Cooper Sawyer, Yearling Manager
Cooper Sawyer is the yearling manager at Lane’s End farm, and he is responsible for the daily care of all the yearlings. He came to Lane’s End in 2010 from Mill Ridge Farm, where he also served as yearling manager. Cooper has worked with yearlings since he graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2005. Prior to that he worked with mares and foals.
Keepers vs. Sale Horses
Lane’s End does things a little differently than most other farms. They identify the yearlings as either “keepers” or “sale” horses. Keepers are horses that the owners have decided not to sell but to keep and race, such as Cozmic One. The two groups are separated in May, about two weeks after the Derby. That’s when they start to get “coltish” and play rough.

The colts are turned out into individual paddocks, which keeps them from roughhousing. The sale colts are turned out at 7 pm to protect their coats from the sun so that they look their best in the sale ring. The keepers go out after their noon feed, about 2 pm. This is also the main difference between the keepers and sale horses. One of the things that separates Lane’s End from other farms is that they do give the keepers this experience and that they turn out our sale horses at all. Many farms like to keep their horses in all the time.
The prep process is the foundation and education that makes the transition from yearling to 2 year-old to racehorse a little easier, and it begins in May. The yearlings are broke to tack (surcingle and draw cords) and the walking machine. The walker helps get the horses fit. Putting them in a tight space gets them used to going in the starting gate. They are also broke to a hose, as they receive daily baths and rubdowns. For Coz, this whole process will help him when he goes to the Mayberry’s in Flordia. They will put a saddle on him, put him in the starting gate and will help him become a better mover.

Thank you for sharing the wonderful video and photos! Coz is so beautiful!
Wow!! He is so big and beautiful now!
Thanks so much to Cooper Sawyer and all of Lane’s End and all of Zenyatta’s connections for this new blog post and video and photos! How wonderful to see how our precious first son, Cozmic One is growing and turning into a young colt getting ready to start training. I love how you are keeping us informed on Zenyatta’s boys and educating us on the training processes also – it is definintely an art that Lane’s End has developed and maintained and keeps passing along. Wonderful! Thank you so much for allowing us to still be a part of the Zenyatta nation. She lifts my heart, especially on such days as this sad day when we have lost another champion racehorse who gave his all for his connections. Thank you, Lane’s End and Team Z. Rest in Peace, Saginaw.
WOWEE!!! What a gorgeous boy he is! LOOKS a lot like his Momma!! LOVE you already COZ!! Thank you to Lane’s End and Team Zenyatta for sharing all the videos and photographs!!
Sharon Heald
Sure is a handsome boy. Won’t be long and we’ll all be seeing if he’s got Zenyatta’s speed. Like the name Coz.
Paulette Canam
Wow has he ever grown. He is really looking good.He looks like a winner to me.
I have ALWAYS thought Cozmic One was the epitome of a Thoroughbred, I’m glad to see that I wasn’t wrong. He’s drop dead GORGEOUS. Thank you once again LE and Team Z for allowing us into your lives!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
COZ you have become a hunk; the best combo of your Daddy Bernie and Mama Z.
Mary in Boone, NC
Oh, CoZ…what can I say?!?! You were our first baby, and, you are our first yearling, almost an adult but so far to go. Alys has taken such a beautiful photo of you, but I am crying as I write: you will go to Florida to begin you next phase. And all of us godmothers and godfathers will be watching over you. Be safe and sound, dear CoZ. I am certain we are all sprinkling pixie dust on you.
I Love You Dearly,
Mary in Boone
Mary in Boone, NC
PS Forgot to tell you CoZ, I still adore your ears!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Alys, Team Zenyatta, and Team Lane’s End for being so generous with us…Y’all rule!!!!
Love to all,
Mary in Boone
Mary, He certainly has the family ears. Looks like he might be a big horse like mom.
if anyone wants to see my photos of the Pacific Classic, you can see them here:
Janet Newman
Great photos and thanks for posting.
Looks like Game on Dude is smiling.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Casey:
Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Great photos, Casey! Thanks for sharing!
