![Celebration winners visit Zenyatta.](https://staging.zenyatta.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2016visits-00-1-620x478.jpg)
Happy February!
Last fall we held our fourth annual Zenyatta Celebration, raising $20,000 for Thoroughbred Rehab Center Inc. Five participants were chosen in a random drawing to win the grand prize, An Invitation to Meet Zenyatta. Each winner was invited to travel with a guest to Lane’s End Farm to meet Zenyatta and receive a tour of the farm. These photos document their visits. Photography by Alys Emson.
View the complete set of photos from these visits in our 2016 Zenyatta Celebration Photo Gallery.
Some of you have noticed that we’ve been posting less frequently, but our winter break is no cause for concern. Zenyatta is happy and healthy, and we got to see her at Lane’s End in late January. We’ll be posting images from our visit soon.
Team Z
Linda in NJ
In loving memory of Lucky Pulpit. I read this very sad news late last night. Thank you for giving us your wonderful son, California Chrome. You will never be forgotten.
Linda in NJ
On a more cheerful note wishing Zenny, Team Z, CoZ and Ziconic a very Happy Valentine’s Day.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, DC and Z Fans:
Wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine’s Day. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to Zenny, Team Z and Lane’s End staff !!! God bless.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to Zenny, Team Z and Lane’s End staff !!! God bless. This is not a duplicate .
Gail McDaniel
Ah,Dearest Z and those fans who shared their joy of being with you through these photos. What a lovely Valentine’s message I have just seen. To be by Zenyatta’s side….what what joy. Thank you Ally, Team Z, the Mosses, and all of Lane End.
News of Moss horse, Royal Mo, on the Derby trail. Great to see those Moss silks again.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Very nice article. Thank you for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for the interesting read!
Go Royal Mo! Stay sound and healthy, please.
Dear Judy.The weights for the Grand National are out tonight.Outlander has top weight of 11st10lb but is running in the Gold Cup instead,Champagne West has 11st 9lb,It’s a classy race this year and Gordon Elliott who won in 2007 with Silver Birch has 11 entered.Such a long list it depends who makes the cut,They are to name the Lambourn open day in memory of Many Clouds this year.When Kauto was alive he would use Oliver’s stable for that day.They had 61cm of snow with Jennifer and Seville in Nova Scotia and more expected tomorrow.She is well stocked with catfood!Turning milder here.Hope you had a lovely day.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wow, 11 entered by one trainer. Nice tribute to Many Clouds. Know you’re heart still breaks for Kauto.
Oh my, glad Jennifer stocked up; bet Seville and the kitties are too. Our forecast is for temps in the 40s starting next week. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Sue Noel in Sun Valley, ID
Happy Valentine’s Day, Beautiful Zenny!!! What a lovely gift to all of us–great photos and good news of YOU !!
Was SO sad to hear about Lucky Pulpit–that beautiful boy gave us our precious Chrome, one of the greatest racehorses of ALL time !! Dawn had told me of Royal Delta’s death ast weekend–such a tragedy., I hope the little one makes it and is able to carry on her wonderful legacy. It is so heartbreaking to lose ANY of these exquisite creatures !!
We had a big scare with Barnaby just this last weekend. Sunday, we went down to the barn very early so that we would have plenty of time to ride. He kind of tossed his head when I went to put his bridle on, ( I had already put his saddle on,but just hooked it on the first hole, as I never tighten it until just before I get on) and I kind of chided him. I took him out into the arena, as usual, and he opened the gate, as usual ( he loves to push the gate open when we go in. I think his dad must have taught him that trick on the ranch when he was growing up), but, when I got him near the mounting block, he got very insistant about standing there. I thought he was just wanting to play “the game”, as he often does, so I walked him around again and then tried to line him up at the block to get on. He got very upset and started dancing around and then pawed the ground with his right foot, very insistantly, as if to tell me, “something’s wrong and you need to fix it!,” He was getting very light in the front end, as though he were going to rear up and Boss Mare Sue yelled at me to get his saddle off, as she thought he might have something under the pad that was sticking into him or something. I got it off really fast and that calmed him down some, but I could tell something was still wrong because his behavior was so unusual for him.
I looked him in the eye and said, “what is the matter” and got the immediate message that he thought that it was his heart ! I called the vet right away and he was there n about 40 minutes—which was a VERY long 40 minutes for us !
When he got there he was already clutching his stethoscope and immediately checked his heart, finding that the heartrate was ok. He checked his temp right away, as well, as he had fely clammy to both Sue and I, under the girth, after we took the saddle off, and behind his ears and on his chest. His temp was fine, but Dr. Steve could hear all the noises in his belly when he checked it. He said that he had a mild case of COLIC !!
After what we went through with Traveller, I nearly fainted !! He said it was just mild and gave him a shot on Banamine, (don’t know for sure if I spelled it right) and we all watched him for about an hour. he kept lifting his tail and getting rid of the pesky gas. When Dr. Steve was sure he was out of danger he left us with instructions to walk him around some, outside in the sunshine before we put him back in the paddock. We did that, and, when we put them back in the paddock, he went trotting really fast down the paddock to his bucket and proceeded to gobble down all of the grain and supplements and attack his hay with relish.. He was his perky old self !! It is SO great that he was so good at telling me he needed help. He really knows how to get his point across !!
We checked on him by phone in the afternoon and Sue went down on Monday, after she taught her college class and he was great. Today, she went down and rode him for over a half hour, ponying Traveller, and did lots of trotting with them. They all had a marvelous time and, when she called to tell me about it, I was SO happy !!!
While all of it was going on Sunday, I was trying to remain calm and not panic, but, after Dr. Steve had left, and we had left the farm, I felt like a steamroller had run over me !! I was so afraid that I would lose him, I know you know I love him, but there are just not enough words in our language to really explain how much!!
All is well now, and I am SO grateful and blessed that he is still here and happy !!
Thank you to the whole Z Team for the great Valentine gift. The whole “Barnaby Team” sends all of you reading this our love and wishes for a blessed night.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Don’t blame you at all for panicking at the word “colic”. So happy that Barnaby’s case was a mild one and the Banamine did the trick. Poor baby; it’s very painful.
That happened to Charlie once two years ago. He just went down; I just about flipped out when I saw him laying there not wanting to get up. Angela gave him a shot of Banamine immediately and overnight he was back to his old self. Scary. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue and Judy B.,
Wow, that Banamine is good stuff. So glad that it worked well for Barnaby and for Charlie, too. Even a mild case of colic is so scary. Thankful for a happy outcome in both instances.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Yes, if it’s a mild attack, Angela wastes no time administering the Banamine and it usually does the trick. If not, she calls the vet. When it happened to Charlie, she thought he must have eaten a weed of some kind in the paddock and had a toxic reaction in his tummy. So many things can cause colic; it’s scary.
Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Sue,
It is so scary when something happens with our loved ones. I’m so relieved and happy that Barnaby recovered so quickly. It always seems so hard with our critter family when something is wrong with them. At least we can see in their eyes that something is wrong, but it sometimes takes a while to discover what is causing it.
Pray today is a great one for you and your sweet Barnaby and Traveller.
with love, Elizabeth
It is so good to read you followed your instincts and listened to your horse when he was trying to tell you he was not feeling good! Too many times people think they are just misbehaving and use harsh methods to get them to do what the person wants no matter what. Wonderful to have the vet come out and check over the situation and resolve the issue – whew!! Horses with tummy aches are always to be taken seriously and people just need to listen just like y’all did!! I always enjoy reading about Barnaby and Traveller, just usually make no comments.
So glad that Barnaby is doing okay. Thanks goodness for you and others who knew something was wrong and acted quickly.
Dear Sue.Gosh,you must have had a scare with Barnaby.Such a good boy to tell his mama something was wrong.So glad everything turned out well in the end.Sending love and hugs to you Barnaby and TravellerX
Carol Rose
Happy Valentine’s Day Zenyatta! Hugs and kisses to you and all of those who take such good care of you.
Denise in STL
Happy Valentines Day Queen Z!!! Best wishes to Royal Mo!!!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Another well deserved accolade for our Mikey. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the post. Congrats to Mike Smith on making Jockey of the Week!
Great news for a great guy.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Yes, indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
It’s starting to effect the Industry. The horses care too. Love and Hugs, JB
Congrats to the very fortunate fans who were blessed to see Zenyatta ! I so want to go to Kentucky I will keep trying! HApy V day my precious Z and team Z
Zenny on photo of Alys Emson on your page you look well, you stay quietly and lil want to sleep, ears are to different sides, you see around situation and hear around sounds like all horses, good sign, Zenny walk on air when weather is comfortable, dont get cold too much, prayers for all quiet days for you and days in april and for days of Vixana too, Zenny my style of wishes appeared when i saw faces of Coz and Zi in time of heavy quick breezing on dry hard del mar course in heat summer, may be usual middle horses that dont feel themselves very powerfull on course look on my info and use lil part in their usual everyday life
Coz Zi Gormley Royal Mo walk on air with groom, have bath, eat apples pears, care of your health, more think about health than about prize cups, quick horses usually are sometimes by chance on sloppy or mud course, say hello to Tug i remember him, Zenny do all quietly and not quickly, walk on air when weather is comfortable for horses, dont get cold too much, eat apples pears, care of your health, say to Vixana too, Zenny Zi Coz Gormley Royal Mo dC Winx and mates stay comfy and cozy in your stalls, eat apples pears, care of your health, kiss your soft noses, lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai i remember you
Barnaby and Traveller sleep in deep soft straw, slowly drink clean not cold water that amount that you want, groom can to bring one more cup of water, eat clean green light hay, if you feel something not well eat lil lower amount of oats some of days and be on air, check that water are clean and not cold, check that hay is clean light green, horses can lil to choose but in winter they dont choose, when i groomed horses i checked all water and food before to bring, Barnaby and Traveller from time to time tell how you feel yourself
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear andrej:
Good advice. Love and Hugs, JB
February 15 Cherokee Devotional
Once change begins it often comes in multiples, ranging from easily handled small changes to the great ones that can become unwieldy. When this is the case, it tends to scatter our forces. It is harder to achieve order and staying power when our attention is scattered. There is a calm center to everything. even a tornado, which the Cherokee calls u no le, swirls around a calm eye. Most calm places are very small. but small cells of tranquility can be the seed of greater peace. We have to believe in peace-even though we cannot always feel it. It is within us and it will grow if we give it the opportunity. With peace of mind, doors open, the tide turns, and something good breaks for us. It is good enough reason to work toward solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
Stand fast and remain united an all will soon be well.
Chief John Ross
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Beautiful. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Hi Judy,
You’re welcome, as always!
Love and hugs, Kathy
Those are four lucky people to have the honor of meeting The Queen. Zenny is looking good, and it won’t be long until foal watch time. Thank You for the updates Team Z.
Congrats to the fans who were able to meet and spend time with Zenyatta. Thanks for the wonderful photos. As always, she looks beautiful and her gentle soul shines through.
If anyone is interested, over on the Forum they have a topic, Foal Watch. Every day they posts pictures and messages about many of the new babies. Such fun to start the day with photos of these sweet cute little ones and their moms.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks. They are just so beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Hasili enjoying life at Banstead Manor with friends.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
What an absolutely adorable photo. These girls are really enjoying just being horses. Thank you for sharing. Made my day. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for sharing this photo. It is really sweet to see these girls happy and enjoying each other’s company. Great picture!
Hugs and Love
sue and tony
Zenny and her “posse” look absolutely gorgeous! What a thrill to be next to this horse who carries millions of hearts where ever she leaves a hoof print.
Congrats to all!
To meet Zenyatta in person THE THRILL OF A LIFETIME. RIP Lucky Pulpit and beautiful Royal Delta. What a champion and of course one of Mike’s girls. I disliked it when she was sent out of the country. Plus I’ve never forgotten what happened to Verti and the way her passing was Not Handled. I hope everyone has been well. NO DOCTORS VISIT FOR FOUR WEEKS AND NO MORE CHEMO! Still can’t drive yet. Thank you for your prayers. We are all blessed to share love for the most wonderful horse in the world, the best owners, the best trainer and the very best caregivers. Love to All.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
Great news. Keeping you in my prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
No doctors visit and no more chemo — great to hear this! I know it is a relief for you.
Take good care, and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Mr. Z At Owner’s Calumet Farm (Retired)
by Paulick Report Staff | 02.14.201
Ohio Derby winner Mr. Z, a 5-year-old son of Malibu Moon who has compiled over $1 million in earnings while winning two of 25 starts, has been vanned from the Oaklawn Park barn of trainer D. Wayne Lukas to owner Brad Kelley’s Calumet Farm in Lexington.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Wishing Mr. Z a long, happy, healthy retirement. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG and Judy B.,
Ditto from me, too. Be happy, healthy and loved Mr. Z!
Enjoy retirement.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
A story of healing & redemption
Hangin’ With Haskin: The Inspiration of American Pharoah
Winston Churchill once said, “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
No one can really put into words the centuries-long bond between horses and humans, especially the emotional and sometimes mystical attachment we have had with these magnificent creatures throughout history.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for this link. This is indeed a great story of the positive effect of a strong, beautiful and talented champion on the life of a man who was struggling with his demons. Best wishes to Mr. Parkerson for continued success in turning his life around. American Pharoah inspired him to re-affirm his life and to try to help others win their battles. He is a fan of Smarty Jones, also.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Happy Birthday Seattle Slew!
Belmont Stakes @BelmontStakes Wednesday, 15 February, 2017
In honor of Seattle Slew’s birthday today, lets rewind the clock
to when the champion etched his name into #TripleCrown history!
I carry with me everywhere I go hair combed from Slew’s mane. I got to do a personal tour of Three Chimneys and the guide got out the comb and liberated a few of the hairs. A treasure that will stay close to me always. And it sure looks black. Has been a wonderful good luck charm through all these years.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Wow, how wonderful. Beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for sharing this glorious memory. Gorgeous Boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Mary Margaret in Georgia
RIP Royal Delta, another great loss. Praying for the foal.
Sue Noel in Sun Valley, ID
@ andrej- Thanks so much for your lovely message. I will pass it on to Barnaby and Traveller–I always give them the messages from here, as well as others they receive. Barnaby, Particularly, always seems to really focus on them and seems to understand them.
Thank you to ALL who were concerned for him–he is such an intuitive fellow and is SO good at sharing things with me. I told him months ago thaat I knew he was a horse with opinions on how things should be, and, that I was interested in all of them. Ever since then, he has been even MORE forthcoming and I just love it !!
Was SO excited for beautiful Rumor last night ! She was glorious and I just wanted to hug her afterwards as I have had shepherds and simply adore them.
Happy, happy day to all,from sunny Sun Valley.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue,
So glad Barnaby is happy and communicates so well with you! You two have a special bond, no doubt.
I was excited for Rumor last night, too. Big congratulations to Rumor Has It on winning Best in Show at Westminster! She came so close last year. I was happy the Irish Setter did well also — winning Reserve Best in Show. That was a handsome Norwegian Elk Hound, I must say. The night belonged to Rumor though.
I always consider the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show a part of my birthday celebration! Woof!!!
Hugs and Love
A fascinating article about the banstead stallions including Frankel.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for this link. Enjoyed reading about these wonderful stallions.
Great read for sure, and great champions, too.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Nice article. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thanks Sheena. Great article.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans.
I found the perfect gift for Valentine, a day after, but still wonderful!!
Love and hugs.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ingrid,
This is TOO cute! Love it.
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
Nice! Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Marshall and Dear Judy.
You welcome, glad you like it, is cute right haha.
Big hugs Ingrid.