Happy Thursday!
Back in June, while on our way to Lane’s End, we stopped at Belmont to see Cozmic One. Coz, Zenyatta’s 2012 colt, is now in training with John Shirreffs. So far, we’ve followed Coz from yearling prep at Lane’s End and breaking at Mayberry Farm in Florida to his arrival and training at Belmont. (If you’ve missed anything, you can read it all here.) Today you’ll meet Omar Velez, who walks us through a typical day for the two year-old colt.
Since this video was filmed, Shirreffs has moved his barn and crew up to Saratoga. Watch the video below and then scroll down for photos. At the end of the post, you will see a glimpse into Cozmic One’s new life in Saratoga.
-Team Z

Saratoga, July 2014 — Photos by John Shirreffs

Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Stanwyck ran a very good second to Antipathy on a track surface I don’t think she’s ever raced on before. Here’s the replay. Congrats to Antipathy and to Stanwyck and JS. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB. Congrats! It was sloppy. Must have lots of rain up there? Del track was washed off in places!
Good girl, Stanwyck.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Yes there were thunder storms off and on all day and the track was listed as Muddy for the race, but it looked more sloppy didn’t it. Stanwyck handled it well I thought. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Ann-I am having trouble with my email. I can receive but not send.
Ann NC
Sorry about the tech problems, TC. Time for the Inspector Gadget types!
Please pardon me for venting. I live just outside the city limits of a small town. Abandoned pets, especially dogs, are really a problem where I live. Sometimes we get a cat or two. Once someone left two kittens and a bag of kitten chow in the mailbox. Probably scared the mail lady to death. In town there seem to be a number of feral or semi-feral cats. It’s not like they are running all over in great roaming herds! There are people that make a point of feeding and watering these felines. Some have even found homes with folks that operate the businesses downtown. I was once one the those people. A local business adopted Miss Kitty but they couldn’t take her home. They had her spayed and all her shots and during the day she spent inside with them. On the weekends she had a nice sheltered porch and I fed and watered her. Then the business closed due to the economy/ One of the clients immediately offered to adopt Miss Kitty and now she lives in a luxurious lakeside home. The city council without any debate has passed an ordnance that anyone feeding or watering homeless cats will be fined $200 for the first offense. Our animal shelter is already overflowing . Oh, you also can’t have more than 4 dogs of any breed. The humane society even has a horse for adoption. Please, please, please don’t abandon unwanted pets. My heart is crying .
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
Most upsetting and sad. Thousands are abandoned or given up each year. Breaks my heart too. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki, so sad.
I have a stray who lives on my front porch. He can’t come inside because I have 2, one another tom, inside. It is impossible to fine the poor old beat up warrior a home since he bites and scratches. Really a weird cat. Hopefully, before winter I can catch him and get him to the vet for shots and neutering.
Louise Spadafora
Here in Florida (Tampa area), feral cats are a big problem. We also have laws similar to the one that has been passed in your community, but we have found a humane way to make a huge impact on cat numbers. It is through several nonprofit organizations and their volunteers that provide free spay and neuter clinics for feral cats and kittens. The groups offer a person, who has a cat problem, free cat box traps (these must be returned). After the cats are trapped, the person brings the cats to the free clinic where the cats get free shots, worming, and spay or neutering. The cat’s left ear is clipped so it can always be IDed as spay or neutered. After the cats have had about a day to recover, they are released in the same area where they where captured and are free to go about their cat business. Most of the cats are then cared for in colonies and are fed at feeding stations by groups of volunteers. But, some cats continued to be fed by home owners or by several people in a neighborhood where they continue to roam free. The real trick comes after the cats are returned to their home ranges, however. These cats no longer can reproduce, but they continue to maintain their territories as long as they are feed and looked after. Rats are a big problem in Florida, and the cats do a great job of keeping rats in check in neighborhoods. The group here in Tampa that does a great job for the humane treatment of cats is The Animal Coalition of Tampa, and this organization can be contacted for additional information about setting up spay and neuter programs. The programs here in a Tampa started out small, but are now wide spread throughout this area, and do a wonderful job with keeping stray cat munbets in check.
Barbara Wood
@Vicki–we all feel you pain. The abandonment, neglect, and abuse of all animals has skyrocketed. Yes, the economy is partly to blame, but people just must realize they are living things who feel pain and hurt. They are not trinkets to be picked up and cast aside at will.
Here in our city, we have a group banded together to do a “catch and release”. Our daughter has participated in this before. People catch the feral cats and take them to the Animal Birth Control Center, where they are spayed and/or neutered and released back. They are great for keeping pests away, and they cannot reproduce and multiply the problem. Of course this doesn’t even begin to cover them all, but it’s a start. Hugs.
Louise Spadafora
Sorry, I think we must have posted the same information about the feral cats at the same time you did. This is a big problem that can be handled through education in a humane and inexpensive way.
Dear Judy,Ann and Z family.Here is the video of Gwynant’s 1st flight.His sister Deri looks as if to say”what are you doing up there”!!Hugs Sheena.
Ann NC
Thanks, Sheena. Congrats to him on his brave flight!
debbie s.
Vicki,very sad and feel your frustration about people not keeping their pets and caring for them.We need to do more for them.
Here is a video on utube that is very touching about a little dog and her rescue and rehabilitation and amazing spirit.
“Daisy, the Little Pup Who Believed”-
Sheena,thanks for info on Taghrooda,congrats to this filly!!!
I looked up her pedigree and found Mom (Ezima) has sires on her side-Sadler’s Wells and Northern Dancer (nice to see ND influence stil) Tagi’s sire Sea the Stars is doing great.
Peggy from South Georgia-you mentioned you would like to see Zenny have a date with Magic Lute next year.Tasty Temptation’s half sister Fresh Sheet had a bay colt from ML, born Feb. 26,3013.
TT’s foal from Candy Ride, born about 3 weeks after Coz, had such big,cute ears like Zenny, I wonder where her colt I’myoursugardaddy is now?Does anyone know?
Love you Tasty forever and Zenny and your 3!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Debbie
I saw Fresh Sheet for the first time when I believe it was Max that posted a picture of her.
She is just beautiful. Would sure love to see her little one by Midnight Lute.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Debbie:
Found this photo of Fresh Sheet and her Midnight Lute colt. Adorable. He must be a beautiful big boy now. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy,
Just Gorgeous……………..Thanks so much for posting
Dear DebbieS.I have just watched Daisy’s video and have shed many tears mostly of joy for such a courageous little dog and the kindness of strangers.We could all learn a lot from this brave dog who just never gave up.
I’m pleased you like Tadhrooda,she has an impressive pedigree on both sides of her family and I hope she does well in the Arc.Love and hugs Sheena.
debbie s.
Dear Sheena
I am glad you had a minute to watch Daisy’s video. Yes, we can all learn from this brave little gal.
Oops,Tadhrooda-thanks for helping with the spelling.I do like her and will watch the Arc for the first time and cheer her on-fingers crossed.
Love and hugs from across the pond,
Terry Crow
I am once again making a suggestion. The government literally gives billions of dollars to foreign countries. I suggest to the government- why not give them a few less million, buy some land somewhere, hire people who need jobs and designate the land as a shelter for homeless pets. Let the animals live out their lives there, if not adopted.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Like your idea very much. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry, Sounds good to me. Never will it happen but wish it would.
Ann NC
Great idea, TC.
Dear Debbie S. You were quite correct with the spelling of Taghrooda a senior moment from me .Sorry!Love and hugs Sheena.
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Hope you enjoy Gwynant’s 1st flight. The DOP are up and running again.Try and watch the you tube video Debbie suggested I guarantee you’ll need the tissues.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wow, talk about determination. What a brave boy Gwynant is; must be very scary to take that first leap. He appeared to fall at one point, but he just kept trying. Deri was watching him very intently. She’ll soon try her wings too. God bless them and guide them on their journey. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Once again I am leaving out of town; without Sir I guess I do my duties but have not added any more, so will leave this week end to go away. I hope everyone is doing well and that every animal big or small has someone to look after them. God bless, Sally B.
Sweet Z, you will be in my heart even if I am away. Bless you with sunny days and that lovely green grass! for all your youngins too.
love n kisses on your soft nose and to Coz, Zi and zprincess
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
I think of you all the time and Sir too. You’re a very special lady. God Bless. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Have a nice trip, Sally. We love you!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams to all of you. Love You. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Same to you dear Judy,
To all Z fans,
Thank you for all your great post.
Hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
Thank you,
Love & hugs.
Donna Zimmerman
I have followed this blog since the Queen’s retirement, although this is my first time posting. I live about 30 min. from the track at Saratoga, though I haven’t been there yet this year. I will be going in August & I hope to meet John, Coz & the Mosses. I was thrilled to meet Mike last year.
I thought everyone would like to know that one of our local newspapers mentioned Coz today. A reporter asked John if Coz would be racing at Saratoga this meet & John replied that Coz would not race here, but could make his first start this fall at Belmont. John also said that Coz looks like Zenyatta.
Thank you to the Mosses & everyone involved with Zenyatta & her wonderful family; I really appreciate your generosity & the time you take to keep us fans informed & up to date with Zenyatta her wonderful children.
