Ziconic at Lane’s End Farm. Photo by Alys Emson.
Happy Thursday!
Alys sent over new conformation shots of Ziconic, now two months into yearling prep at Lane’s End. Also below, Todd Claunch captured a special moment between Ziconic and his feline buddy Linda.
-Team Z
Photo by Alys Emson.Ziconic with Linda. Photo by Todd Claunch.
Wolf whistles to our 2nd godson, Ziconic!!!! You hambone: I see your eye looking straight into the camera! Your Mother, our Queen, imprints a great sense of self on all her offspring. Dear Ziconic, I hope you are happy racing; however, I will follow you regardless of your career!!! What a great friend you have in Linda. We have had interspecies deep loves here in Bethel…I am happy you have a dear friend!!!
Thank you, Alys, as always for your excellent photos! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Team Z, Team Lane’s End, and Zenyatta for keeping us a part of the lives of our Queen and her progeny. Thank you for valuing the love we have for them!!!!
“Prized” well done in your life and Thank You so much for giving us your boys Brass Hat and Paddy O’ Prado. I know there’s more you left behind too. Thank you. Run in heaven now.
He is gorgeous. Z has great looking’ babes!
Of course the sire shows through also. Great pics! So glad she is being kept from breeding this year. Every mom needs a rest!
Thank you again so much for the Welsh men’s choir, You Raise me up. I saved it. It’s just beautiful. That song gives you a glimpse into eternity I think. Beautiful. Thank You so much for the video. I requested them do it at my church. I put the request in the offering plate. Our Choir is wonderful too
I have been listening to it almost everytime I get on my computer.
He is lovely. I would love to know how his size compares to Coz at the same age–he looks smaller and more compact. I do wish horse people would spell conformation correctly, though.
My personal feelings about Ebby are admittedly emotional but also practical. For someone who has followed her since she was 2 years old and before Zenny was even retired, I has such high hopes for her as did John and her original owners. Her desire to race never matched her pedigree unforunately as sometimes happens. I think John said he spent more time training her getting consistency and sometimes had to start from the beginning. Now he is trying the turf maybe this might work for her. I feel so bad for Ebby spending her life in different barns and locations with little success. At her age now it may be time to move on. So sad. I loved her as much as Zenny. I am very worried about the injuries at Delmar recently on the turf and she is to be there Sun. Prayers indeed.
Faithfull Z Supporter, I agree also that it is time for her to move on to her next career. She will be so happy out in a paddock all day and having foals….Dear Ebby has only run 5 races so far.
I have felt for some time that Ebby just wasn’t cut out for a racing career…especially with all the high expectations placed on her from the beginning. Yes, she’s a thoroughbred and has great genetics but that isn’t all there is to it. She has the best trainer, kind owners but perhaps the desire to race wasn’t in her. And, that’s not unusual. All horses are different. They don’t call our Queen a once in a lifetime horse for no reason. She has the heart of a champion and an iron will to always do her best.
She also had the talent to go with it. I hope Ebby can officially retire from the track soon. Most importantly, she is healthy and hopefully has many years ahead of her.
As much as I want to see Ebby. Maybe the racing is not for her. Maybe Ebby will tell us herself what she wants.
I believe John will know soon if it is right or not for her.
Horses do let you know things.
I’m very worried.
Zenyatta’s offspring continues to leave me speechless.
A Coz update, now another update on Ziconic. Looking forward to one on
the little princess.
How blessed we are that we can have this wonderful privilege.
I think the turf is closed again through Sunday. Not sure what that means for Ebby but I am glad the race is off the turf. I pray for all of the horses at Del Mar.
I sometimes wonder about those who automatically blame the racing surface for problems with the horses. One of the ones euthanized was a 2 year old. I have for the longest time worried about the strain put on immature horses. Did he turn two in January??? Or was he like Zenyatta a two year old four to six months later? I attended five of the races Wednesday and didn’t see any horses have a problem. Two of the races were on the turf course. I do believe most of the breeding stock today is not as well bred for soundness as in the years past. Maybe Eblouissante should be doing something else.
