For John Shirreffs: Other than Zenyatta, which horse have you enjoyed training the most, and why?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A:John: I have trained so many wonderful horses during my career, so it would be very hard to name just one. I really enjoy training the horses who are out of the mares I have trained or who are from the same family. I love seeing how family traits are passed on to the foals and getting to know the individual qualities each one possesses.
I have trained so many horses out of the broodmare Set Them Free. Each one exhibited that “something extra”… personality, performance levels, and desire to do it!
A few of her foals:
• Giacomo gave us all the thrill of a lifetime. He won the Kentucky Derby.
• Styler, his half sister, is still special to me. She had so much TRY to her.
• Tiago always gave 110% every single day. I really enjoyed working with him.
• Stanwyck also TRIED, TRIED, TRIED and never gave up.
• Rutile won her maiden race so impressively. It was one of the most impressive maiden victories I have seen.
Dottie: One of my favorite Styler moments was when she was making her first start at Santa Anita. She was a filly who needed to go a distance of ground and she had a big, beautiful stride. That day, she was in Post #1 and when she went into the starting gate, she was quite intrigued by looking at the big matrix board to her left and seeing ‘herself’ on it. In the mornings it is not in use, so she had never seen it like this before. When the gates opened, she was still looking at the big board and the movement on it. After the field was well on its way, she finally broke from the gate. Going into the clubhouse turn, Styler was well behind the field. Suddenly, she began to close and get closer to the other horses. She continued to pick it up and finished a wonderful 3rd closing beautifully. I can still visualize this race and Styler looking at the matrix board when the gates opened. What can one say! She’s an adorable, inquisitive and lovely horse for sure! She saw something happening she’d never seen before and wanted to check it out. TOO CUTE!
John and Dottie: What a BROODMARE! In our mind, SET THEM FREE is truly a BLUE HEN!
Experts: John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
For Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs: As the racing manager, what does your job entail beyond purchasing race horses for the owners? Do you make breeding suggestions to the Mosses for Zenyatta or stakes race suggestions to John about horses he is training?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A: My position encompasses all of the areas you mentioned. Basically, all things involving all Moss horses fit into my job description.
Purchases at the sales, pedigree research, breeding selections for the mares, monitoring the horses at the farms, training centers, and race tracks are several of my responsibilities. Additionally, working with the Moss’s office staff, accountants, and attorneys on all horse matters is another extremely important aspect of this position. To assist with this, I review, approve, and code all horse invoices for their staff, review all accounting reports, and attend all necessary business meetings. The goal is to have everything flow smoothly for The Mosses and all of their horses!
I also work with the trainers on the condition book, selecting races and stakes opportunities for the horses. Thus, being a good handicapper and being aware of the ‘competition around the country’ is essential. Additionally, being in communication with the trainer on the strengths and status of each horse both physically and mentally is so important. You want a horse to run when he or she is PEAKING!
Thoroughbreds are amazing! I feel incredibly blessed that I have been able to work with so many talented and accomplished athletes and hope in some way I have left a ‘mark’ on their lives and careers!
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Barbara Wood
Thank you, AnnNC, Sandy, and Debbie S. for your kind wishes. Also thanks to Sandy and Cynthia Holt for the wonderful article.
Dear Sandy.That was a wonderful article by Cynthia Holt.I relived the race again and the magnificent incomparable Secretariat.Hugs Sheena.
Dear Max.It was only today I saw your kind message on page 3 about Kauto’s passing.Thank you so much.Have you seen Laura has decided to carry on with his twitter page.No more neighs but great memories!She suggested that Clive call Paul on sunday but he refused.She felt he was wrong and Paul should have been allowed to say goodbye.Through Kauto she has always put friendly comments about Ditcheat on twitter.Clive said he had told Paul and the team to call and visit Kauto anytime at Laura’s after retirement but of course they never did.I feel so sad that it’s all come to this.Surely both men could have swallowed their pride for Kauto’s sake.He brought Clive and Paul all the fame and glory and should have been put first at all times!!He owed nothing to anyone.I got pretty upset reading about his injuries.He should have been euthanized straight away really.I know he was loved until his dying breath but sometimes love is blind to suffering.His 5th King George was voted as his favourite race.I voted for the Betfair because it was so totally unexpected.Those last 2 races will live in my heart and mind forever as will my beloved boy.
I am sure you were happy to hear the good news about Wise Dan.Cherish him.Sheena.
