Last fall we held our sixth annual Zenyatta Celebration, raising over $40,000 for Retired Racehorse Project. Five participants were chosen in a random drawing to win the grand prize, An Invitation to Meet Zenyatta. Each winner was invited to travel with a guest to Lane’s End Farm to meet Zenyatta and receive a tour of the farm. These photos document their visits. Photography by Alys Emson.
View the complete set of photos from these visits in our 2018 Zenyatta Celebration Photo Gallery.

Mary Jane
OMG! These are wonderful photos. The Queen welcomes her visitors. She is too much. Look at that expressive face. Seems a good time was had by all. Thank you Team Z for sharing.
Sheena Davies
Dear Team Z.Thank you for these delightful photos of the Queen meeting her fans.She obviously adores people.Lovely to see all the lucky winners enjoying their time with her.Love and hugsX
Lucky, lucky people!!!
Hugs, Kathy
Lori Stein
She looks wonderful and so happy! Warms my heart to see her
I hope one day I win the contest. I try every year and I’m not giving up!!
Bekkie Siebel
Hey Lori, I think I know a couple of those ppl.
Sandi Zarzycki
What a great time for all!!
Glad to see who won! Lucky people !
She looks great but they sure didn’t do very much to clean her up or bang her mane to look less like a western cow pony! LOL I’m glad she’s getting such good care from Lands End. I have to say however, that she looks more interested in the peppermints that she is being given than the people! LOL
Beautiful. Love these pics!!! Lucky lucky people to meet Queen Z…
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
These photos are absolutely wonderful! Zenyatta’s huge personality is showing through and she looks so beautiful!
Thank you Team Z for all you do for her and the retired thoroughbreds!
Love to Zenyatta and all,
Lynn Norton
ohh Zennie your so beautiful love the tongue Such Lucky People sure you all had a wonderful time <3 Thanks for sharing
Danya Master
Would love to meet the Queen Z. It’s on my bucket list. Just wish I’d get lucky on time. Thanks for the posts and waiting to hear about this year’s lucky stallion she will visit.
Mary M
So blessed were the winners to spend time at Lane’s end, Team Z and our Queen Zenyatta. Thank you Team Z for the updates!
Mary M
Another question for Team Z…have the Moss’ purchased Form A Square out of Zenyatta’s half sister?
Judy Berube
Dear Team Z:
Thank you for sharing these photos of Z’s lucky fans visits. They are wonderful. What a love Z is. Congrats to all the fans who won visits with her. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Z, you look so happy and pretty in those photos. Goodnight and Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Vicki Bly
Hi! I usually learn more about Zenyatta and her babies from you and some other folks writing in these comments sections. ;) I see that you always address Z, Coz, Zi, Zel, and DC. Could you tell me who DC is? Im sorry to be so nosy, but I’ve tried to work it out and have about given up. Ha. Thanks so much.
Vicki Boy
Hi Miss Judy. I enjoy watching you & others trade information about Queen Z and other racers. I see each time you address your comments to Z, Coz, Zi, Zel, and DC. Could you please tell me who DC is? I have been trying to puzzle it out with no success. Thanks so much in advance.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Hope all is well. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
OMG! Could our Queen be any more charming??

And could these folks be any luckier? Hope we hear from some of them about their experiences. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Rita Pierce
So happy to see Zen she looks great. I know she has not been bred hopefully she will never be bred again. She has had so many problems with her babies I just hope they take no chances with her. She is the prize!!
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Hope all is well with you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Tracy Deese
Beautiful Zenyatta! My dream is to meet her one day. So excited for the fans that did, and extremely happy for all the money that was raised. Looking good Z girl. Much love, Tracy.
I’m going to keep trying! Hopefully my picture will be here one day!
Kay Goolsby
She is still so beautiful and loves people! She looks very happy to have visitors; I hope she gets a lot of loving from her caretakers at Lane’s End!!
Helena Davis
Lovely photos! She looks really good and those lucky winners were glowing!!
Thanks for sharing, one day I hope to meet Zenny. ?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh how wonderful!
Thanks so much to Team Z and Lane’s End for these fabulous photos. Zenyatta, you look absolutely fantastic — what a divine “snuggle-bug” you are!
Everyone looks so happy, and the Queen is certainly having a great time with her devoted fans. She still really loves socializing and is a brilliant hostess. What lucky winners!
Mega Hugs and Love, beautiful Z (what a dream it would be to hug you, sweetheart)
Oh, these fans were so lucky to have good weather! Queen Z looks to be the perfect hostess.
My memories from last year came floating back. Tears of joy. Surreal.
Beautiful Zenny, always in my
Sheena Davies
Dydd Dewi hapus i chi gyd
Thank You Team Z for these wonderful pictures. Zenny loves for her fans to visit her. She is looking beautiful and just love the smiles on everyone’s face.
Zenyatta loves her fans. She is beautiful and love, love, love seeing pictures of her. Look at all the smiles, isn’t she wonderful for making so many people happy. Bless you, Zenyatta for being the incredible mare you are.
Thanks for the photos of the Queen and some of her court. She looks wonderfully happy and beautiful. Congrats to all the winners. Like so many others, I am not giving up on winning a visit one day. You can tell Zenyatta loves people. Thanks again to the Mosses and Lanes End for sharing her with us.
Sheena Davies
My Boy!!!
RIP New Guard who died in his first race in Taunton thursday,A bumper so no jumps.Ridden by Bryony Frost and trained by Paul Nicholls.Just too sad.
Judy Berube
RIP New Guard. ?Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Frankels keep winning! Wonderful. Love and Hugs, JB