Ziconic at Lane’s End Farm. Photo by Alys Emson.
Happy Thursday!
Alys sent over new conformation shots of Ziconic, now two months into yearling prep at Lane’s End. Also below, Todd Claunch captured a special moment between Ziconic and his feline buddy Linda.
-Team Z
Photo by Alys Emson.Ziconic with Linda. Photo by Todd Claunch.
Dear Barbara
Another wonderful video.Now I am crying too.I wish that I knew Kari and can only imagine what a beautiful person she was. These videos do give a glimpse of her spirit, the light in her being was so bright, like Zenny- it will always shine.
Dear Sheena
So true! Your osprey family have brought me so much pleasure,thank-you.
Thank you so much for letting us know all the horses that are coming over for the coming up races. I was reading very closely and hoping so to see African Story’s name.
So sad I didn’t see it. Sure would have made me smile.
But I’ll hope for the Breeders Cup. Sure wish we had a Hotline to HRH Sheik Mohammed
I think he’s very fond of African Story. Wonder if he just didn’t want to send him so far away. They had talked about at one time the possibility of his coming to the Million. I guess he would have showed up by now if he was coming.
I’ll hope for seeing him another day.
Dear Max.I didn’t know that Kingman is running in the Prix Jacques le Marois on sunday.They are keeping an eye on the weather,lot of rain on the continent.Oympic Glory is to take him on.We are all excited about the Panda, another ‘royal baby’!Free the Moose.Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. Think that I heard that about Kingman. Did not know about Olympic Glory.
That Panda baby is real royalty. They do not come much rarer than a Panda.
Free the Moose. Let the Moose run or stand free. Beast, how’s it going?
If you guys ever see anything out there on African Story, please post it here. I know you all follow the international races. He was born in Great Britain. I am trying to follow him.
Haven’t seen him since his wonderful performance in the World Cup. Am quite a fan of his.
Peggy. I do not know much about African Story. I think that he’s still in Dubai, but if I see anything about him I’ll let you know. He’s a chestnut. You know how we all love those guys.
Free the Moose!
Thanks Max, Yes he’s a beautiful chess club member. So thought we would have seen more of him by now. Loved what De Sousa said about him after the World Cup “He’s the Boy”
Thanks, Judy B.!
African Story is gorgeous! A chess club beauty, for sure.
Hugs and Lots of Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
You have made my week. He’s beautiful. I saved that big picture. Was so dissappointed he’s not coming over now. Thanks so very much.
Judy he’s 7 like Danny
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
You’re so welcome. Maybe for the BC? Yes, both born 2007. Dan was born February 20th. He was born March 10th. Love and Hugs, JB
Hi everyone!
Angel here at home resting on my doggie bed.
I am going to be 12 years old tomorrow just a few hours away for my Birthday. Wow 11 was not my best year. Still I was with my Mom and made a new best friend in Larry. Jelly still does not like me she is kind of standoffish. I did chase her around the house many times back 7 years ago when Mom brought her home. Hmm thinking back when I had my good legs I did taunt her often.
I will not be having a Birthday cake this year. My belly is still not so great from the dog food poisoning. Mom says when I am better and that may be several more weeks she will get me a special treat. I do love my treats and can’t wait. I hope that 12 is a great year for me, Mom, Larry and Jelly too.
PS I have taught Larry all the moves to chase Jelly for me now. ;-)
Dear Angel,
So glad you are getting better and hope your tummy feels normal again soon!
Happy Birthday! I know you are looking forward to that special treat. All the very Best for a great year!
Hi, to Mama Sue, too!
Dear Angel.I am sorry you have to wait for your cake this year but enjoy your special day with mom,Larry and Jelly.I’m sure 12 is going to be a pawsome year for you and the rest of the gang!Love and hugs Sheena
Dear Judy.The panda video was so cute.I have been watching a programme about pandas tonight.They are just adorable!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs.SheenaX
Another Beloved Star Gone
Rest In Peace Lauren Bacall, I absolutely love the older movies and I was such a fan of yours.
Tell Bogie we said Hello.
If any Z sters out their like the old movies like I do. I saw a really good one Sunday night. It was not one of Lauren’s but starred Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery in the l941 Mr & Mrs Smith. It was so good I really enjoyed it. Had never seen it. On Turner Movie Classics..Whenever I see Carole I think about her tragic end and how Clark Gable loved her. Their’s such a love story. I think she was somewhere promoting War Bonds or something and decided to take a plane back to see Clark thinking she would get home faster and never made it.
We never know. So Sad
Peggy. I watched that movie too last weekend on TV. It was really good. You’re right about Carole Lombard. Heard that Gable never really recovered from her death.
Sad that Bacall is gone. Another great star of Old Hollywood has left us. RIP.
Peggy. It was good. I don’t think that I have seen Carole Lombard act before seeing this movie. I liked that part where she threw him and his clothes out and he went to his club to sleep. I have not experienced this, but I know people who have. The wives seem to like to throw the clothes from a second or third floor window to the front lawn.
Free the Moose!
Judy, Marshall
You know we just lost James Garner a few weeks ago now Lauren. They were good friends.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, he was another actor I always loved. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Yes, I was very sad to hear of James Garner’s death. He always was a favorite of mine, too. I remember the old Maverick series — westerns were the big thing on TV when I was growing up, and I loved them! James Arness in Gunsmoke was not to be missed! Of course, I enjoyed Garner in The Rockford Files, too. Ah, the Golden Age!
Hugs and Love
Claire Novak The Blood-Horse· Aug 11 2014
Chat w/ Charlie LoPresti – good news on WISE DAN
“The past 10 days that horse has turned the corner;
he’s right where we want him right now.”
Visited Hudson and Charlie today. Hudson’s lesson has been pushed ahead to Sunday, so just chatted with Deb and Amanda and gave Charlie and Hudson their treats and hugs.
Everything was quiet on the farm today. Hudson competed in a small show over the weekend and won a ribbon. I have linked the photo below. She is doing much better in the ring, but still not keen on getting into the van or riding in it. The girls are patiently working with her on that. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy, HT is just beautiful. You go, girl! Thanks for sharing. She has plenty of company in wanting to avoid the ride. Hugs to all the equines, LM, and you.
Yes, the girls are thrilled. She’s doing so well. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:
She has a beautiful face! And is obviously smart going by the ribbon. Does she remember something that made her upset when she was placed in the float (as we call horse transport down here)? We used to have a horse called Weekend Hussler who kicked the van to pieces: the owners eventually had special thick padding inserted, and always had someone ride with him which seemed to do the trick. He’s now happily retired to a lovely property on the coast! Hugs KathyR
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R:
Yes, Deb and Amanda said a lot of people have said that Hudson has a beautiful face. I think so too. I am sure that somewhere in the past she had a bad experience with being vanned. I’ll relay what you have suggested about having someone ride in the van with her. Love and Hugs to you and Thurzel, JB
Ann NC
JB, tell Hudson, she and RL can attend the Cali Chrome school of backing off the trailer. Heck, he even backs onto the trailer. He is the pro and these girls need to watch him on you tube!
Good job, Hudson, beautiful girl.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Very good point. I had forgotten about the fact that CC backs out of the trailer and didn’t realize he gets into it that way too. Thank you. I have to tell Amanda and Deb about this. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Agree with KathyR. Hudson has a beautiful face and head. Proud of her win as I know that you must be as well.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. She has come such a long, long way. Beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. She sure knows how to wear that ribbon well. Congrats to her.
Free the Moose!
Ed Burgart on Tuesday August 12 2014
Mike Smith gave Shared Belief a big endorsement by selecting him
over Game On Dude for Pacific Classic. Martin Garcia rides Game On Dude.
Jay Privman Daily Racing Form on Tuesday August 12 2014
Martin Garcia worked Game On Dude, will ride him in Paci Classic, per Baffert,
who said Mike Smith informed him he had chosen Shared Belief
Dear Max
Your boy is back!! So happy to hear Dan is doing so well!!
Loved the article on Kauto Star and enjoyed his dressage footage,Laura clearly loves him. Another star having a happy retirement or should I say refirement.
Debbie. Glad that you enjoyed seeing Kauto. He’s a brilliant horse, a particular favorite of Sheena. He adapts very well to everything. He shares that kind of wisdom with Zenyatta.
Dear Judy
The photo of Hudson is wonderful. Congratulations on her ribbon!
She has a lovely face and such soft eyes- beautiful girl!
Dear Sheena
You will be waking up soon and I am off to bed.Lots of activity in the nest this morning.
Monty just dropped a fish and Deri is eating first (of course). Patiend Gwynant is standing by.It was so nice to see three in the nest,now Monty has left to go fishing.
I am glad you are enjoying learning about pandas.Next summer I am going to a wedding in Scotland and may see the little one in the Edinburgh Zoo!
Goodnight Judy,Sheena and Z family xo
Dear Judy
Appreciate this Z video too,Kari captured our Queen like no other.
I am smiling and will have sweet dreams-now I really am going to bed.
There are right things to say and right ways of saying them, but many times we hit on a touchy subject because we were talking when we should have been listening. A casual remark that doesn’t mean much to us can strike a nerve in someone else. Even when we disregard other people’s feelings by saying they are too sensitive-it may be that we are too ni ge ya ta hv na-careless or callous. Over the years we may learn how to make friends and how to keep them-and most of it is done by controlling our tongues. No matter how close we are to someone, it does not give us the right to say anything we choose.
You must not hurt anybody or do harm to anyone.
Joey had a great checkup. Yay! Breaking news on the Marty Network, someone broke in and stole the yogies. I f you see the robbers, approach with caution and ask them for some yogies! lol Boo is already past 20,000 on his way to 16M. Amazing! Steve is working from home today so he’ll be hogging this computer later on. Have a wonderful day. ugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Kathy.Maybe you haven’t heard the news about Fubu’s seizure the other night.I am so worried for him.You must get his’hers computers!!Glesni is still on the Dyfi,weather has improved a lot though.Loved Marty’s breaking news!!!Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Had not checked on Fubu. This is very upsetting news. Prayers going up for him. We have lots of computers, but sometimes Steve needs to use this one. Guess I could always hog one of the others! lol Hugs, Kathy.
Woo Hoo! Thank you so much!!!I don’t know how you find these things Abigail, but we’re all grateful that you share them. I think this is the very FIRST video we’ve seen of The Princess other than the one of her sleeping in the field. It’s a little dark, but she looks darker to me than when she was first born. Anyone else think so?
Yes, she does look like she may have Z’s coat color after all. Look at the dapples in this photo AJ sent me in an email. Looks like a Mini Z. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. They look like they are synchronized. The Princess may be a very big girl like her momma. Big girls finish first.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, the Princess really is looking more and more like her Mama. Yes, I think you’re right; she’s going to be as tall or maybe even taller than Z. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks, Abigail. Such a well mannered group.
Sandy, yes, Princess has lost her fuzzy wuzzy baby coat. Looking all sleek and shiny now!
Abigail- really enjoyed your piece about, Bernborough. Growing up had always admired, Jay Trump and thanks to you finally have given thanks to his Sire! What a horse.
Z Princess- enjoy your barefoot and sunbathing days! mwah!
