Team Z is in Kentucky for Zenyatta’s 8th birthday. We celebrated yesterday with Zenyatta, Baby Z and Lane’s End staff. Cards and gifts from the fans were highlights of the day, along with a very special birthday cake of pears and carrots. It was a rainy morning, but the sun came out just in time for the festivities. Baby Z got a kick out of all the attention and had just as much fun as his mom.
Everyone had a great time… no foolin’!
Here’s to another great year!

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
@ Debbie G (Kentucky)
Hope you’re “out there” somewhere. Congrats to the Wildcats!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Too all of you Kentucky fans, congratulations on the Wildcats win!!!!!! Here is alittle something from one of the teams really “BIG” supporter’s.
In case you’re not familiar with Kentucky, this is not only horse country, but basketball country. Three Chimneys is located within minutes of the University of Kentucky, which is a basketball school through and through. UK is heading for the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament this evening, and in Lexington, it’s been Big Blue Madness all week. Lexington Mayor Jim Gray declared “Big Blue Day” on Friday and throughout the weekend, and encouraged the Lexington community to embrace the spirit by donning their Big Blue best.
At Three Chimneys, the message was heard loud and clear. On Friday, Mayor Gray joined Three Chimneys president Case Clay and superstar equine Big Brown for a fun announcement – the Mayor and Case proclaimed that for the duration of the NCAA Tournament (and hopefully the ensuing celebration) Big Brown will be known as “Big Blue,” the official Thoroughbred ultra-fan of UK Basketball! Big Brown was donning a custom blue leather halter with a “BIG BLUE” nameplate, and his signature birthmark, alson known as his “energy button,” was colored blue with temporary, hypoallergenic, shampoo-out-able hair color. Attached are some photos of the occasion.
I will put the photos on Zennie’s facebook. Too fun!!
Terry Crow
I’m not sure but I think UK has won the most NCAA basketball championships, even more than UCLA. Congratulations on a fine victory.
Nope. UCLA has 11, UK has 8 but we’re gaining on them!
Terry Crow
Kim-Thanks for the info. Some people may argue with me on this, but I think it was easier to win in the old days before the field was expanded. Used to be that only conference champions got into the big dance. The smaller the field the easier it is to win.
They even had a photo on TV of a plushie type horse with the colors of the two teams Red and Blue. Love the Twin Towers at Churchill, one blue and one red.
Judy C
Kathy S.
Wow, that’s great that the Mosses were there for your birthday, Zenny! Looks like you really celebrated in style. Loved hearing your sweet baby in the background! Thank you for an excellent post!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Good morning pretty girl. Happy Birthday and May God Bless you with many more. We sent you some cards but they were for having Baby Z. We love you and the Baby so much. Mrs. Voltz and Homerrom 215 XXXOOO
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, girlfriend. You and your class are just too cute!!! I know Zennie will love getting the cards!!!
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
What a lucky girl!!!!! Happy Birthday Zenyatta, I’m glad your family came to visit you. Love you!!!!!!!
Sue MacGray
OMG – I hear the baby!! He sounds so adorable – wish he had been in the picture! Happy Birthday (again) to the Queen – Zenyatta! We miss you, but know that you’re happy and loved and well-cared for.
Alex Bowdoin, MA
I love the cake! Lucky Z…..HUGS TO ALL
Trisha from VA
Hope you had a fabulous day with your team and baby boy and all the great food. Miss you so much gorgeous girl. I wish for you all the love and joy that you have given me and mine.
Love hugs and kiss Zenyatta
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
Thank you Anne and Team Zenyatta!!!!!!!!
Eve from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Happy Birthday, a little late but not forgotten. Love to you and your baby. Hope you had a wonderful day.
Robyn Mullhausen
Love the photos and videos. I see Zenyatta is just as sweet as ever, even with her foal nearby, she is still a “people person”.
Hearing her baby’s little whinny in the background just made my morning!
Happy Birthday Zenyatta!
sharon in seattle
that little whinny is priceless!!!
Leslies Stidham
Zen you are just glowing… glad you had such a great birthday but then again did you think any different. You had all your favorite treats and lots of cards WOW what a lucky girl you are and I’m sure the little one is learning from you how to be a star. Love you with all my heart HUGS Leslie
Roberta Smith
Oh Zenyatta…such a Pretty Girl! I heard your boy
“in the background” on the video! Happy Birthday Zenyatta! I love you and your Prince too!
Dear Zenny – Happy birthday to a beautiful girl……Baby Z is so lucky to have you as a mom. Happy 8th Birthday!!! You are a blessing!!! Love you beautiful girl!!!
Oh so happy for Lady Z! Happy Birthday big girl. Hope you enjoyed your day with baby Z. Thanks for sharing her special day with us Lanes End!!
Love you Zenyatta & 12Z! Happy birthday!
Judy Sims in Florida
What a spectacular birthday celebration for the Queen. You can surely tell that Ann adores Zenny and vice versa. Looks like motherhood hasn’t changed Zenny’s loving disposition, inquisitiveness and love of the camera. Touched my heart to hear
the little prince squeal at the end of the second video.
Thanks so much to Lane’s End and the Moss’s for still sharing Zenny’s life with all
of us fans.
What a great birthday cake. Looked good enough to eat!
Terry Crow
Agree. Almost seemed like I was there.
Love you Zen! Your the greatest power woman alive. You have it all and know when to settle down and relax with class. Hope you enjoyed this April Fools with your new little prankster at your side. Best Wishes!
sharon in seattle
Zenny looks so good surrounded by loving people – happy birthday Queen Z – so wonderful to know that Ann Moss was there!! yippee!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
A timely quote from Kari, from Zenyatta’s Diary:
April 5, 2011 at 12:18 am
Zenyatta~ You are too precious! I am so happy you are so happy and you had such a wonderful birthday. I love the pictures.
Thank you Dottie, nothing but joy!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Love to you and Ashton too!! I think about our beloved Kari all of the time.
Love and hugs,
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Love and hugs to you in return, dear Dawn.
Terry Crow
Cynthia-Thank you. Kari was a special person. I think that she was at the party, and, since horses have senses beyond our understanding, Zenyatta knew it.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
I know she was at the party, Terry. I heard Prince whinny a welcome for her.
How very touching, I am sure Kari is watching over Lanes End or at least checks in daily to make sure Zenny and 12 Z are doing well.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Amen Terry; I thought about Kari before and after the birth! She will always be around Z in spirit.
Thanks for sharing Cynthia H, what a lovely quote.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
♥ (((hugs))).
Looks like you had a great birthday!!! So glad you had fun with your family at LE, Ann and of course baby Z!!
Whoa it looks like you had a wonderful birthday Zenyatta, so happy for you. I wish I could have been there but I see my card made it there so I’m there with you in spirit!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY “Z” You look absolutely beautiful.
I loved the cute video clips, and hearing the Prince winnie, OMG
that made my day!!! I can tell you had a marvelous day, you are so beautiful lady. Love you so very much. Thank you for the opportunity to share just a bit of your day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY “Z”
Sandy Gomez
It looks like you had a great birthday party, Zenyatta! You are so fortunate to have all of those wonderful people in your life..we all love you..your baby boy sounds so sweet nickering in the back ground! I love you Z!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta, Team Z and all the fabulous, wonderful, caring people at Lane’s End.
Thanks so much for sharing Z’s birthday with all of us. So happy you continue to share her and her little one in our lives. The cake looks so yummy, and yes, the squeak/squeal/whinnie from Z-baby is precious. He wants attention from his Mommy !
We are so thrilled for you. Have another wonderful year.
Hugs and blessings to all.
Looks like you had a wonderful birthday, Sweet Z. I wish you many more birthdays that are just like it :-)
sue and tony
Awww, Zenny, it’s great to see a note from your Team today. We hope you got our birthday card…your “cake” looks delicious and little Z’s squeal was “TOO CUTE”.
Blessing to all who care for and love you…including your dumpling gang.
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday to the Queen of our Hearts….
Loving you more and more each day..
Zenny, it seems as if you still love attention and the camera. How cute you are and little Z’s squeal brought the biggest smile to my face. Your team is just the best.
Dawn Conrad
Dear Zenyatta. What a wonderful birthday you had!!! It was just fantastic that your Ann, all of the Lane’s End crew and of course your baby boy got to spend your special day with you!! The cards, cake and best wishes from all who love you were very special. Thanks to everyone for sharing your birthday with us! Such great photos and video!! We really appreciate it very much!! Your little Prince was too cute getting in on the celebration with such a sweet winnie shout out to all of us. He loves his MOM!! How adorable is he!!! You look beautiful and oh so very happy! I love you forever and a day, Zennie! Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO