Happy Thursday!
Back in June, while on our way to Lane’s End, we stopped at Belmont to see Cozmic One. Coz, Zenyatta’s 2012 colt, is now in training with John Shirreffs. So far, we’ve followed Coz from yearling prep at Lane’s End and breaking at Mayberry Farm in Florida to his arrival and training at Belmont. (If you’ve missed anything, you can read it all here.) Today you’ll meet Omar Velez, who walks us through a typical day for the two year-old colt.
Since this video was filmed, Shirreffs has moved his barn and crew up to Saratoga. Watch the video below and then scroll down for photos. At the end of the post, you will see a glimpse into Cozmic One’s new life in Saratoga.
-Team Z

Saratoga, July 2014 — Photos by John Shirreffs

Bluegrass Girl
Ray Paulick on Fri. July 25 2014
Sad afternoon at @DelMarRacing. Two horses euthanized from injuries.
RIP Yes She’s Unusual and Longview Drive. Better days ahead.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Sure hope so. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
Longview Drive, a son of Pulpit. I am just heartbroken.
RIP Longview Drive and Yes She’s Unusual.
Marshall (NC Broad)
So sorry about the loss of two more long before their time.
RIP Yes She’s Unusual and Longview Drive
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So sad. RIP horses and condolences to their connections :-(
July 26 Cherokee Devotional
If we squint our eyes a little when we look in the mirror, the result isn’t so bad. But when we pass a mirror and catch a reflection unexpectedly, it reveals more than we wanted to see. In a brief moment, we caught ourselves unaware. There was no time to narrow the eyes-and there we were without a disguise. It was a stranger. No smiles-just grim. Why is it we think we are smiling when we are not? The Cherokee often has a stoic expression, a du tiv to di, a mask that protects his sensitive nature from the world around him. Others are the same way. It helps to have a sense of humor when we are caught off-guard.
Old Lakota knew that man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.
Standing Bear
Eveline / Maryland.
Wow, that’s a deep one Kathy!
Dear Max.Frankie’s just had a winner at Ascot and a flying dismount.Looking forward to the big race now.Very warm there.The Moose must be free!!PU Dan and all injured horses.Hope Gary is fit and well soon,we enjoy seeing him over here.Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Was wondering where Frankie D was. Thanks for the this info. Hope he comes back to the Spa in the future. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena. Thanks for this. Not certain about these dismounts. One of these days he might break an arm, leg or ankle. Some of his horses in the past have not approved of this display. Showed some teeth. After all, they actually won those races.
Ann NC
Wonder wht The Fly would do? OUCH!
Dear Kathy.I try to avoid mirrors now!!!The Fledging competition has started any day now!When I looked in last night the whole family were there and Glesni wasn’t keen on sharing her fish with her children!.Zoe was having a lot of dust and thunderstorms last night,she’s sad she seems to be losing friends!!I loved her account of the therapy visit to miss Joan.
Have you seen Joey’s fanfriday videos I had to laugh at the cats washing their owners Katie would tug at the covers and just sit and stare at me!
Ray has had a baff think it’s his girlfriend’s birthday.He was just too cute as a puppy!
Fubu hasn’t lost any weight thank goodness,had blood tests and a lot of meds you could see he wasn’t very happy but he did enjoy his early visit to petco and saw the birdies!I wish I’d had such a well-behaved cat!Enjoy your Saturday.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
I know what you mean! I look in the mirror sometimes and see my mother (or on a bad day my grandmother!!!). It’s always interesting to see animal parents backing away from doing everything for their young. Makes them grow up fast! Humans should do that, too at some point! I was glad to see the post from Zoe and her Mommy. The haboob looked enormous. 3,000 feet high I think I read. That’s a lot of dust! The visit with Miss Joan was very touching. Zoe does such important work. Bless her little puppy heart. I did see Joey fanfriday videos. So cute! I think we all remember past furkids when we watch. Good memories! Ray looked cute with the bath towel covering him. He was an adorable puppy and he sure turned into a handsome adult. That’s good news that Fubu is maintaining his weight. He sure is a fighter! Have a great Saturday. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. They get to visit the groomer today for summer haircuts! Kathy.
Barbara Wood
RIP, dear Longview Drive and Yes She’s Unusual. I just hate these losses piling up.
Did I miss something about Gary Stevens? Did an accident tear up the knee, or has it been just gradually aging? That will be a long rehab. Wow.
Barbara. He decided to have surgery. Read that it is from wear and tear from injuries over the years, not age because in this case he is young for that kind of thing. Prognosis is 6 months until a possible return. No way of knowing for certain. He said that he will see how it goes.
Dear Max&Judy.I am soooo excited Taghrooda did it!!!!She beat the boys!!whoo-hoo.What a race.What a filly!Her Daddy must be so very proud.Hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wonderful. Would love to see the replay. Congrats to Taghrooda and all of her connections. Run Like A Girl! Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena and JudyB. Thrilled for this filly. That was good competition so that she has proven her ability. Agree that her daddy is doing well. He’s definitely the sire of the moment like his bro. Think the race is a pass to Breeders Cup Turf. Wonder if she will travel? Doesn’t really matter because she’s on the top of the world now.
Sheena and JudyB. Video of the race. Tagi ran very well. She’s super.
Sea The Stars now has daughters and sons who are champions. See why it was reported that John Shirreffs recommended him as Zenyatta’s first date. As much as any horse can be, he’s a sure thing as a sire like his brother.
Free the Moose!
Ann NC
Thank you, Max.
Congrats to her on a beautiful race. The flying turf in the face did not even faze her.
Good job sweet girl!
Ann NC. Like to post these videos so that Z fans can see these horses in action. Tagi is very beautiful. Her dad has the same look about him. Apparently she has a nice temperament for training. Sea The Moon however trains himself. He also decides where he races on the track. No point in correcting him.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
All I can say is WOW! I can see why JS would like to have Z bred to STS too. What a fantastic finish. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B. Appears that Sea The Stars might have been the first choice by Shirreffs before Bernie. Do you remember when Guinness invited Z to Ireland when they learned of her BCC wins and her appreciation of their stout? What might have been had she gone there after her retirement? Guess that the Mosses decided to go with Bernie who already had a good stud record. I’m also not certain that travelling that far is a good idea for horses. But a foal by Z and Sea The Stars could be spectacular, if Tagi, Sea The Moon and My Titianna are typical and it looks now like they are. Sea The Stars is a brilliant horse like Z. One writer said that if the field next door had 23 cows on Monday and only 21 on Tuesday, Sea The Stars would notice. He is incredibly intelligent. A male version of Z.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Wouldn’t it be great if Sea The Stars and Z did have a foal. As you say, his progeny are extremely talented and successful racers. He apparently is a very intelligent horse just like Z. Would be a very good match. Although it’s highly unlikely, I would rather have STS travel here than have Z travel to him.
Bernie and some of our other stallions shuttle back and forth, so it isn’t totally unrealistic. I think breeding our mares to horses like Sea The Stars would rebuild stamina in our Thoroughbreds. Could be a very good thing. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. The shuttle stallions appear to go to their owners farms in other countries. Sea The Stars is boarded with the Aga Khan in Ireland so that he is accessible to Irish, UK and Euro breeders. It’s unlikely that the Tsuis would send him to board in the US. But you never know.
According to what I’ve read, Sea The Stars gets very passionate when ladies arrive wearing certain kinds of perfume. He’s not interested in meeting any men who visit the farm, only the women. He also likes to chew on the sleeves of their coats. Cirrus does that too. CDA also grabs scarves, probably only expensive French or Italian ones.
Free the Moose.
Ann NC
Great story, Max.
I know a certain mare who nibbles on the back of her new farrier.
Those two hit it off perfectly!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Max,
Thanks so much for the link to the King George VI ! Wow, what a fabulous win by Taghrooda! Wonderful filly! She is a fine tribute to her daddy, STS. Impressive!!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Fantastic turn of foot. Just beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! Taghrooda pulled it off at Ascot today. Congrats to her and her connections. Sounds like off to the Arc for her.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sorry Sheena – my page hadn’t refreshed, and I didn’t see that you had already posted the news.
Dear Max& Judy.Most probably the Arc for Taghrooda now.She is a top class filly.Pity she is retiring at the end of the season,would love to see her as a 4yr old so much bigger and stronger but when you think what’s happened with Treve maybe they are wise.I haven’t been so excited since Kauto and Frankel left the scene,I dread to think what my heart-rate was when they were coming around Swinley Bottom!Free the Moose PU Dan and all injured horses everywhere. Sheena.