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful video. Saw it earlier today. My gosh, the Princess is looking so much like Z and I think she will match her in size too. What beauties they are. Love and Hugs, JB
WOW!!! I have been longing to see Zenyatta and ZPrincess and this was a lovely video. I can’t believe its been 4 yrs since Zenny stopped racing. She has the most gorgeous babies. Disappointed that Mike has jumped off the Dude. I love the Dude and hope he wins. If he doesn’t perhaps its time retire him. He’s certainly more than earned it. Love the old movies and the stars. Cary Grant, Bogie, Lauren Bacall, Jimmy Stewart and Kath Hepburn were first class and MOVIE STARS.
Dear Vicki,
I was disappointed about Mike not riding Game on Dude, too. Hope the Dude wins, also.
I agree with you about the classic movies and the stars of the “silver screen” — always loved Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant, as well as the others you mentioned, and quite a few more. They don’t make ’em like they used to, do they?
Love and Hugs
A special thank you to Sheena and Judy Berube for sharing the story of the ospreys. I could not see any of it until the video on the banding came up with that beautiful song. I saved it to my favorites and watched it many times – now it is gone and I did not write down the name of the song or the singer so thought all was lost. I spent several hours going back in the Zenny blog and found Judy’s reference to the You Tube song, so now I can enjoy that again but I cannot see the birds. I blame Facebook I don’t like the way they control everyone and have not joined. Thank goodness the Z blog has maintained all our conversations – long may it live. It has been my delight to visit “Zennyland” everyday and spend time with all of you and I don’t need to put on boots or get on an airplane. Thanks again and I still miss the birds. P.S to Barbara Wood – I am with you on the Smart or Iphone. Even my DVR is having selective memory and refusing to record my scheduled programs for no reason. I feel like “Hal” is taking over the world. I thought robots were supposed to be consistent . Thank God for animals, especially the sweet ones. Keep posting. Nancy
Wonderful to see a post from you. So glad you enjoyed the music and the Osprey video. Here’s the website to all the videos. Ringing Day; it’s the video with the Welsh Male Choir and vocalist Mairi MacInnes. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Magnificent mares.
Thanks for finding these photos. They are new to me. They both look so fine. Z and Tasty are so right together.
Free the Moose! Sick horses and other loved ones, get well soon. Beast, keep going. Dan, you are fabulous. Tasty, never forgotten like Big D.
I don’t remember seeing them before either. Best Buds. Power Up CC, Dan, ROC, CDA, Beholder, Reilly, Angel, Treve, Sir and all who are ill or injured. Beast, keep training. TT, love you forever. Big Trouble, heal well. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy B.,
These are beautiful photos!! I had not seen them before. Zenny and Tasty, best buds forever! Two lovely mares enjoying each other’s presence in a beautiful setting.
Thanks for these links! Lots of Hugs
debbie s.
Dear Barbara
Another wonderful video.Now I am crying too.I wish that I knew Kari and can only imagine what a beautiful person she was. These videos do give a glimpse of her spirit, the light in her being was so bright, like Zenny- it will always shine.
Dear Sheena
So true! Your osprey family have brought me so much pleasure,thank-you.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Bluegrass Girl
Thank you so much for letting us know all the horses that are coming over for the coming up races. I was reading very closely and hoping so to see African Story’s name.
So sad I didn’t see it. Sure would have made me smile.
But I’ll hope for the Breeders Cup. Sure wish we had a Hotline to HRH Sheik Mohammed
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I think he’s very fond of African Story. Wonder if he just didn’t want to send him so far away. They had talked about at one time the possibility of his coming to the Million. I guess he would have showed up by now if he was coming.
I’ll hope for seeing him another day.
Dear Max.I didn’t know that Kingman is running in the Prix Jacques le Marois on sunday.They are keeping an eye on the weather,lot of rain on the continent.Oympic Glory is to take him on.We are all excited about the Panda, another ‘royal baby’!Free the Moose.Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. Think that I heard that about Kingman. Did not know about Olympic Glory.
That Panda baby is real royalty. They do not come much rarer than a Panda.
Free the Moose. Let the Moose run or stand free. Beast, how’s it going?