Maryp NY
Thanks Donna. It’s always good to hear from someone new and how good it is to be so close to racing mecca.
I’m about 90 minutes away but due to health only get to go once or maybe twice during the season.
I’ll be there tomorrow and hope to see someone on Team Coz.
The next best thing to being at the track is being here with Zenyatta and all the Zsters.
Good luck at the races and hope you see the “family”.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mary:
Hope you get to see COZ. Have a wonderful time at the Spa. Love and Hugs, JB
Maryp NY
I hope so too Judy. I’ll squeal like he did when he was a little one if I see him and my husband will turn red and hide! LOL! Any day at Saratoga is a good time (except for the thunderstorms).
Thanks for the well wishes.
Ann NC
Hi Donna. Have a great time at the track!
Terry Crow
Donna-Don’t be a stranger.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Donna:
Thanks for sharing that JS said COZ may be racing in the Fall. Hope you get to visit him when you go to Saratoga. If you do, please give him our love. Have a great time. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Debbie S.
I just wanted to add, I am a little biased about Midnight Lute. I think he is absolutely gorgeous, but I just so loved his dad Real Quiet and Grand Dad Quiet American.
Sure wish one year Zenyatta would go to him. I’ll wish and hope
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oops, I said loved Real Quiet and Quiet American. Always will love them both.
Real Quiet is gone but Quiet American is very much alive. I check on him. He is living the good life at Darley. He is in a back field but is doing real well I am told. He gets treats from the vendors. They call him “Quiet” American but he is all but that. Very Vocal.
Love him dearly.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hope everyone has a good week!
Love and Kisses on soft noses to Z, 14Z, Zi, and Coz — to Wise Dan, also, and all the beautiful creatures everywhere. Be safe and be loved!
Ann NC
You too, Marshall!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You too. Love and Hugs to you and Reilly, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Just went in and watched the l998 Belmont Stakes “Again” I have watched it so many times, but everytime just on the edge of my seat. Know how it turns out, but every time just so devastated. Just a loss for words at the end. Just have to sit quietly for a bit.
These horses just give their all don’t they. Just love em.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, that’s one for the ages. Still hard to watch. Love and Hugs, JB
July 29 Cherokee Devotional
First impressions are reflections of what we are ready to think. How easy to believe we already know another person when we know ourselves so little. None of us reveal who we really are until we feel safe, and then it is a long time before we trust anyone enough to call them friend. We need to be told that we are liked-not once but many times, ta li a le-yu go diwo di s ge s di, or “twice or more say it,” is the way a Cherokee puts it. Even the most innocent of us tends to judge. But to judge before we know someone may show a lack of sincerity in our own makeup-or maybe even a little fear that we may see in others what we are afraid of finding in ourselves.
We conceded nothing. We came not secretly nor in the night. We came in open day.
Mangas Coloradas
Barbara Wood
@Peggy N–just watched that race replay. Wow–that was a finish for the ages. Thanks for posting.
As to Midnight Lute, I have always thought him to be drop-dead gorgeous. However, I remember the Mosses saying they wouldn’t use extra large stallions, as Zenny is so big herself, and I think that might be one of the reasons with a matchup with ML.
I have a question for anyone. Is it possible to go to the TrueNicks website and get ratings for various matchups, or do you have to be an owner/breeder/member? Thanks in advance.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Barbara
Yes definately one for the ages. I had worried about Midnight Lute’s size too, but he is so gorgeous……………………………………………………….
Dear Kathy.It really is glorious at Goodwood!Cooler here in Wales thank goodness.Hope you got to see the video of Gwynant’s 1st flight, not long before Deri takes to the skies.Miss Kitty looks to be planning a big party she’s concerned about Dolly and Harry,there was a big explosion not far from their home but they are ok.I had to laugh at the seagull stealing the cat’s food and then coming back for the bowl!Marty was extremely busy last night with his budget,I hope he got some yogis after all his hard work!Zoe’s friend Peanut seems to be doing better but her kidneys are a problem now they need our prayers she’s such a cutie!Joey looked to be having a great day in his garden yesterday just chilling!At least Steve isn’t away too long!You get to see a lot of panama hats at Goodwood.Only 4 left in the Sussex stakes tomorrow.Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Looked up Goodwood. It looks very beautiful. Such pretty rolling countryside. And GREEN! I did see Gwynant’s first flight video. Beautiful and so exciting! Now we’re waiting on Deri. My Miss Kitty Face’s Evening Garden Party sounds very posh. Wish I could pop in! So glad Dolly and Harry are okay. I don’t know how you would cope with living in such an area. Poor Marty having to cut costs. Never pleasant! So glad Peanut is better. Praying for her kidneys to improve function. Joey leads a very cushy life. He’s lucky being surrounded by so many people who love him. Three tornados touched down in Denver yesterday! While Steve was at the car rental agency they all had to go into the bathroom because the tornado siren was sounding. Scary! I’ll be glad when he comes back home! Have a good day. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
The royals enjoying the games!Hugs Sheena.
Ann NC
So cute! Love him!
debbie s.
Terry,I like your idea re land and homes for neglected,abused,abandoned animals
Vicki, you are right,the problem is one of our society. I hope education will help people to see animals as the feeling,loving,intelligent beings that they are.Ghandi said that you can tell a lot about a society by the way they treat their animals-even small kindnesses is a start. Those that can help rescues by volunteering or donating make a difference.
debbie s.
ps Barbara,that makes sense-since Zenny is so big the Mosses will likely choose a smaller sire for her to keep her safe…I looked up Hill N’ Dale and Magic Lute is 17 hands and a big boy!! Peggy (N) ,the photos of him are stunning.
My senior pal Ash is 17 hands and that is a big horse.He is a gentle giant and keeps me safe- all 5ft. 3 of me-and I am a senior too. A few days ago I took him for a grass walk and before we left he put his head over my shoulder and groomed and softly nibbled my back-which is healing from a disc problem Now off to walk my dog Tully in the forest, I am so lucky.
Barbara Wood
Debbie–thanks for sharing. So glad you have Ash and Tully.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
I just watched Daisy’s video, Jimmy Valvano would have been very proud of the this special little girl.
debbie s.
pps oops,meant Midnight Lute above
Now I am having a seniors moment, time for that walk.
Anne Bonner
Donna Z – welcome, and thank you for your update!
I’ll be heading to Saratoga in a couple of weeks and hope to find a way to meet John and see Coz. It’s such a beautiful spot, and I look forward to going every year. Wish it could be more often.
Now that you’ve broken the ice and posted I hope you become a regular.
Best to all,
Annie B in MA
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Anne:
Have a wonderful time at the Spa. Give COZ our love if you see him. Love and Hugs, JB
Morgan Morris
THE NECK THE NECK IS FINALLY FILLING IN XD im sorry i have had the biggest issue with his neck and build for ever he was kinda lanky and small but now look at him, hes bulking up nicely and actually i think that there colt needs to be taught some manners, kinda pushy and rude. But great under saddle manners.
Terry Crow
Here are some RN jokes for today. You might be a redneck if you have a refrigerator just for beer. You might be a redneck if your mailbox is made out of old auto parts. You might be a redneck if you know the general director of “yonder.” You might be a redneck if your city council meets at the coffee shop. You might be a redneck if you have ever stood outside of an outhouse and heckled someone on the inside. You might be a redneck if you have a relative living in your garage.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Thanks for the daily dose of smiles. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Yonder, haha.
Thanks, TC GP.
Louise Spadafora
Your best RN jokes so far! I really needed some chuckle time right now. ;-). Thanks!
Terry Crow
Judy, Ann and Louise-Glad you enjoyed them.
Good grief, Terry! Where in the world do you get these jokes? Do you make them up yourself or hear them from someone? Too funny!!!!!
Terry Crow
pam-Over the years when I hear a RN joke that I like I write it down and eventually post them. I have created a few myself, but most of those are not appropriate for the blog. I have found that most of the RN jokes are recycled polish jokes, no offense meant.
Terry you are amazing! Who would think to do that?!! Keep up the funny work!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Thanks for the update on Gwynant. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Princess must be changing daily in size and coat color; stunning girl. Four months old on Friday. Stay cool and comfy. Love all of you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
@TC,GP–in this perilous world of war and Ebola virus, we need all the smile we can get. Thanks you and keep ’em coming!
Terry Crow
Thanks, Barbara. Don’t forget the crud.
Terry Crow
Barbara–I didn’t exactly describe what I meant by the crud. Ask an ex military person sometime about the crud and I guarantee you it will elicit a laugh.
JudyB and Z peeps. There’s a new star on the horizon, a stablemate of the Big Beast.
Big Trouble just won the Sanford at Saratoga, his second time out. He’s still a baby at only 2. No one however pushes Big Trouble around. Son of Tiz Wonderful, and grandson of the one and only Tiznow. Love Big horses.
Ann NC
Thanks, Max. How excitng for Anthony D having 2 Bigs in the barn. Go Bigs.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for this news. Another star in the making. Congrats to Big Trouble and his connections. Two races and he’s earned $235K already. Love and Hugs, JB