Sheena. Agree. Horses retire too soon. She is a very lovely filly. No filly has won that race in a very long time. If she goes to the Arc, that will be a real challenge. The Arc takes down so many and produces upsets. Right now the bookies have her fourth after Sea The Moon, Australia and Treve. Lots of time before that race to see how it all goes. Heard that Yorkshire may be next. Glad that you are happy.
Free the Moose.
Dear Sandy.No need to apologize.Hugs Sheena.
Terry Crow
Here are a few redneck jokes for today. You might be a redneck if you have Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap in your bathroom. You might be a redneck if you get all of your holiday decorations from the cemetery. You might be a redneck if the welcome mat at your home is stolen mud flaps. You might be a redneck if you can see a landfill, a strip club and a deer stand while sitting on your front porch. You might be a redneck if you have ever eaten a happy meal in an outhouse.
Ann NC
Oh my lands.
Thanks, TC GP.
The mud flaps, brilliant idea!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
You’re back. All Gems. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Love the mud flaps. What an idea!
Marshall (NC Broad)
YAY! Mr. TC is back and bringing smiles, laughs, and guffaws! We were in need of some good ol’ RN humor. Thanks for the giggles, Terry! Lots of Hugs
Terry Crow
@Ann, Judy, Barbara and Marshall–Glad you enjoyed the jokes. More to come.
Dear Max.I am annoyed with the Racing post,they’ve completely forgotten about Danedream (a filly) who won 2yrs ago.Maybe because she was german!!!!Thanks for the video,she really is a beautiful filly took all the preliminaries so calmly.Free the Moose.Is’nt Untapable running tonight.Girl Power!!!Sheena.
Sheena. I think that they are referring to the double – Oaks and King George. Danedream won the King in 2012, but not the Oaks. She’s another super filly.
Yep, think Untapable is on for the Haskell. Beast runs today. Beast, kick butt.
Free the Moose!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Untapable running, as Max said, in the Haskell which is late afternoon tomorrow (Sunday).
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy birthday, Carol in Arkansas!
She was “Carol in Utah” when we first met her,
But to her and her hubby’s consternation,
Provo’s high elevation
Was for him not the best–
Lower land would be a boon,
Much better
For his constitution.
The solution
Was soon clear,
It was no contest–
They would leave the West
And opt for Arkansas’s Hot Springs.
Not only would it health benefits bring,
But there Carol and Jim each had family near.
They packed up all their things
Plus their two dogs and two kitties,
And headed east to that happening city.
As readers of this site are aware,
Carol worked as a registered nurse
For forty-five years.
To patients’ care
She did personally attend,
Helping them to mend
And soothing their fears.
Sometimes for the severely infirmed
Things would go from bad to worse,
The odds against them seemed stacked.
One might think
A recovery beyond belief,
With only grief
In store for the bereaved.
Yet Carol had seen many from the very brink
Come back,
And Carol ever more
Strongly leaned
To belief
In the Beyond
And felt in her core
Her conception confirmed.
In the course of her RN career,
Carol supervised staff
Who on her expertise relied,
But for her final decade and a half,
Carol was most fond
Of working bedside,
With younger and younger children most of all,
Till in the end
She to the smallest of the small
Did tend,
The micro-premies
In Neo-natal ICU.
The tiniest of the teeny
Was a boy,
Blue-eyed and blond,
At birth just twenty ounces.
I’m glad to say
He was in time able to ease
Into living a normal way,
Enjoying bounces
On papa’s knees,
Receiving a hug or a squeeze,
Toddling ’round the yard,
Grasping anything he could seize
In his little fists,
Making up for the days of home life he’d missed.
Now at six he’s as healthy as you please,
You’d not know
It had been touch-and-go
And his first months had been so hard.
Carol has her own kids, grands, and great-grands,
Whom you’ll across the country find.
The only young ones in residence these days
Are the four-legged kind,
Sadly one less since Roxy’s soul took flight,
Soaring up beyond the blue
To the bridge that’s rainbow hued,
And bathed in eternal light.
The pawed ones left behind
Are Scooter, the hero canine,
And the two cats he rescued.
An English Springer, Scooter came as a pup.
This clever bird dog showed
When not yet one,
That he already did know
What was up
And how it was to be done
When Jim him did confront
With his first chance ever to hunt.
Scarce more than half a year in age,
Very much still in the puppy stage,
Scooter went with Jim to Pheasant Club,
Where he was offered a field
Of grasses and shrub
Said to have been “hunted out.”
Jim him simply bid
To hunt,
And Scooter worked a grid,
Methodically exploring the ground,
And would strongly sniff
To get a good whiff
Of where birds hid.
He cast about
With his sensitive snout
For the birds’ scent.
Altogether he seven pheasants
In his search
With his “push” he sent
Them up,
And each with a lurch
Skyward went.
Not bad for a pup!
Scooter found
This “first flush of success”
With the pheasants
Most pleasant.
No one did him train
In what to do–
It was hard-wired in his brain.
Carol, for her part,
Felt an empty spot in her heart
Which she hoped to fill with a dog devoted to her,
Just as was Scooter
To Jim.
Carol looked in the local pound,
And there she Roxy found.
Though Roxy was sitting on death row,
She seemed not to know,
Or not to care,
For she potential adopters
Did steadfastly ignore
As if they weren’t even there.
Roxy, in her dejection,
Would neither eat
Nor accept affection.
But Carol, undaunted by what had gone on before,
Sat and quietly waited in a room
Reserved for just such a “meet-and-greet,”
And hoped she could save Roxy from doom.
Roxy came in, and for Roxy, one look
Was all it took–
She placed her head on Carol’s knee,
As if to say, “You’re the one I’ve been waiting for.”
And so it was to be.
By the next day,
Roxy already benevolently reigned
Over her new domain.
Without a fight,
Without a growl or bite,
Roxy asserted her claim
To preeminence
Simply through her essence.
Though she had but a third of Scooter’s size,
She was top dog in his eyes.
Roxy was an American Eskimo dog, or Eskie,
Long-haired, brilliant white,
A stunning visual delight.
And like others of her breed,
She had a great need
Her home and friends to protect.
Should she from any quarter
A threat detect,
No one could thwart her,
She would in her defense not relent.
Once she sent
An ADT home security gent
On his way—
As he departed,
Carol did hear
Him say
That with a dog so lion-hearted,
Carol and Jim
Need have no fear:
No one would take a whim
To trespass on their property
As long as they had Roxy….
Returning now
To Scooter,
He would search not only far afield,
But in the garden too at home.
As always he his nose did use
The garden to peruse
And find what it might yield.
That’s how
He discovered two kittens,
Newborn and alone.
He the pair with his nose did poke,
Then wondered what more to do
To accomplish a rescue.
Jim came with words of praise
And took the kittens in
For Carol to raise.
Thus thanks to the warm hearts
Of Scooter, Jim, and Carol,
Two kittens that had been in great peril
Not only survived,
But thrived
Despite their dire start,
And are living cozy lives at home,
And not feral.
These two gray tabbies, nearly twins,
Were dubbed Boots and Smoke.
But feline siblings, for all they share,
May nonetheless not for each other care,
And thus it is with these two.
Each sis
Has been known at the other
To hiss,
And sometimes worse.
What was Carol, their human mother,
To do?
Well, Roxy was there to tell those two
That animosity just wouldn’t do.
To them she would recite chapter and verse
Of the Roxy Code
Till they the line toed.
And so it went too
At the Bark Park,
Where Roxy loved to go every day,
Right up to the end.
She’d the arrival of each new dog await,
Then go to the gate
Them to greet
And them also to screen
As to whether she would them deem
A friend.
She would then them escort
To the humans’ seats,
Where the owners might
Sit a bit
And let the dogs cavort,
Free of their leads.
Just as at home,
Roxy would not condone
Any fight
Among her friends.
Roxy was ever The One Who Must Be Obeyed —
That’s how her game was played.
If a dispute arose,
She would herself interpose,
And, in her own quiet way,
To all convey
That nonviolence must rule the day.
If anyone dare
Make scene,
She would step right
In between
That her friends
Then and there
Make amends.
O if only the leaders of the world
Would to Roxy have turned,
They could have from her learned
That neither bombs nor insults
Should against another be hurled,
For instead of rendering wild forces tame,
Such actions spur a like reaction,
And only result in more of the same.
We should rather practice outreach
For peace,
As Roxy did us teach.
Today is Carol’s special day,
And she will with Cathy,
Her dear sis,
Make her way to garage sales,
A favorite pastime which does please her,
But ’bout which her hubby used to tease her,
Saying she and Cath’ were daft.
But Carol got the last laugh,
To hear her tell the tale.
She found the way
At least for one day
Hubby’s point of view to demolish
When she for him a Harley found—
Isn’t that a hoot?
I think a teen might call it gnarly!
And Carol to boot
Bargained the seller down
To the price on which she stood
For she knew how much could
Be spent.
Well, that certainly did Hubby’s respect earn!
Now Jim the chrome does polish
And considers this find
Heaven sent,
And perhaps he does a little less mind
If Carol does a Saturday spend
Doing this kind
Of shopping,
From sale to sale
Carol, I hope nothing today will your fun curtail.
As you all the items surveil,
I know you will not fail
To find some hidden treasure
In which you can take much pleasure.
The evening too will be extra fine
As you and Hubby go out to dine.
And when the daylight is done,
I hope the stars will for you shine,
And with the planets themselves align
In an auspicious design
Augering good things to come,
Such as a winning come-from-behind run
By Rivers Run Deep,
And finally may the good Lord you bless and keep,
Today and always.
Terry Crow
Trina–This one was truly an epic, possibly the best yet. Happy birthday to a special person. Carol–We would all be better off if we lived by the Roxy code. Bless you and your family.
TC. Same word came to mind. Epic! Trina never fails to produce gems.
Best regards to carol. Roxy, never forgotten.
carol in arkansas
Trina….i am over whelmed….sitting here crying joyous tears….its beautifully done…
Roxys stone came yesterday….we scattered her ashes at the dog park…in the enterance area there are red “pavers” so we bought one and her name i graved on it. Next week we will install it….her stone just says ROXY….its all that was needed….
Thank you so much for this lovely poem….
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Hope you had a very happy Birthday, wishing you many more to come. hugs
Happy Birthday Carol. Hope you and Rivers have a wonderful year.
Ann NC
Happy Happy Birthday to a very special lady!
Hope you are having a great day!
Trina- beautiful. Made me cry, too.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Wow, what a beautiful tribute to Carol, Roxy and her family. Wonderful! Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Carol,
.•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•. .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
**……**… ….♥ •.¸.•´♥….**……**…
Best wishes for a great year to a fellow nurse, cappin’ contest team member, and super poster on this blog (I just love your style). Hope “your horse” Rivers comes through soon as a special birthday present for you.
Bravo Trina – another epic for sure!!
Barbara Wood
Trina–what a stupendous poem for one of our sterling Dumplings. Thank you!!!
@Carol–the very happiest of birthdays to you. Hope it’s special How could it not be with this poem.
@Max–thanks for the heads up about Gary Stevens.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carol in Arkansas,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and MANY more happy years to come.
Hope you had a great day of shopping and fun with your sister — lots of fun with Jim, Scooter, Smoke and Boots, too! Love and Hugs
Dear Trina,
What an outstanding effort — yes, epic is the word! Thank you so much for a great poem which gives us insight into our dear friend’s life and times. Hugs and Love
Happy Birthday, Carol! Sorry I’m late to the party but maybe you can keep celebrating for a few more days!!
Moe Quirin
Thanks for the great videos and pictures to help track Coz’s progress!
debbie s.
Happy Birthday Carol!
Thanks to Trina I learned what a big heart you have and what a wonderful dog Roxy was.Warm wishes for a happy day and more blessings in the year ahead.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
The Beast won by five lengths. Will post the replay as soon as it’s up. Congrats Beast and J. Castellano. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
BIG congratulations to The Beast and his connections! Great win by a great horse!
Continued success and safe racing, too. Hugs
Congrats to The Beast. Quite a show.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Here’s Beast’s replay. Wire to wire win. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Thanks very much for this. I had to lie down after that race. Wildly excited!
The Beast really kicked home. I like those dressage moves that he makes at the end of a race. He’s a beast and he knows it.
Free the Moose! Moose, study the Beast.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Indeed! Power Up Dan, CC, CDA, Treve, ROC, Beholder, Reilly, Sir and all who are ill or injured. Beast, Way To Go! TT, love you forever. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
The Beast sure fooled the TVG guys who were backing almost anyone else. Bravo to The Beast!
Louise Spadafora
OMG, The Big Beast is huge! Does anyone know how many hands he is? What a great race and very exciting. The big boy not only jump to the lead but keep his lead growing as the race progressed. My goodness, do I see a star in the making?
Ann NC
Thanks for the video, JB.
He is all business!
Dear Trina.A truly epic poem!I certainly “know” Carol a lot more now.Good to see you posting.Love and hugs Sheena.
Dear Carol.Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and a great shopping day.Hugs Sheena.
debbie s.
Debbie S is Debbie Sutherland up in Canada.
Sorry for the confusion, original email did not work.
Hope I am out of the red-smile.
Carol,your birthday wish still stands.
Check out this race from Saratoga. Who would have guessed that there would be a Moose in that crowd? We all know him, especially shirlee.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you so much. This is too funny. JV pulled a Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Johnny V never ceases to amaze. The dratted guy is riding Palace Malice in the Whitney so I guess our stars have aligned.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
At last! Go PM and JV. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Love this. Thanks, Max. Nice seeing them having fun!
JV stumbled out of the gate and went Moosie on them!
Love the Ortiz bros and their antics.
Ann NC. Got good laugh at the comment that the Ortiz brothers are full brothers. All things considered that was a fast pace. These guys and gal are fit. JV doing a Moosie only made it even more authentic.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Stay cool. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dear Max.Love the Beast!Had to laugh at Johnnie V doing a “Moosie”!!The RP made a correction to their earlier mistake of announcing Taghrooda was the first filly to win the King George and Queen Elizabeth for 30yrs and said it was the first filly to do the oaks and the big race double since 76′.Of course Dahlia had won the Irish Oaks in 73’before demolishing the King George and Queen Elizabeth field as well.The World Horse welfare raised £30,000 at the Guards polo club the other day when Kauto was the star turn!Free the Moose.Noble Mission is running in Germany tomorrow.Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. The influence of the Moose may have extended itself to one of the top US jockeys. Wait until Dan hears this. Dan always fights with Uncle Johnny to let him get going. Dan is clearly the anti-Moose. Liked the stewards inquiry of that race. Just like the beak!
May have mislead you earlier. Haskell is tomorrow at Monmouth. Untapable is in it.
Bravo to Kauto. That is a lot of cash for a good cause. He’s looking better than ever.
I have loved that Beast from first sight. Judy said that he has a similar pedigree to her Charlie. The Beast took a little bit more time to win as a racehorse than the horses in the Classics, but he’s still only 3. He runs very fast from the wire for a big horse. Hope that he races again at Saratoga. The Beast may have crossed paths with Cozzy while training. Think Coz looks like a big boy too.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena and Z Fans:
Yes, Charlie and the Beast share the same Grand Sire, Deputy Minister. Charlie’s Sire, Desert Warrior, is a son of Deputy Minister and The Beast’s Dam, VVS Flawless, is a daughter of Deputy Minister. Looking forward to his next race. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
The Beast is incredible, like Papa Charlie.
Wonder if Beast likes hats and blankets?
Very exciting!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Wonder if he’s a blanket bandit too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena. Checked out Mission’s competition. There are some good horses in that race. One is a son of Oasis Dream. Think he’s a stablemate to Sea The Moon. Why can’t Mission stay home? Let us know how he does. Hope for the best.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed NM. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Found this auction video of two year old Beast. He was already living up to his future. name as a two year old. Some comments on his siblings included. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Wonderful find. The Beast already looked 17 hands at 2! I remember that there were comments before his win at Belmont that he took time to get into the gate because of his size. He’s pretty self assured too for his age. Could be another Big D!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, could be. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Gosh,The Beast is a big boy!!It was a great win today by Taghrooda.STS would be an ideal mate for Zenyatta.I know it would involve a lot of travelling but the Mosses should give it some serious thought.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Great win by T today. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Goodnight sweet Z, I am hitting the hay; wish it was with you.
lovenkisses and to Coz, Ziconic and Zprincess
Auntie Sally B
July 27 Cherokee Devotional
Perfectly intelligent people lose what they want most by demanding something that is still in the courting stage. There is a time to be bold, or ni ga na ye s gv na, says the Cherokee, but it takes wisdom to know when it is. If something is worth having, it is worth waiting for, worth working toward. But fear of losing something before we have had a chance to make it our own can stir us to take risks that are often unwise. Insecurity makes us react in plain-speaking ways that cause us to lose the very thing we want to keep. Action is a necessary part of living, but persuasion is an art and seldom appears demanding.
The Great Spirit will not punish us for what we do not know.
Red Jacket
Beast news. There is some early talk of the Beast moving up in the horsey world. Could run in the King’s Bishop at Saratoga in late August. Proud of you, Beast. Very proud.
Free the Moose!
Ann NC
Yip, yip, yippeee!
Love how he took command of post position 1 and made it HIS race!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max and Ann:
Read that too. Go Beast. Love and Hugs, JB