Team Z is proud to announce that Zenyatta’s chestnut colt by Tapit has been named.
Inspired by the iconic Zenyatta herself, Jerry Moss has chosen the name Ziconic for her second colt.
Ziconic = Iconic with a Z! (zīˈkänik)
Enter ZICONIC at checkout for free shipping to the US on all prints. This promo code will remain valid as long as Team Z is at Lane’s End awaiting the new addition to the Z family.
Dear Peggy.Glad you enjoyed Kate’ s slideshow.You sound a real girly-girl.Am so sorry you didn’t get to wear your beautiful outfit in 2010.Gosh,you were there for THAT race,it was about 3 years before I could watch I always believe she won that day it proved to everyone the champion she is.Maybe you can keep your outfit for Coz or Ziconic’s Kentucky Derby win or better still get something new!! Love and hugs Sheena.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena
I do still have everything I was going to wear that day. Hope I get another chance to go to the big races. Maybe Coz will be in one. ……That Lexington weather can be fierce.
I was so hoping Zenyatta would win that race that day. But its OK, she’s just the best.
Sheena, just too funny, I went from a suit and heels to a Turtleneck, Jeans, Coat and scarf., and I was still freezing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
The Puppy Gram came in today’s mail. Love it. Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh, Judy your home. Hope you had a wonderful time. You’ll have to tell us all about it.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Glad you liked the puppy gram. Isn’t he beautiful Or she…………………………
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Absolutely adorable. Thank you again. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena,
Was going to tell you. My favorite for the Derby this year is Ring Weekend. He is trained by Graham Motion. I was in Florida last month for the horse sale and I was in the back at the area behind the sales ring. I was standing in the area watching the horses being walked and paraded around before they entered the ring.
I turned around all of a sudden and guess who was right there by me. Graham Motion…..I think I almost fainted. Ring Weekend won the Tampa Bay Derby just the weekend I think before.
I congratulated him on his win. He told me Thank You. I think I called Ring Weekend a her. I think I said I’m sorry him. (I told you I think I almost fainted)
Anyway, he’s one of my favorite trainers
He told me Thank You and had a big smile on his face.
Wish Ring Weekend could be another great gelding like Wise Dan.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just got back from a visit with Charlie and Hudson. If things don’t change with Z, I will post an update with photos later to help pass the time while we wait. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Peggy.I was up at Cheltenham in March and I almost fainted seeing Kauto Star and Denman,the human stars don’t faze me.Graham Motion is quite a good-looking guy so I don’t blame you!Did you see him at RA last year?Hope you’ll get to wear your pretty outfit one day.Where is 14Z??hope Z is comfortable.Love and hugs Sheena.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena,
Yes he is a very nice looking. I was so surprized just turned around and there he was.
I have been a fan of his for a long time. Seems like he just always trains my favorites. Just loved Animal Kingdom and Better Talk now.
I heard that he kept Better Talk now after his racing career was over at a farm near where he trains. Seems like such a caring trainer.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sorry I meant very nice looking guy. Terrible typing today
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I did see him at Royal Ascot last year. Great races. I was so pulling for Animal Kingdom. But I’m just so happy AK retired healthy. Such a nice career and such a grand ole chestnut as Ann says.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an update on Charlie and Hudson while we wait for Queen Z to foal. When I got to the farm Deb was leading Charlie out of his paddock to be groomed. He saw me and right away was looking for his treats. We had a scary moment when we got back to his stall. Don’t quite know how it happened. I was in front of the stall giving him more carrots and Deb push the stall door to go get something she needed to continue grooming him and somehow he put his head down at the same time and his halter got hung up on the latch of the stall door. His head is now up in the air in fixed position. I don’t know at this point what is happening and then I realize his halter is stuck. My heart is pounding and I’m say “Oh, my God”, “wait a minute Charlie”, “wait a minute” and I reach up and unhook the halter from the latch. He never panicked or kicked or back up or anything. I think he handled it better than I did. It’s just unbelievable how freaky things can happen and so fast. He was find and I continue to give him more carrots and mints.
Hudson is doing really well and the fungus infection is much improved. She’s having her teeth floated next week, poor baby; she’s not a keen on that.
