For John Shirreffs: Other than Zenyatta, which horse have you enjoyed training the most, and why?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A:John: I have trained so many wonderful horses during my career, so it would be very hard to name just one. I really enjoy training the horses who are out of the mares I have trained or who are from the same family. I love seeing how family traits are passed on to the foals and getting to know the individual qualities each one possesses.
I have trained so many horses out of the broodmare Set Them Free. Each one exhibited that “something extra”… personality, performance levels, and desire to do it!
A few of her foals:
• Giacomo gave us all the thrill of a lifetime. He won the Kentucky Derby.
• Styler, his half sister, is still special to me. She had so much TRY to her.
• Tiago always gave 110% every single day. I really enjoyed working with him.
• Stanwyck also TRIED, TRIED, TRIED and never gave up.
• Rutile won her maiden race so impressively. It was one of the most impressive maiden victories I have seen.
Dottie: One of my favorite Styler moments was when she was making her first start at Santa Anita. She was a filly who needed to go a distance of ground and she had a big, beautiful stride. That day, she was in Post #1 and when she went into the starting gate, she was quite intrigued by looking at the big matrix board to her left and seeing ‘herself’ on it. In the mornings it is not in use, so she had never seen it like this before. When the gates opened, she was still looking at the big board and the movement on it. After the field was well on its way, she finally broke from the gate. Going into the clubhouse turn, Styler was well behind the field. Suddenly, she began to close and get closer to the other horses. She continued to pick it up and finished a wonderful 3rd closing beautifully. I can still visualize this race and Styler looking at the matrix board when the gates opened. What can one say! She’s an adorable, inquisitive and lovely horse for sure! She saw something happening she’d never seen before and wanted to check it out. TOO CUTE!
John and Dottie: What a BROODMARE! In our mind, SET THEM FREE is truly a BLUE HEN!
Experts: John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
For Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs: As the racing manager, what does your job entail beyond purchasing race horses for the owners? Do you make breeding suggestions to the Mosses for Zenyatta or stakes race suggestions to John about horses he is training?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A: My position encompasses all of the areas you mentioned. Basically, all things involving all Moss horses fit into my job description.
Purchases at the sales, pedigree research, breeding selections for the mares, monitoring the horses at the farms, training centers, and race tracks are several of my responsibilities. Additionally, working with the Moss’s office staff, accountants, and attorneys on all horse matters is another extremely important aspect of this position. To assist with this, I review, approve, and code all horse invoices for their staff, review all accounting reports, and attend all necessary business meetings. The goal is to have everything flow smoothly for The Mosses and all of their horses!
I also work with the trainers on the condition book, selecting races and stakes opportunities for the horses. Thus, being a good handicapper and being aware of the ‘competition around the country’ is essential. Additionally, being in communication with the trainer on the strengths and status of each horse both physically and mentally is so important. You want a horse to run when he or she is PEAKING!
Thoroughbreds are amazing! I feel incredibly blessed that I have been able to work with so many talented and accomplished athletes and hope in some way I have left a ‘mark’ on their lives and careers!
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Donna Alsabrook
Thoughts and prayers to Simon and his family. Was so shocked to hear the awful news. Be strong Simon, get well soon. We miss you.
June 28 Cherokee Devotional
To love is a privilege. To love kids and cats and dogs (and horses!) and chums, to adore an old one, to even love a material thing or place-this is life!
Love all you can. It is better than medicine, health to the body and soul, and it is scot-free. Laugh freely and with total enjoyment for this is a part of love. Forget the reasons why you should not love; though they are many, they give nothing and take everything. Sweeten your life-love something dearly and it will add to your well-being.
It is that kind of paradise which he only by his manner of life on this earth, it fitted to enjoy.
Dear Kathy.To love and be loved as they say.What the world needs more of.It’s cleared up here after overnight rain.Glesni was trying to shelter her “bobs”!You must have had a fabulous day!!Poor Zoe had a huge dust storm last night and high winds plus she had 2 baths before visiting Katie!And banilla ice-cream after.I love the video of that little pug I always shed a tear because he is so happy!Mr and Mrs G are the proud parents of 2.The 2nd chick hatched over the weekend they were worried because it had been left un-incubated for 12hrs when it slid to the side of the nest but all’s well.Treve will be getting near her racetime about now.STS’s son Storm the Stars is favourite for our St Leger.I have to laugh at Mango and the Hamster car they went grocery shopping yesterday.I dread to think if they lived in the UK and how they would cope!Judy thinks Shelby may have had a stroke she is ok but needs napkins at night now because of little”accidents”They are keeping a close eye on her and Abby is off her tu-tu diet eating bird brudder Jade’s bread crumbs.Dolly looked gorgeous in her pink dress today.Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.XOXO.The lady with the country cottage garden FB has been off because her mum passed peacefully last Thursday.
Dear Sheena,
Bless Glesni for being such a great mom. Yes, I had a wonderful time yesterday. They sure get some weird weather where Zoe lives. All that dust covering everything would be awful to cope with. Glad she got her banilla ice cream. That little pug is just precious. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. G! Good luck to Treve and to Storm the Stars! Hamster car! So funny! Poor little Shelby. So horrible when bad things happen to our beloved furkids. I hope Jade is getting enough bread crumbs! I haven’t visited Dolly in a while. I’ll check her out! They do have some beautiful little dresses for her. Condolences to the Country Cottage Garden lady. Have a blessed Sabbath and enjoy the day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Treve takes a step nearer to an historic 3rd Arc with a smooth win in the Grand prix de st Cloud.She had to be asked for an effort when Flintshire challenged but responded like a champion!Tres passionant.Sheena.
Ann NC
Congrats, Treve!
Flintshire ran a good race. But Treve was totally amazing. She’s a beast in the best sense possible. However it’s still a long time until the Arc.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I saw the French YouTube version, and wasn’t sure which one Treve was until she won! How did you identify Flintshire? Probably from the racing silks, but I’m blanking on the colors :-(
Flintshire is owned by the Saudi Prince, Khalid Abdullah, and as such wears the same silks as Frankel and Noble Mission. The silks are very much like those of Zenyatta and other Moss horses, pink and green.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Max. Watched it again with this info in mind. Great shot of the two of them crossing the finish line in the replay!
Dear Sheena,
What a great race, she sure responded, see my post below about the ears.
Love and hugs
Debbie S.
Way to go Treve!
Peggy N- your post was so lovely and yes,Zenyatta is love and she is always here. I .share the feelings you expressed about Z and all horses and animals.Thank-you for your heartfelt words,so true.
I am getting caught up .Loved the video of Mario and was so touched with the emotion in his last words,”I miss her a lot.” For the last few years I have been hoping that the Mosses would send him down to have a visit with Zenny-she would LOVE that.
John and Dottie,so good to hear from you,have missed you both. It was so interesting to hear about John’s favourites from the broodmare Set Them Free,and the huge importance of the TRY in a horse. Dottie,loved your Styler memory and learning about the many facets of what your job encompasses. I don’t know how you ever found time for Z’s diaries,gosh how we loved them!!
In thinking about Team Z my last thought is with Steve and I hope he is recovering.
It takes a team to make a champion,and we will always remember the entire Team Z.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thank You Debbie
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Debbie S:
Good to have a post from you. Hope all is well. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you for the commentary.
Thanks to team Z for this. Enjoyed reading about their jobs, especially Dottie. Talk about a busy lady. Hope John enjoys working with Coz and The Red Prince.
Congrats to Departing and Claiborne for his win ON THE TURF in the Firecracker. He is 5 and this was only his second race on grass. Seems he really really liked it. Kudos to Al Stall and Claiborne for being open to a change.
Departing’s win is excellent news for Zenyatta too. War Front’s young ones are doing well on the track these days.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
It was a great win by Departing. I am taking some of the credit because I decided to just watch him this time rather than bet on him!!! :-)
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Too funny. Love and Hugs, JB
Know what you mean, Sandy. I have picked and bet on the horse that came in dead last in the Derby this year and last year.
Linda in NJ
A big hello to John and Dottie!! It is really nice to hear from both of you.
Your answers are so interesting. I am sure, no doubt, that all the horses you have worked with have a special place in your heart.
I am waiting to see when Coz will race again.
You are both so special to all of us!!
Wishing you both all the best.
With so much love.
Linda in NJ
Dear Sheena,
Just watched the replay of the St Cloud, the head on shot of Treve coming down for
the win, what a game face, her ears are back and no one is going to win but her. It is
fun to watch, she knows when she wins her ears slowly come up and then they are
full up and perky like look I won. What a champion. I guess she does not like firm ground,
so glad she came back for a third Arc. Wish they would translate in English.
Love and hugs
Treve’s jockey looked quite relieved; Flintshire made quite a challenge, but his ears came
up when she went by like what happened, I thought I was going to win. It was too funny.
Their ears really tell the story, even on the race track, it happens so quickly.
Dear Tizgood.I remember when she came over to RA last year the ground wasn’t too her liking.She will have stiff competition in the Arc this year though.Yes,she won with her ears pricked like the champion she is.Love and hugsX
Peggy. Your Gold Ship was fractious before the start of the Takarazuki Kinen today and finished second to last. Reports say that the great gray stood up tall in the gate before the race began. Even the Beast does not do that. The Beast rises to his full height on two legs only in his paddock or outside his own stall, so far. Goldie is however very much his own horse, so that next time he might well win. Hope that he’s okay because the plan was to head to the Arc in October.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Max, That is I believe the worst I have ever seen him act. Have watched it several times. Just wonder what upset him so bad. I sure hope he is OK.
You just never know how he is going to act. I have seen him throw a fit before, but then I have seen him good too. You just never know if the good boy or the bad boy is going to show up.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Hope GS is OK too. Love and Hugs, JB
As I recall, they had to blindfold him before the start of his last race, which he ended up winning. He’s won an enormous amount of prize money. He is just without question a wonderful horse. Good looking too.
Dear Judy.Hope you and Lola Mae are still recovering well.Treve was fantastic today wouldn’t it be great if she could win a 3rd Arc!!!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to beautiful Treve and her Team. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just had to share this wonderful slideshow of Animal Moms and their babies. There’s a beautiful foal with his/her Mama too. Love and Hugs, JB
Beautiful! Thanks, Judy. How is Lola Mae?
Hugs, Kathy
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Lola is doing amazingly well. Thank you for your prayers and sweet concern.
Thank you too for all the beautiful Devotionals. All of them words to live by. Love and Hugs, JB
June 29 Cherokee Devotional
Until a dog wags its tail, we are not sure it is friendly. Not so with humans. Many have learned that the friendly approach gets them everywhere. And among the many we meet are those with a mean spirit, regardless of the wagging tail.
Life is give and take-but in all honesty we need to tread lightly, especially if we are being offered a good deal for little money. Certain kinds know to ingratiate themselves before they begin to weave themselves into our lives. If this is holy the Spirit will tap you on the shoulder with assurance, but be aware that it may be unholy.
He pauses for an instant in the attitude of worship.
Santee Dakota
Dear Kathy.Great devotional.Monday again I am turtling!Wimbledon has started here and it promises very hot mid-week!Serena is playing at the moment.So disappointed New Bay isn’t running in the Eclipse on Saturday he didn’t impress in his work but the Grey Gatsby will make it a race for Golden Horn the Derby winner.Wimbley is on the road now and saw a library!He loves his books.All is well on the dyfi they are having lunch.Lovely video of the “bobs” and their beautiful feathers although Bobby bach still has some baby down.Judy had a very busy weekend(she should be careful of her BP)Abby has to visit the dogster she has a limp.Hope it’s not serious.Hovis had a bath over the weekend that was the cause of our rainfall!Maybe we will get the details on Friday.Have a great week(don’t forget to turtle)Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.I just loved the Zoeism today about the black and white keys making sweet music!Life just cannot be perfect all the time!XOXO
Dear Sheena,
Thankfully the ratties cancelled Monday. Enjoy Wimbledon! Serena is such a great athlete. Sorry, New Bay. Do enjoy the Eclipse at any rate. The ratties found a bookmobile! They should make bookmarks out of the pics of Wimbley reading and next to the bookmobile. The “bobs” are getting so big. Love their beautiful feathers. Judy keeps up a very frantic schedule. I think she needs to slow down! I hope Abby will be okay. I’ll be anxious to hear about Hovis’ bath. Zoe’s Zoeism was very good. She is the sweetest little dog. You have a great week, too. I will definitely be turtling. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
The “bobs” beautiful feathers.Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
They’re so beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sheena,
Very obvious who is who by the amount of down.
Great bird analyzers. The family is together.
Love and hugs
I was stunned by the news about Simon Bray. I had just checked out Tom Brokaw’s new book about his struggle with multiple myeloma. I was not familiar with that type of cancer. Like Simon, Tom’s started out with back trouble. Simon and his wife have a young son and are expecting a baby girl soon. My prayers are with Simon and his family. The treatment is out there and new strides are being made every day. Fight Simon! Todd was struggling when he broke the news but it was Paul L. that made me cry.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Congrats Treve. A beautiful win for a beautiful girl. Go girl power:)
I was so excited today to realize we have a new post of John and Dottie answering some excellent questions!! I adore both of them.
I loved your story Dottie!! I am still amazed that you were the voice of Zenyatta for all of us when you had all this responsibility at hand.
You have such a great philosophy John about the thoroughbred horses you work with.
Thank you so much!! Love and hugs, Sally B
Zenyatta and all; I am leaving town for a while. Hope you dear Zenyatta, Coz and Zi; Zsters, the Moss’s, John and Dottie have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July. hugs, Sally B
Love you with kisses Zenyatta and to Coz and Zi
loving thoughts for zprincess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Have a wonderful time. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Z family.Vampress Sue is sending you all her love and hopes to post soon.Love and hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks, Hope Sue is doing better. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Dear Judy.Our mini-heatwave has arrived!!!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs.Sheena.Treve ate up well after her race and is relaxing in her cosy stable.X
Bluegrass Girl
RIP Kauto Star!
Laura Collett @CollettEventing ·on Tuesday June 30 2015
Devastated to announce Kauto Star sustained injury in the field,
with his best interest at heart a decision was made to put him to sleep
Bluegrass Girl
Cheltenham Festival @cheltenham on Tuesday June 30 2015 ·
RIP Kauto Star
2 Gold Cups
5 King Georges
4 Betfair Chases
£2375883 in earnings
Just read about this freak paddock accident. A complex pelvis injury that could not be treated in hospital. He was humanely euthanized in the presence of his owner, who loved him. This horse was a great jumping champion. This is terrible news for the racing world and the fans who followed him even after his retirement. Heartbreaking.
Sheena, I know that Kauto was your favorite. I am sorry.
Bluegrass Girl
Channel 4 Racing @Channel4Racing ·on Tuesday June 30 2015 ·VIDEO
Such sad news: KAUTO STAR has died.
Here, again, is Alastair Down’s video essay on the magnificent steepechaser
Kauto Star – Legend of National Hunt
Published on Mar 20, 2015
Alastair Down recalls the remarkable exploits of the two-time Gold Cup,
five-time King George winner. Video produced by Nick Lightfoot.
Such sad news.
Ann NC
RIP, Kauto Star.
Very sad news. I am especially sad for Laura. Hard losing a special buddy.
Dear Max.I have only just heard the news on the radio.I am in shock.He meant the world to me and I had always hoped he would have enjoyed a long retirement.He deserved that.Who knows he might have been happier staying with Paul??RIP my sweet boyI can’t say much now the tears are flowingHugs Sheena.
Sheena. I was stunned when I saw the news and immediately knew that this would be a very bitter blow to you. He was a wonderful horse, so courageous and charismatic and full of fun. I know that you have loved him for a long time and you are his faithful fan. Take whatever comfort that can come from the knowledge that he was well cared for right to the very end. He was around people who respected him for the great athlete that he was and who kept him occupied with a new career. Kauto was a horse who needed a challenge, more than to be ridden by a head lad in a yard while other horses trained for the jumps. Smith and Laura gave him a purpose. He always looked fantastic. That coat and his magnificent long tail showed him to be a healthy and happy horse. I will always remember the thrill of his last King George. He rolled back the years to reveal such tremendous heart and determination to get that win. When you saw Kauto run, it was like it was to see Zenyatta race. It is a glimpse of what heaven must be like. That is how I will always remember Kauto.
God Bless Kauto Star he was truly amazing. I cannot bear to hear about paddock accidents.
June 30 Cherokee Devotional
Our full attention is like a powerful camera that focuses with such lighting and automatic adjustments as to be most potent for accomplishment. Inattention is sleeping on the job and the camera produces a fuzzy image.
Stop and think-what do you want? To do the job right? Or to hope you can outrun the competition? Yes, many are running, but only on personality. The right look, the right smile, the right lingo may work for a time-and then comes the substance. Make it real. Make it work. Give it your full attention.
I must give something of real value to show that my whole being goes with the lesser gifts.
Santee Yanktonao Sioux