For John Shirreffs: Other than Zenyatta, which horse have you enjoyed training the most, and why?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A:John: I have trained so many wonderful horses during my career, so it would be very hard to name just one. I really enjoy training the horses who are out of the mares I have trained or who are from the same family. I love seeing how family traits are passed on to the foals and getting to know the individual qualities each one possesses.
I have trained so many horses out of the broodmare Set Them Free. Each one exhibited that “something extra”… personality, performance levels, and desire to do it!
A few of her foals:
• Giacomo gave us all the thrill of a lifetime. He won the Kentucky Derby.
• Styler, his half sister, is still special to me. She had so much TRY to her.
• Tiago always gave 110% every single day. I really enjoyed working with him.
• Stanwyck also TRIED, TRIED, TRIED and never gave up.
• Rutile won her maiden race so impressively. It was one of the most impressive maiden victories I have seen.
Dottie: One of my favorite Styler moments was when she was making her first start at Santa Anita. She was a filly who needed to go a distance of ground and she had a big, beautiful stride. That day, she was in Post #1 and when she went into the starting gate, she was quite intrigued by looking at the big matrix board to her left and seeing ‘herself’ on it. In the mornings it is not in use, so she had never seen it like this before. When the gates opened, she was still looking at the big board and the movement on it. After the field was well on its way, she finally broke from the gate. Going into the clubhouse turn, Styler was well behind the field. Suddenly, she began to close and get closer to the other horses. She continued to pick it up and finished a wonderful 3rd closing beautifully. I can still visualize this race and Styler looking at the matrix board when the gates opened. What can one say! She’s an adorable, inquisitive and lovely horse for sure! She saw something happening she’d never seen before and wanted to check it out. TOO CUTE!
John and Dottie: What a BROODMARE! In our mind, SET THEM FREE is truly a BLUE HEN!
Experts: John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
For Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs: As the racing manager, what does your job entail beyond purchasing race horses for the owners? Do you make breeding suggestions to the Mosses for Zenyatta or stakes race suggestions to John about horses he is training?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A: My position encompasses all of the areas you mentioned. Basically, all things involving all Moss horses fit into my job description.
Purchases at the sales, pedigree research, breeding selections for the mares, monitoring the horses at the farms, training centers, and race tracks are several of my responsibilities. Additionally, working with the Moss’s office staff, accountants, and attorneys on all horse matters is another extremely important aspect of this position. To assist with this, I review, approve, and code all horse invoices for their staff, review all accounting reports, and attend all necessary business meetings. The goal is to have everything flow smoothly for The Mosses and all of their horses!
I also work with the trainers on the condition book, selecting races and stakes opportunities for the horses. Thus, being a good handicapper and being aware of the ‘competition around the country’ is essential. Additionally, being in communication with the trainer on the strengths and status of each horse both physically and mentally is so important. You want a horse to run when he or she is PEAKING!
Thoroughbreds are amazing! I feel incredibly blessed that I have been able to work with so many talented and accomplished athletes and hope in some way I have left a ‘mark’ on their lives and careers!
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Heart-broken about Kauto Star. He was so enjoying his second career in dressage. My sympathies to all his connections. He will be missed.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
I just voted for Mr. Blowen and Old Friends.
Dear Sheena,
You are so right about Alstair Down, his article
has me weeping uncontrollably over the great
legend Kauto Star.
Love and hugs to you my dear friend so sad for your
Denise in St. Louis
Great to hear from John & Dottie !!!! Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedules to share stories of the horses with the fans !!! You’re truly the BEST !!! Your hard work and dedication show how much you love these horses!! Zenyatta’s boys could not be in better hands!!! It is so amazing to see Zenyatta after her racing career. Zenyatta’s website is like no other in the world!! We fans can’t say Thank You enough to Jerry & Ann, John & Dottie, Mario, Mike, and Team Z!!!
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Denise in St. Louis, you absolutely hit the nail on the head.
Wonderful tribute for Kauto by the incomparable Alastair Down.Sheena
In memory of KAUTO. Still feeling gutted….
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Another lovely tribute – thanks Abigail! As always, the videos illuminate the words, and it was great to see Kauto in action :-)
Denise in St. Louis
Thanks Mary Margaret in Georgia!! :) I just voted for Michael Blowen and Old Friends too!!
Deb E.
I cannot begin to say how impressed I am by the bit of video Team Z posted on Instagram of Ziconic on the track. The Chestnut Prince is FAST! I wonder if Mr. Shirreffs and the Mosses will decide to try him out in a race either later this summer or in the fall. Ziconic learned his lessons from Mama Zenny exceptionally well! He was running beside her and keeping up with her stride for stride when he was only 3 weeks old. Somewhere along the way, she also imparted her dancing tips to him, too!
Dear Deb E,
Those Tapit’s are fast !!!
He gives his progeny a lot of speed. Remember Hansen he was a very
speedy 2 Year old Champion. They say he is fast and efficient in the shed
and that is what gives his progeny speed? I just love Tapit.
i am dreaming Ziconic could be the 2 year old champion.
Love and hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Deb E:
Thanks. I would have missed the video without your referencing it. Wow, ZI looks fantastic. Love and Hugs, JB
So sorry to all of you who were so close to Kauto. Like our Z Princess, he lost his life because of a paddock accident. After being safe on the track it is so sad to see him go this way. Hope he is teaching Z Princess how to jump.
On a lighter note. This is going to be quite a weekend at Belmont. Texas Red is racing, The Big Beast and Tonalist along with many others are going to the post.
And to top things off, Danny is back in training.
Did you see who is riding, or attempting to ride, The Beast? We will see if he gets the Dan treatment from Beastie.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Shirlee, You are so right should be a great weekend. Looking forward to seeing so many. Speightstown I believe has a youngster in the Dwyer too, I like Texas Red too, though.
Max I haven’t seen who is riding The Beast, could it be Uncle Johnny.
Peggy. It’s Uncle Johnny. The Beast usually has Javier with him. Have to see how Beastie reacts to the change.
I’ll be hoping for a win for Texas Red too.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Max, I think I’m pulling for Spightster in the Dwyer. Really like him. Believe John Shirreffs has Smart Transition in the Dwyer too.
I wonder why Javier isn’t riding the Beast.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I think Speightster is a lightly raced 3 year old. Love his family. He sure is a beauty. Have to cheer on.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
That cheer “him” on
Peggy. I agree that Speightster is a real threat in that race. Bill Mott always trains his horses well and this horse comes from a very good family. Smart Transition is trained by John Shirrrefffs. Junior has the ride with him. Don’t know why Uncle Johnny is riding with Beastie. He’s also on Tonalist in another race.
Poor Johnny V. He seems to end up on the more spirited ones. Think the horses tell each other to see if they can dump him. Safe trip to all especially Beastie and Red.
Dear Shirlee,
So excited to see Texas Red this weekend,
really enjoy him a lot.
Go red !!!!!
Dear Tizgood.Oh,Alastair certainly has a way with words!Did you see what the vets said about Kauto’s last days?Very upsetting.Doubt we will ever know what happened or if anything spooked him that day.Love and hugs Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
You are so right about Alstair, he has such a way with words and just painted his career
and relationships perfectly. And the emotion behind it was just perfect. We will not know a lot of detail but I am surprised that they have revealed as much. We never know what those babies get into in their paddocks, they make such foolish decisions sometimes and maybe he did spook and jumped and stumbled, but to break his pelvis and neck. I think he was kept comfortable and did not know what happened or had any pain which is the most important thing. You have so lucky to have shared in his career and enjoyed all of his ups and downs successes and all the people who have meant so much to him.
He really was a very special horse and they do not come around that often like our Zenyatta.
Love and Hugs
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, I know most are pulling for Texas Red Saturday. I like him a lot too, but check out Speighster. What a Beauty. Trained I believe by Bill Mott.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Should be an exciting day of racing on Saturday. Godspeed, Texas Red, Beastie, Tonalist, Speighster; and all safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Miracles Of Life Retires
TURFSTARS on Wed. July 1 2015
So rapped to see you win in Sydney #Barbie…
she’ll make a beautiful mummy !!
Happy Retirement Miracles Of Life !
Is she coming to Stonestreet or is she staying at home to be a mommy?
Ann NC
Thanks BGG. Love her!
Good question, Shirlee. Wonder where she will retire?
Wishing her a good, healthy life.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info. Happy, healthy retirement Barbie, beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
July 2 Cherokee Devotional
And so it goes-the wrangling and arguing of the public and all its workings. We want to be informed, but when it moves from reality to grandstanding-we need a break.
Too many angry voices, too many accusations. We need rest for our ears, our minds, and our nerves. Every broadcast, every channel, every hour, it is repeated and repeated.
Take a walk and be comforted by the ordinary earth-which is not ordinary at all. It has healing powers that draw worn minds to birdsong and sunflowers, and a companionable dog that never listens to the news nor analyzes it for us.
Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.
Chief Joseph
Nez Perce
Dear Kathy.A marvellous devotion today.Thinking of Clive Smith and Paul Nicholls I wish I could knock their heads together and tell them it’s Kauto who means to the world to us not them or their huge ego’s.He will be the one remembered long after they are dead and gone.
We did have a one day heatwave lol!!!But it was very hot in England yesterday record temps in Wimbledon.We had thunder showers in Wales.As you may have guessed the weather is a British obsession.We haven’t had any sound on the live streaming from the dyfi for about 36hrs.They said they are trying to fix it.The “bobs” are on their own today not much room for mum anymore.Maybe ringing tomorrow!!!Glad to see Joey back those gorgeous paws!Fubu is still throwing up but is getting better.I vote for him every day.Mango had some lovely gifts from Australia.Did you see Wimbley as a tiny rat he was soo cute.We are having a minute’s silence tomorrow at midday for the Tunisian victims.Zoe is all ready for the 4th of July celebrations are you?Have a great Friday eve.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Isn’t that the truth that Kauto is who everyone will remember?!! I wish we only had one day of heat! I think the weather is as good an obsession as any. Poor “bobs,” they’ve pushed Mom out of the nest. Joey was indeed gorgeous, right down to his paws. Still missing him. Poor Fubu. That’s good that he’s improved. Everyone loves to send Mango gifts! Australia…Wow! The pic of Wimbley as a baby was adorable. God rest the souls of those Tunisian victims. I wonder if Zoe will do her salute for the 4th. What an adorable dog. So charismatic. I’m ready for the 4th. Not sure if we will go view fireworks or just stay home with the pups. They get so traumatized from the loud booms. We probably will stay home with them to comfort them. Happy Friday Eve to you, too. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Sheena,
You are so right Clive really messed everything up for Kauto, and I don’t think
Paul was to blame. Some owners just don’t get it, they are not horsemen. Sorry you are having a heat wave. The bobs are so big, feel sorry for Glesni at night, she gets a wing in the face just as she gets to sleep and then anothe Bob moves around, then another wing, it is a bit comical. Can hardly wait for the ringing and to see how big they are.
Love and hugs
RIP Val Doonican well-known Irish and UK singer/entertainer who died last night aged 88yrs.Hugs Sheena.
Claiborne says Lea is training for the Whitney. Wonder if AF will be there? Think Lea will be retired after this year since he is 6 years old. Always hate to see my favs retire but also rejoice when they retire healthy.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Too true. Love and Hugs, JB
Debbie S.
Dear Abigail, thanks for your tribute to Kauto I am still gutted too.
I loved to see him up on the hill and in his pasture with his mates,as well as the amazing races that showed his talent and heart. Like Zenyatta he had such wonderful people on his team!!. I agree,he will really never be gone.
Dear Sheena,thanks for the tribute by Alastair Down,it was beautiful.Thanks too for being a teacher and friend and for briniging such wonderful horses into my life.
To everyone on the blog,Z is love and she continues to inspire us all to see and feel the beauty and spirit of all horses and four legged creatures that make this world a better place. Learning about thoroughbreds past and present is an honour and a privilege. It all began for me with Zenyatta,and I love to follow her life and watch her story unfold..
Debbie S.
Dear Sheena
ps I should have added how two legged,winged creatures also make the world a better place -smile. I love watching Glesni and Monty and how they parent and care for their young with such devotion. It is interesting and fun to watch the bobs grow and develop.
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ Cozmic One (3-Year-Old Colt)
Date: July 2, 2015
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.00:80 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 1/11 Our Firecracker :-)
Ann NC
Thanks Auntie Judy.