The ring looks pretty good right now and I helped Deb and Amanda in setting up the jumps for the next lesson. Also, Angela and the other girls who participate in Barrel Racing set up the barrels for their practice as well.
Ruby looks good and she’s in a pasture by herself, but she can see and hear the other horses.
I gave Charlie and Hudson hugs and kisses for all of you. Hope you like the photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Charlie greeting me and looking for treats. Can you see Lola Mae peeking out under Charlie’s chin.
Hudson being groomed.
JudyB. Charlie looks just superb in his red coat. Very Moosie. Lola looks good in black. You’re a good looking lady yourself. Keep smiling. It suits you.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
You are too kind. Charlie really does look like Moosie. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy, So happy to see you holding onto your horse, you both are truly “beauties”. He is quite a big guy and sure looks great, and I love little Lola peeking underneath. Glad you get to go see him and Hudson as much as you do. I think it was Churchill that said ( I paraphrase) “There’s nothing as good for the inside of a man (woman) as the outside of a horse”. So true. hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Charlie is the “beauty” of the family. Yes, he’s a very big boy. Lola Mae loves him too. Mr. Churchill was a very wise man, indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Hi Judy, Charlie really is a gorgeous horse! I’ll bet he and LM have become acquainted, in sniffing fashion. I just think wow, you are so lucky to be able to be involved with these horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B:
Yes, Lola Mae and Charlie are good friends. I am so thankful to Angela for adopting Charlie and making it possible for him to stay here in Rhode Island. She initially agreed to take him temporarily until a permanent home could be found and when she saw him, she told me she wanted to keep him. I was thrilled because I knew then that I could visit him on a regular basis.
Hudson has been adopted by Deb and Amanda (mother and daughter) who are long time boarders at Angela’s farm. They had an OTTB that they boarded there for years whom they recently lost to illness. So, Hudson, too got to stay at the farm. I’m very lucky to have Angela, Deb, Amanda and the horses in my life. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Judy, I remember hearing some of this before, but had forgotten the details, so thanks for the recap. It is great the others “took” to Charlie & Hudson so easily, allowing you to reap the benefit too.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Just loved the pictures. You are so lucky to have Charlie and Hudson in your life. They are just both gorgeous.
I saw Lola Mae, she’s adorable and I know she loves Charlie too.
It’s a beautifulfarm too.
So wonderful to hear about your visits.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I know how much you love horses and visiting the horse farms in Florida and I’m so thankful for all the wonderful photos you have sent me from your visits. I have never been to any of the farms in Florida or Kentucky. It’s a dream come true for me to be able to visit Charlie and Hudson so often. So glad you enjoyed the photos. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Ruby and her Baby Bump.
Charlie back in his paddock with his Buds.
JudyB. That place is beautiful. Very lucky horses. Charlie must be related in some way to the Mooster. They’re like twins. Waiting for his twitter account to start up.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Angela’s farm really is beautiful; so peaceful and serene. She really does a great job taking care of all the horses. So happy that Charlie and Hudson are there. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I’ld be in heaven with all these wonderful horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I know you would. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Lone Star having a bath. He was colicky last week and not feeling very well, but he was doing so much better today.
The ring being set up for jumps and barrels.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Dear Judy B. Wow, there are always surprises at the barn but whoever expected Charlie’s halter to get hooked!! So happy to see all went well and I imagine your blood pressure dropped back down to normal too. I can not bring up pictures, I have tried several times! Oh pooh, I would love to see them.
It sounds like you had a grand ole time still a celebration of your birthday!! I am happy to hear that Lone Star is better, that colic stuff is tricky.
I can picture the set up there and it sounds wonderful.
love n hugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Oh, I was shook up for a while after that incident. Yes, Lone Star is doing much better.
If you want to e-mail me, I will try to send you the photos that way. My email address is Love and Hugs, JB
Judy, I couldn’t bring up the pictures either. You already have my e-mail address so could you send me the pic’s when you have time?
Thanks, my friend, Sharon C.