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, Max, Sheena, Bluegrass Girl
If you guys ever see anything out there on African Story, please post it here. I know you all follow the international races. He was born in Great Britain. I am trying to follow him.
Haven’t seen him since his wonderful performance in the World Cup. Am quite a fan of his.
Peggy. I do not know much about African Story. I think that he’s still in Dubai, but if I see anything about him I’ll let you know. He’s a chestnut. You know how we all love those guys.
Free the Moose!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thanks Max, Yes he’s a beautiful chess club member. So thought we would have seen more of him by now. Loved what De Sousa said about him after the World Cup “He’s the Boy”
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy, Max and Z Fans:
Here’s a couple of photos of the beautiful Chestnut Club member, African Story with Frankie D aboard. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Judy B.!
African Story is gorgeous! A chess club beauty, for sure.
Hugs and Lots of Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
You have made my week. He’s beautiful. I saved that big picture. Was so dissappointed he’s not coming over now. Thanks so very much.
Judy he’s 7 like Danny
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
You’re so welcome. Maybe for the BC? Yes, both born 2007. Dan was born February 20th. He was born March 10th. Love and Hugs, JB
Hi everyone!
Angel here at home resting on my doggie bed.
I am going to be 12 years old tomorrow just a few hours away for my Birthday. Wow 11 was not my best year. Still I was with my Mom and made a new best friend in Larry. Jelly still does not like me she is kind of standoffish. I did chase her around the house many times back 7 years ago when Mom brought her home. Hmm thinking back when I had my good legs I did taunt her often.
I will not be having a Birthday cake this year. My belly is still not so great from the dog food poisoning. Mom says when I am better and that may be several more weeks she will get me a special treat. I do love my treats and can’t wait. I hope that 12 is a great year for me, Mom, Larry and Jelly too.
PS I have taught Larry all the moves to chase Jelly for me now. ;-)
Caz I Can 2015
I Like Ik 2016
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Angel:
Happy, Happy Birthday. Mom will get you special treats just as soon as your tummy is better. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Angel,
So glad you are getting better and hope your tummy feels normal again soon!
Happy Birthday! I know you are looking forward to that special treat. All the very Best for a great year!
Hi, to Mama Sue, too!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Happy Birthday Angel.
Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. love Angel
Linda in NJ
Wishing you Angel a very Happy Belated Birthday!
Barbara Wood
Happy Birthday, precious Angel. Z kisses.
Dear Angel.I am sorry you have to wait for your cake this year but enjoy your special day with mom,Larry and Jelly.I’m sure 12 is going to be a pawsome year for you and the rest of the gang!Love and hugs Sheena
Dear Judy.The panda video was so cute.I have been watching a programme about pandas tonight.They are just adorable!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs.SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Just sent you another cute kitty video. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh My Goodness
Another Beloved Star Gone
Rest In Peace Lauren Bacall, I absolutely love the older movies and I was such a fan of yours.
Tell Bogie we said Hello.
If any Z sters out their like the old movies like I do. I saw a really good one Sunday night. It was not one of Lauren’s but starred Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery in the l941 Mr & Mrs Smith. It was so good I really enjoyed it. Had never seen it. On Turner Movie Classics..Whenever I see Carole I think about her tragic end and how Clark Gable loved her. Their’s such a love story. I think she was somewhere promoting War Bonds or something and decided to take a plane back to see Clark thinking she would get home faster and never made it.
We never know. So Sad
Peggy. I watched that movie too last weekend on TV. It was really good. You’re right about Carole Lombard. Heard that Gable never really recovered from her death.
