit was close up all the way and drew clear in the final 50 yards to what my mom described as cheering like a clap of thunder. I used to love to hear the stories. I’ve posted this before, but I would like to repeat it here. I just wish i could hear the stories from her lips one more time.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Great story, Terry, and how lucky you were to grow up with a mom who loved racing…
A small anecdote— my grandparents lived near Santa Anita for many years, but were not into racing, so never went to the track… and the short time I lived there I was just a pre-schooler (horse crazy already but, you know, “they grow out of it” ) … at any rate my dad (a career Army officer, gone a lot) used to have a favorite dinner, a filet mignon wrapped with bacon… it was not until a few weeks ago when I saw a commercial for the Derby Restaurant and their “signature dish,” filet mignon wrapped in bacon… and the light bulb went on, my dad used to take my mom to the Derby for dinner back in those days!!! Not too long after Seabiscuit’s time… I’ve always loved that combination too, and this is where it came from in our family. We’d have them for all birthdays.
As Terry notes it’s great to hear the stories from our parents and friends, so get those stories while you can. Terry, I’ll bet your mom had dozens of stories.
Terry Crow
Patricia-Yes, the Derby’s signature meal is the one your parents used to enjoy. At one time there was a lot of George Woolf memorabilia on display at the restaurant. Woolf was the original owner. For whatever reason, a lot of his memorabilia was auctioned off some time ago. It is wonderful to think about the old days when your parents were young and vital, probably the same way my daughter thinks of me now. You are very kind Patricia. My mother had hundreds of stories but at times I was too busy or too stupid to listen. As you have said, get those stories while you can. One day you wake up and discover that the source is no longer available.
Christine B in Placerville, CA
Thanks for sharing your birthday party with us Z!! ♥ It looks like you had a fabulous time with your family!
Christine B.
Great pics and videos!!! Zenyatta looks FANTASTIC! Happy Birthday! Can’t wait to see more pictures of the baby!
nancy in nj
looks like a great celebration. love the cake! big z, may you have many more fabulous years, and 12z, may you have all the qualities of your wonderful mom and handsome dad. xxoo
Linda B from Va
Happy birthday girl. was that the little one I heard on the video??? A little protest perhaps?
Ernie Munick
I read very few blogs. This is one of them. Love everything about it. Thanks for sharing your special girl.
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
carol in utah
Just checked facebook…..backside 55 page…pictures of Z….Baby Z…..Ann and Jerry…the halter auction raised more than $6000 for disaster relief….Z wanted to check out the check before it was presented….way beyond toooooo cute
Thanks for the link. I swear, we need a Zenyatta book in publicaiton soon! I can never get enough of her or that little one of hers.
Happy Birthday Z! Baby Z is lucky to have such a wonderful mom. Have you thought about Z Max for the little one? It’s so good to see your updates and everyone loving you up close! Many, many more birthdays Z!
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Photos of Team Z family, Zenny and foal.!/pages/Rood-Riddle-Equine-Hospital/190883255422
Karen. Thank you for this link. Baby 12Z looks good. He is growing quickly. I love the one of Z examining the check. She always pays attention to details.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
Thank you for this link to photos of Z and Little Z. He looks like he’s inherited Z’s curiosity.
Too cute poking his head through the paddock fence. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Karen! I love the Queen’s inspection of the check; Zenny wants to be sure that the “t’s” are crossed, the “i’s” are dotted and the numbers are correct, no doubt!
All the best!
Terry Crow
Karen-Thanks for the link.
Happy Birthday Mi Reina!! You look so good and content surrounded by
people who love you lots.Baby Z whinny is just too awesome. Much love
and kisses to all.
Zenyatta, happy 8th birthday, girl!!!! Are you enjoying your food that everyone has been giving you? Are you enjoying all of the attention? Your birthday is a very big deal! Your foal is obviously taking in all of the excitement and enjoying it. Does he have a name yet? When he does, let me know. I love all of the videos of you and him that have come out so far. You didn’t mean to startle him. You are there to take care of him and keep him safe. Are the two of you having a lot of fun together? Running around, playing games, taking naps, eating, and many other things. That’s what I call the life. I hope you start the diary back up on a regular basis real soon. I look forward to it. I hope that the two of you never leave each other for more than a few minutes. I love both of you very very much. I love you two more than anything or anybody in the whole world outside of my own family.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi everyone. Has anyone seen any pics of Tasty and her baby? I don’t have facebook. Thanx.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Yvonne and Maurice:
Haven’t been able to find any photos of TT and her colt. I check on Lane’s End Facebook page every day and on Z’s Twitter page, but nothing so far. Hugs, JB
PS: You don’t have to join Facebook or Twitter to check this pages.
I guess they are stalling posting the photos; like she stalled having her foal !!!!
Happy Birthday dear girl!
We love you and you look absolutely beautiful!
Hope you have many, many more.
Bless your big heart!
Kathy Puffer from NY
LOVE the sound of the baby whinny in the background. Happy Birthday Momma Z!
Kim S in Tampa FL
Looked like a great birthday party Zenny. Sounded like Baby Z was really liking it too :)
Hope you enjoyed visiting with Jerry and Ann. Please thank them and Lane’s End for the videos. Your fans just can’t get enough of you and the little Prince.
