Happy Thursday!
Back in June, while on our way to Lane’s End, we stopped at Belmont to see Cozmic One. Coz, Zenyatta’s 2012 colt, is now in training with John Shirreffs. So far, we’ve followed Coz from yearling prep at Lane’s End and breaking at Mayberry Farm in Florida to his arrival and training at Belmont. (If you’ve missed anything, you can read it all here.) Today you’ll meet Omar Velez, who walks us through a typical day for the two year-old colt.
Since this video was filmed, Shirreffs has moved his barn and crew up to Saratoga. Watch the video below and then scroll down for photos. At the end of the post, you will see a glimpse into Cozmic One’s new life in Saratoga.
-Team Z

Saratoga, July 2014 — Photos by John Shirreffs

July 25 Cherokee Devotional
The haying season is in full swing and trucks loaded with bales of green-gold leave the meadows stirred into action. Killdeer circle overhead, and quail call for a covey scattered by the noise of machines. To all appearances, this is the quiet season-but appearances are deceiving. The end is never the end but another beginning. The grasses drying in the sun have dropped seeds that will sprout again. Tall graceful sunflowers shade the wild petunias that wait for another rain. We finish one thing and begin another-always with a fresh eye for how we can do better. It reminds us that what we want to reap, we must first plant and cultivate and water with love.
The Great Spirit has smiled upon us and made us glad.
Keokuk 1848
Wonderful update of my precious Coz. TYSM teamZ.
His coat really lightens in the sun. Love that graceful walk-just like mommyZ. Is funny that he “gets bored fast.” Hope he likes his new residence. Love the trees along the barn walkway.
Ann could only be more beautiful holding a Triple Crown trophy, hint hint.
Deb E.
I have a feeling she just might be holding the Triple Crown trophy in 2016.
Graet update! Coz looks like he has adjusted well to his training scheduel. Can’t wait to see him on the track in competition. I have one question, when they said John has moved to Saratoga is this just for the meet. Will he be moving back to Belmont after the meet or will he be staying at Saratoga? And yes you can see the love in Ann’s eyes for all of her girls and boys. Thanks Team Z
Dear Kathy.Hovis has all my sympathy we celts are more used to the wet and windies than this heat!At least his love-life has improved!!Fubu has a surprise for us,he did manage some kitty gravy and is at the vet this morning(afternoon here)He’s got 7000 furiends whoo-hoo!!How on earth do you cope with those high temps?Have you always lived in California?
Found a new Persian called Wilby (a girl)lives in England very cute.Dolly has been posting on her private page very dangerous place to be at the moment ,do wonder why they live there.Was’nt Tom a bad boy to put up a video of the bum!!Poor Joey!!!Katie used to love to stretch out like that in front of the fire on winter nights.
There was a male intruder on the Dyfi yesterday Glesni gave him short shrift Monty was on a fishing trip.Did you see Marty’s “Happy Dance”he did give a squeak at the end,am not certain he was enjoying himself.Have a great Friday.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Sheena. Just learned that Pique Sous will not race in the Galway. He came up lame, and although nothing showed on the xray, his peeps think that he has a stress fracture. Will need 6 weeks of box rest. Back for the new season. Get well, Pique. You’ve done great already.
Free the Moose.
Dear Sheena,
Poor Hovis…it’s already hot and then the romance could make him even hotter! lol I was very glad to read that Fubu ate some kitty gravy. Can’t imagine what the surprise is. Congratulations to him on his 7000 friends. Yes, I’ve always lived in CA. When it gets hot like it is now we do as little as possible and park ourselves in front of the AC and drink lots of water. Also, if we have to go out we try to get everything done early in the morning before the temps start to climb. Will look for Wilby. Cute name! Poor Joey. That wasn’t very nice of Tom! We do know that deep down Tom is crazy about Joey. Remember how solicitous Tom was during Joey’s health scare. I’m glad Gesni defended her space. She has a lot of spunk. I did see Marty’s “happy dance.” I don’t think Marty was enjoying himself much, but it was extremely cute. Have a good Friday and enjoy your weekend! Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Kathy. Any any battle or house invasion I definitely want Glesni on my side.
Free the Moose!
That’s for sure! Free the Moose!
Rosemary McCauley
In the last photo of Coz and his work mate Coz already has his dead serious game face on.
Ann NC
Love it!
Mary S
Wow! Coz has gotten so big – really growing and filling out. And I LOVE the way he moves – long, fluid and with great economy of motion. Looking good!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
THANK YOU again and again to everyone who took the photos and video and produced this post. And thanks, as always, to the Mosses for allowing us to continue to marvel at the adventures of Zenny and her kids. Coz is just gorgeous. As others have noted, sometimes he looks really dark and other times he looks much lighter – not sure what causes that as some of the pictures with “darker” looks were taken outside. The video is especially wonderful – it’s “almost” like seeing him in person. Thanks to John and Omar for taking such good care of our boy. Can’t wait til the next installment. Now – how about some video of The Princess??
Coz looks like he could be a naughty boy! So glad to see how well he has adjusted.
LoriW (So. Cal.)
BIG SMILE :) CoZ is as fabulous as ever….he’s at Saratoga now? Didn’t know! CoZ is
starting to look ‘race-ready’….bring ’em on! THANK YOU so much for this wonderful update…..
Luv & kisses always to beautiful Z and her ‘Magnificent 3’ (CoZ, Zi, & Z Princess) :)
WOW! I have dreamed of seeing Coz on the track since the day he was born. Such a beauty. So much energy being held in check. I didn’t understand what they said they were putting in his mouth. Does the bit come later in his training? Thanks for the kind thoughts. Brother #2 is almost back to his normal self. It was really scary seeing his head swollen up like a pumpkin. He’d been working outside when he was stung and it was a very hot day. The doctor thinks that’s why his reaction was so severe.
I missed seeing Katie run. Sometimes you just have to love that dratted Johnny V.
Donna H
Thanks for such generous sharing about the life of Coz. He is a beauty! He liked to bite when he was little but always loved Ann’s kisses on his soft nose. Hope he races before too long.
LoriW (So. Cal.)
For those of you who were not aware: RIP Dance With Fate who was spooked by something, pulled away from the groom and severly injured his hind leg in this freak accident…..they tried everything to save him but could not and sadly had to be euthanized (this happened just yesterday I believe)….they had big plans for him :( Condolences to all the connections.
Thank you so much Mr. & Mrs. Moss (and all of Team Z) for allowing us in to share so much of Zenyatta and her beautiful family. The gift that just keeps on giving! Looks like Coz is the “BOSS” and knows just how special he is. Cannot wait for his first race! Plus Zi and the Princess. So exciting.
debbie sutherland
Dance With Fate, struck down so young and with so much promise.I am so sad about this tragedy and send condolences to all the people connected with this beautiful spirit.
One newspaper reporter spoke to the pony rider who accompanied DWF to the track for an early morning workout and was told that the left rein broke and that DWF vered right and into a post and the fencing at the side of the track. Who knows what happened for sure The jockey and horse both went down,sadly Dance With Fate’s injuries were too severe to recover,heartfelt sympathy to the owners and everyone who worked with this magnificent horse.
News of Wise Dan. Dan knows the difference between a breeze and the real thing. Check out the photo of Danny and then look at Ziconic. Chess Club members.
Kick butt, Dan. Zi, your turn to do the same thing is coming.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Mr. L is giving Dan all the time he needs. He looks great. Power up Dan, CC, CDA, ROC, Treve, Reilly, Sir and all who are ill or injured. Beast, Godspeed tomorrow. TT, love you forever. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Such handsome members.
Do your thing, Dan.
Zi, A+ prep student!
debbie sutherland
Wise Dan is coming back in good form, liked the comments of his trainer.
Yes,Ziconic and Danny definitely members of the chess club-smile.
Best of luck to Dan and watching his bro (kindred) Zi with interest and pleasure.
Dear Max.Glesni would definitely be on your side!She was busy protecting her chicks yesterday from a male intruder,Monty wasn’t around away on a fishing trip.She is fierce!Yes,I heard about Pique Sous such a shame.Have’nt heard anything more about the morphine only talk of a field of poppies in France!There isn’t much entente cordiale between us these days.They’ve had a thunderstorm and heavy rain at Ascot this afternoon so Gosden is happy about Eagle Top.
Hovis and me are both tired of the heat at least he’s got some romance in his life!!
Did you know Paul’s chaser See More Business ,he died yesterday aged 24yrs same owner as Denman.He won the Gold Cup in 99′ and 2 King Georges.Had a good retirement.Great news about Wise Dan you must be thrilled.Is the work progressing with the decking?Free the Moose.PU Dan and all sick horses everywhere.Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. Glesni is a true blue heroine. No wonder that you admire her.
Pique will rise again. They will need to keep him quiet for the healing process. Mullins says that Pique is a horse with low mileage! Says that Pique will run again.
Saw what you wrote about See More and looked him up. Seems like he stayed with Paul for his retirement, something that Clive Smith did not want for Kauto. It’s sad for Paul and the owner. Sounds like a great horse with a peaceful passing.
Always love Dan. Kick some butt, King of the chestnuts.
Exciting news is that The Big Beast is running this weekend at Saratoga in an allowance race. Javier is riding. Beast, kick butt!
Free the Moose!
Sheena. Forgot about the deck. In denial. They are way behind. I see no progress at all. We may be into negative growth. Good thing that I’m not the outdoor type who wants to consider the meaning of life while sitting on a deck. Rain forecast for the weekend and next week, but you cannot trust those claims either. Rain during the week means no one shows up. I’ve kind of lost interest in this project. If it ever gets noisy on the one afternoon that I’m home, I will retreat to a hotel.
