Hence is reported to be going to the Haskell. Doubtful that they would run him against his stablemate, Gun Runner, in the Whitney. Calumet has other horses who might run in the Whitney.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thanks for this info on Hence. Will look for him in the Haskell. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Hope Coz runs well.Sad to see the champion’s run last night.Chrome has arrived in Chile.I think you know my views on shuttling so I will not repeat.All is well on the Dyfi but Aeron got his tootsies dirty they were covered in mud.Karen thanked us for the money we raised Hovis was able to get IRaP again.When she let him out he tanked down the field with the ginger dude next door at warp speed then sun and went twice again but his canter was gorgeous.!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
I had to laugh, Coz did a couple of kick outs with his right hind leg in the saddling area. However, he was the picture of COOL in the post parade and in the starting gate; very well behaved. Love and Hugs, JB
Cozmic one ran a beautiful race and finished fourth less than a length between the first four. Perhaps he has found a home on the grass. He looked beautiful in the post parade.
So excited for The Cozmic One. Congratulations to the Moss Family and Victor with a good ride. Coz has a future as a turf horse. He Was flying. He likes the turf!!
COZ is the most gorgeous horse; he was flying indeed at the finish. Here’s a photo of how close the finish was. Can’t wait to see him go again. Stay safe and sound beautiful Prince.
Love and Hugs, JB
Could be more distance, but in my opinion it’s more experience he needs. This was only his third race and down the stretch at one point he was looking at the grandstand until Victor redirected his attention. Can’t wait to watch him again.
judy berube
Dear Rosemary:
I can’t say that I noted COZ looking at the grandstand. Maybe being there seeing the race as it happens makes it clearer. But, sometimes horses react that way when struck with the left hand whip and it’s not really a problem of focus. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so welcome. He was into it. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the photo and for the link to the race replay. Coz was really moving there and looked great. I think he likes the grass. Nice job, Coz and VE!
How I wish Mikey would ride COZ; no offense VE, just would like to see Mikey ride him.
Hope all is well on the Dyfi and with you. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties.
Yes, either one. Both love their horses and are great riders. Love and Hugs, JB
Jockeys don’t win races. Horses do. When Coz is ready to win, he’ll do it, as long as he stays in training and is not retired. The winner in this race, Sonneteer, was in the KD and got a second in the Rebel. Until today, he was still a maiden. Takes time for some horses to win. Zenyatta on the other hand is just exceptional in every way.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Congrats to Sonneteer; in fact he was part of my Exotic picks in the DK. But, I have to admit, my focus was totally on COZ yesterday. Waited so long to see him back racing and he didn’t disappoint. As I said, no disrespect to VE, but I just prefer the riding styles of Mikey and Gary S. Also, I think it would be so special if Mikey was aboard for COZ’s first win.
COZ seemed to be really interested and closed wonderfully at the end. Hoping he came back sound and we will see him racing again. So happy for COZZIE, JS and the Moss’. What a classically stunning boy he is. Just love him. Love and Hugs, JB
Victor seems to have a winning style and the racing gods are obviously smiling on him at the moment. He’s the only Triple Crown winning jockey who is actively racing and he was aboard Accelerate when that chestnut defeated Arrogate. He also seems to fit with Coz. They did well on the turf. I would leave the jockey choice entirely to Shirreffs. Second guessing Sherriffs is like second guessing Willie Mullins. Don’t go there.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Please understand, not second guessing JS at all. Totally respect him.
Smiling on VE indeed. I do believe that VE is a talented rider, but also think that American Pharoah would have won the Triple Crown no matter who was aboard. As you said, it’s horses that win races, not jockeys.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Mikey and his bond with Z and his knack of connecting with his mounts. Bottom line, hope COZ and ZI continue to race with success no matter who’s in the saddle. Love and Hugs, JB
Max, I agree with you. John knows what rider fits a particular horse and he obviously knows what he is doing as he assigns riders. For whatever reason, Coz was held back for two years, and apparently remained in training for those two years. Hopefully, if COZ has put it all together, we will see him for a while, since he is 5 years old and this was only his third start.
Dear Judy:Thank you for sharing the video of Coz’s race.Gosh he reminds me of mama and as a Brit I am more than thrilled he loves the turf.I wish Mike could ride him too.Love and hugs
Racing on the turf in this case does not necessarily mean that Coz will never race again on dirt. Same for Ziconic. Suitable maiden races without shipping are often few and far between and a trainer has to schedule as best he can for his horses. Dirt is the preferred surface for all major racing events in the US and that is unlikely to change.
Just saw the video of Coz’s race on Bloodhorse.com. He did very very well. Was closing fast and came out of the #1 hole and seemed to do fine. Even the caller said he was flying at the end! From all I have read, he behaved himself in the paddock and the gate!
WOW WOW WOW!!! And, yes, I meant to holler :-) Our boy was really closing, wasn’t he?? So glad for all his connections. I guess that means all of us, too LOL
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan Sunday, 23 July, 2017
Owner Joe Turner says Sircat Sally sustained a fracture in her leg during the San Clemente.
She will have surgery & is retired from racing.
Good luck to Sircat Sally for successful surgery and recovery/healing. Power Up dear girl! Enjoy your retirement and have a good long healthy life with lots of love.
A beautiful Irish Chestnut named Madam Dance A Lot won the 7th Race at Del Mar today. Couldn’t help thinking of Z when I heard her name. Lull, a gorgeous filly by War Front was 2nd. Peggy, I know how you love Lull; she ran a very good race. Here’s the replay. Love and Hugs, JB
I replied already, but something happened (probably my fault), and it didn’t appear. I will try it again and hope it isn’t a duplicate. Thanks for posting the race replay!
I love the name, Madam Dancealot, which gives a wonderful nod to her sire, Sir Prancealot. :-) This lovely chestnut girl really came on strong for a fine finish. Congrats to Madam, J. Theriot and all connections!
Today was a great day Zenyatta. Your handsome son Cozmic One had a great turf race. He looked so magnificent Zenyatta. I watched it from the rail and waited til he came back with Victor. On the dirt. His trainer (your John) was right there. And guess who I talked to? Your Mario and his wife Carmen. I felt so privileged to share a few words with them. I said I would never miss an opportunity to see one of your babies run! They said the same. They said your other son Ziconic was down at Del Mar too. I really felt so very lucky to chat and shake their hands. Such sweet people. He misses you. I hope he and Carmen came come visit you soon.
Today was really special and rest assured you had two absolutely forever fans cheering Coz Down the racetrack.
Blessings to you and your sweet filly.
How wonderful that you were able to be there for COZ’s race and then get to speak to Mario and his wife. They love our Queen so much, as we do. Love and Hugs, JB
Wow! So great that you could BE there and see all of our very special Z connections cheering on Coz! I join the chorus of those who think he ran an admirable race with a great “come from behind” finish. To wind up only 3/4 of a length behind the winner was quite an accomplishment! Way to go handsome prince! ♥♥♥
Coz you did awesome…..you looked like you really wanted to take the lead had you another 1/8 or 1/4 to go…..lIke Ziconic, you looked like you ran out of track. Good Go Coz!!!!
Congratulations Cozmic One!! It has been a long road,so proud of you.
You looked amazing,coming from behind like your momma and closing so fast at the finish. You just needed a little more track, you were going to roar past all of them .
What an exciting finish, loved your race. Have had a special place for you in my heart from the time you climbed on your mom as a foal, raced around the paddock and played so joyfully. Beautiful boy, well done!
Anybody know how Royal Mo doing and Zenyatta’s little one? Hope everyone doing well….always fun to visit this blog and get updates on my fave mare and her kids.
Thanks so much to those who posted links to Coz’s race. Wasn’t he a beauty?!! A 4th but only 3/4 of a length from lst. So hopeful that this is just the start for him. Congratulations to John on his patience and not giving up on this special boy. Zenny, your boy did you proud today. He ran like his mama.
A decision will be made on Wednesday as to whether Oaks heroine Enable will take her chance in the King G and Queen E at ascot this Saturday.Will she emulate her fellow filly the mighty Dahlia who swept the colts away in this race in 73′.Chris Waller and Hugh Bowman are very pleased with Winx after her trial today at Randwick.She will begin her journey towards a 3rd Cox’s plate next month.A proud daughter of Street Cry.
Thanks for the links to watch Cozmic One’s race! It’s kind of funny to get so excited about a fourth place finish, but gosh I am excited!! That was a large field and he was doing such a great job running at the end. Wow! I am glad for Sonneteer to finally get his win, but the thrill of getting to see Coz run so well gives me such hope for his future turf racing career!
Gun Runner fires a bullet at Saratoga in preparation for the Whitney. Watching and cheering him on from the sidelines was his pal, Biscuits.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Going to be an exciting Saratoga meet with the Whitney and Travers. Hoping to see Hence in one of them. Love and Hugs, JB
Hence is reported to be going to the Haskell. Doubtful that they would run him against his stablemate, Gun Runner, in the Whitney. Calumet has other horses who might run in the Whitney.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thanks for this info on Hence. Will look for him in the Haskell. Love and Hugs, JB
Good luck Coz!!!safe trips to all!!!
Love you Z,Coz,Zi,BabyZ&AngelsZ
Miss hearing from TeamZ
Dear Judy.Hope Coz runs well.Sad to see the champion’s run last night.Chrome has arrived in Chile.I think you know my views on shuttling so I will not repeat.All is well on the Dyfi but Aeron got his tootsies dirty they were covered in mud.Karen thanked us for the money we raised Hovis was able to get IRaP again.When she let him out he tanked down the field with the ginger dude next door at warp speed then sun and went twice again but his canter was gorgeous.!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Not happy about the shuttling of our stallions. Hope CC stays safe and sound and all the other boys as well. Love and Hugs, JB
Agree with you about shuttling. Let these guys have a vacation. They’ve earned it.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
I hear Coz is behaving well.
judy berube
Dear Sheena and Z Fans:
I had to laugh, Coz did a couple of kick outs with his right hind leg in the saddling area. However, he was the picture of COOL in the post parade and in the starting gate; very well behaved. Love and Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley
Cozmic one ran a beautiful race and finished fourth less than a length between the first four. Perhaps he has found a home on the grass. He looked beautiful in the post parade.
Barbie Taylor
Cos finished 4th. He was flying at the end. Way to go boy. You are on the right track now. So proud of you!!
So turf suits our boy Coz.Good run today. Congratulations.
Marilyn Braudrick
So excited for The Cozmic One. Congratulations to the Moss Family and Victor with a good ride. Coz has a future as a turf horse. He Was flying. He likes the turf!!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
COZ is the most gorgeous horse; he was flying indeed at the finish. Here’s a photo of how close the finish was. Can’t wait to see him go again. Stay safe and sound beautiful Prince.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs: Sorry, will try that again.
Thanks for the photo. He was right in there. More distance? Can’t wait to see the video of the race.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s the video of COZ’s race. Look at the ground he makes up; remind you of anybody???? Love and Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley
Could be more distance, but in my opinion it’s more experience he needs. This was only his third race and down the stretch at one point he was looking at the grandstand until Victor redirected his attention. Can’t wait to watch him again.
judy berube
Dear Rosemary:
I can’t say that I noted COZ looking at the grandstand. Maybe being there seeing the race as it happens makes it clearer. But, sometimes horses react that way when struck with the left hand whip and it’s not really a problem of focus. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so welcome. He was into it. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the photo and for the link to the race replay. Coz was really moving there and looked great. I think he likes the grass. Nice job, Coz and VE!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, COZ was into it today. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
How I wish Mikey would ride COZ; no offense VE, just would like to see Mikey ride him.
Hope all is well on the Dyfi and with you. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties.
Me too. Either Mike or Gary. Can’t forget the great ride Gary gave to Muchie in the BC Classic.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Yes, either one. Both love their horses and are great riders. Love and Hugs, JB
Jockeys don’t win races. Horses do. When Coz is ready to win, he’ll do it, as long as he stays in training and is not retired. The winner in this race, Sonneteer, was in the KD and got a second in the Rebel. Until today, he was still a maiden. Takes time for some horses to win. Zenyatta on the other hand is just exceptional in every way.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Congrats to Sonneteer; in fact he was part of my Exotic picks in the DK. But, I have to admit, my focus was totally on COZ yesterday. Waited so long to see him back racing and he didn’t disappoint. As I said, no disrespect to VE, but I just prefer the riding styles of Mikey and Gary S. Also, I think it would be so special if Mikey was aboard for COZ’s first win.