Lotsa love to all.
janet cutting
I love the sound of Little Z– Happy B-day Zenny. Your the best.
Oh that whinny…made me smile even more!
Rhonda in San Diego
Zenyatta, Hope your BDay was fun! You look fantastic and happy. Z12 is just adorable.
Thank you for being the amazing horse that you are. You warm my heart. Hugs and kisses.
janet cutting
I listened the Little Z’s whinny 5 x’s !!!!! Just love the sweet sound. Maybe we will get to see a little video of him. I can just imagine what fun it is to be with both of them. Thanks, Janet C/WI
Paula Higgins
Happy birthday Zenny! I am so glad your family got there for your birthday. What a cake by the way!! Just gorgeous. Love the videos!! Thank you Anne very much. Heard Baby Z in the background.
Candi E. Carter
happy birthday my beloved ZENYATTA, your very lucky my dear you have a wonderful and lovable super mom, that sure she love you.And the adorable little prince I heard at the backgroud winghing as well sound soooo cute!!!!.Love you my Queen.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Team Z for the photos and videos! They are Too precious! and mean more than you know. They make me so happy.
I am one happy woman sitting here with my laptop tonight. My beloved Ky Wildcats won the championship last night and today I get new photos and videos of my beloved Queen Z and that precious whinny from 12Z. PERFECT. Does not get much better than this!
@Dawn Conrad. Prayers and good wishes for your Mom tomorrow with her surgery. She will feel so much better.
@Trina, your poems are always wonderful and just keep getting better and better. Thank you.
I love keeping in contact with all of you. This website is such a blessing to me. I will be on the forum from time to time. but this is where I feel most at home.
Thank you Team Z for all that you do for all of us. God bless you all.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I just love hearing little 12 Z whinny, for the first time!! Doesn’t get better!
Darlene Daniels
Vicki B. That little sound was as precious to me as my grandchildrens first sounds.
We had some friends at our house last night to watch the basketball championship game and I was showing them photos on the computer of 12Z as if he was one of my grandchildren!! Is there something wrong with me??
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene:
I do the same thing. I send my sister his photos by e-mail all the time. So your not alone. Ha, ha. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Judy. You made me feel better. My friends are gracious enough to say “oh yea”, but I feel they really dont get it. That is why this website means so much to me. I love all of you that love Zenyatta the way I do, and we can talk about it!! Yeah!
Darlene Count me in. I send these photos to everyone whom I know who likes horses. They love them. You can resist those pictures? 12Z is not yet a month old and he is already a major ham for the camera, and I mean that in a good way.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
He had a good teacher. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Meant “has a good teacher”. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Yes, That is something a redneck would do. Oh, I forgot…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
You’re a hoot. Ha, ha. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, a ham over easy.
Terry Crow
Vicki-very funny.
TOO CUTE Dalrene !!!
I think he is !!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, Darlene, Judy, and Max, I send photos of Z & 12-Z out too, but just to those friends I know will want to see them (even if just to humor me). Not to those who just shake their heads, as if sad that I’m loco. But I sometimes refer to Zenny as “my horse”, and then of course sometimes have to explain that I’m not delusional. Just the cost of loving Zenyatta.
Vicki B. The sad ones are those who do not have the benefit of the magic which is Zenyatta. We Z fans are lucky, and we all know it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene, Max, Vicki B and Sign:
My sister loves to see photos of him. I even send them to my nephew. I think Little 12Z is going to love the cameras and the cameras are going to love him (just like his Mama).
Max, you’re so right. Sad for the people that never got to see Z’s races and experience the magic. Horse of our Lifetime. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Vicki-Zenyatta IS “your horse.” Agree completely with the comments made by Max.
Anne from Paramount, CA
QUEEN Z…even though this is belated, I must wish you (and yours) a wonderful year. (It is still Tuesday in CA, so I’m not THAT belated.)Looks as though you had a wonderful party!!!!
High hoof!!! And, the photos are TOO CUTE!! Now to read what the others wrote!!
Thanks again, LE. :-)
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Zenny
What a fantastic cake! Hope you and lil Z got to enjoy some serious birthday feasting!
Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Angel! Kisses on your soft noses!
Thanks so much to Ann and Jerry, Lane’s End and all connections for keeping us “in the loop” and sharing Queen Z & Baby Z with us. All the very Best to all of you!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Barbara Wood,
I don’t know where in Texas you live, but I do hope everything is okay in your area.
Those tornadoes were so fearsome — such destructive forces.
Thoughts and prayers to all who are hurting.
Love and hugs!
Anne from Paramount, CA
@Trina: loved your poem (to state the obvious!) and to all Dumplings everywhere, this is a high hoof wave to you all. :-) :-) :-) Isn’t it great the smiles our QUEEN’s party generated!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne from Paramount:
Absolutely great. Hope you are well and so nice to hear you. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Anne-You don’t visit us often enough.
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
Love it, just love it…the little Prince sounds so cute, and Anne is just so sweet with them both!!!! Thanks for sharing with us.
Hugs and love.