Sue MacGray
Wow, Cozmic One is GORGEOUS…. Look at him, all grown up, shiny and beautiful. Approaching his 2nd birthday and he really is a stunner. I’m so glad the Mosses are keeping him (and I’m thinking his brother, too, who knows how many of Z’s babies – maybe all of them :)
Thanks so much for this update, and please keep them coming!
Kendra Bliss
What a beautiful boy. I would love to see him race against Rachel Alexander’s colt.
Cozmic one, born at 10:10 pm under a Full Moon, you are a mystical, magical thoroughbred. Love ya soooooo much.
Marlaine Meeker
I think it’s just great that all the yearlings get turned out. I think it probably really helps with their complete developments. You guys are just the best. Add my heartfelt thanks for keeping the Queen Z and family in our lives.
Linda Shull
He is a beauty and can hardly wait to see him race.
Maryann Lane
Fine handsome boy. So like his Mom. Can’t wait to se if he has his Moms turn for home kick.
olga rubi
omg he is gorgeous I cant wait to see him in action.thank u for sharing
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks so much LE and Z connections! The photos are wonderful! Coz looks so good, and Mr. Sawyer has provided such informative insights, too.
RIP Saginaw — yet another beauty lost to us. Condolences to all his connections.
This is incredible! Thank You for sharing this part of the growing up process! I love that LE is raising race horses, not just sales horses. They need to get outside and tussle a bit. That’s how junior will learn to look the enemy in the eye and knock his socks off his fetlocks! JK!
Sharon Tupper
Coz is certainly turning into a beautiful horse and definitely handsome. He looks like Bernie but has the coloring like Zenny. It is good to hear that the Mosses will be keeping Coz and racing him.
Kathy R.
Miracles of Life fails in McNeill.
Barbie jumped well, in a moderately paced race, but was pulling strongly so Lauren let her go, but she ran out of puff when caught between two of the colts and finished 4th. She was unlucky to run into two of the good colts in Fast ‘N’ Rocking (the winner) and Prince Harada, (second) but that’s racing. Thermal Current for Peter Moody came in third. And they all came home safely which is the main thing.
Pati-Caz Girl
I wouldn’t call 4th a failure. I would call it a small success and return back to the drawing board. Odd that it’s called a failure…I always thought that failure was finishing dead last by 41 lengths. LOL
Kathy R.
Dear Pati:
You may object to the use of the word “failure” – but that’s what it’s called over here when an unbeaten horse, on short odds and going into the race as favourite, ends up running fourth. I’m not attacking the jockey, the horse, or the trainer, just saying it like it is. And I know from post race discussion that Lauren is very disappointed, and that will also apply to the connections. Believe me, no-one likes to have their horse finish 4th, especially in such a small field (7 starters, with 2 scratchings). And racing being like it is, they will, naturally, pick themselves up and look to the next race, and hope it pans out better on that occasion.
Kathy R.
Lauren cops 12 meeting ban for ride on Miracles of Life:
KathyR. Agree with you. Failure means the same thing everywhere. We can dress it up as a success, but it’s still not what had been expected. What you said was not criticism, but just a fact of life. Better luck next time to Barbie. A win next time will be all the sweeter.
Pati-Caz Girl
I guess I just like being a little bit of an eternal optimist. It’s true that finishing fourth was probably a huge disappointment for them; I would be too if my filly was that special, and the favorite. But after the last 2 weeks we’ve had here in the states , the fact that everyone is safe and sound, I would consider a success from that stand point,
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
KathyR – this just seems amazing to me that FIVE jockeys received “punishment” after that race (including Lauren). Not quite sure how to translate “12 meeting ban”? IS this really unusual or just another case of my inexperience with these matters?
Bluegrass Girl
Kathy R
There must have been a lot of bumping going on with all the suspensions after the race.
Who will ride “Barbie” during Lauren’s suspension?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Wow, what a handsome colt!
Kathy R.
Atlantic Jewel victorious after 14 month layoff.
A brilliant performance from a champion mare in Atlantic Jewel, a great ride from Michael Rodd and a top training performance from Mark Kavanagh has seen Atlantic Jewel win easily in the Memsie. Just wonderful!
KathyR. Amazing. Great name too.
Kathy R.
Dear Max:
Atlantic Jewel is a 5 year old bay mare sired by Fastnet Rock, her dam is Regard (from Zabeel). I agree, it’s a lovely name. Mark Kavanagh, her trainer, has been so caring with her while she had an injured tendon. She’s owned by Coolmore, and they totally accepted the way Mark looked after her – largely by walking, and walking her around the undulating country at his property. So it’s a credit to him, the connections, and the mare herself that she has come back to racing. The thrill of seeing her return, and Kav’s emotion that she was okay helped with the disappointment of Barbie’s loss. But as you wisely say, the win next time will be all the sweeter. Cheers, KathyR
Kathy R. I love hearing stories like this, people caring for their horses and giving them the time to heal. Keep us informed about this mare too. She sounds like she has courage. A comeback like that after that length of time is just incredible.
Terry Crow
It is remarkable that this horse was able to perform at such a high level after a lengthy layoff. I usually avoid horses which have been off for this long. Kudos to the connections.
Kathy R.
McNeil Stakes as reported by Skysportsradio (Barbie 4th finish):
candi carter
gorgeous boy wow how stunning your the future superstar!
Remembering Diana,Princess of Wales, who tragically lost her life this day in 1997. You will never be forgotten, your legacy lives on through your boys William and Harry and now grandson George. RIP cariad Love and Hugs SheenaX
Never say in grief she is no more,
Only say in thankfulness she was.
Sheena. I remember that day. Big loss of a very interesting person. From what I’ve heard, she had a great sense of humor in addition to unequalled charisma and style sense. Too bad Bruce will not know his granny except as an iconic figure.
Ann NC
I still chuckle when I think of , Diana and Sarah at the races, pretending to poke the people in front of them w/ their umbrellas. I believe they got into a bit of trouble over that antic. I can see their smiling faces now. Harry is just like Diana.
Diana, we miss you.
Terry Crow
Add my voice to these sentiments. Harry is my kind of guy.
Terry Crow
Very touching. A good eulogy for anybody.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
RIP Princess Diana, forever the Queen of Hearts!
I remember where I was and what I was doing when the news of Diana’s accident came, just like when the news came about John Kennedy in Dallas.
Susan In Fl
Great pics! Thanx for sharing! Looking good CoZ! Peace & Happiness
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Team Z/LE–thank you so much for answering questions we’ve all been thinking about. Coz is just perfect. I guess I’m in the minority, but I think he looks like both his Mom and Dad.
I cannot imagine farms leaving youngsters in all day. I would think that would be bad for them mentally and physically. I know nothing about it, but standing all day without moving around much isn’t good for anyone. Horses are meant to graze, and keeping them penned up seems to me to be contrary to nature. Some of each, as LE does, seems best to me. Keep up the good work, and please send updates as our dear boy moves on down the road.
RIP, beautiful Saginaw. Just have no words.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
You’re so right. Wish more farms followed the lead of LE and Three Chimneys and Juddmonte who have an exercise routine in place for their horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I believe WinStar also exercises their stallions. Saw Gemologist being ridden yesterday and Distorted Humor loves being under saddle also.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Bobbie:
Yes, I believe you’re correct. Win Star is another farm that exercises their horses. Hugs, JB
Big D was not under saddle after his racing days, but he got his exercise from chasing away anyone who tried to invade his territory. He also went on running rampages for the fun of it. Big D, never forgotten.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Probably would have been impossible to saddle him anyway if he was not in the mood. Fantastic boy. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Yes indeed. Big D tolerated us humans and no more. He was the opposite of Queen Z in his dealings with our kind.
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
FANTASTIC UPDATE! We are all following Coz very closely since he is our first Z baby. LOVE him, the Red Prince, the new baby to come, and of course, the Queen. MANY THANKS to the Mosses, Alys, and all of the staff at LE for letting these stunning animals be horses as they were meant to be! They are all in good hands.