This seems to be a case of entirely too much information. I agree with you that the focus must be on the great champion and his legacy, and nothing else.
When there is a dispute between a trainer and an owner, going public with the details is not the best way to resolution. We have seen the consequences elsewhere.
I read the graphic comments about Kauto’s injuries and decided to say nothing and read no more about them. I thought of the way in which the Mosses dealt with the passing of Z Princess. I admire the Mooses for their wisdom in knowing what to do in a very difficult situation.
RIP in heaven, Kauto. Will not forget you. Neigh!
I really do admire the Moose, but I did mean the Mosses in this case. My iPad took control again. Gotta laugh. Neigh!
Made me LOL!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Like you, I find the details most upsetting and I agree the Mosses handled their terrible loss of Z Princess with dignity.
Love Moose too. Love and Hugs, JB
Debbie S.
Dear Barbara,you are welcome
Thank-you Sandy for sharing Cynthia Holt’s excellent article on the great Secretariat and his magical races for the Triple Crown.It really described the times,the fans and this remarkable horse!
Debbie S.
Dear Sheena,
Continue to hold Kauto Star and you in my thoughts and prayers.
2 girls and a boy at Manton Bay!Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wonderful. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Oh my goodness! Just finished watching Dumpling Anne Wilson’s Cowtown Mary win a race after drifting out 12 wide. Unbelievable. Congrats to all the connections. Hope you haven’t had to visit the emergency room.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
That’s incredible. Congrats to Cowtown, Anne and Rod and the Team. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara W.,
Thanks for this great news! Congratulations to Cowtown Mary, the Wilsons and the Cowtown Team! 12 wide and won — Wow!!
Lots of Hugs
Would guess this might be a daughter of Cowtown Cat?
Congrats on the win. What track?
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
You are right; Cowtownmary is a son of Cowtown Cat. He is a four year old Gelding. He won the 4th Race at Los Alamitos on 7/2/15. Can’t wait to hear from Anne on Cowtown’s win.
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thinking of you. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy, happy dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Deb E.
To all Zsters in New Jersey, you will be getting an opportunity to see American Pharoah run in the G1 Haskell Invitational on August 2nd! Ahmed Zayat has announced that AP’s first post Triple Crown start will be in the Zayats’ home state. This will be the first time a TC winner has raced in the Haskell which will be the centerpiece of a three-day celebration called “The Pharoah Phan Phestival” in Oceanport, NJ, home of the Monmouth track. Zayat is also reaching out to New Jersey’s rock royalty in hopes that Bon Jovi and The Boss (BROOOOOOOOCCCCCEEEEE!) will be part of the celebration. Imagine Bruce singing “Born to Run” in honor of The Pharoah! If all goes well, AP could go to Saratoga to run in the Travers Stakes on August 29.
Ann NC
Sounds like a great day at Monmouth!
Born in the U.S.A and to Run!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Deb E and Ann:
Wow, what a great way to celebrate the 4th. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Oops. Sorry about that, was thinking about the Fourth of July celebrations.
Haskell day at Monmouth will be a very special celebration, indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Deb E.
I think Mr. Zayat should also ask the Bangles to reform and sing “Walk Like an Egyptian” and Steve Martin to do his rendition of “King Tut”. I’m guessing that Oceanport is going to look like something out of the movie Cleopatra with all the King Tut headgear and women dressing as the Queen of the Nile.
Dear Judy.Thinking of you and Lola Mae.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Barbara,
Thinking of you. It’s so hard. My Dad’s been gone now for l3 years and I still miss him so much every single day. We will see them again.
We have 1 girl and a boy(bobby bach)!!!plus an unsure??? on the Dyfi.Video of the ringing tomorrow.”bobs”are eating by themselves now!Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Bobby Bach is a boy, yesterday was too funny. At feeding time he tried to get food, Glesni as usual would not feed him and fed Bob 1 first, and then Bob 2. Well Bobby B went and got a stick and hit Bob 1 to distract him from eating so he would not get the food and it worked he pooped, turned around and started playing with the stick. It put Bobby in his place but to no avail Glesni did not feed him. She fed number 2 more flew away, the fish was there but he did not take any for himself, she came back and gave him two bites and that was that. I thought the feeding pattern would change as the grew but no luck. Maybe he will start taking the fish or maybe he knows his place, but he now has some strategy to keep Bob 1 from getting all the food. Too funny.
