Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big Congratulations to Collected and all his connections! Outstanding win in the Pacific Classic today. Yet another talented chestnut!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Also, Congrats to the handsome gray/roan gelding, Hunt and all connections in the win of the Del Mar Handicap today. Well done!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Congrats Collected and M Garcia. Well done. Another win for a son of the late, beautiful City Zip.
Get ’em next time, Arro and Accelerate. Barb Baffert runs 1, 2.
Congrats to Hunt. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to another gorgeous Gray filly, Dream Dancing, daughter of Tapit; won the Del Mar Oaks today in a close finish. Here’s the replay. She’s No. 10 on the outside. Trained by Mark Casse and owned by Mr. John Oxley. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thank you for posting the Del Mar Oaks replay. Wow, that was some race! Tapit’s girl is a beauty alright. Congratulations to Dream Dancing and all connections!
Hugs and Love
5 am Sunday on the track at Saratoga
Biscuits: Gun? Is that you? You’re up and at em already? It’s not even dawn yet.
Gun: Hello Biscuits! So are you.
Biscuits: That’s only because I’m racing next week. You should be resting? Aren’t you still in recovery from the Whitney?
Gun: Not this chestnut. I’m right on the scent. I love the smell of victory in the morning.
Biscuits: Guess that you heard then?
Gun: Everybody did. And the endless armchair horse psychoanalysis. And the tedious details of the track conditions.
Biscuits: Keep at it, Gun. We can have breakfast together when you come off the track. The oats are on me. Forget the chatter. We don’t need to listen to any of that. We know the real cause.
Gun: Ah, yes. The curse of the chestnuts. Biscuits, does it ever really pay to underestimate a chestnut?
Biscuits: Neigh x 10l
Wonder if Biscuits is going to wear one of his horseshoe jewels in his tail when he runs? Would be a great advertisement for his jewelry line.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Max:
Biscuits could make a fortune on this one. The horseshoe jewels might catch on in a big way to break the “Curse of the Chestnuts”. Bays, Blacks, Browns and Grays will be lining up to buy one. Chestnuts will want one to keep the curse alive. Win, win!! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Max:
The Curse of the Chestnuts! Love it. Love and Hugs, JB
A lovely video from Godolphin about their retired TB’sDid’nt Peggy love African Story?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for this wonderful video!
They are all beautiful, and I am glad they have such nice second careers and are so lovingly cared for.
Hugs and Love
Thanks for the video of the Godolphin horses. They all look wonderful.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena, Thank You so much. Yes, just love African Story. So happy to see him. He looks just wonderful. Have to find out about another one of Godolphin horse’s that I just love too. Maverick Wave. I assume he is retired now too. Love him.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Thank you so much for posting this video. Proves once again how talented our beloved TBs are. More gorgeous Chestnut Club members. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Max,
Love those chestnuts! Thanks again.
Hugs and Cheers
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops, This should have been a reply to the Chestnut Conversations posted at the bottom of the previous page!
Love these posts, Max.
Glad that you enjoy them.
Marshall (NC Broad)
I am not too sharp today it seems. Guess it has something to do with falling asleep in my wingback chair and awaking at 4:15 AM to toddle off to bed only to find that “Seabiscuit” was on a local station. Of course, yours truly had to watch it again! I love that movie. Maybe tonight I will retire at a decent hour?
Lots of Hugs and Love to our heart-throb, Queen Z and her wonderful family! Hope all of you have a lovely day. Be safe if observing the solar eclipse tomorrow, please.
Have a great week!
Dear Marshall.I tend to watch late night films too.I stayed up to wait for the Pacific Classic last nightI always cry watching “Seabiscuit”.Have’nt seen it in a while over here.We both need early nights!Love and hugs to you and the pups.
Gunnevera has arrived at Saratoga. He made good time on the road.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Max,
Thanks for the updates on both Gunnevera and Ziconic!
Best of Luck to both these gorgeous chestnuts next week — safe and sound always.
Hugs and Cheers
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max, Thank you so very much for the updates. Judy had texted me too about Gunnevera. So glad he got there safely. Wow he made good time. Thanks too Max on the the continuation of the Gunn and Bisquits saga. Just love it.
One more Chestnuts arrives to get in the mix at the Spa. Love It.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Yes, Gunny made very good time. Now he can get acclimated to the Spa. Plenty of time.
Godspeed Gunny and all safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Ziconic is racing again at Del Mar on August 25, 2017. Happy to see this. May the racing gods let this chestnut win!
Thanks for the good news Another late night for me!Good luck Ziconic.
I hope that you have something to cheer about that night.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thanks for this news on ZI.
Godspeed Red Prince. You can do it!!! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Safe trip to both our chestnut boys. Poor Gunnevera never gets to fly in style always on the van.
These horse shipping vans are very well equipped, with set routes to the various US and Canadian tracks and with horse care people along to look after the horses. They use closed circuit tv to keep track of the travellers and to observe how they are doing on the trip. Usually, you have to provide ahead of time the kind of hay that the horse likes. Horses won’t eat any old hay. They like their own.. It’s pretty much travelling in style. Some horses like it a lot. The Olympic champion show jumper, Hickstead, liked vanning so much that sometimes they would van him around town before an event just to put him in a good mood.
I know the vans are very very nice. Just wish he could have the fun of flying on Air Horse One! All in fun.
Another chestnut rolls to victory, this time at Woodbine in the Breeders Stakes, the final leg of the Canadian Triple Crown. Trained by Bill Mott, Channel Maker’s dam sire is Horse Chestnut. This looks like a pattern is developing. Go chestnuts.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Wow, these chestnuts are on a roll!
Congrats to Channel Maker and all connections! Looks like an exciting race.
Sure hope some of this good fortune will smile on our Ziconic, too. ?
Thanks for the news, Max.
Hugs and Cheers
judy berube
Congrats Channel Marker. Welcome to the Chestnut Club! Love and Hugs, JB
Mary McLeod
What a beautiful day at Lane’s End captured by Alys!!! Ann, you and Our Queen act just like a tonic on one another. It is so good to see Mario and Carmen looking so very well, and it is obvious Queen Z not only recognizes them but cares deeply for them, as they do for her. How fun for Zenny to have 2 loved ones scratching on her back.
Now, for Our PrinZess. I am so happy she has Dear Zenny’s ears!!! She is stunning and seems to have Her Mother’s personality.
Ann, you look so very happy, and I hope you are. Thank you for loving us enough to keep us informed about Zenyatta!!!!!
Alys, your talent shines.
Love to ALL,
Mary in Boone
Sad to hear of the death of Jerry Lewis aged 91yrs.Loved his partnership with Dean Martin.A laugh a minute.RIP funny man.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
I just heard this on our late news broadcast. Jerry Lewis did a lot for the Muscular Dystrophy Assoc., also — the telethon hosted by him (for 2 days) over Labor Day ran for a long time and raised huge amounts of money for research and care.
Rest in Peace, Jerry Lewis. You and Dean gave us a lot of good entertainment, and now you are reunited. Thanks for the memories.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
RIP Jerry Lewis. My sister and I loved his movies as children. Saw every one. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:Sad to hear Almanzor has been retired after his recent poor showing and a setback.He was champion 3yr old colt last year.His owners were aiming him at the Arc in October.Have you heard of the Cornish and Devon Rex as well?More curly coats and the Devon has big ears.Wet tonight again but rain is warmer today!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs.SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Wishing Almanzor a happy, healthy retirement. No, the curly coats are new to me. They are beautiful. Will look for photos. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Bluegrass Girl
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan Sunday, 20 August, 2017
ALERT: Ziconic is entered for Friday at Del Mar.
Fifth race, one-mile maiden special weight.
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thanks. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thanks to everyone on their prayers, calls, letters on behalf of My Johnny Be Good. Please keep praying for him. Love him dearly.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Will do! :-)
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Peggy and Marshall:
Ditto! Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy and Marshall, Thank you so much.
Happy Solar Eclipse Day, Z-nation. Get your special sunglasses ready and ENJOY!
Harry Fry is mourning the loss of a potential superstar Neon Wolf who had to be euthanised after what is described as a freak accident at the weekend.in a statement he is described as “irreplaceable”Much sympathy to Harry and all connections.Neon Wolf was just 6yrs old.RIP cariad bach.
judy berube
RIP NW. So very sad. Love and Hugs, JB
Thinking of the solar Eclipse our famous racehorse Eclipse was born during one on april 1st 1764 hence the name and he shared a birthday with our beloved Queen plus he was a chestnut!
For the fans of Mucho Macho Man, especially his number 1 fan.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks bunches for this update on MMM. Wow, he looks terrific — what a body!
Continued best wishes to him and his offspring, too.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Max:
Oh, this is great. Thanks for posting. MMM looks magnificent. Will be fun to follow his babies as they begin their racing careers. Our Shirlee will be thrilled to see this! Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for posting the article about my Muchie. He looks great and he has some big long legged kids. The Reeves have a colt who is built like dad. Just doesn’t have his lightning bolt.
Lynn Martin
Is it just my imagination, or is Zenyatta doing one of her dance steps in the 3rd photo? At first I thought she was just stepping forward, but she is clearly being held back by her groom and everyone is standing still, posing. It looks like she is raising one leg as she used to do. In a way I hope it is not a dance step as I recall Mike saying she only did her “dance” when stressed. Dont think she would be stressed being surrounded by people who love her! Or maybe being around Mario and Carmen just triggered such happiness she just had to dance!!
My little vizsla Pepper won both shows in Reno this weekend, now has 14 of the 15 points needed for Championship! I am so proud of my little girl!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Lynn,
Big congratulations to Pepper and you! The little girl is quite the champion indeed.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Lynn:
Congrats to Pepper and to you. Love and Hugs, JB
It’s not a dance step.
She’s just restive and the young lady on the end of the lead-shank is having a bit of a time holding her still. Probably why you see Mario reaching up to -literally- lend a helping hand on her halter.
Agree with you. Also the protective instinct always kicks in when there is even the slightest separation between a mare and her foal when anyone else is around. Zenyatta likes to keep her baby right by her side.
Zenyatta is a big mare and can easily push right into what seems to be a perfect photo opportunity without any intention of doing harm to anyone, but it looks like she is a little bit antsy. I think they were wise to do the majority of the photos from the other side of the fence.
Marilyn Braudrick
let’s see if the works. Zenyatta, me . melody, and Mario in barn 55, 2011.
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Hi Marilyn~I don’t think that will work because it leads to your computer’s desktop.
Regards, Cheryl
pam homeier
Okay. After watching the Saratoga races the one little gal keeps making reference to the horses wearing socks. She says she hates to see that. Anybody know why she doesn’t like that?
Rosemary McCauley
Pam – socks? Does she mean wraps? Some horses wear rundown bandages on the rear legs to prevent the back of their ankles from coming into contact with the ground while running which can cause minor abrasions and irritation. Don’t know why anyone would dislike that. They sometimes wear them on the front legs for the same reason or for additional support for ankles and/or tendons. Runhapy ran with all fours wrapped and he retired sound they say. Interesting to know what she means by that exactly.
judy berube
Dear Pam, Rosemary and Z Fans:
Interesting article from the Paulick Report 2015 on Bandages and Wraps. Love and Hugs, JB
There are indeed socks for horses. Zenyatta used to wear them, as does Coz and Ziconic. Shirreffs has distinctive white and blue hind leg socks for his team. There is also a website where you can buy similar socks. Check out whinny warmers, socks for horses. Made in the USA.
Rosemary McCauley
Max, thanks for the information on socks. I personally have never heard wraps referred to as socks, but perhaps it’s a regional thing and I never encountered do it? But if it helps or protects the horses I’m all for it no matter what they’re called.
Rosemary McCauley
Max, I did check out the website you suggested for whinny warmers and when I saw them I felt they didn’t look like anything a horse could run in so I read the information provided and it states that you should not ride or exercise your horse when it is wearing whinny warmers. I’m believe (but one would have to check with John) that the rear wraps with blue stripes that Zenyatta wore were white rundown bandages with two straps of blue tape at the top to prevent the wrap from unwrapping while the horse is wearing them. I have seen trainers put different color tape and also white on the run downs. At least that’s been my personal experience.
Rosemary McCauley
Judy, good article on wraps. Thanks for posting it. There are so many kinds with so many different purposes. Anything that helps the horses is is good in my book.
judy berube
My Dear Rosemary and Z Fans:
How lucky we are to have this wonderful place to come to to share our love for Z, her babies and our love and concern for all our beloved horses. We are all about their welfare.
So happy to know all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
pam homeier
Dear Rosemary, I did mean wraps but when I was typing up my question I absolutely could not come up with the word “wraps”. Getting way toooo old! Interesting conversation about them, tho. Still don’t know the answer about the wraps and why she hates to see them on the horses for a race. And I think she was referring to wearing them on the front legs. Thanks, everyone.
Dear Judy.Hope you got to see the eclipse.It was amazing.Monty and the girls remain and Bobby caught her own fish again,Karen and Hovey went out they were tractors of terror,rabbits and horse eating monsters in the hedgerows.Mother had her big girl pants on and a lot of unladylike language was used but there was no major incident!Goodnight God bless you.LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Left you a goodnight post above. Glad Hovey and Karen “stood their ground”. Love and Hugs, JB and all the Sweeties
Chestnut takes over as number 1. About time.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Congrats to Gun Runner. Chestnuts Rule! That Curse just might be working. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Wow! Congrats!
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
DearClassic Empire, Couldn’t let the moment go by without saying “Love Ya Dear Boy. I was hoping to see you in maybe the Travers, but I am so happy your back in Ocala. Listen I know you sure have them trained. Wouldn’t work at Saratoga, went back to Ocala got on the track and worked really nice. You look really happy in the picture I saw the other day. Do a little resting and sunning and sure will be looking for you in the Pennsylvania Derby. Don’t get too comfy just yet. Love You.
Wish he could get some luck and perhaps a yoga teacher to get him to relax. Such a shame that we have not been able to see him at his best. He has talent galore. Hopefully, he will come back next year and things will be better for him.
Moosie has tweeted he is taking part in the latest RoR championships with Sophie on thursday and Friday.Strut your stuff Moosie and charm the judges.Good luck to all taking part.
Tamara Grashian
Best pictures yet seeing Mario and Carmen with Zenyatta and her foal. Thank you for keeping us updated. Good luck to Ziconic on Friday.
Bluegrass Girl
Bobby Frankel: A Natural Horseman
August 22nd, 2017 BY Tom Pedulla America’s Best Racing
Bobby Frankel’s success started with his unending love for the animals he trained. It was almost as if he was able to establish a personal connection with every horse in the barn.
“Bobby just had a natural gift, a natural feel, for not only training horses but for animals in general,” said Chad Brown, a former assistant who has established himself as a top conditioner. “He could almost sense what they were thinking and feeling.”
Thanks for this post about Bobby Frankel.He would have been so proud of his namesake.Both legends in their lifetime.Hugs
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful article on Bobby Frankel. Special guy! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for posting this. Great article about a truly great trainer and a very nice guy!
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Motion ruling could impact absolute-insurer statute
By Matt Hegarty Daily Racing Forum 08/22/2017
LEXINGTON, Ky. — A state court in Kentucky has ruled that the absolute-insurer rule enforced by the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission violates the state constitution, a determination that could have far-reaching consequences in the regulation of medications and drugs across the United States.
Bluegrass Girl
From article
The absolute-insurer rule, which is on the books in some shape or form in every racing jurisdiction in the U.S., holds a trainer strictly liable for the presence of any prohibited medication or drug in its system. Wingate’s opinion stated that the rule “must be rebuttable and cannot be absolute,” appearing to shift the burden of proof some way toward the KHRC.