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Sharon:
I will send you the photos right now. I will have to send them in a few emails, as I can only send about three at a time with my computer. Hope you are doing well. Pace, pace, pace. The Queen is sure keeping us waiting this time. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops: So sorry for all the typos. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Marshall.Now I got to see the post concerning the results of your biopsy,am so happy you got a good result.Have you ever tried drinking barley water,does’nt taste very nice on it’s own but is lovely with orange or lemon.Take care.Love and hugs to you Huey and Reily. Sheena.
Dear Judy.Great report and photos from the farm Lola looked so cute plus the lady with her!!!!! It shows how much trust Charlie has in you that he didn’t panic.Hudson looks so happy and settled now glad she’s better.Ruby looks the blooming mother- to- be.Weather looked gorgeous spring has sprung!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Captain Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Sheena, like Max, you are too kind. Yes, thank God Charlie didn’t panic. Hudson is thriving on all of the attention she’s getting. Ruby is so pretty isn’t she. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Dear Zsters; I suppose it is better to tell you now when Zenyatta has not had her foal yet because I would never intrude on our Queen.
I on Fri went out as a professional horse person head of the Sweet Haven Rescue up in Chilton Wi. named Pastor Dave came to take a look at Sir and work with him out in his pasture.
Kathryn who is the go between us and Cedar Community had spoken to him about looking for a home for Sir and apparently he was interested whther he could work with him and show us how to work with him to correct his behavior at times. That is what I understood.
He lunged him for a period. Then he put a saddle on him and really lunged him around and around that Sir kicked up, farted, and proudly did whatever he asked. He reversed the lungeing and suddenly stopped and took off the saddle and slowly walked Sir back to some of us volunteers.
He remarked “I am in the business to save horses, so it is difficult for me to say, but this horse is in pain. I can see he has skin cancer and I believe he has cancer in his left flank. If I were you I’d get a vet over here”. Our head person questioned as to what the vet should be requested to do. Pastor Dave said “Euthanize Sir”.
My heart stopped, my head hug low and tears just came down and ran under my sunglasses! (as they are right now without sunglasses)
I am thinking, hey you just lunged a 24 yr old horse around who has bad arthritis! I am older with arthritis and I can no longer do quick movements like that.
So, it is pretty well decided that Sir will be euthanized within two weeks. It is finally spring in Wi., he has endured one of our worst winters and now you can not let him graze a while in spring like weather! A few of us do not wish to rush it as we have not seen such pain to him.
Some feel that we are stretching things out more for us volunteers than for the horse.
I am all for Sir and have always been. I just know he would love to graze a bit and finally enjoy nice weather. I have been with him for almost 2 yrs. and I love him. If I could see he was suffering there would be no question in my mind to let him go and rest in peace.
Pastor Dave also while some of us were present stated he loved all the acres and the barn etc. that he could see his Sweet Haven Rescue here as well.
So my dear Big Sir may not be here very much longer. I said I need to know when this would occur because I need to be there.
Thankyou for listening to me.
The only possible positive because I may be old but not dead yet, was this Pastor Dave was one hunk! hah BUT, Sir came first!
love n hugs, Sally B
Janet Newman
Sally B,
My heart is breaking for you. Hearing that Sir will be euthanized would
be a very big blow. There is nothing I can say and I cannot see my screen
through the tears. I hope you can be there for him when the time comes, he deserves
to tale his final breathe with someone there who loves him as much as you do and has been his champion.
Many cyber hugs to you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Sally:
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Will the vet come out and look Sir over? Maybe he will suggest, as long as Sir can be made comfortable, that it’s OK to let him graze and enjoy the Spring for a little while longer. I know how much you love Sir and I will keep both of you in my prayers. God Bless you. Love and Hugs, JB
If Pastor Dave is not a vet then why would he say that Sir has cancer in his flank? If it were me, I’d hold out for a vet check. But, then, that’s me. Just my opinion. My heart goes out to you and the others faced with this dilema.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Sally, you know my heart goes out to you and Sir. Prayers, love and hugZ for you both. Yours in rescue, Trina
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Hi Sally, I also would wait for the vet’s confirmation of Dave’s “diagnosis”, especially if you don’t see such pain, if it’s not obvious. And I agree with you, I would try and see how Sir feels about it — his choice might be to live awhile longer, enjoy the sun and spring and grass, until he feels that, well, “it’s no fun anymore.” Or a clearer sign than what you are getting now. If giving him more time to let you know his choice, is even up to you — I hope it is. Anyway, just my two cents.
So sorry, prayers for the right decision at the right time. Heartbreaking. We had to make this very difficult choice with our beloved Clydie not too long ago. He was our beloved dog and brother to Bonnie Blue. It hurts like hell, takes your breath away with the pain and grief of loss. As in all things this to will pass, but it takes time to learn it will…pass. Positive energy and prayers to you and you beloved Sir. Listen to both you hearts, and you’ll know when it’s time…
Dear Sally. I would wait to see what the vet says,I think you of all people would know when Sir was “ready to go”.I pray he lives to see and feel the warmth of the spring,he deserves that.Keeping you and dear Sir in my thoughts and prayers.God bless you both.Hugs Sheena.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Just came on just because I know you are here and noticed responses to my message about Sir. Thank you deeply for caring. We are told that Cedar Community can not afford tests but as Kathryn put it, we will get a vets opinion and if she is in agreement with Pastor Dave, he will be euthanized that same day. Coming into the program just about two years ago I just did not think of this day for Sir, a horse I came to love so much, the horse I never had, and he still is so beautiful, nor did I think that these horses are older and you have to see them go. Sir is actually the youngest of them. I will be there for Sir when his time comes I just wanted him to enjoy the pasture for a while. It is just hard to let go that is all. If the vet says it is best, although I swear on a stack of Bibles he has been happy and content much of the time, I will accept it. I have only my heart, they have much more experience with horses than me I guess.
God bless and Happy Easter
love n hugs Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Bless your heart. You’re an Angel and a true Hero to Sir and all the horses there. Love and Hugs, JB
Nancy A Stamp
Dear Sally, I am so sorry =the cost of loving people and all the creatures we love to share our lives with is very painful, but love creates love and I feel Sir has enjoyed all the support you have given him . It is easier for me to say goodbye when I know the animal is not able to live as they would wish, but I know you understand that too. It is strange that all the people who have been worried about Sir did not see this problem. I certainly would want a second opinion, but I know it is not in your hands. That makes it more difficult. My prayers and tears are with you. Your love for Sir has made us all love him too. I hope Z will make us all happier soon. The waiting is difficult. Nancy
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sally
Your all in my prayers.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Goodnight Zenyatta, stay relaxed, rested and cozy! We will hear of the good news soon!!!
LOV E YOU Z and your sons and baby to be
Auntie Sally B
I did not mention your names as I somehow feel exhausted and I have Easter here tomorrow, but you know who you are and I truly think you are the greatest Z friends for thinking about Sir and I. Love to you and have a blessed Easter
Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Sweet Baby Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Zirconia is FABULOUS!!!!!!! Thank you for the beautiful picture of him.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Kimberly, I’m guessing you meant Ziconic, but I love the name Zirconia, too! Maybe for one of Zenny’s future foals!
Bluegrass Girl
Larry Jones severely injured in fall at Delaware Park
By David Grening Daily Racing Form Saturday, Apr 19, 2014
Larry Jones, the trainer of 2011 Horse of the Year Havre de Grace, is in the intensive care unit of Christiana Hospital in Delaware with two fractured ribs, a bruised lung, and bleeding on the brain after being thrown from a horse during Saturday morning training hours at Delaware Park.
According to Deidre Jackson, an assistant trainer for Jones, the bleeding of the brain does not require surgery.
“As long as it doesn’t get any worse, it looks like he’s going to be okay,” Jackson said Saturday night by phone. “So far, it’s as good as it can be right now.”
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Will pray very hard for Larry to get well. Worry about the bleeding on the brain.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I second your thoughts. Prayers for Mr. Jones. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for a full recovery for Larry Jones.
Anne from Paramount
Wow, what stories and news –not all good–that have transpired while we are in our collective Waiting Room.
Sally, I am so sad to learn of Sir and am thinking of you.
Judy B, nice stories/photos from you and good for Charlie for remaining calm!
Abigail, SO enjoyed the look back at those Derby/Preakness races of olde….just fascinating! Thanks!
Sorry to learn of Bond Holder. Condolences to all of his connections.