I simply had tears come to my eyes when I saw these pictures of Ziconic, if he is now his Mother than I don’t know anything. I think that is the reason, well one of them that we all loved Queen Z, she simply loved. She seemed to love everything that came into her focus, us screaming, the grooms, her owners and trainers and family, etc., and in turn we gave it back to her. There is not one day goes by that I do not think of Zenyatta. I was recently let go by a new Dr. because he wanted his own front staff, oh and my sister was let go too. I was let go because he told me from day one he could not stand the way I looked, 5’10” blonde, etc. and I had worked in that office for yrs., nothing about my work, just the way I looked. Imagine, one yr. ago I was fighting cancer and yrs.before my sister did too, I am looking for a job, willing to relocate if anyone wants to help. Funny thing but if they had judged Zenyatta on her looks in the beginning, we would never have seen the champion. Girls I need to feel better, if you need to see what I look like watch Animals Rock 4 love video of Z’s last race, I am the blonde Kari talks about, and I am God’s creation because I am not supposed to be here. My Mother miscarried my twin and they did not know about me, until it was almost too late. I took care of both my parents until they died, was that all there is? Maybe I should have married some of the guys that asked me, but I never wanted to marry to get divorced. So I’ll sign out, me, LilBit and Gigi L’aMoore.
I am sure you are hurting because you were let go for such a spurious reason. However, it’s important that you and your sister get a letters of recommendation.
Maybe he fired you because his wife was jealous of your looks.
I hope that you find something soon. Best of luck.
Dear Michele–I am thrilled to hear from you. I think in today’s world, it is illegal to fire someone for her looks. After all, he hired you. So glad your cancer is better. I have been praying for so long. Will now pray for a job! You probably don’t want to work for him anymore anyway! Big Z-hugs.
Barbara so correct. I used to say to my sister everyday (we worked together), on his days he was there, “I just want to pick up my purse and both of us leave”, well God heard me, ha ha, Now where is my knight, oh excuse me King, I’m older and have to have the King now. Ha Ha!! Actually I was invited to a stable by a neighbor of mine and reconnected to my first love Horses!!!!!!! Don’t tell LilBit or Gigi La’Moore my felines that let me live with them, I still have not had my biopsy done on my breast, but I feel fine and can only handle so much at one time, Praying for you too, Love, Michele.
Get yourself a good attorney and sue that doctor for all he has. It is illegal to fire someone based on their looks. It is so sad that there are people in this world that stupid and mean. Sure glad he isn’t my doctor.
I’m only 5’2′ and would love to be 5’10”. I spend half my life on tiptoes or climbing on stools, counters etc. But as they say, the outside is just the wrapper. What is on the inside is what counts.
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I was really having a down day yesterday, and I guess I feel bad because I worked almost 30 yrs. in that building between different Drs. The patients are my best friends, actually a Dad who is a horse trainer in LA., gave me a horse free, I can pick out what I want, Etc., I think this was his gift to me after cancer. But the last time I saw him, he said “Don’t forget, anytime when you get the land, you get your horse, I don’t care if it is yrs. from now”. See I simply love people and animals. I used to keep a screen saver of the latest photo of Z and as his wife was watching us pick up our belongings, I turned to the old computer and said, No you don’t deserve to look at her, she is expecting her third child anyday now and I removed it. (This was April 17 before Easter). My older Boss who had sold the practice had no idea, he was furious. He had even told the Dr., you can get rid of the back staff, but not Susan (my oldest sister), and Michele, They are the backbone of this office. Amazing, huh, Love you for caring, Michele
Thank you for all the good news from Hovis! It has been an excellent week for him! Fingers crossed the good times continue! Happy weekend to everyone. Free the Moose!