Free the Moose!
Cynthia H.
♥ Hoof-ray! Team Shirreffs scores another victory this afternoon at Saratoga with Fresh Feline, a beautiful and tenacious daughter of Kitten’s Joy. It was great to see Forego’s historic colors in the Winners’ Circle again for Lazy F Ranch! Congratulations to all! ♥
Ingrid Arnone
OH! Wow Coz is so beautifulllllllll!
I cannot wait to see him on the racetrackkkkkkk!
Love you Coz!
Dear Max.Oh bless you.I love the outdoors miss my garden a lot now I’m in a flat.They would have had no excuse over here lately with the warm dry days.I have often dreamt of living in a penthouse having peeps to cater to my every need.Well,one can but dream.I loved the cute story about the fox sleeping on a bus.We had a cat who used to catch the 10.55am bus every day which took him around Plymouth city centre.Hope the Beast will win and I’m keeping everything crossed for Taghrooda.See More lived with Paul Barber’s son and daughter- in-law,it was Emma who found him curled up in his field.a lovely way to go.Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. The idea that the race for Tagi might be easier than The Oaks seems a little strange. That field looks pretty tough to me. Hoping that Tagi wins.
That fox was really something. Those guys like to take over in a sneaky way. They are really nice looking too in their chestnut fur. This one is a real charmer. Has huge ears. Like the bus story of the cat. Nissy might do that too.
Beast has drawn stall one. May not be too bad. The Beast seems to like to get out in front which is not easy when you are beastly big. Hope that he wins. Go Beast!
Read that Uncle Johnny has some rides with Wesley Ward. Has Frankie gone home?
Free the Moose!
Shema Satya
so so wonderful to see this update, so very grateful to Team Z for keeping us in the loop, just love it so much. and Coz is looking really beautiful!
Bluegrass Girl
The Blood-Horse Race Results ·VIDEO Friday July 25 2014
Race 10 (MSW) at SAR on 7/25/14
Fresh Feline (Kitten’s Joy – Merry Me in Spring) wins a maiden special weight at Saratoga
Trainer: John A. Shirreffs Jockey:Rajiv Maragh
Bluegrass Girl
Mike Watchmaker Daily Racing Form tweets Friday July 25 2014
Meanwhile, John Shirreffs has gone from ice cold to red hot. He did this last year in NY, too. Also, nice to see the Lazy F Ranch silks win
Fresh Feline remains the winner and stewards flip-slip 2nd/3rd, DQing Angel Choir from 2nd to 3rd and elevating Jolene to 2nd. 9-5-10-7
Really good win by this determined filly. You can tell that she is trained by John Shirreffs – cotton in the ears. Nice ears too. Like those feisty girls.
Thanks, BGG. Happy for John and Kitten’s Joy. Mr. Ramsey,s faith in his horse has paid off. Just think, several years ago, no one wanted to breed to KJ.
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
I am sorry I could not come here Thursday. What a special moment to have Coz before my eyes!! Zenyatta has a son that resembles her! Coz is just stunning and the last picture is most awesome. Thank you from my heart!! It appears that Coz likes to “mouth” alot and is that why the chain is over Coz’s nose while being cared for?? Of course Coz is still so young too.
Why did John decide on Saratoga for Coz’s continued training??
Ann & Jerry and team Z you are the most thoughtful people in the whole world to continue to think of us.
hugs, Sally B.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sally – I think it’s just that at the moment, John is at Saratoga so took Coz along for continued training (and to enjoy the great scenery, of course :-)
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Zenyatta, you should be so proud of Coz, Zi and Zprincess!!
Goodnight to you all with sweet dreams and kisses, especially to my Queen,
Love, Auntie Sally B.
Faithful Z supporter
So happy for John this summer. He is again back on the East coast not only winning races but has been blessed with the opportunity to train the son of the Queen of Racing. Wow! I adore coming here each day where I can be updated on various topics. Such an educational and supportive place to visit.The compassion for others on this site is truly special, which is the reason I have stayed for so many years. Thank you all.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Stay cool and comfy. Sweet Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
GARY STEVENS UPDATE from Becky Witzman HRTV Fri. July 25 2014
Knee replacement surgery for Gary Stevens went very well. Here he is after.
Expected home in a few days.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this update on GS. Wishing him a complete recovery.
Any word on Frankie D. and will he be riding at the Spa any more? Love and Hugs, JB
Like to see you in silks riding again. Get well, Gary.
BGG, As always, thanks for the post. He looks good. Hope he has a rapid and uneventful recovery. Sort of fate that he and Muchie are hurt at the same time. They had such a special bond. It seemed as if Gary understood him better than any of his other jocks. Bet Muchie is going to have more fun in the next few months than Gary!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Power Up Gary, sending healing thoughts and prayers for this my handsome second favorite jockey. hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Best wishes and speedy recovery to Gary. Unlike some of us, he was probably in good shape going in and should be a champ at rehab.