Sad that Bacall is gone. Another great star of Old Hollywood has left us. RIP.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Max, that movie was so good. Love the old one’s
Peggy. It was good. I don’t think that I have seen Carole Lombard act before seeing this movie. I liked that part where she threw him and his clothes out and he went to his club to sleep. I have not experienced this, but I know people who have. The wives seem to like to throw the clothes from a second or third floor window to the front lawn.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
RIP Lauren Bacall. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Judy, Marshall
You know we just lost James Garner a few weeks ago now Lauren. They were good friends.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, he was another actor I always loved. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Yes, I was very sad to hear of James Garner’s death. He always was a favorite of mine, too. I remember the old Maverick series — westerns were the big thing on TV when I was growing up, and I loved them! James Arness in Gunsmoke was not to be missed! Of course, I enjoyed Garner in The Rockford Files, too. Ah, the Golden Age!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
I just saw the news about Lauren Bacall. Yes, we have lost another Silver Screen icon.
RIP “Betty”
Bluegrass Girl
Claire Novak The Blood-Horse· Aug 11 2014
Chat w/ Charlie LoPresti – good news on WISE DAN
“The past 10 days that horse has turned the corner;
he’s right where we want him right now.”
Danny, you are fabulous.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG, Max and Z Fans:
Great news. The Chestnut King is back. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So glad he’s back.
Bluegrass Girl
Bryan Martin @bmracingclub tweet with PHOTO Aug. 12 2014
The immortal Phar Lap wins the Underwood Stks at Williamstown at 5.
won his next 7.bt in Melb Cup with 68kg.Then USA.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thank you for this. What a great horse he was. Love an Hugs, JB
Kitty Linda is really enjoying Ziconic. He must be very gentle like his momma!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Family:
Visited Hudson and Charlie today. Hudson’s lesson has been pushed ahead to Sunday, so just chatted with Deb and Amanda and gave Charlie and Hudson their treats and hugs.
Everything was quiet on the farm today. Hudson competed in a small show over the weekend and won a ribbon. I have linked the photo below. She is doing much better in the ring, but still not keen on getting into the van or riding in it. The girls are patiently working with her on that. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Judy, HT is just beautiful. You go, girl! Thanks for sharing. She has plenty of company in wanting to avoid the ride. Hugs to all the equines, LM, and you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb W:
Yes, I guess a lot of them are not fond of being vanned. Love and Hugs to you, Money and your family, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Judy she’s just gorgeous. So happy for her getting the ribbon
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, the girls are thrilled. She’s doing so well. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:
She has a beautiful face! And is obviously smart going by the ribbon. Does she remember something that made her upset when she was placed in the float (as we call horse transport down here)? We used to have a horse called Weekend Hussler who kicked the van to pieces: the owners eventually had special thick padding inserted, and always had someone ride with him which seemed to do the trick. He’s now happily retired to a lovely property on the coast! Hugs KathyR
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R:
Yes, Deb and Amanda said a lot of people have said that Hudson has a beautiful face. I think so too. I am sure that somewhere in the past she had a bad experience with being vanned. I’ll relay what you have suggested about having someone ride in the van with her. Love and Hugs to you and Thurzel, JB
Ann NC
JB, tell Hudson, she and RL can attend the Cali Chrome school of backing off the trailer. Heck, he even backs onto the trailer. He is the pro and these girls need to watch him on you tube!
Good job, Hudson, beautiful girl.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Very good point. I had forgotten about the fact that CC backs out of the trailer and didn’t realize he gets into it that way too. Thank you. I have to tell Amanda and Deb about this. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Agree with KathyR. Hudson has a beautiful face and head. Proud of her win as I know that you must be as well.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. She has come such a long, long way. Beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. She sure knows how to wear that ribbon well. Congrats to her.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
That’s our DIVA. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Good night to you and your beautiful family. Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Have a restful sleep Z, goodnight!
love n kisses and to your awesome young
Auntie Sally B
Bluegrass Girl
Ed Burgart on Tuesday August 12 2014
Mike Smith gave Shared Belief a big endorsement by selecting him
over Game On Dude for Pacific Classic. Martin Garcia rides Game On Dude.