Thank you. So good to know Hovis is happy getting to show his jumping ability as well as having the girls fight over him. Love the photo too. Love and Hugs, JB
Inclination to move from this land has no abiding place in our hearts, and when we move we shall move by the course of nature to sleep under this ground which the Great Spirit gave to our ancestors and which now covers them in their undisturbed repose
Chief John Ross 1830
August 1
Going fishing to the Cherokee is a na su hv s gv, and it is never a waste of time. And neither is dawdling along, or staring into space. Great people have known the wisdom of taking time to let their minds drift with the cork on a fishing line. Who is to say that sitting quietly doesn’t do more than running all over looking aggressive and building up blood pressure? Silence and down-deep thought can be just as active as making a big stir. Sometimes we learn something by study, but going fishing makes us wise. We know we can’t sit still forever-but a little escape from the stress and pressure certainly makes a happier, healthier person.
Several of our young people…were instructed in all your sciences…but when they came back to us they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods…
Six Nations
Oh My Goodness!!! What fabulous shots of Ziconic!! He always has been such a beautiful young colt and it seems he just continues to get even better as he grows into a solid adolescent. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you so very much for sharing the photos with us and also the hint of his kind personality with his cat friend. So sweet!! Thank you!!!
Ziconic is awesome! I have big hopes for him. His is the best pedigree of Zens kids. But, they are all great kids! Do you know if Coz will be racing this year?
Dear Kathy.Is’nt Ziconic awesome??Such a beauty Z has produced wonderful children!Deri fledged about an hour ago just a short flight to the camera pole,now she’s back on the nest having lunch with mum.We’ve had heavy rain this morning but it’s still glorious in Goodwood.
My Miss Kitty has been getting a lot of good wishes on her special day,she doesn’t seem to be very keen on her new brother though!I remember the “Marty” movie with Ernest Borgnine didn’t he win an Oscar?They must do a remake with our Marty!!Was’nt that just the cutest pic of him sleeping!!
Sad story on Joey about those abandoned little puppies and there was pawsome news about those kitties who found a foster home.How on earth could someone leave them at a kill-shelter allergies or not!!!Saw the adorable video of Boo and Buddy close to 15 million now.Video later of the fledging!Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.Love the way Fubu leaves his toys in a straight line lol!
Ziconic is drop dead handsome. I think the Queen definitely needs to have another “date” with Tapit after this glorious result. Thrilling news about Deri. I look forward to seeing that video! My Miss Kitty is such a beautiful girl. Hope she bonds with her new brother soon. I looked it up and Ernest Borgnine won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in Marty. If any rat could pull off the role it would definitely be our Marty. I love all the pics of him sleeping. He’s adorable. That was a sad story about those abandoned puppies. Wonderful news about the kittens, though. Your heart just breaks for all the abandoned and abused animals out there. Glad you enjoyed Boo and Buddy’s video. You’re right, they’ll be at 15M in no time. Have a wonderful Friday and a delightful weekend. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Ziconic looks amazing! Thank you, Team Z, for sharing the lives of Zenyatta’s babies with all of us. What a joy it is to watch them grow and learn and follow in their mother’s footsteps.
Ziconic remains a beauty and is holding his color well. Ziconic, like COZ is looking like his MOM Z and seems to be affectionate like he. Zenyatta does such a good job of throwing herself in her off spring and that is so wonderful. She is the Queen with her family Jewels. Thanks so much for keeping us up-dated on how the family is doing, I am so happy to see the pictures and see how great they all look. Good Luck to all and God Bless. I will be looking forward to the next post.
I tried to post and think it went off into cyber space.Forgive me if you see this twice.
