Team Z is in Kentucky for Zenyatta’s 8th birthday. We celebrated yesterday with Zenyatta, Baby Z and Lane’s End staff. Cards and gifts from the fans were highlights of the day, along with a very special birthday cake of pears and carrots. It was a rainy morning, but the sun came out just in time for the festivities. Baby Z got a kick out of all the attention and had just as much fun as his mom.
Everyone had a great time… no foolin’!
Here’s to another great year!

Happy Eighth Birthday,, hope you have a wonderful year ahead !! what excitement to wath your lil one grow and learn to run like mamma !!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
So hope that you had a Super Great Birthday Zenyatta! It was great that you had your team, all those that you love and so many others there at your party. Thanks so much for sharing a the videos and pics as it means lots to me being that I wasn’t at your celebration. Your cake looked absolutely gorgeous and very appetizing, hope you and your little boy enjoyed it.
I wish you the very best and many more Happy Birthdays. You are my sparkling and shining star and you are brighter than any star up above! I love you Zenyatta!
Emily T
Zenny! I love you so so much! Happy birthday girl!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Wonderful to see Z enjoying her Birthday and the little one sounds too cute. He wanted Mom’s attention maybe. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Judy, wasn’t that little winnie the sweetest ever!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn:
Just the sweetest. I think he’s going to demand attention. I just love him so. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dawn, will be thinking of your Mom on the 5th and wishing her well. Hugs, JB
Or everyone’s attention;
Zenny has so graciously given up
The spot light for him and that was
Her day.
Such a cute little whinny.
I remember Dell Handcock talking about
Lure and his mom Endear and their
Visit from the Queen of England; he did not
Get enough attention from her and stepped
Forward when she walked by like as if he was
Saying “what about me”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Think you’re right. Z12 is getting used to attention and cameras. I think he likes it. Hugs, JB
Looks like a great time was had by all!!! Love the videos this time.
I do have to wonder if horses remember a year back and if associates this time of year with all the attention & her special cake. It’ll be nice if we knew that.
Happy Birthday beautiful Zenyatta! We love you and miss you so much, thanks so much to Z Team for sending the videos! LOVE the Baby Z sound at the end of the first video. Just got out of the ER, this made my day!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Glad you are out of the ER! And, as I have said before, I just LOVE your moniker–TOO CUTE!
Thank you Trina! Glad you like the name, I actually have a real burro who we named that, so I just ‘borrow’ it from her. I’m also in So Cal, weren’t we so lucky to have Zenyatta here for so long! Thank you again.
Marshall (NC broad)
I, too, love your name which you share with your burro! How cute!!
I do hope the trip to the ER was not due to a “windmill” injury. Sorry that you had to visit the ER and hope you are all better! Hugs to you and your dear burro!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Donkeyhotey, glad you are feeling better!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear donkeyhotey:
Hope you feel better. Like Trina, I like your name. Very clever. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Loved your post to Donkeyhotey. Too cute ….not due to “windmill” injury. Hugs, JB
happy birthday pretty girl, glad you had a party!!!
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
How very special!! Happy Birthday to the Queen. I know this will be your most special birthday ever because you have a precious little one to celebrate with, not to mention the best owners in the world. Thank you Ann and Jerry for loving her so much and continuing to share her with us. Hugs to baby and mommy.
Maureen From Santa Barbara, CA
How fantastic is that! She sure looks like she is having fun and enjoying everyone around. Happy Birthday Big Girl.
My goodness. Zenny looks fabulous. So glad team Z got to celebrate together
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
Oh how wonderful to see Z on her birthday!!! She is so beautiful as always!! Her baby sound so cute…. like saying ….hey, I am over here. He better get used to all the attention and sounds like he might enjoy it like his mom. Thanks for the post…..loved it!!!!
Happy Birthday to all of Team Z. She is one special horse! XOXO!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Queen of American Racing, Queen of All Hearts, Dancing Queen, Beauty Queen, and now Queen Mother!
Your sweet little Prince can be heard voicing his approval!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, my dear friend. I hope everything is wonderful with you!!!
Love and hugs,
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Please write to me when you can Dawn. I would not want to lose contact with you. The BC is looming ever closer!
♥ Cynthia
Terry Crow
Cynthia-Are you going to be involved in the BC? Winners circle perhaps?
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
No sir! I will be working right up until the Friday, and then will be taking the two BC days off to come as a FAN!
Terry Crow
That is great. Hope you can spend some time with the dumplings.
Happy B-day Queen love the page thanks for always sharing
Jessica Boyd
My OTTB Calabar (he’s 12) is very pleased to share his birthday with you, Zenyatta! He says it’s a lucky day for horses and the owners that love them.
Happy, happy birthday!
p.s. Little Z was born on our other horse’s birthday, March 8th, so our family shares two birthdays with Team Zenyatta.