Jay Privman Daily Racing Form on Tuesday August 12 2014
Martin Garcia worked Game On Dude, will ride him in Paci Classic, per Baffert,
who said Mike Smith informed him he had chosen Shared Belief
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Way to go Mike. Just love Shared Belief. Can’t wait to see him.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Mikey must be very impressed with SB. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
I think they are a wonderful pair. So happy to hear Mikey’s riding.
debbie s.
Dear Max
Your boy is back!! So happy to hear Dan is doing so well!!
Loved the article on Kauto Star and enjoyed his dressage footage,Laura clearly loves him. Another star having a happy retirement or should I say refirement.
Dear Sue
Happy Birthday sweet Angel.
Debbie. Glad that you enjoyed seeing Kauto. He’s a brilliant horse, a particular favorite of Sheena. He adapts very well to everything. He shares that kind of wisdom with Zenyatta.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Love Ya Zenyatta, Coz, Ziconic, Little Princess. All have wonderful dreams
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
This is one of my favorite videos by Kari of our Dancing Queen. Thank you, Kari, for all the memories. You are sorely missed. Love and Hugs, JB
debbie s.
Dear Judy
The photo of Hudson is wonderful. Congratulations on her ribbon!
She has a lovely face and such soft eyes- beautiful girl!
Dear Sheena
You will be waking up soon and I am off to bed.Lots of activity in the nest this morning.
Monty just dropped a fish and Deri is eating first (of course). Patiend Gwynant is standing by.It was so nice to see three in the nest,now Monty has left to go fishing.
I am glad you are enjoying learning about pandas.Next summer I am going to a wedding in Scotland and may see the little one in the Edinburgh Zoo!
Goodnight Judy,Sheena and Z family xo
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear debbie s:
Thank you so much. Yes, she’s a beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Oooh! A wedding in Scotland! Is there room for me in your suitcase? :-)
debbie s.
Dear Judy
Appreciate this Z video too,Kari captured our Queen like no other.
I am smiling and will have sweet dreams-now I really am going to bed.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear debbie s:
Yes, Kari’s videos are The Best! Love and Hugs, JB
So sad to hear about Lauren”Betty”Bacall.She’s with her “Bogie”now .Great actors of the golden era of Hollywood.Hugs Sheena.
August 13 Cherokee Devotional
There are right things to say and right ways of saying them, but many times we hit on a touchy subject because we were talking when we should have been listening. A casual remark that doesn’t mean much to us can strike a nerve in someone else. Even when we disregard other people’s feelings by saying they are too sensitive-it may be that we are too ni ge ya ta hv na-careless or callous. Over the years we may learn how to make friends and how to keep them-and most of it is done by controlling our tongues. No matter how close we are to someone, it does not give us the right to say anything we choose.
You must not hurt anybody or do harm to anyone.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Wow, overwhelmed at the wisdom in this Devotional. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sheena,
Joey had a great checkup. Yay! Breaking news on the Marty Network, someone broke in and stole the yogies. I f you see the robbers, approach with caution and ask them for some yogies! lol Boo is already past 20,000 on his way to 16M. Amazing! Steve is working from home today so he’ll be hogging this computer later on. Have a wonderful day. ugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Kathy.Maybe you haven’t heard the news about Fubu’s seizure the other night.I am so worried for him.You must get his’hers computers!!Glesni is still on the Dyfi,weather has improved a lot though.Loved Marty’s breaking news!!!Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Had not checked on Fubu. This is very upsetting news. Prayers going up for him. We have lots of computers, but sometimes Steve needs to use this one. Guess I could always hog one of the others! lol Hugs, Kathy.
The Blood-Horse were @ LE to film Zenny and her family….here’s a “sneak peek” (video) at what I’m assuming is an article:
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Woo Hoo! Thank you so much!!!I don’t know how you find these things Abigail, but we’re all grateful that you share them. I think this is the very FIRST video we’ve seen of The Princess other than the one of her sleeping in the field. It’s a little dark, but she looks darker to me than when she was first born. Anyone else think so?