Max-enjoyed the Hovis update,great start to my day, still smiling
Sheena,loved watching Deri helicoptering and look forward to seeing her in flight
Last night a neighbour arrived on my doorstep with a white dog with lovely big ears that perked up and a little smile-tail between her legs but trying to be brave.My dog Tully gently went over and I got some food and water-fed her by hand at first and then she wanted more and ate happily. We left to find her home and as we went down the hill this little gal was trotting along in a nice senior way and had a smile on her face as she looked at Tully and me.We found her family,they had just moved in with elderly parents and their two boys were happy to have Julie,aged 13, home. My neighbours and Il will visit and Tully is available if Julia wants a friend It was so touching to see Julia trust us after such a short time. A little good news.
Mary in Boone, NC
Wolf whistles to our 2nd godson, Ziconic!!!! You hambone: I see your eye looking straight into the camera! Your Mother, our Queen, imprints a great sense of self on all her offspring. Dear Ziconic, I hope you are happy racing; however, I will follow you regardless of your career!!! What a great friend you have in Linda. We have had interspecies deep loves here in Bethel…I am happy you have a dear friend!!!
Thank you, Alys, as always for your excellent photos! Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Team Z, Team Lane’s End, and Zenyatta for keeping us a part of the lives of our Queen and her progeny. Thank you for valuing the love we have for them!!!!
Take care,
Mary in Boone
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California ♥
Hi Mary!
I love your excitement here on and on FB! LOL
♥ your FB friend Judy :-)
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Rest In Peace, “Prized” May you be with the Good Lord now beautiful boy.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
“Prized” well done in your life and Thank You so much for giving us your boys Brass Hat and Paddy O’ Prado. I know there’s more you left behind too. Thank you. Run in heaven now.
Shannon From Cool
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
What gems we have to look forward to while watching their lives unfold.
A GORGEOUS young man!! Love all the photos. Thanx for sharing…Big hugs and kisses Alene
Janey Boyd
He is gorgeous. Z has great looking’ babes!
Of course the sire shows through also. Great pics! So glad she is being kept from breeding this year. Every mom needs a rest!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Thank you again so much for the Welsh men’s choir, You Raise me up. I saved it. It’s just beautiful. That song gives you a glimpse into eternity I think. Beautiful. Thank You so much for the video. I requested them do it at my church. I put the request in the offering plate. Our Choir is wonderful too
I have been listening to it almost everytime I get on my computer.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I love it too. So glad your enjoying it. Love and Hugs, JB
He is lovely. I would love to know how his size compares to Coz at the same age–he looks smaller and more compact. I do wish horse people would spell conformation correctly, though.
Faithful Z supporter
My personal feelings about Ebby are admittedly emotional but also practical. For someone who has followed her since she was 2 years old and before Zenny was even retired, I has such high hopes for her as did John and her original owners. Her desire to race never matched her pedigree unforunately as sometimes happens. I think John said he spent more time training her getting consistency and sometimes had to start from the beginning. Now he is trying the turf maybe this might work for her. I feel so bad for Ebby spending her life in different barns and locations with little success. At her age now it may be time to move on. So sad. I loved her as much as Zenny. I am very worried about the injuries at Delmar recently on the turf and she is to be there Sun. Prayers indeed.
I have the same worries as you after reading about the deaths at Delmar. Safe trip Ebby and all the others racing at that track, especially the turf.
Alex Bowdoin
Faithfull Z Supporter, I agree also that it is time for her to move on to her next career. She will be so happy out in a paddock all day and having foals….Dear Ebby has only run 5 races so far.
I have felt for some time that Ebby just wasn’t cut out for a racing career…especially with all the high expectations placed on her from the beginning. Yes, she’s a thoroughbred and has great genetics but that isn’t all there is to it. She has the best trainer, kind owners but perhaps the desire to race wasn’t in her. And, that’s not unusual. All horses are different. They don’t call our Queen a once in a lifetime horse for no reason. She has the heart of a champion and an iron will to always do her best.
She also had the talent to go with it. I hope Ebby can officially retire from the track soon. Most importantly, she is healthy and hopefully has many years ahead of her.