Love and hugs
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Dear Debbie S. and Sheena,
Thank you for the info on the previous chicks. It is very sad that the mortality rate is so high. Watching the whole precious family unit from the beginning until migration is so endearing. They make through so many hurdles. It is heartbreaking knowing the journey is so short for some youngsters. Nature can be so cruel. I’m anxious to see the video of this year’s ringing. Thank you to all the Dyfi members. I added the Dyfi Project to my bucket list, if I am ever able to cross the pond. Wonderful organization.
Dear Tizgood,
Hooray! for Bobby Bach. Too funny. I hope they can make a video of the incident. I would love to see the stick maneuver.
OH,Hovis has me in fits of laughter today!!He’s back in casa del pero big time and Karen used girly shampoo and conditioner(on his tail)!!!He starts on a serious note by paying tribute to Kauto Star.Of course the destroyer was a Tank fan!Safe trips to all horses and jockeys this weekend.You are a tonic Hovis!SheenaX
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for our Hovis. His tribute to Kauto Star was very nice. Then all those hilarious one-liners. Hovis, you never cease to make us smile! A dude that uses conditioners…Ha ha ha! And he splashed poor Dolly! I’l bet her mom had to work hard on that! TGIF everyone and enjoy the 4th of July holiday. Happy Birthday, USA! Hugs, Kathy
Dear Sheena,
Hovis hilarious as usual.
Love and hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love our Hovis. When you need cheering up, he’s sure to make you smile. Thank you for sharing. Love the photo too. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you for our Friday dose of fun and laughs that is dear Hovis. He always brightens up the morning.
July 3 Cherokee Devotional
Innocence is ours in so many ways. Even the one that has no conscience, nothing good to measure life by-this person is innocent. Maybe not of wrongdoing but innocent of knowing God exists and knowing him intimately.
Can this be called innocence? Most would call it ignorance-and there’s some mixed in. They know nothing of gentleness or kindness, but they recognize ruthlessness and the delight of being lawless. These innocent consider themselves sophisticated and beyond the ways of love. So very sad-because God is love.
Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers.
Thank all you Zsters for the heads up about the published gory details of Kuato Star’s accident. I did not read them because of what you all reported. Thanks again.
On a happier note, I am so excited to see Texas Red back. Hope the spirit of his great grandsire, my beloved Alydar, runs with him and keeps him safe.
Good trip to Beastie. Tell Johnny V to hold on tight and do what you tell him.
Glad AF is not going to be in the Whitney against my boy Lea.
Dear Kathy.Yes,indeed God is love as we held a minute’s silence for the holidaymakers who died in Tunisia today.Her Majesty led the nation in tribute.These terrorists know no God.
Well we have names for the “bobs”Brenig for bobby the male Celyn for the female and Merin for the “not sure but thinking female”She weighed 1.45KG and Celyn weighed 1.58KG Brenig weighed 1.30KG.They are all back safely in the nest.Hovis was hilarious today bless him out in the rain after getting a bath at least it washed the scent of his girly shampoo off.And those poor folk going to sell their boots getting a earful of Karen’s fluent Anglo-Saxon.There was a lot of discussion about Kauto on FB and how he was allowed to suffer for 5 days.I think that’s why we got so much info about his injuries from the vets.A lot of critical remarks on social media.You cannot compare his death with Z PrinZess there was no quarrel between the Mosses and Lane’s End.Everything was so dignified.Sadly,same cannot be said about Kauto’s tragic end.
On a happier note Mango has reached 12000 “likes” and been a year on FB.She is sad that Abby is so quiet and in pain.Going to try some therapy.Mango got a great haircut! Boo shouldn’t really be fed up with his wonderful lifestyle!But he still managed to look cute!Mr Fibbs has turned into a faith healer was such a fantastic pic and now will be sold on his website.Rats with websites where will it end?It’s warming up again here today but expecting thundery rain tonight!Have a fantastic Friday.Love and hugs to you
Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Many, many thanks for the wonderful e-card. How thoughtful of you! God rest the souls of the victims in the Tunisia terrorist attack. And their poor relatives. You never would recover from a loss like that. I like the names for the “bobs!” Will be watching for when they determine Merin’s gender for sure. Glad they’re all back safely in the nest! Yes, Hovis was particularly funny today. A real bright spot! That’s so sad that Kauto was left to suffer for so long. I agree, you really had to admire the Mosses and Lane’s End for ending Z PrinZess’ suffering so swiftly. Kauto certainly did not deserve such a tragic end to his life. May he RIP now. Yes, I saw that Mango reached 12,000. That’s fabulous! Get well wishes for Abby. I’m glad they’re going to try therapy. I agree, we all wish we had Boo’s lifestyle! I guess it’s all relative. Even the rich and famous can get bummed out! Yes, I saw the faith healer pic. Too funny! Poor little Zoe is under the weather. She was out in the yard when the sprinklers came on and she hurt her leg somehow. Poor baby, praying for her! I hope the rain tonight will cool the temperatures for you. Stay as cool as possible. Fantastic Friday to you, too. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Tizgood.I missed that.If as I suspect bobby is in a nest full of females he has to stand up for himself.Looking forward to the video of the ringing.Love and hugs Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Now that we know Bobby Bach is a boy that behavior makes sense he is already
Manipulating the girls, but he can’t seem to manipulate mom yet. Maybe in a couple
Of more weeks.