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy and Z Fans:
Yes, she does look like she may have Z’s coat color after all. Look at the dapples in this photo AJ sent me in an email. Looks like a Mini Z. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. They look like they are synchronized. The Princess may be a very big girl like her momma. Big girls finish first.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, the Princess really is looking more and more like her Mama. Yes, I think you’re right; she’s going to be as tall or maybe even taller than Z. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Wow!
Free the Moose!
Ann NC
Thanks, Abigail. Such a well mannered group.
Sandy, yes, Princess has lost her fuzzy wuzzy baby coat. Looking all sleek and shiny now!
Abigail- really enjoyed your piece about, Bernborough. Growing up had always admired, Jay Trump and thanks to you finally have given thanks to his Sire! What a horse.
Z Princess- enjoy your barefoot and sunbathing days! mwah!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful video. Saw it earlier today. My gosh, the Princess is looking so much like Z and I think she will match her in size too. What beauties they are. Love and Hugs, JB
WOW!!! I have been longing to see Zenyatta and ZPrincess and this was a lovely video. I can’t believe its been 4 yrs since Zenny stopped racing. She has the most gorgeous babies. Disappointed that Mike has jumped off the Dude. I love the Dude and hope he wins. If he doesn’t perhaps its time retire him. He’s certainly more than earned it. Love the old movies and the stars. Cary Grant, Bogie, Lauren Bacall, Jimmy Stewart and Kath Hepburn were first class and MOVIE STARS.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
I was disappointed about Mike not riding Game on Dude, too. Hope the Dude wins, also.
I agree with you about the classic movies and the stars of the “silver screen” — always loved Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant, as well as the others you mentioned, and quite a few more. They don’t make ’em like they used to, do they?
Love and Hugs
Nancy Stamp
A special thank you to Sheena and Judy Berube for sharing the story of the ospreys. I could not see any of it until the video on the banding came up with that beautiful song. I saved it to my favorites and watched it many times – now it is gone and I did not write down the name of the song or the singer so thought all was lost. I spent several hours going back in the Zenny blog and found Judy’s reference to the You Tube song, so now I can enjoy that again but I cannot see the birds. I blame Facebook I don’t like the way they control everyone and have not joined. Thank goodness the Z blog has maintained all our conversations – long may it live. It has been my delight to visit “Zennyland” everyday and spend time with all of you and I don’t need to put on boots or get on an airplane. Thanks again and I still miss the birds. P.S to Barbara Wood – I am with you on the Smart or Iphone. Even my DVR is having selective memory and refusing to record my scheduled programs for no reason. I feel like “Hal” is taking over the world. I thought robots were supposed to be consistent . Thank God for animals, especially the sweet ones. Keep posting. Nancy
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Nancy:
Wonderful to see a post from you. So glad you enjoyed the music and the Osprey video. Here’s the website to all the videos. Ringing Day; it’s the video with the Welsh Male Choir and vocalist Mairi MacInnes. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Nancy:
You have to scroll down. It’s the 12th video down. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Found these photos by of Z and TT. Don’t know if you’ve seen them before. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Magnificent mares.
Thanks for finding these photos. They are new to me. They both look so fine. Z and Tasty are so right together.
Free the Moose! Sick horses and other loved ones, get well soon. Beast, keep going. Dan, you are fabulous. Tasty, never forgotten like Big D.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I don’t remember seeing them before either. Best Buds. Power Up CC, Dan, ROC, CDA, Beholder, Reilly, Angel, Treve, Sir and all who are ill or injured. Beast, keep training. TT, love you forever. Big Trouble, heal well. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Judy – I don’t think I’ve seen either one of them before. Nice memories of happy days!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
You’re so welcome. They are new to me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
These are beautiful photos!! I had not seen them before. Zenny and Tasty, best buds forever! Two lovely mares enjoying each other’s presence in a beautiful setting.
Thanks for these links! Lots of Hugs