Faithful Z supporter
TG..just read on the Forum that turf races may be moved to the main track the rest of the week at Delmar due to other injuries. no word on Ebby yet.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
As much as I want to see Ebby. Maybe the racing is not for her. Maybe Ebby will tell us herself what she wants.
I believe John will know soon if it is right or not for her.
Horses do let you know things.
I’m very worried.
Janet Newman
Zenyatta’s offspring continues to leave me speechless.
A Coz update, now another update on Ziconic. Looking forward to one on
the little princess.
How blessed we are that we can have this wonderful privilege.
I think the turf is closed again through Sunday. Not sure what that means for Ebby but I am glad the race is off the turf. I pray for all of the horses at Del Mar.
I sometimes wonder about those who automatically blame the racing surface for problems with the horses. One of the ones euthanized was a 2 year old. I have for the longest time worried about the strain put on immature horses. Did he turn two in January??? Or was he like Zenyatta a two year old four to six months later? I attended five of the races Wednesday and didn’t see any horses have a problem. Two of the races were on the turf course. I do believe most of the breeding stock today is not as well bred for soundness as in the years past. Maybe Eblouissante should be doing something else.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
I simply had tears come to my eyes when I saw these pictures of Ziconic, if he is now his Mother than I don’t know anything. I think that is the reason, well one of them that we all loved Queen Z, she simply loved. She seemed to love everything that came into her focus, us screaming, the grooms, her owners and trainers and family, etc., and in turn we gave it back to her. There is not one day goes by that I do not think of Zenyatta. I was recently let go by a new Dr. because he wanted his own front staff, oh and my sister was let go too. I was let go because he told me from day one he could not stand the way I looked, 5’10” blonde, etc. and I had worked in that office for yrs., nothing about my work, just the way I looked. Imagine, one yr. ago I was fighting cancer and yrs.before my sister did too, I am looking for a job, willing to relocate if anyone wants to help. Funny thing but if they had judged Zenyatta on her looks in the beginning, we would never have seen the champion. Girls I need to feel better, if you need to see what I look like watch Animals Rock 4 love video of Z’s last race, I am the blonde Kari talks about, and I am God’s creation because I am not supposed to be here. My Mother miscarried my twin and they did not know about me, until it was almost too late. I took care of both my parents until they died, was that all there is? Maybe I should have married some of the guys that asked me, but I never wanted to marry to get divorced. So I’ll sign out, me, LilBit and Gigi L’aMoore.
Terri Z
I am sure you are hurting because you were let go for such a spurious reason. However, it’s important that you and your sister get a letters of recommendation.
Maybe he fired you because his wife was jealous of your looks.
I hope that you find something soon. Best of luck.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
I knew I could count on my Z’s sisters. I have been hurting since this happened and you came through!!! Love, Michele
Barbara Wood
Dear Michele–I am thrilled to hear from you. I think in today’s world, it is illegal to fire someone for her looks. After all, he hired you. So glad your cancer is better. I have been praying for so long. Will now pray for a job! You probably don’t want to work for him anymore anyway! Big Z-hugs.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
Barbara so correct. I used to say to my sister everyday (we worked together), on his days he was there, “I just want to pick up my purse and both of us leave”, well God heard me, ha ha, Now where is my knight, oh excuse me King, I’m older and have to have the King now. Ha Ha!! Actually I was invited to a stable by a neighbor of mine and reconnected to my first love Horses!!!!!!! Don’t tell LilBit or Gigi La’Moore my felines that let me live with them, I still have not had my biopsy done on my breast, but I feel fine and can only handle so much at one time, Praying for you too, Love, Michele.
Michele, Hugs and prayers are being sent through cyberspace. {{{ }}}
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
I love my Z girls, thank you so much, you did more than you will ever know. Love, Michele.
Get yourself a good attorney and sue that doctor for all he has. It is illegal to fire someone based on their looks. It is so sad that there are people in this world that stupid and mean. Sure glad he isn’t my doctor.
I’m only 5’2′ and would love to be 5’10”. I spend half my life on tiptoes or climbing on stools, counters etc. But as they say, the outside is just the wrapper. What is on the inside is what counts.
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I was really having a down day yesterday, and I guess I feel bad because I worked almost 30 yrs. in that building between different Drs. The patients are my best friends, actually a Dad who is a horse trainer in LA., gave me a horse free, I can pick out what I want, Etc., I think this was his gift to me after cancer. But the last time I saw him, he said “Don’t forget, anytime when you get the land, you get your horse, I don’t care if it is yrs. from now”. See I simply love people and animals. I used to keep a screen saver of the latest photo of Z and as his wife was watching us pick up our belongings, I turned to the old computer and said, No you don’t deserve to look at her, she is expecting her third child anyday now and I removed it. (This was April 17 before Easter). My older Boss who had sold the practice had no idea, he was furious. He had even told the Dr., you can get rid of the back staff, but not Susan (my oldest sister), and Michele, They are the backbone of this office. Amazing, huh, Love you for caring, Michele
Dreams can come true. Things are finally looking up for Hovis.
Free the Moose and return Z’s poster to LSC. And get Charmie that new paddock.
Dear Max,
Thank you for all the good news from Hovis! It has been an excellent week for him! Fingers crossed the good times continue! Happy weekend to everyone. Free the Moose!
carol in arkansas
go Hovis go…..still chuckling
poor Charmie…..
Barbara Wood
Wonderful to hear from happy Hovis!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. So good to know Hovis is happy getting to show his jumping ability as well as having the girls fight over him. Love the photo too. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
So happy to have a happy Hovis again.
There are so many wrongs in the horse world that need righting-
Moose, LSC, currently lead the list.
Thank you for our weekly does of Hovis.
So glad he had a happy week. Hope the girls continue to fight over him.
August 1 Cherokee Devotional
AUGUST Galo’nee End of Fruit Month
Inclination to move from this land has no abiding place in our hearts, and when we move we shall move by the course of nature to sleep under this ground which the Great Spirit gave to our ancestors and which now covers them in their undisturbed repose
Chief John Ross 1830
August 1
Going fishing to the Cherokee is a na su hv s gv, and it is never a waste of time. And neither is dawdling along, or staring into space. Great people have known the wisdom of taking time to let their minds drift with the cork on a fishing line. Who is to say that sitting quietly doesn’t do more than running all over looking aggressive and building up blood pressure? Silence and down-deep thought can be just as active as making a big stir. Sometimes we learn something by study, but going fishing makes us wise. We know we can’t sit still forever-but a little escape from the stress and pressure certainly makes a happier, healthier person.
Several of our young people…were instructed in all your sciences…but when they came back to us they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods…
Six Nations
Wow. The stars have aligned. Safe trip tomorrow for Palace Malice and the dratted Johnny V. Love Departing also. Perhaps they can dead heat??
Oh My Goodness!!! What fabulous shots of Ziconic!! He always has been such a beautiful young colt and it seems he just continues to get even better as he grows into a solid adolescent. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you so very much for sharing the photos with us and also the hint of his kind personality with his cat friend. So sweet!! Thank you!!!
Barb Guckert
Ziconic is awesome! I have big hopes for him. His is the best pedigree of Zens kids. But, they are all great kids! Do you know if Coz will be racing this year?
Isabella Alexander
He is looking amazing! You are beautiful Ziconic!
Dear Kathy.Is’nt Ziconic awesome??Such a beauty Z has produced wonderful children!Deri fledged about an hour ago just a short flight to the camera pole,now she’s back on the nest having lunch with mum.We’ve had heavy rain this morning but it’s still glorious in Goodwood.
