For John Shirreffs: Other than Zenyatta, which horse have you enjoyed training the most, and why?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A:John: I have trained so many wonderful horses during my career, so it would be very hard to name just one. I really enjoy training the horses who are out of the mares I have trained or who are from the same family. I love seeing how family traits are passed on to the foals and getting to know the individual qualities each one possesses.
I have trained so many horses out of the broodmare Set Them Free. Each one exhibited that “something extra”… personality, performance levels, and desire to do it!
A few of her foals:
• Giacomo gave us all the thrill of a lifetime. He won the Kentucky Derby.
• Styler, his half sister, is still special to me. She had so much TRY to her.
• Tiago always gave 110% every single day. I really enjoyed working with him.
• Stanwyck also TRIED, TRIED, TRIED and never gave up.
• Rutile won her maiden race so impressively. It was one of the most impressive maiden victories I have seen.
Dottie: One of my favorite Styler moments was when she was making her first start at Santa Anita. She was a filly who needed to go a distance of ground and she had a big, beautiful stride. That day, she was in Post #1 and when she went into the starting gate, she was quite intrigued by looking at the big matrix board to her left and seeing ‘herself’ on it. In the mornings it is not in use, so she had never seen it like this before. When the gates opened, she was still looking at the big board and the movement on it. After the field was well on its way, she finally broke from the gate. Going into the clubhouse turn, Styler was well behind the field. Suddenly, she began to close and get closer to the other horses. She continued to pick it up and finished a wonderful 3rd closing beautifully. I can still visualize this race and Styler looking at the matrix board when the gates opened. What can one say! She’s an adorable, inquisitive and lovely horse for sure! She saw something happening she’d never seen before and wanted to check it out. TOO CUTE!
John and Dottie: What a BROODMARE! In our mind, SET THEM FREE is truly a BLUE HEN!
Experts: John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
For Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs: As the racing manager, what does your job entail beyond purchasing race horses for the owners? Do you make breeding suggestions to the Mosses for Zenyatta or stakes race suggestions to John about horses he is training?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A: My position encompasses all of the areas you mentioned. Basically, all things involving all Moss horses fit into my job description.
Purchases at the sales, pedigree research, breeding selections for the mares, monitoring the horses at the farms, training centers, and race tracks are several of my responsibilities. Additionally, working with the Moss’s office staff, accountants, and attorneys on all horse matters is another extremely important aspect of this position. To assist with this, I review, approve, and code all horse invoices for their staff, review all accounting reports, and attend all necessary business meetings. The goal is to have everything flow smoothly for The Mosses and all of their horses!
I also work with the trainers on the condition book, selecting races and stakes opportunities for the horses. Thus, being a good handicapper and being aware of the ‘competition around the country’ is essential. Additionally, being in communication with the trainer on the strengths and status of each horse both physically and mentally is so important. You want a horse to run when he or she is PEAKING!
Thoroughbreds are amazing! I feel incredibly blessed that I have been able to work with so many talented and accomplished athletes and hope in some way I have left a ‘mark’ on their lives and careers!
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Dear Kathy.As you can imagine I haven’t had the heart to visit our furbabies today after hearing about Kauto’s tragic end.I am old enough to have lost many beloved racehorses many,thankfully,lived to a great age.I always felt he would have been happier living with Paul and I am upset he wasn’t allowed to say goodbye to his horse.Accidents can happen in the best of homes as we all know only too sadly with Z Princess.He was a very special horse to me and NH fans around the world.He never stood a chance with such catastrophic injuries developing pneumonia and laminitis.He will be still bucking and kicking up a storm in Heaven.
As predicted it has turned very hot over here but will only last a couple of days thank goodness!If you go on RP website there is a tribute blog there for Kauto.Some lovely messages.Hope you have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.XOXO
Dear Sheena,
I know you are devastated. Such a tragic loss. RIP Kauto Star. I hope in time all your wonderful memories of him will bring you comfort. I will look for the tributes to him. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Janet Newman
I am still sitting in disbelief that Kauto Star is gone.
What a phenomenal star he was in steeplechasing, He achieved so much
that others tried to do, but could not. I marveled at how much fighting spirit he had.
RIP Kauto Star
Another great running in those fields of champions.
RIP, the great Kauto Star. Such a sad end to a great horse. He will be missed.
spare Kauto Star k-u-t-o s-t-a-r :-( , news about loosed horses is always sad :-( , remember lil 14z filly,,,,,,,, Coz breeze carefully on soft course, like big stallion be friendly with Zi, he still a baby, beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates eat apples and stay comfy, kiss your soft noses
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear andrej:
Lovely post. Love and Hugs, JB
RIP beautiful, courageous Kauto Star. Sheena so sorry for your pain. I know he was really special to you.
Dear Sheena,
So very sad to hear about the passin of the greatest chase legend of all time
Kauto Star, to take a jump and stumble and sustain such horrific injuries. Just wish
we could guide these babies when they go out in their paddocks of control their minds
and say “no don’t do that one it is too high or that log is in the way” so they don’t hurt
themselves. So very much wish he had stayed at the place he spent so many years, not that Laura was not nice to him, as Billy Seattle Slew’s trainer said any horseman knows
“you can’t move an old sire they die”. They moved Seattle Slew and he died. Kauto spent
many years with Paul and should have stayed where he was trained with the people
he was most familiar, but hind sight is always better and accidents do happen.
Love and hugs to you my dear friend and to all of his fans, friends, Clive Smith, Paul Nicolls, and His Yard
Dear Tizgood and Vicki.Thank you for your sympathy.I know accidents happen all the time but I felt now Kauto had retired that he had a long life ahead of him.Denman continues to enjoy his life hunting and team chasing.I had been thinking of Kauto a lot over the weekend remembering his last 2 magnificent wins and I could’nt see much news on his twitter so assumed all was well.I know Clive had good intentions but Paul and the team knew him so well.We have wonderful memories of him.Legends never die they live on.He’s in greener pastures now.RIP my beautiful boy.Love and hugs SheenaX
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena, I am so sorry about Kauto. I sure share your grief. God will take care of him. Rest In Peace Kauto.
Whooo Hoooo !!!!!
Wise Dan is back in Full Training.
He may stay at Keenland and train all summer or
go to Saratoga, Charlie has not made up his mind.
Goal is to run in the BC mile.
Go Dan, without any hiccups!!!!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Very good news. Looking forward to Danny’s return. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So Happy Dan’s Back. Take Good Care Dan. Love Ya
Dear Sheena,
Just read in the post, very sad Paul and those at his yard
did not have a chance to say good-bye to Kauto at the hospital. Very
sad for all of them.
Love and hugs
Mary Margaret in Georgia
RIP Kauto Star. Very sad to lose another beautiful boy.
I have been checking with the Fantasy Capping folks but I am not getting a response. I sure hope that they have not stopped the contest. It seems like we should have had some email action from them. I will keep trying unless one of you have information that the game is over. That will truly be a big fat bummer.
It has been an interesting few days and I hope this is not another disappointment.
I have been disappointed by to many and say NO to anymore.
Everyone take care and be good. Gosh knows I have to be good or I am on the outs.
IK’S in like flin
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sue, the first race last year was the Eddie Read on July 20th so I remain hopeful!
Barbara Brayton
Go Wise Dan! RIP Kauto Star. Gone to soon.
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
I don’t know if this poll has been shared. Please vote for our ♥ “Saint” Michael Blowen. Thank you. God bless!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ:
Thanks. I voted for MB. Love and Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
You can vote each day from each deviceyou have….so i vote from my desktop and then from my tablet
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
Thanks for letting us know we can vote daily. I only voted using work my computer. I will have to use my laptop and desktop at home, plus my phone :-)
Thanks for posting this lovely story, Michael Blowen is someone so very
special. Old Friends has helped so many of our wondeful TB, I voted, too.
Auntie Judy,
Just went there and voted for Michael. Know there will be a special place in heaven for this man.
Just read on Bloodhorse.com that Genuine Risk’s son Genuine Reward has been located and will be on his way to Old Friends as soon as they can get a cross country hauler. He is in Montana or someplace like that. Seems he has been well cared for but his stud duties are over.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Happy to know this beautiful boy is going to Old Friends. Thanks.
Love this photo of MB and Black Tie Affair (1986 – 2010). Love MB too. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I voted. Great Man
Marshall (NC Broad)
JAG, thanks for posting this!
I just voted for Mr. Blowen and Old Friends.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG, Max, Sheena and Z Fans:
Just read on the previous Blog page that Kauto Star was euthanized due to a paddock accident. OMG, these things happen so quickly and so unpredictably. Our beloved TBs are truly fragile beings and we must enjoy and cherish every day we have with them, as we do with all pets and people we love. Rest In Peace beautiful boy.
Sheena and Max, I know how much both of you loved him and I’m so sorry. Condolences to all of his people too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Amen from me Judy. I first learned about him from Hovis, and then Sheena kept us all up to date. Farewell to a remarkable horse and sincere condolences to all who loved him – especially Sheena. <3
Dear Max.I have been reading the wonderful tributes to Kauto.I was touched by Long Run and Treve’s messages on FB.Also the genius that is Alastair Down in the racing post.I have felt numb all day can’t believe we will never see him parading at Kempton again.I felt sad that Paul and Clifford didn’t have the chance to say goodbye.We all have to forgive if not necessarily forget and Kauto meant the world to Paul and his team.I wished he’d had a the same retirement as ‘Dessie’ and Red Rum.I don’t believe he had taken part in any dressage competitions since Olympia.I know Clive had good intentions but Kauto didn’t look happy to me.My cousin Julie saw him at Lambourn on their open day and she said he had lost his sparkle but bucked up in the parade later.He will always be loved and missed who could ask for more.Hugs Sheena.
AP said today that he saw Kauto frequently because he visits Laura’s yard often. He noted that Kauto was always healthy and happy. Remember this great champion like that in his full robust glory. Neigh forever!
Dear Sandy.Thank you.It means a lot on this sad day for UK racing.Hugs Sheena.
Ingrid Arnone
One more is gone, RIP! Kauto!
Dear Max.Yes,Eve loved riding her pony there..I will always have happy memories of Kauto’s racing career.I think that’s how he’d want to be remembered.Sheena
I love him as a racer and as a horse. He was handsome and fine in every way. Nicholls said today that Kauto was often hard to train because he was sharp and the short guy was afraid of Kauto. Gotta love Kauto even more. The legend grows. Neigh!
Dear Sheena,
There is going to be a great tribute to him in the racing post tomorrow with
all of those who were involved with him in the racing world. It is really going
to be wonderful.
Love and hugs
Alstair Down
Kauto is a National Treasure
Dear Tizgood.Indeed he is.There is also a tribute on the Morning Line our channel 4 racing programme Saturday morning.Alastair writes like no other in the UKLove and hugs Sheena..
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
I’m so very sorry about Kauto Star. He will look after our little Z Princess. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy
How sweet, he will teach her how to jump.
Love and hugs
Dear Judy.A very sad day for racing fans in the UK.We have lost a legend.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, indeed. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. May the Good Lord and St. Francis keep you safe and sound. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
On this day July 1st in 1961 a beautiful baby was born.She grew up to become a Princess.Remembering our beloved Diana of Wales on her 54th birthday.How proud she would be of her family.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
RIP Princess Diana. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sheena,
How wonderful Diana was, how the world loved her, the peoples Princess. The boys she and Charles brought into this world and oh how proud she is as she looks down on them
as the wondeful men the are, the lovely wife and children William has. God Bless Diana,
we will all remember her in all her splendor.
Love and hugs
Deb E.
Diana would be so proud of her boys. William is settled, married to his soul mate, and has two gorgeous children. He and Catherine are putting their own stamp on creating a modern, happy royal family. Harry is carrying on his mother’s legacy of charity work with his work with Wounded Warriors and the Sentable charity he founded to help children in Africa as well as his past service in the armed forces of Britain both at home and in Afghanistan. They are everything Diana hoped they would grow up to be and what she fought so hard against the Establishment for them to become. I only wish she could have lived to see the fruits of her legacy.
Debbie S.