Love and hugs
Thank you so much! I always enjoy reading everything about you guys and, of course, Zenyatta and her stablemates. :)
Happy 4th of July!
Bluegrass Girl
Good For Racing: The Gate Crew
TVG/HRTV Wednesday, Jul 01 2015
TVG’s “Good For Racing” series profiles the gate crew at Santa Anita and gives a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most hazardous occupations at the race track.
Peter Eurton describes how the Gate Crew saved his life .
Bluegrass Girl
Here is the 2010 article about the incident
Eurton Recovering After Savaging Episode
By Blood-Horse Staff July 24, 2010 6:31 PM
Southern California trainer Peter Eurton was back at Del Mar on the morning of July 24 after he was savaged three days earlier during a gate training session.
Eurton, 53, termed the incident “the worst ever” injury incident in his training career. “Very scary,” he said as he watched from the clubhouse boxes as horses went through their morning exercises.
Sheena. News to brighten your day. The elusive chestnut is back on Twitter. Moosie is on vacation in Yorkshire and he wishes all of his fans well. Looking very good too. Long live the free Moose.
Dear Max.Thanks for the good news.Need the Moose to lift my spirits.I have just been watching Kauto’s betfair and King George in 2011.Will never forget those days.The short guy is on the morning line by phone from Ireland.
The Eclipse tomorrow only 4 taking Golden Horn on.Our favourite boy the Grey Gatsby is running!Sheena.
I am still in shock over Kauto. Was emailing one of my fellow students from England with whom I’m still in touch. He did not know that Kauto had passed as he was out of the country this week on business. Peeps who have not lived in the UK do not really know how much a part of the fabric of life Kauto was and what he meant to his fans. Everyone knew about him as a chaser. This is a very big loss.
I hope that GG does well in the Eclipse, but Frankie and the Horn will be hard to beat.
Dear Max.The Moose is looking fantastic!I don’t think he needs his coat on in this warm weather.Hope you have a great day tomorrow or today as it’s about 12.30am here!Sheena.
He looks super well. Moosie finally has a lady rider so that all is right with his world. May it long stay that way. I love that independent minded horse.
4th of July, let freedom reign.
Bluegrass Girl
Happy Fourth of July!
Fourth of July Advice for horse owners – Glorious Alliance tweet
Important for 4th of July: Make sure your horse has ID on them if they could get loose because of reaction to fireworks!
Tape their name on their halter. Or put duct tape across one hoof and write their name and contact number on it with a Sharpie.
FYI- advice for other pets. ID is important in getting them returned.
Like that duct tape advice. Think however that most horses might remove it. Still a good idea.
Dear Judy.Hope you will enjoy the 4th of July!Thinking of Lola and you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank.Love and hugs Sheena.X
Marty R / Colorado
I am so far behind here, but I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July holiday weekend. Love, Marty R
A very Happy 4th of July to you all.Cherish your freedom.Love and hugs Sheena.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Happy 4th of July to all. May God continue to Bless this great USA and keep everyone safe all over the world. Pray for Peace.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Happy 4th of July to everyone, especially our great country!! Hope we all have a safe and fun celebration.
I’m slowly trying to catch up with everyone’s news, I’ve been busy with family issues and our Humane Society fund raising events.
Zenny good news your beautiful CoZ had another bullet work……he definitely has all the right parts……and is growing up mentally too. Never lost faith in this boy, he is The First Prince.
Sending kisses to Zenny, CoZ, Zi, angel Princess and my boy Indy.