My Miss Kitty has been getting a lot of good wishes on her special day,she doesn’t seem to be very keen on her new brother though!I remember the “Marty” movie with Ernest Borgnine didn’t he win an Oscar?They must do a remake with our Marty!!Was’nt that just the cutest pic of him sleeping!!
Sad story on Joey about those abandoned little puppies and there was pawsome news about those kitties who found a foster home.How on earth could someone leave them at a kill-shelter allergies or not!!!Saw the adorable video of Boo and Buddy close to 15 million now.Video later of the fledging!Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.Love the way Fubu leaves his toys in a straight line lol!
Susan In Fl
Looks Wonderful! Thanks for the pics! Peace & Happiness
Dear Sheena,
Ziconic is drop dead handsome. I think the Queen definitely needs to have another “date” with Tapit after this glorious result. Thrilling news about Deri. I look forward to seeing that video! My Miss Kitty is such a beautiful girl. Hope she bonds with her new brother soon. I looked it up and Ernest Borgnine won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in Marty. If any rat could pull off the role it would definitely be our Marty. I love all the pics of him sleeping. He’s adorable. That was a sad story about those abandoned puppies. Wonderful news about the kittens, though. Your heart just breaks for all the abandoned and abused animals out there. Glad you enjoyed Boo and Buddy’s video. You’re right, they’ll be at 15M in no time. Have a wonderful Friday and a delightful weekend. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Dear Sheena,
FUBU put the toys in a line??? That’s AMAZING!
Hugs, Kathy
His front pasterns look long and low, but I’ve seen that in many Thoroughbreds. He has a amazing color and I can’t wait to see him on the track.
Yet another sad Giraffe story!High-sided vehicle, low bridge, giraffes, disaster!!Hugs Sheena.
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Didn’t the driver realize that the bridge was to short?? How sad.
Article says criminal charges are possible. This is horrific and entirely preventable.
Tiz Herself
This sounds like something you’d see on Hangover 3 not in real life – sad :-(
Dear Sheena,
I heard about this. Tragic! The driver must be an IDIOT…
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Ziconic looks amazing! Thank you, Team Z, for sharing the lives of Zenyatta’s babies with all of us. What a joy it is to watch them grow and learn and follow in their mother’s footsteps.
Happy summer to all!
Irene caty
Ziconic remains a beauty and is holding his color well. Ziconic, like COZ is looking like his MOM Z and seems to be affectionate like he. Zenyatta does such a good job of throwing herself in her off spring and that is so wonderful. She is the Queen with her family Jewels. Thanks so much for keeping us up-dated on how the family is doing, I am so happy to see the pictures and see how great they all look. Good Luck to all and God Bless. I will be looking forward to the next post.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California ♥
Love your description: “She is the Queen with her family Jewels.” That is awesome :-)
debbie s.
I tried to post and think it went off into cyber space.Forgive me if you see this twice.
Max-enjoyed the Hovis update,great start to my day, still smiling
Sheena,loved watching Deri helicoptering and look forward to seeing her in flight
Last night a neighbour arrived on my doorstep with a white dog with lovely big ears that perked up and a little smile-tail between her legs but trying to be brave.My dog Tully gently went over and I got some food and water-fed her by hand at first and then she wanted more and ate happily. We left to find her home and as we went down the hill this little gal was trotting along in a nice senior way and had a smile on her face as she looked at Tully and me.We found her family,they had just moved in with elderly parents and their two boys were happy to have Julie,aged 13, home. My neighbours and Il will visit and Tully is available if Julia wants a friend It was so touching to see Julia trust us after such a short time. A little good news.
Barbara Wood
Thanks for this wonderful post, Stella.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear debbie s:
Lovely story about Julie. Maybe she and Tully will become best buds. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
debbie-Thanks so much for your wonderful post.
Red Avenger by War Front out of Emotional Rescue a mare by Smart Strike won today at Goodwood.Trained by Ed Dunlop.Hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Congrats Red Avenger. Nice pedigree. Love and Hugs, JB