Team Z is in Kentucky for Zenyatta’s 8th birthday. We celebrated yesterday with Zenyatta, Baby Z and Lane’s End staff. Cards and gifts from the fans were highlights of the day, along with a very special birthday cake of pears and carrots. It was a rainy morning, but the sun came out just in time for the festivities. Baby Z got a kick out of all the attention and had just as much fun as his mom.
Everyone had a great time… no foolin’!
Here’s to another great year!

Glad your birthday was a special day!
Laura Peterson in DC
Happy belated birthday, dear Zen!
Lisa B.
Happy Birthday Beautiful!
Luv'n Zenny & Zunior
Baby Z’s little voice was so sweet. I guess he’s wondering why everybody was all around him and his mom, but he is getting pretty used to the camera by now. Now that they’ve uploaded videos from LE maybe we will start getting videos too. HOORAY!!. Zenny looks beautiful. Happy Birthday to the Queen.
Now how many owners do you see fly in for a horse’s birthday? Too Cute……
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Luv’n Zenny and Zunior, wasn’t that amazing that Ann was there for Zenyatta’s birthday. She love’s Z and little 12Z so much, it must be hard to ever go back to California. Very special indeed.
Alice and Elaine
Dear Zenyatta, Baby Z, Ann and Jerry Moss, and the Z-Team,
We are so happy that our card was read to Zenyatta on her 8th birthday. It was wonderful to be part of Zenyatta’s birthday celebration and a real thrill to hear our names read as the senders of the card.
Love from your New York fans,
Alice and Elaine
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How terrific is that! Congratulations, what a great moment for you!!!!!
Happy Birthday Z Love you and baby Z
Luv'n Zenny & Zunior
I bet grandma Ann got herself plenty of love and kisses off of her grandson. I bet they just about ate him up. I know I would’ve. I wonder if he got to help mom eat that special cake. I love it.
Happy Birthday Zenyatta. Love Ya!!
Maryp (New York)
What a wonderful birthday you had with all of your companay and the love that they lavished on you and lil Z!
That cake was really something I know you enjoyed it and shared with him too!
Happiness, health and love to you always sweet Zenyatta!
Happy Birthday Z. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday. I really wish we had some video of 12Z too but he sounds just too cute!
Cindy M. Ottawa
Happy Birthday Queen Zenny what an amazing year you’ve had and we all can hear your little Prince neighing his approval. Wishing you and your wonderful family all the very best :)
Happy Beleated Birthday Zenyatta!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Your birthday party looked like it was such fun! So glad your family was there to enjoy your day! I hope you and Baby Z had a great time and enjoyed your delicious fruit cake.
Much love,
Zenny, thank you for sharing your 8th Birthday with us. Love the picture of you as you look so rested and happy… more so than your last year on the track. I think you were ready to retire and love being a Mom. So glad that your family was in Kentucky to help you celebrate. Loved the picture of your colt singing “Happy Birthday” to you.
Angie Estep
Happy Birthday Zenyatta! I love you, and I wish I could meet you. You Rock Girl!
Celeste in TX
Wow! How amazing that you have shared another milestone with the rest of us – Zenyatta’s birthday party!!! Your kindness and generosity to her adoring fans has no precedent and I am forever grateful that you have been so thoughtful to provide photos and videos for us to see. Thank you so very, very much!!! Happy Birthday to the Queen!!
patty del.
Happy Birthday Queen Z
Did Tasty attend? That would have been a nice birthday surprise for Z. Just because Tastys having in foal she could still get out and about can she not?
Happy Birthday Zenny !! So glad Team Z were able to be there for your Birthday. Sounds like 12 Z is wanting Mom’s attention. Thanks for the video, can never get to many pictures and videos of the Queen and Little Prince.
What a birthday cake!!!
And what a belated birthday present,
KENTUCKY won :)))))
Very nice up-dates, thanks Team Z
Correction… Tasty Temptations had her colt with Candy Ride on March 27th. Congrats Tasty!
Thank you Team Z for sharing Zenyatta’s Birthday with us, her adoring dumplings. It looks like she had a wonderful time. The Prince will have to get used to all the fuss too, because as a future Champion he will surely be in the limelight too! I’m sure Zenny will teach him to be as sweet and kind as she is!
Zenny, YOU are the BEST Birthday gift EVER!
Wish you a life of peace, health, happiness and LOVE!
Jane (southern California)
Happy Birthday Zenyatta! So glad your family was there to share it with you and your baby! Thank you to Lane’s End and your family for letting us be a part of it with the video! Enjoy those carrots and pears!!
Z, you are gorgeous girl!!! Looks like you enjoyed your party. Heard the young whipper snapper talkin too!! He was singing Happy Birthday Momma.
Thanks to all for your updates. Z you brighten so many.
Yeah Kentucky. Lil Z, we make you capt. of our team!!!! Kentucky is #1.
Yvonne and Maurice
Happy Birthday again, Zenyatta. Wow, that cake looks so delicious – what a great treat to have your family there to celebrate with you. Love you and Baby Z. Enjoy the rest of your birthday week!
Happy Birthday, Zenny. I thought about you on Sunday and hoped you were celebrating with those who love you and who you love. Thank you for sharing your special day with your website readers. You are magnificent!!!
Sharyn - Vermont
Happy Birthday – how special you got to spend it with your Team!! Bet the little guy loved all the attention too!! You are so special to all of us!
A birthday fit for a queen!!! Here’s to many, many, many more !!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a great surprise to find this today!!! (All of the “west coast Dumplings” really lucked out seeing it “early”). Beautiful pictures and video, and what fun to hear little 12Z in the background! Anxiously awaiting the next installment :-) Happy 8th year to your dear Zenny.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy