Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.
Linda R
Made my day seeing the love and happiness at that moment in time. Thank you for sharing and pray there will be many more of these happy moments to share!!!
How special! I love the pictures! Tells so many stories! Thanks for posting! Miss them all!
Ann NC
Cute, cute, cute.
Thanks for sharing these happy photos.
Love the big smooch little one is receiving. Precious!
Love to all.
Hi Zen family!
These photos are just WONDER-FULL in so many ways. Next to Ann with Zenny, my favourite “Zen moments” before Z retired were with Mario & Carmen. The connection there was something I could actually feel, just like I “feel” it between Zenny and her Ann.
I imagine that, in Zenny’s mind, Ann & Mario & Carmen are her family. So my heart just about cracked open seeing Zenny with her family and everyone looking so delighted to be reunited again.
Alys — the photos are just exquisite! Your photos always are but these are special to me and you captured the emotions just perfectly. Thank you.
Zen and her baby girl are beautiful and I do love our filly’s “brush cut” and the hint of curls in her mane. She already has a kind, intelligent eye. An absolute darling. And I loved the shots of our filly eating Ann’s hair and of Mario kissing her.
Zenny must have been so very happy to see her Mario and Carmen again. I’m so happy for her! And how great of Ann to make it all happen. I will be smiling all weekend now!
Love & hugs to all, kisses to my Big Girl and her family. Z Princess & Baby Boy — always in my heart.
judy berube
Dear Abigail:
I was thinking the same thing about BBG’s eyes. She has a beautiful face and eyes. Love and Hugs, JB
Just wanted to add: SO THANK-FULL that we’re all back together again! Special thanks to Ann whose love for Zenny and her family, and whose love for us, is a truly precious gift.
Coming back to enjoy these photos again, I still cannot find one to be my favorite because they are all so wonderful!! It lifts my heart so much to see the happiness glowing on Ann’s face and right along those same lines is the joy and love Mario clearly shows. It is beautiful and I am thankful for Team Z, Ann and everyone involved to share this with us. I have to love the shots of Zenyatta grooming on her filly and the pleasure the little filly expresses with that. Priceless. Thank you.
Rosemary McCauley
These are wonderful photos! It is great to see Mario and Carmen with the Queen again. Everyone looks happy, two-legged and four-legged. The filly’s star looks like the moon (or sun) exploded. As another poster pointed out, Zenyatta does appear to be dancing with Mario. In another photo with Mario, where her her head is very high and ears straight forward she appears to be thinking “Where’s the starting gate Mario.”
Patricia Wasson
What a beautiful reunion! Zenny, what a beautiful daughter! Looooove you all! Xoxo!
Dee Lange
The conformation on that filly is awesome. Thanks for the pictures.
I’d like to see the filly’s conformation, Dee. They seem to be so careful to stop before they go below her knees.
Peggy Guinan
Is there some reason you suspect something wrong with the filly’s legs? You don’t se Zenyatta’s legs either. Both girls look terrific to me.
Janey Boyd
What a joyful reunion. All are lit up with love-human and equine. Happiness is do. Keep on posting and keep the love flowing. We are there in spirit with you all.
So awesome to see the love and happiness in these photos. Zenyatta is one happy girl!
Mike Smith and John and Dottie where are you?
Congratulations to GB/Ireland for their win in the Shergar Cup at Ascot and to Fran Berry for winning the Silver saddle.Also good to see Frankuus back to winning ways at Haydock this afternoon.The grey son of the magnificent Frankel.
Oh, how adorable! These pictures remind me of the good old days! The three people she loves the most there all at once! Love this!!!!
Delrene from Carlsbad
My heart is singing with joy seeing these photos. Love abounds in these photos
When I was at Del Mar to watch Cozmic One race a few weeks ago , I saw Mario and Carmen at the fence and spoke with them after the race for a few minutes. I introduced myself as a long time Zenyatta fan and asked if they had been back recently to visit with her. Mario said he hoped soon and there they are. Such a great team. They were just a delightful couple to share some memories. He said he would never miss a race of one of her “Boys”.
Honestly. I was star struck to be able to chat with them. The love they have for Z and family is an inspiration. I feel so grateful to have had that brief time with them
These photos are just so appreciated. Thank you so much. It warms my heart to know they are there. Anne Looks wonderful as well. Such a caring lady.
Thank you Lanes End for these photos.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Delrene,
How wonderful that you got to talk with Mario and Carmen and to share some fine memories of our Z. Sweet that he would never miss a race by one of her “Boys”, too.
What a great afternoon you had!
Thanks for sharing with us.
Hugs and Love
Ann Mitchell Adam
Thank you for sharing you experience Delrene. It is great to have verification about these wonderful people! All of Zenyatta’s connections have firmly established her place in the sport’s history. Let’s hope everyone in the sport/industry take note and emulate it.
judy berube
Dear Delrene:
So wonderful that you got to meet and speak with Mario and Carmen. Love and Hugs, JB
You ruled as Queen when Ann arrived,
With Mario and Carmen, too,
What a glorious time was had,
Special moments…just for you.
Did you remember Mario’s touch,
And Carmen’s soothing words,
The memories that come to mind,
Are too precious for mere words.
Your filly seemed to love them, too,
What a story pictures tell,
Seven years beyond your racing days,
We are still captured by your spell!
Alys…thank you for the photos. Many hearts were jumping for joy seeing them.
Love to all.
judy berube
Dear Suew:
Lovely. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Sue!
Delrene from Carlsbad
Please excuse misspell of Ann. I have two Anne friends and I just now realized my error.
I do hope today is another wonderful day for this close knit family and for all Zenyatta fans
Vicki B. near the old Hollywood Park
Love it! I am sure Zenny was glad to see her old friends Mario and Carmen, as well as Ann, of course.
Christine Holland
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. It got me out of the depression (temporarily) I am experiencing after losing my calico cat, Sara Lee to cancer. I’ve often wondered if Mario would ever get to see Zenny again. So glad it was a wonderful reunion that we her fans are able to share. Zenny and her family are always in my nightly prayers.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Christine,
Sorry to hear about your Sara Lee. It is always so heartbreaking to lose our beloved companions. Hope you find comfort in the sweet memories you have of your dear kitty.
Sending thoughts and prayers to you.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Christine:
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Sara Lee. RIP beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
Lovely photos–everyone looks happy and dappled:) Do you think Mario triggers any race behaviors in Zenyatta? In the one picture she looks like she was pawing while being held–so a bit edgy? And in another with him, her head is way high and alert.
And maybe she does this on any given day, but I wondered if he reminded her of another time… Baby Z17 is adorable. Those fuzzy ears… so sweet!
My boy Rivers Run Deep just won the Honey Jay at Thistledown….I am not sure of the winners share but this might make him racings newest millionaire. He needed about 38 thousand to get there. YEAH RIVERS!!!!
this is the 4th yr in a row he has won this race
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carol,
Wow! Go Rivers! The 4th year of winning the Honey Jay — that’s a great accomplishment. Big Congratulations to beautiful Rivers Run Deep!!
Thanks for sharing this good news.
Hugs and Love
he made it…..over a million…have watched this boy since early at Oaklawn 4 yr ago….he was newly minted 3yr old at the time…took me a while to get his name from his groom while he was paddock schooling…but what a boy…his barn mate that yr was Guns Loaded…he was in the paddock too…now with Doug O’Neill…dropped to claims but has risen from the ashes to with stakes races in California…what a pair
This is great. Still racing and winning.
judy berube
Dear Carol:
Congrats to your Rivers. Well done beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the news on Rivers. So happy for him, his team and you, his biggest fan.
Bluegrass Girl
RIP Permian
The Irish Field @TheIrishField Saturday, 12 August, 2017
Permian fatally injured and William Buick stretchered off the track
but moving @ArlingtonRacing V sad for @MJR_Middleham
Bluegrass Girl
Arlington Int’l @ArlingtonRacing
William Buick was sitting up, talking & moving. Transported for evaluation & is reportedly in good spirits. Permian was humanely euthanized.
3:20 PM – 12 Aug 2017
Mary @MaryEllet 12 Aug 2017
The camaraderie of the sport is amazing though.
Frankie came right to William’s side,
Ryan came running as soon as he could.
As sad as this news was, it should be noted that Oscar Performance ran a great race to win against the Euro shippers. The Kitten is taking over everywhere.
judy berube
So sad; RIP beautiful Permian. Prayers for Jockey Buick. Love and Hugs, JB
So very,very sad to hear about Permian’s untimely death in the Secretariat stakes tonight.This son of Teofilo was only 3 and suffered a compound fracture.My sympathies are only for him.Racing is mostly about $$$ and £££,Horses are flesh and blood and deserve better.RIP sweetheart you are free from pain now.Rest easyX
Sheena: What a very sad turn of events. Peri was the favorite. Wasn’t Middleham the owners of Moosie when he was not racing? On days like this, I admire the independent Moose even more.
Yes, Middleham Park syndicate owned the Moose.On days like these I fall out of love with racing.I heard the news on twitter and didn’t even think that William Buick might be injured.Moose was a wise horse only racing when HE was in the mood.
Very true. Moose was and still is a very wise horse.
judy berube
Dear Sheena and Max:
Wise indeed. An independent Chestnut! Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Wucherer
Gorgeous photos of Z and her precious filly. What a great bond she has with Ann and her groom and his wife. Love to all ~~~ ♡
judy berube
Dear Max, Shirlee, Sheena, Ann, Marshall, Peggy and Z Fans:
Watching NBCsports and waiting for the Million. The broadcasters were talking about the horseshoe in Gun Runner’s tail. Seems it actually was a horseshoe that flew off from somebody’s hoof. They didn’t know who’s shoe is was. But, Gun Runner was not bothered one bit and just kept to his task. AMAZING. Couldn’t help thinking that shoe could have been a dangerous missile if it hit a jockey or horse, God forbid, in the face or head. Thank God it didn’t. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Indeed the there could have been a nasty incident with the horseshoe.Hovis is enjoying his last 2 days of freedom before his “walks” start.Karen was discussing the schedule with him and he head butted her into the water trough.She wondered how much she would be paid for his carcass!!!!The Dyfi are convinced that Blue is near lake Brenig with the Scottish Male Menai is the most independent of the trio she was away from the Dyfi for nearly 9hrs.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Frank Hercules Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
OMG, shouldn’t be laughing, but that had to be hysterical to witness. Hope she’s OK. She must have given him a thorough scolding for sure.
Good to know Blue is OK. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Nice wins by Dacita and I. Ortiz and Beach Patrol and J. Rosario. Congrats to them. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
The win by Beach Patrol was truly outstanding. That horse looked those foreign shippers in the eye and said – no, I’m taking this one. His dam sire is Quiet American. Peggy will be proud.
Ann NC
Congrats to him. Gorgeous, gorgeous win and boy.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, Peggy will be very proud indeed. Congrats to Beach Patrol and connections. Grandpapa QA is smiling down, too.
Hugs and Cheers
Didn’t you hear that the shoe was a good luck gift to Gun from Biscuit’s classic horse jewellery collection? Or it could have come from the rabbit, who returned to the barn after the race with only three shoes. In any case, it is proof positive that Biscuit’s horse grooming products promote superior tail maintenance.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Yes, I had heard those scenarios and then today, this other story from the broadcasters. I think Biscuits’ grooming products are most likely the reason the shoe stuck so well in Gun’s tail and no harm done. Clever Chestnuts! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Incredible shoe event. That shoe hit Gun on his hind end and he then caught it with his tail. Amazing. Biscuit’s products must promote long,strong hair with no split ends.
JB, I was worried Gun was injured from the shoe nails. Thank goodness for happy endings. Clever boys, indeed.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Max, Judy and Ann,
You all are too funny! Thanks for the lowdown on the famous tail-ornament.
Clever chestnuts for sure!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Ann and Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Congratulations to team GB for winning gold in the 4×100 metres.Usain Bolt’s career ended with injury in the same race and Mo Farah who is so used to winning gold had to settle for silver in the 5000 metres.His last race on the track He will now concentrate on marathons but leaves us with a host of golden memories.
Sad career ending for Bolt but he’ll be remembered for his wins. Like the song says, you have to know when to walk way. The US women’s 4 x 100 team on the other hand was amazing. Bowie is truly awesome. And the US women were 1st and 2nd in the Steeplechase. That was a superb win. Hasn’t been done since 1912.
Always leave the stage with the audience wanting more.Maybe Bolt should have retired after Rio.
Saturday night at Saratoga
Knock, knock
Biscuits: Come in, this stall’s always open for business.
Gun: Biscuits. I’m here for a snack. What are you doing?
Biscuits: Packing. I read in the racing papers that I might be shipping any day to Del Mar.
Gun: What? I thought that you were here for the rest of summer, or at least until the Forego.
Biscuits: Me too. I love it here. Good weather. Good business. Lots of attention from the fans. Posing for selfies. Great showers. Watching the fillies. One so called less than perfect workout and I’m out of here. Blah, blah, blah.
Gun: So you are leaving?
Biscuits: Have to wait on that one. Not yet decided. But I’m ready for everything. We chestnuts always have a Plan C.
Gun: I can guess what that might be.
Biscuits: Yes. If I end up at Del Mar, l’ll call Ziconic and see if he can get me an introduction to his mother.
Gun: So proud of you. We chestnuts never give up?
Biscuits: Neigh!
judy berube
Dear Max:
Just when I think Gun and Biscuits can’t come up with a better plan, they do. Thanks for this wonderful commentary; love it. Love and Hugs, JB
Does Zenyatta know about Biscuits plans??
Chestnuts dream big.
Ann NC
California Dreamin’…blah, blah, blah. Biscuits is a fine tuned mutitasking businesshorse. HAY….give him a break! Right, Arrogate?
Max, love these guys! Thanks. Watching the fillies, hahaha. Too cute.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Max,
I am positively giggling now. Thanks for your “breaking news” reports straight from the horse’s mouth! Biscuits is one savvy equine — what a great Plan C (or maybe Plan Z?).
Love the California Dreamin’ reference, too, Ann!
Thanks so much for the happy news briefs. We sure need it!
Hugs and Love
Ann Mitchell Adam
Thank you so very VERY much for all the beautiful HAPPY pictures!
My best wishes for continued happy futures to all of Zenyatta’s connections. They all have had a very important part in helping to provide a positive future for Thoroughbred racing in the USA! I hope they all take pride and joy from this truth.
Our futures may take different paths that expected but Zenyatta’s legacy is assured for the history of the sport because of all of these people, their caring and efforts.
My best wishes and positive energy to all.
Tracy Jones
Makes my heart happy.For Zenyatte to get to see her “family” is so neat.Her filly is beautiful like her mom.Love,love,love is all I can say.
Bluegrass Girl
DARK HORSE – movie recommendation
Steve Haskin @SteveHaskin tweet
If you love horses and love racing, must-see is Sundance winner “Dark Horse,”
true story of Dream Alliance – amazingly filmed, a masterpiece
5:26 AM – Aug 12, 2017
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info. Will have to look for it. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG and JB,
Me, too. Thanks for the heads-up.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Thanks for sharing.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This is a great movie (more of a documentary, really) but don’t miss it!
judy berube
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Hope all of you had a lovely day today. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.