Dear Sheena
I just read the sad news that Kauto Star has passed and am still in disbelief. His trainer Paul had said on the announcement of Kauto’s retirement three years ago that this horse came once in a lifetime,and would probably stay in Box 1 and have light training with Clifford and enjoy life. Kauto had nothing left to prove,he deserved to remain in a place that had been his home for years with his people.I am sorry that Clive Smith decided otherwise. That which made Kauto great-the chase,running with all his heart,his spirit and will,his courage and try, could not be contained in dressage.I saw a video tribute to him showing his races and cried like a baby,his heart was HUGE! When he was tired and almost done,he pulled something special from somewhere so deep,and would not give up. He will be a legend and beloved to those who knew him forever.One article I read said that ,”Kauto Star ranks alongside the legendary Irish three time Gold Cup hero,Arkle,the flamboyant grey Desert Orchid and the triple Grand National hero Red Rum”. I know how you love all these horses,and esp your Kauto .May he run free and wild with all of them in heaven’s pastures. RIP beautiful boy.
Love, love, love the story about Styler checking out the board while in the starting gate. Reminds me of my Quarter Horse mare at her first show, too busy watching the judges booth and the concession stand to pay attention to what was going on in the ring!
Gotta love those curious minds! :)
Donna Z
Dear Sheena, Max & all of Kauto Star’s fans,
I am so sorry to read of his accident & passing. Please accept my condolences for the loss of a real Star.
I am thrilled that Wise Dan is back in full training! Way to go, Danny! Charlie, please bring him to Saratoga with you, I would like to meet him!
Carol in Arkansas, I don’t remember seeing how your Rivers did in his last race. I don’t remember where you said it was, but he was the favorite. I hope he won, but if he didn’t, I hope that he had a good race & is training toward his next one.
Vicki, Judy B & Lola Mae, I hope you are all improving every day. Take care, everyone!
July 1 Cherokee Devotional
Gul Kwa’ Gi
Tsa Lu Wa’nee
It may be very small in your ears…and we entreat you to harken with attention; for we are able to speak of things which are to us very great.
Seneca Nation
July 1
Because we can’t see the possibility of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We just don’t see it and what we do not see we cannot understand.
Grandmother used to say that someone “got the light” on something that had been muddled to them. They suddenly understood. Few of us suddenly understand because we are fighting the idea, trying to avoid believing something-only to have it become obvious.
And Grandmother, El li si, added, “and when you get the light, watch it, and if it dims-it’s not the truth.”
Our title to our lands is placed beyond dispute. Our relations with the Confederate States is that of a Ward; theirs to us that a Protectorate with powers restricted.
John Ross
Cherokee Chief
Dear Kathy.Great devotional for the 1st of a new month.It seems a little cooler in Wales today but it was so difficult trying to sleep last night.It seems it’s the wrong sort of heat on the rail tracks!!Be the wrong leaves on the line soon.I visited some of the furbabies last night Abby has damaged her quad muscle and can’t get to the store any more but is determined to drive the hamster car!They have managed to get 15 dogs in carts the last 2 months!Poor Fubu was throwing up a lot the other night so visited the doc.He is anaemic so has more yucky meds to take and Kimberly is exhausted.Zoe had a great day at the library.The blonde mafia were at the beach beautiful ocean!I haven’t had time to visit the ratties they must be still on their motorcycle trip.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.I forgot the “bobs” will be ringed either Friday or Monday!!
Dear Sheena,
I’m so glad it’s a little cooler. I know all about trying to get some rest and it’s so hot you’re just lying on top of the covers and feel like panting. We are experiencing monsoonal flow right now so it’s very hot plus muggy. Gross! Poor Abby, I hope she gets better soon. They do such great, important work with their carts. Bless them for that! Poor Fubu. He is such a sick kitty. Loved hearing about Zoe’s library visit. She must be crazy-popular with the kids…AND the librarians. Nice pic of the blonde mafia at the beach. That’s the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. The ratties are coming home. Mom has cookies. While Wimbley was buying science stuff Fibbs ate all the donuts. They are so funny. Have a great Hump Day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
A very Happy Canada Day to all our friends from that great country..Enjoy your special day.Love and hugs SheenaX
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for reminding us Sheena! Happy Canada Day from me too to all of our Canadian Z fans. Don’t want to name names for fear of leaving someone out – you know who you are :-). Big hugs to all from south of the border!
Debbie S.
Thanks Sheena! There will be lots of flags waving,parades and fun! Happy Canada Day to all Zenyatta’s Canadian fans.