Go, Coz, Go!!!
Firecracker indeed.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Go Coz! This is, or is close to, his best time so far!
Auntie Judy,
Thanks for the post. Perhaps the light has dawned for our boy. Bless his big ole heart!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ:
Thanks for keeping us updated on Cozzie’s works. Godspeed First Prince. Love and Hugs, JB
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Abigail & Sheena,
Thank you for the beautiful tribute for the beautiful, courageous Kauto Star. He shall never be forgotten. Mr. Downs’ tribute was beautifully done.
I cannot thank you enough for linking us to the osprey website. I keep the live stream on my computer all day at work, so I can peak in on this beautiful family. Does anyone have any reports about last year’s chicks, Deri & Glynant?
I agree, Glesni & Monty are the best parents. I pray they all have safe journeys.
I hope everyone has a safe, happy, healthy weekend.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Oops, meant Gwynant.
Ann NC
Baby boy, Zi, we are proud of you and your big bro! Love that photo of Coz surveying the track.
Beast- be nice to Uncle Johnny. Kick butt.
Texas Red- nice to have you back.
Here’s to great racing.
There is a great article about, Forego on the Paulickreport site. Boy was he something else. One of ours, a nipper, hahaha. Frank was a great trainer and he is actually smiling in the photo!
Happy 4th to all. Safe and sound!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Thanks. Great article. Here it is in case you missed it. Love and Hugs, JB
Debbie S.
Dear Mary Margaret
Sheena is the expert but Deri and Gwynant will stay in Africa this season and I believe next spring would be the earliest they will make the crossing.Pray they are both doing well.
Dear Mary Margaret.No, there will be no news of Deri and Gwynant until next year.We had hoped the girls from 2013 would return this year but nothing so far.Only 30% of the youngsters survive sadly.We will soon know the sex of the” bobs” and their weight.Hugs Sheena.
Barbara Wood
As today is the 9th anniversary of the passing of my mom, I have been a bit down. Seeing Coz’s bullet workout cheered me a great deal. His last several have been awesome. Go, COz!!! Hugs to all.
Ann NC
Sending you hugs.
Coz is a boost. Go, Coz.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hugs from me too Barbara.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
Thinking of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara W.,
More Hugs from me and Bailey, too.
Debbie S.
Hugs to you today Barbara as you remember your Mom
Coz is doing great,look forward to hearing more.Go Coz!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
To all of the Zentastics Team Members – Sue asked me to pass along the bad news that the BC Fantasy Handicapping Contest is no more :-( When she inquired, she was directed to the other contest the BC is running that has a prize each week and requires predicting the order of finish of EACH of the horses in the given race. We are both very disappointed, and I wanted to provide some contact information in case the rest of you want to join us in voicing our disappointment:
stefanie@breederscup.com and
We may have a “plan B” so stay tuned.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for letting us know and thank you for posting this fabulous article on Big Red by our Cynthia; just wonderful. Well done Cynthia. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Now on a happier note, some of you may remember reading the wonderful article written by our own Cynthia Holt and published as a BloodHorse guest column by Steve Haskin (!!) concerning her experience at the 1973 Belmont Stakes and the great win by Secretariat. As a result of that publication, she was invited to write an expanded version for publication on secretariat.com. That is now available at the link below and is just a terrific read. Cynthia thinks it’s a little long, but I’m sure that Secretariat fans (and all racing fans) will have no trouble getting through it. Being Cynthia, she was hesitant to publish the link herself but agreed to let me do it :-). Bravo to Cynthia!!! ♞♞
Beautiful! Thanks so much for posting. My heart is racing and the tears are falling. Wish I could have been there that day. Did see him many times in his retirement. When people talk about the most famous person they ever met, I always tell them I met and petted the Bestest Horse, Secretariat!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
WOW! Thanks so much for posting this marvelous article!
I can totally relive this remarkable feat of my hero, Secretariat.
@Cynthia Holt
You have written a magnificent article! Your words have created such a living picture of the races, particularly of the Belmont Stakes 1973 — so visual and stirring. Thanks!
Hugs and Love
Thank you so much, Sandy and everyone, for your very kind comments about the Secretariat article. To feel as if I have transported you back to that time through my words is the greatest gift. I am truly grateful.