COZ seemed to be really interested and closed wonderfully at the end. Hoping he came back sound and we will see him racing again. So happy for COZZIE, JS and the Moss’. What a classically stunning boy he is. Just love him. Love and Hugs, JB
Victor seems to have a winning style and the racing gods are obviously smiling on him at the moment. He’s the only Triple Crown winning jockey who is actively racing and he was aboard Accelerate when that chestnut defeated Arrogate. He also seems to fit with Coz. They did well on the turf. I would leave the jockey choice entirely to Shirreffs. Second guessing Sherriffs is like second guessing Willie Mullins. Don’t go there.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Please understand, not second guessing JS at all. Totally respect him.
Smiling on VE indeed. I do believe that VE is a talented rider, but also think that American Pharoah would have won the Triple Crown no matter who was aboard. As you said, it’s horses that win races, not jockeys.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Mikey and his bond with Z and his knack of connecting with his mounts. Bottom line, hope COZ and ZI continue to race with success no matter who’s in the saddle. Love and Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley
Max, I agree with you. John knows what rider fits a particular horse and he obviously knows what he is doing as he assigns riders. For whatever reason, Coz was held back for two years, and apparently remained in training for those two years. Hopefully, if COZ has put it all together, we will see him for a while, since he is 5 years old and this was only his third start.
Dear Judy:Thank you for sharing the video of Coz’s race.Gosh he reminds me of mama and as a Brit I am more than thrilled he loves the turf.I wish Mike could ride him too.Love and hugs
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
I know. He’s got The Look of Z and also of his gorgeous Daddy. Just magnificent. Love and Hugs, JB
Racing on the turf in this case does not necessarily mean that Coz will never race again on dirt. Same for Ziconic. Suitable maiden races without shipping are often few and far between and a trainer has to schedule as best he can for his horses. Dirt is the preferred surface for all major racing events in the US and that is unlikely to change.
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Z, your First Prince looked stunning today. He broke well and closed like he was channeling his Mom.
COZ, well done! Goodnight and Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Great job by Coz!! I thought he would get up for third. So close. Would love to hear some comments from John.
Great job by Coz!! I thought he would get up for third. So close. Would love to hear some comments from John.
Just saw the video of Coz’s race on Bloodhorse.com. He did very very well. Was closing fast and came out of the #1 hole and seemed to do fine. Even the caller said he was flying at the end! From all I have read, he behaved himself in the paddock and the gate!
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Didn’t realize you had viewed COZ’s race already and I posted it above. Yes, the race caller was yelling along withe me. Love and Hugs, JB
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
WOW WOW WOW!!! And, yes, I meant to holler :-) Our boy was really closing, wasn’t he?? So glad for all his connections. I guess that means all of us, too LOL
Bluegrass Girl
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan Sunday, 23 July, 2017
Owner Joe Turner says Sircat Sally sustained a fracture in her leg during the San Clemente.
She will have surgery & is retired from racing.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Good luck to Sircat Sally for successful surgery and recovery/healing. Power Up dear girl! Enjoy your retirement and have a good long healthy life with lots of love.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear BGG and Marshall:
Poor baby. It was clear she wasn’t herself in the race. Sending healing prayers to Sircat Sally. Happy, healthy life beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Peggy and Z Fans:
A beautiful Irish Chestnut named Madam Dance A Lot won the 7th Race at Del Mar today. Couldn’t help thinking of Z when I heard her name. Lull, a gorgeous filly by War Front was 2nd. Peggy, I know how you love Lull; she ran a very good race. Here’s the replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
I replied already, but something happened (probably my fault), and it didn’t appear. I will try it again and hope it isn’t a duplicate. Thanks for posting the race replay!
I love the name, Madam Dancealot, which gives a wonderful nod to her sire, Sir Prancealot. :-) This lovely chestnut girl really came on strong for a fine finish. Congrats to Madam, J. Theriot and all connections!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Madam was amazing. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Judy, just watched it. Lull did very well. I was so proud of her. Know Quiet’s looking down happily. Thank You so much for the race.
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
I’m sure QA is very proud of her. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Coz, You did just wonderful. So proud of you. Love ya so much.
Bluegrass Girl
Here is Race Replay from YouTube–
FYI-I had problem with audio on this link . BGG
“SONNETEER” WINS “RACE 9” 07/23/2017 at Del Mar
Del Mar Racing Published on Jul 23, 2017
Enjoyed watching that. Thanks.
Delrene from Carlsbad
Today was a great day Zenyatta. Your handsome son Cozmic One had a great turf race. He looked so magnificent Zenyatta. I watched it from the rail and waited til he came back with Victor. On the dirt. His trainer (your John) was right there. And guess who I talked to? Your Mario and his wife Carmen. I felt so privileged to share a few words with them. I said I would never miss an opportunity to see one of your babies run! They said the same. They said your other son Ziconic was down at Del Mar too. I really felt so very lucky to chat and shake their hands. Such sweet people. He misses you. I hope he and Carmen came come visit you soon.
Today was really special and rest assured you had two absolutely forever fans cheering Coz Down the racetrack.
Blessings to you and your sweet filly.
judy berube
Dear Delrene:
How wonderful that you were able to be there for COZ’s race and then get to speak to Mario and his wife. They love our Queen so much, as we do. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! So great that you could BE there and see all of our very special Z connections cheering on Coz! I join the chorus of those who think he ran an admirable race with a great “come from behind” finish. To wind up only 3/4 of a length behind the winner was quite an accomplishment! Way to go handsome prince! ♥♥♥
Great story. Happy for you. Thanks for letting us know.
Mary M
Congratulations Team Z on Zenyatta’s confirmed pregnancy for 2018! Gotta go run watch Coz’s race…..can’t wait to see him in bloom!
Mary M
Coz you did awesome…..you looked like you really wanted to take the lead had you another 1/8 or 1/4 to go…..lIke Ziconic, you looked like you ran out of track. Good Go Coz!!!!
Denise in STL
Congratulations Team Z!!!
debbie sutherland
Congratulations Cozmic One!! It has been a long road,so proud of you.
You looked amazing,coming from behind like your momma and closing so fast at the finish. You just needed a little more track, you were going to roar past all of them .
What an exciting finish, loved your race. Have had a special place for you in my heart from the time you climbed on your mom as a foal, raced around the paddock and played so joyfully. Beautiful boy, well done!
Anybody know how Royal Mo doing and Zenyatta’s little one? Hope everyone doing well….always fun to visit this blog and get updates on my fave mare and her kids.
judy berube
Dear Tpkr:
Looking for updates on Royal Mo without success. If I find anything, will post. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna H
Thanks so much to those who posted links to Coz’s race. Wasn’t he a beauty?!! A 4th but only 3/4 of a length from lst. So hopeful that this is just the start for him. Congratulations to John on his patience and not giving up on this special boy. Zenny, your boy did you proud today. He ran like his mama.
A decision will be made on Wednesday as to whether Oaks heroine Enable will take her chance in the King G and Queen E at ascot this Saturday.Will she emulate her fellow filly the mighty Dahlia who swept the colts away in this race in 73′.Chris Waller and Hugh Bowman are very pleased with Winx after her trial today at Randwick.She will begin her journey towards a 3rd Cox’s plate next month.A proud daughter of Street Cry.
judy berube
Godspeed to Enable and Winx; safe and sound. Have a great day. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Thanks for the links to watch Cozmic One’s race! It’s kind of funny to get so excited about a fourth place finish, but gosh I am excited!! That was a large field and he was doing such a great job running at the end. Wow! I am glad for Sonneteer to finally get his win, but the thrill of getting to see Coz run so well gives me such hope for his future turf racing career!
Ann NC
Coz, good going buddy! You looked great. Proud of you!
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love and Hugs, JB