And, that was one serious/scary accident with Larry Jones. Oh my,
I am now awaiting Game on Dude’s race. Tomorrow we hope to be at Santa Anita to see Beholder and “Ebby”!
Zenyatta, we are all thinking SO hard about you and your family, current and The One soon, soon to be here! :-)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne:
Thank God Charlie was calm. Godspeed to Ebby tomorrow. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Anne, wish I could be there to see Ebby run, too. But I have a prior committment all afternoon. Have fun, and go, Ebby, go!
For anyone interested, and still up hoping for news….Here is Funny Cide from this past week. April 14, 2014. He looks so much like he always does. This year I did manage to capture a few moments and shots of him in his paddock. I wish I could learn to contain my excitement and take better photos. He was being every bit the “ornery” guy the KHP describes his as on this day.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ashton
Thank You Soo much. Just loved seeing Funny Cide.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Wonderful video. Thank you. Love this Grand Ole Chestnut (as our Ann NC) would say. He turned 14 years old today. Happy Birthday Funny Cide. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sally B.–I am praying that correct decisions will be made concerning Sir, and that he gets every minute of life coming to him, but not to the point of distress for him. This must be the hardest thing for you. Sending big hugs too.
Lynn Martin
VERY COOL video of Funny Cide! Thanks!
You’re more than welcome.
Here’s Bodemeister if anyone is interested.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thank you again. Love seeing the videos of your visits to all of these beautiful horses. Thank you so much for sharing them here. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I just saw Game On Dude and Mike lose to Imperative.
Was so pulling for you guys but you all did do good. Imperative and Kent just got ya at the last.
I’m still very happy about the Big Cap win.
Very nice Charles Town Classic race.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Just watched the replay of The Charles Town Classic. Wow, Game On Dude and Mikey gave it their all. Imperative was a 25 to 1 long shot. Even when you know, you never know. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Wow, what a race, as Imperative had a stellar day, and Dude with Mikie could not reach deeper. Here is the Bloodhorse page with the video link:
I really very much appreciate you not naming him Zapit! :)
Love you and your kids Zenya!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Family:
Blessed Easter or Passover to you. Maybe we will have a Z Baby in the morning. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Love the photos — Charlie is very handsome and smart, too! So glad you had such a nice visit (except for the scary halter episode which turned out fine). HT looks very good, also. Ruby is a very pretty girl, and I hope Lone Star continues to feel better.
Love that LM is there in your arms under Charlie’s chin. Happy Easter and Lots of Love
Dear Sally B.,
I am so sorry about Sir. I certainly agree that nothing should be done until a complete vet check. I think you and the others would know if Sir were suffering from pain. I do so hope that he can live and enjoy the spring grazing. Prayers for you and Sir. Hugs and Love
RIP Bond Holder
What sad news. Wish we could solve the laminitis and colic problems. This beautiful boy was only 3 and just getting started. Condolences to all connections.
Dear Abigail,
Great read on The Vault! Loved reading about these wonderful champions from the past. Thanks for the great writing. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
So glad you liked the photos. Happy Easter to you. Isn’t it wonderful; a Princess. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Happy Easter to all and to all a goodnight!
Sweet dreams Queen Z, your boys and Baby Z.
Lots of Hugs and Love
@TeamZenyatta: The Queen has a princess! Zenyatta delivered a filly by War Front at 12:03 am. #EasterBaby #Zenyatta
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thank you so much for this glorious news. A girl! How great is that. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy I’m too excited for words. Just think she already knows how to make a very dramatic entrance, like her mother. Finally, a girl. Can’t wait to see the pictures, and I wonder what color she is.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
I’m so thrilled too. I’m guessing Bay. I’ll bet she’s a real beauty. Love and Hugs JB
diastu in tempe
Amen and hallelujah! A FILLY! An Easter Filly!
Queen Zenyatta, you sure know how to pick your time! Queen You have a daughter to teach all those girly girl things to (like beating the heck out of the boys who run against you!)
dia-crazy-happy-auntie-stu in tempe
HeidiK Vallejo, Ca
An Easter Filly!!! Can’t wait to hear about her and how Zen is. How exciting!!
Especially Horses / So Cal
An Easter Filly! Can’t wait for a photo.