Eveline / Maryland.
Too Cute Jessica!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That is very special, Jessica!
Leslie R.
Happy birthday Zenyatta! It looks like everyone had a fun time. Thanks, Team Z, for sharing the pics and vids! It was a joy to see them.
Love to all,
Susie Cartwright
That was great!! Thankyou so much for posting! She looks so beautiful and shiny! I could hear little Baby Z whinying how cute. That’s the first time Z wasn’t giving him 100% of her attention. Love to all of you and especially Zenyatta!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susie Cartwright:
Noticed that too. First time she we’ve seen her more relaxed and not right next to him. She’s completely content and trusting of have people around him and she seems so comfortable and happy. Just love that little whinny from him. Hugs, JB
JoAnn Laub
Happy Birthday, Queen Z. I’ve been a fan from way back when and I don’t think that will ever change. As time goes on you just get better and better. P.S. You are such a natural dancer. Has anyone showed you any dressage steps? I’d bet you’d put all those fancy warmbloods to shame!
JoAnn — I too have always thought that Zenny might make a wonderful dressage horse… she already has the footwork going for her and she’s excelled at everything else she’s ever done. Wouldn’t be surprised if she could jump too!
Happy Birthday Zenny!!! You and the little prince are very special to a lot of people!!!
Looks like you had a great birthday, Mama Z. Enjoying those eats and all the attention as any birthday girl should! And I could hear the little whinny in the background.
Happy birthday, Sweet Mama Z. I’m so glad the whole gang was there. And that tiny little Baby Z whinny is just too precious.
Happy birthday Zenny!! AND a great big thank you to your “serfs” for keeping us fans in the loop!!!
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Awww, I L♥ve you Ann and Jerry!! And Zenny and b♥by too!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN ZENNY!!!! THANK YOU!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Karen, thank you so much for the sweet message last night!
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
To ALL, I just realized how very much I miss this. A simple format to get a little Zenny info and feel connected to fellow dumplings. Love to all.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Stephanie, I know what you mean. Isn’t fun just to chat away with each other!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Stephanie in San Diego:
Yes, this Blog makes it easy to converse and feel connected to each other and to Z and Little Z. So glad we have it. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Stephanie-I don’t know of anyone who would disagree with you.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, Stephanie, Dawn, Terry, & Judy, it’s effortless here. I don’t have to figure anything out, first. Just “go”.
Happy birthday, Zenny!
Shannon From Cool, CA
So happy to see the Happy Birthday Zenyatta Celebration.
Wouldn’t you know the Mosses would do it up in style.
Shannon From Cool, CA
…and of course Z knows exactly what’s going on. After all, she’s had 7 other of these parties already.
Loved the little squeal from Prince Z.
Happy Birthday Z!
Anita from SoCal
Happy Birthday, My Girl. So Happy you had a wonderful one. I love you forever.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Here’s a re-worked version of my poem for Zenyatta’s birthday a year ago:
A Poem for Zenyatta on the Occasion of Her First Birthday at Lane’s End
(April 1, 2011–Revised)
You’re the Queen
Who won world-renown
And a golden crown–
A heroine horse
With glowing coat,
Dark bay or brown,
Spangled with dapples.
On the racecourse,
You danced into the heart
Of each racing fan
Before every start.
Then when you ran,
You’d finish with explosive locomotion
That was simultaneously
Poetry in motion
That filled us with awed emotion.
Dearest Z,
YOUR number shone FIRST on the tote!
We soon learned
To cherish you,
And before your racing was through,
You had more than earned
Eternal devotion.
For all your feats,
And because you’re a gift from above
Who has shared with us so much love,
You deserve today many treats—
For you there should be
Crunchy apples,
Carrot cake with icing
Is also enticing,
Juicy pears would be dandy,
And surely peppermint candy
For you will be kept handy!
This final wish we now loudly proclaim:
May you, sweet Queen, long reign
At the farm at the end of the lane!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Bravo, Trina. What a wonderful birthday message for our Zennie. Another masterpiece, thank you!! I know Zennie will reign as Queen forever more!!!
Love and hugs,
Marshall (NC broad)
Three cheers for Trina!! Absolutely great original work AND revision, too!
You always knock it out of the park, girl!
Thanks so much for giving all of us the gift of poetry. As Judy B. says, “Hugs!”
You’re the Best!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Love the poem for Z’s Birthday. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / L♥ve m♥mma and b♥by!
Always Z best adorable!!!! L♥ve
Terry Crow
Trina-It takes a master to revise the work of a master.
I so loved the original poem and the revised is every better, if that can be.
You are so very talented with your poetry. Thanks so much for sharing
all of your work with and and writing special poems for us.
Denise Cowman
Happy Birthday Zenyatta! I’m sure this birthday was your most favorite yet celebrating with your beautiful son and all of us who love you.