Last fall we held our sixth annual Zenyatta Celebration, raising over $40,000 for Retired Racehorse Project. Five participants were chosen in a random drawing to win the grand prize, An Invitation to Meet Zenyatta. Each winner was invited to travel with a guest to Lane’s End Farm to meet Zenyatta and receive a tour of the farm. These photos document their visits. Photography by Alys Emson.
View the complete set of photos from these visits in our 2018 Zenyatta Celebration Photo Gallery.

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos of the lucky winners who had the opportunity to visit our dear Queen! Zenyatta looks so absolutely gorgeous in her winter finery and the smiles everyone was wearing really just made the joy pop out of the photos. What a generous and kind thing for Team Z to do in sharing Zenyatta this way. I’ll keep on ordering my sticker for each Celebration hoping to be chosen, but my heart is always full for how we are blessed with this site to share our love of the Queen! Thank you!
Barbara Brayton
Off the subject, but did anyone read about Sir Prize Birthday on Bloodhorse? Bless his heart, as Steve said, he was a true thoroughbred.
Sheena Davies
Here it is from someone who always goes off subject!!
Hovis is allowed a short walk but needs a BIG boot.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena and Barbara:
Wow, what a special Warrior Boy. Good to know he was well loved.
Barbara, thanks for mentioning the article on Sir Prize Birthday and Sheena, thanks for posting it here. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Ms Zenny looks like she is saying “just give me the treats”.
Sheena Davies
Songbird and babybird!
Great pictures of all the lucky winners and Zenyatta. She looks so happy. As many others have said, I hope I will be one of the winners someday. What a dream come true it would be to meet Zenyatta. Thank you so much for keeping her in our lives.
Sheena Davies
Congratulations to Beholder who is in foal to War FrontX
Sheena Davies
Will Winx become a record breaker this morning?
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed Winx. St. Francis protect Beholder and her new baby to be. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Sarah McCarthy
She certainly did. Happy Clapper attempted to steal, and some say made a race of it, but Winx galloped right by in the stretch and Bowman hand rode her to another facile victory.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Elizabeth:
Sheena and I were just saying how we miss your posts. Hope all is well. Love and Hugs, JB
Wow!!!! How lucky are they!!! It must have been incredible seeing THE QUEEN in person!!!!
Sheena Davies
What is there to left to say about this mare called Winx?31 consecutive victories and now Group one World record holder 23 wins.Happy Clapper made a race of it but there was no denying the darling of the horse racing world.It will be sad to see her leave the stage.
All I can say is Wow. She is amazing!
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena and Celeste:
I add my WOW to yours. Congrats beautiful Winx. Here’s the replay of 23. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Didn’t realize you had already posted Winx’s replay. Loved the race caller’s “sitting there like a department store manikin”; Winx doing it all. Too cute. She’s phenomenal! Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
No worries.Good to see her twice.Unbelievable and not even touched with the whip.Love and hugs.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena, Celeste and Judy,
Adding my Cheers and Congrats to Winx and her connections!
She really is quite amazing. Congrats to Happy Clapper — he did very well, too.
Hugs and Love
Is Zenyatta going to bred this year or has she already?
Sheena Davies
The beauty that is Winx.
Janet Newman
She certainly loves interacting with her visitors.
Ann NC
Zenny, you take the cake. Looks like everyone had fun! Treats for all.
Thanks for sharing Team Z.
Love to all.
I posted a comment yesterday, but I don’t see it ? It might be because I changed my moniker (I no longer live in Burbank). Administrator, pls make note of it. Thank you.
I forget what my comment was lol. Zenny, seeing these smiles make me ? reliving my visit last year. Wet, windy & cold, but warmed my
I got tears as you walked away…then you stopped & tried to roll, but your tummy was so big!
All my love XO Auntie Judy
Sheena Davies
Once upon a time there was a fat arsed very harassed princess who owned a troublesome high maintenance steed.
One day, after weeks of box rest following yet another highly expensive foray into the magical world of veterinary science, Sir Herman of the Needleland declared that El Galloping Gormless could be allowed to walk out every day for five minutes.
Tearfully the princess asked if instead the high maintenance Hoverine could be turned out instead but Sir Herman declared “No. this can not occur for doth an infection could taketh hold and slay the large bank balance draining beast. So go forth and walk thy steed in hand”.
The princess searched the land for anyone brave enough to take on this challenge for it was foretold in folk lore that the one who could hold onto the beast after 6 weeks in the land of the box and upon the sight of the tractors of doom would inherit the earth.
Alas no knights came forward and the princess resigned herself to be carted into the land of A&E.
And so thus the princess waves to her subjects and wistfully whispers “goodbye cruel world, goodbye”.
The end
Karen is so witty.Her response to Hovis’s 5 mins of freedom(when he gets a boot)
Marshall (NC Broad)
Karen could be writing comedy professionally!
Thanks so much for posting this, Sheena. Giggles are good for the soul
Best Wishes to the Hoverine and his steadfast mum.
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
So, so entertaining! I agree with Marshall that Karen could write professionally!
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Such a wonderful day for Winx and some lovely photos on her FB.Street Cry must be so proud of his 2 girls.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Ingrid Arnone
Team Z.
Zenyatta looks so happy with all her fans.
Love and hugs sweet Zenyatta Love you!
Sheena Davies
More sad news from Santa Anita.RIPEskenforadrink.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace Eskenforadrink, dear girl. You deserved so much more — 4 years is too young. Run happy and free among the angels.
SA must figure this out and ASAP. :-(
Sheena Davies
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Karen Thompson
Visual storyteller · 41 mins
The story continues…
And lo! The day dawneth when the fire breathing beast of bank balancing bleeding breeding was allowed to set forth into the school of salvation.
The fair princess had enlisted the help of her faithful companion Maid Emily-Grace of Bobblehat land and together the trio bravely went where no princess, maid nor beast had been before. Well not for at least six weeks anyway…
And behold the gate was closed and the beast contained in the sanctity of the school for it was foretold that he might behave in there.
Alas the beast had not been informed of this and what poured forth was the most impressive foot work ever seen in this fairest of lands.
The princess doth heareth that The BBC shall be sending forth an offer for Strictly Come Dancing so impressive was the beasts Paso Doble!
After some minutes of dancing the princess and her maid did decideth that discretion was indeed the better part of valour and retreated with the 18HH fire breathing monster back to the barn whilst awaiting the arrival of the knights of Nee erstwhile known as Sir Brian and Sir Ashley.
Despite the fact that a show of bravery would indeed guarantee the knights luck was in this very evening Sir Ashley declined to walk the beast citing an old sword fighting injury and the fact it was raining. Finding himself without a brave wingman Sir Brian was left to deal with El Galloping of Gormless with nothing more than a dozen treats and his big knights pants on.
As foretold in the lore of folk so did the beast spook at both thy pigeon and thy gorse bush. And thy mirrors and thy feathers of fury which doth are attached to the leg of the beast.
But lo! Both did survive and returned victorious. And wet. Very wet.
The princess doth changeth the dressing of her steeds foot and praise from heaven was felt in the utterly crippled back and the iodine stained fingers which willeth be a bitcheth to get clean before the princess returns to the realm of work tomorrow.
The end
Sorry could’nt seem to copy so well today but the story continues.Don’t notice the top half of the post.The Princess and her steed hath survived!
Love the story of the Princess and her Noble Steed. Thanks for a laugh on a cold snowy day.
Congrats to the amazing wonderful Winx! What a girl!
Happy Birthday to the never to be forgotten, Alysheba and the beautiful Union Rags.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for posting the Princess story. Karen is an amazing wit and writer. Have a great day. Love and Hug, JB
Yes, Street Cry has given us very special girls. Rest In Peace Eskenforadrink; tears.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely day. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Congratulations to all the winners!
Looks like everyone had good weather.
Alys has given us terrific photos, as always.
And Zenyatta, of course, is the Supermodel of Broodmares — Big, Beautiful and Goofy!
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Snow showers in Ireland today at the point-to-point.Sad about the tornadoes in the mid west.
Lovely photo of Minding and Winter out in Japan.I think they are in foal to Deep Impact.Hope all is well with you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Kathleen Marsh
Wonderful pics of Zenyatta and Get friends. She has the treats thing totally figured out! So good to see her so happy
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
We had almost a foot of snow overnight. Thinking Spring. Prayers for easy foaling and healthy babies for beautiful Minding and Winter. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
beverly ballard
I so envy all you lucky winners. I would love nothing more than to kiss Zenyatta on her sweet nose!
Sheena Davies
Let us hope they can find out what’s happening there.
Dear Judy.I think there’s been snow in Dublin very wet and cold here.Hope all is well with you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX