Dear fans,
Zenyatta has been enjoying Kentucky summer. Bath time is her favorite, and she’s pampered regularly by her friends at Lane’s End Farm.
We have a special announcement that we’re so pleased to share—Zenyatta is currently in foal, carrying a Candy Ride filly. Over the years we’ve seen how happy she is with a foal by her side, and we can’t wait to share this journey with you.
Scroll down for more new photos and videos from Alys.

Carole Milby
Great news! I’ll always love Zenyatta and her foals. I always get a message that I’ve written this already. I have not. Please correct it for me. Thank you.
stephanie farinelli
Thank you for keeping us updated! And with so many great photos!! I love Zenyatta and will never forget her!!
Tracy Lunt
Such exciting and happy news! Thank you for confirming it for us!
She looks gorgeous and majestic as always! Praying that she has
a healthy pregnancy and foaling! Thank you team Z for all the wonderful
care you give her and for always sharing our magnificent Queen with us!!
Love to you all!! ❤️❤️❤️
Nancy A Nash Coleman
??? Mazel tov! Blessings for her safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy filly! TY for keeping us loyal subjects in the loop!
Wonderful news! My dream for Zenyatta is an uneventful pregnancy; simple, uncomplicated birth; healthy Zenyatta, healthy filly. I’m smiling that this time it’s a filly, but if it were a colt, I would be smiling too. Thanks for sharing these current Zenyatta pictures-proof that she is still full of presence, dignity and absolutely still our Queen..
Anita Branch
Congratulations Queen Zenyatta! So happy that it is a filly, but would have been equally happy either way ? Thanks for sharing the good news, Team Z, and thanks for the gorgeous photos, Alys. Zenyatta looks amazing, but then she always does. Candy Ride was a lucky boy!
Jeanie from CA
What wonderful news! Praying for a healthy filly and Mom!
Donna Z
Thank you for confirming that Momma Z is in foal! I am thrilled for her! I suspected that she was pregnant when I saw some recent pictures of her and she was wearing a circle tag on her halter again. I had also heard that the foal is due in May. If she is, then maybe she’ll be born on Jerry’s & my birthday-May 8. Zellda just missed it.
Momma Z, I will be praying that everything goes perfectly for you and your filly to be this time. It will be one of the highlights of 2020 when she is born!
Pat from New Mexico
Glad to see my Queen looking so very fit. Gorgeous. I’m sure we know the sex because of extra caution with this pregnancy–checking everything out from the get-go. I’ve been wanting Cany Ride for Z since she retired. I’m sure this will be a charmed mating, pregnancy and birth! Love Z always and all her beautiful babies, here and in our hearts.
Oh happy day!! I am so happy it is official!! Zenny is a wonderful mother and here’s to hoping for an easy pregnancy and a safe delivery. Best of luck Queen Z and a huge thank you to Lanes End and Team Zenyatta!!!
Wanda Boutwell
Prayers for you sweetest girl…you are so beautiful and loved. Thank you Lane’s End for sharing! WB
Lois in Tulsa
zenyatta.com (Eyes ONLY)
I replied to Marshall’s comment, but it was after I hit the Submit button that I realized I had put in the wrong name. I put in Lois Sanford instead of Lois in Tulsa. Because of that my reply to Marshall did NOT go to Marshall’s comment. My Email address is the same as I always use: tntspaws@aol.com
Can you please correct my mistake so Marshall can see my reply to his comment???
Here is Marshall’s comment he made:
“Marshall (NC Broad)
August 13, 2019 at 5:23 pm
Dear Team Z and LE,
Thanks so much for sharing this exciting news with us! Alys, thank you again for the wonderful photos (also, great video).
Hopes and prayers to our beautiful Z for a smooth trip to successful delivery of a happy, strong and healthy foal. We love you more than we can say❣️
Hugs and Love”
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Lois in Tulsa,
I hope I get to see your reply. One little correction though — despite the name which is usually a boy’s name, I assure you that I am a girl (an old girl, hence the “NC Broad” moniker). :-) I was named for my grandmother.
Take care!
Hugs and Love
Thank You so much for the update. I also like the name Candygram. Zenny I hope you have a safe and successful pregnancy. Zenny you sure are looking good. So much good news this year, Coz and Zi are do great in there new carriers, and Zelda is coming right along with her training. Again Thank You Team Z and everyone at Lanes End for keeping us updated.
Stephanie Q
She is such a Sweetheart!! Excited about the Candy Ride Girl.
Jan S. / Houston
Beautiful Zenyatta! She looks fabulous!
Adah Lee
Congrats Zenyatta! Wonder if they’ll name the filly Zenobia like the warrior queen of the east
Thanks Team Z for this wonderful news. I’m sure this filly will be as beautiful as Zellda and have Mama Z’s beautiful long ears! Wishing her a healthy pregnancy and easy foaling. We all love you soo much! ❤️Will be in our in prayers always ??.
What wonderful news!! Thank you to all of Team Zenyatta and the great folks at Lane’s End to share this blog news and the fantastic photos with us! Zenny looks so gorgeous and healthy, thriving and loving her shower. I have to wonder just how long it took her after this to go find a fun sandy patch to roll in! It lifts my heart she is so well cared for and so loved. She will always been my Queen. I am so very excited to be waiting for a Candy Ride filly next spring! Are we pacing yet? Thanks!!
Alexandra Bowdoin
Thank You so much for the update! Z looks FABULOUS
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful news. And Zenyatta looks absolutely beautiful.
Rose McCutcheon
Zenyatta is just so very beautiful love the news of a foal filly.
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny:
I am so happy for you!!! It is really great news that you are in foal with a little girl. You take very good care of yourself. I’ll be looking forward to hearing more about how you are coming along.
Thank you Team Z the update.
With love to all.
Linda in NJ
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny!
What wonderful news to hear you are in foal with a little girl. I am so happy for you. You take good care of yourself. I’ll be looking forward to hearing more about how you are coming along.
Thank you Team Z for posting this wonderful news.
With love to all.
Linda in NJ
Mary Jane
Here’s hoping for an uneventful pregnancy and birth for the Queen and her filly. Zenyatta looks wonderful. Fingers crossed!
sue werner
Ten years ago our Queen won the BC!
I still get chills thinking about it. Congrats, Zenny, on this great news about a Candy Ride foal.
Adah Lee
Congrats Zenyatta! Are the owners taking name suggestions? If so, I think Zenobia would be a good name like the warrior queen of the east.
Marilu Villanueva
Thank you Team Z for the good news.
Praying for Zenyatta’s healthy, easy and safe pregnancy.
Take good care of yourself, Zenny.
Love and hugs always!!!
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Very wet and dreary here today.Telyn and her chicks photographed in the nest today most probably the last time.Hope all is well.The Ebor festival next week.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Thanks for the update. So glad to hear the news of a filly and looking forward to next year for the foaling. Best wishes to all.
Janie (in L.A.)
Thank you for the great news! I’ve said a prayer to St. Francis of Assisi and his helpers and assistants to please watch over and protect our precious Zenyatta and her darlin’ baby.