For John Shirreffs: Other than Zenyatta, which horse have you enjoyed training the most, and why?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A:John: I have trained so many wonderful horses during my career, so it would be very hard to name just one. I really enjoy training the horses who are out of the mares I have trained or who are from the same family. I love seeing how family traits are passed on to the foals and getting to know the individual qualities each one possesses.
I have trained so many horses out of the broodmare Set Them Free. Each one exhibited that “something extra”… personality, performance levels, and desire to do it!
A few of her foals:
• Giacomo gave us all the thrill of a lifetime. He won the Kentucky Derby.
• Styler, his half sister, is still special to me. She had so much TRY to her.
• Tiago always gave 110% every single day. I really enjoyed working with him.
• Stanwyck also TRIED, TRIED, TRIED and never gave up.
• Rutile won her maiden race so impressively. It was one of the most impressive maiden victories I have seen.
Dottie: One of my favorite Styler moments was when she was making her first start at Santa Anita. She was a filly who needed to go a distance of ground and she had a big, beautiful stride. That day, she was in Post #1 and when she went into the starting gate, she was quite intrigued by looking at the big matrix board to her left and seeing ‘herself’ on it. In the mornings it is not in use, so she had never seen it like this before. When the gates opened, she was still looking at the big board and the movement on it. After the field was well on its way, she finally broke from the gate. Going into the clubhouse turn, Styler was well behind the field. Suddenly, she began to close and get closer to the other horses. She continued to pick it up and finished a wonderful 3rd closing beautifully. I can still visualize this race and Styler looking at the matrix board when the gates opened. What can one say! She’s an adorable, inquisitive and lovely horse for sure! She saw something happening she’d never seen before and wanted to check it out. TOO CUTE!
John and Dottie: What a BROODMARE! In our mind, SET THEM FREE is truly a BLUE HEN!
Experts: John Shirreffs and Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
For Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs: As the racing manager, what does your job entail beyond purchasing race horses for the owners? Do you make breeding suggestions to the Mosses for Zenyatta or stakes race suggestions to John about horses he is training?
Patty Smith
Culver City, CA
A: My position encompasses all of the areas you mentioned. Basically, all things involving all Moss horses fit into my job description.
Purchases at the sales, pedigree research, breeding selections for the mares, monitoring the horses at the farms, training centers, and race tracks are several of my responsibilities. Additionally, working with the Moss’s office staff, accountants, and attorneys on all horse matters is another extremely important aspect of this position. To assist with this, I review, approve, and code all horse invoices for their staff, review all accounting reports, and attend all necessary business meetings. The goal is to have everything flow smoothly for The Mosses and all of their horses!
I also work with the trainers on the condition book, selecting races and stakes opportunities for the horses. Thus, being a good handicapper and being aware of the ‘competition around the country’ is essential. Additionally, being in communication with the trainer on the strengths and status of each horse both physically and mentally is so important. You want a horse to run when he or she is PEAKING!
Thoroughbreds are amazing! I feel incredibly blessed that I have been able to work with so many talented and accomplished athletes and hope in some way I have left a ‘mark’ on their lives and careers!
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Eveline / Maryland.
Thanks for the thorough answers!
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Thank you for this!
Sandra Frey
Always love this segment! Blessings to you both! Giacomo…one of my favorite horses and Kentucky Derby races!
Linda R. Moss
John and Dottie – So wonderful to see both of YOU featured on Zenny’s Blog! Now that is TOO CUTE! We LOVE you both – Hugs, George, Linda & Milyone
Juanda Garlington
From someone who at 71 has trouble remembering what day it is, I am so impressed with the amount of work you pour into yours days, weeks, and months, especially considering that you always look relaxed and lovely during the midst of your “job”.
Kudos from northern Calif for an important part of caring for all the horses that John does such good training with and for keeping each one’s best interest at heart, and best wishes for many more successful years.
Dear Team Z.Thank you to John and Dottie!!Very informative!Love and hugs Sheena.
Dottie and John,
Thank you so much for sharing time, knowledge and love for the thoroughbred. You both have been so giving to the Moss Nation of
Zenyatta followers. Can’t thank you enough.
p.s. saw Cosmic One’s workout time!!! Can a another race be in the works real soon?
Great “Ask the Experts” this time around. Love hearing from The Shirreffs! I was at Santa Anita in March when Rutile broke her maiden. Geez, she came from farther out of it than Zenyatta! I looked up at the Shirreffs in their box and Dottie looked shocked! John very casually headed from the box to meet Rutile and Victor Espinoza after their win. Fun times!
Cozmic One, you idiot!
Wonderful information and background–especially Set Them Free. Glad to hear you mention Rutile. I can’t wait for Rutile’s next race!
Fascinating reading! Thank you SO MUCH Team Z for such a wonderful Friday treat! I am amazed by your job description, Dottie!!!
Great to hear from John and Dottie answering good questions. Loved to hear how Set Them Free is held in high esteem.
Dottie’s job is so complex and I am sure she is at the very top of the game. Love hearing from her.
Thanks for sharing your time and wonderful information with us.
Always love to all,
Thanks for the great blog and sharing your expertise, it all looks so
easy to those of us not in the business. There sure is a lot going
on behind the scenes.
Jan S. / Houston
Thank you John & Dottie for taking the time out of you’re busy schedules to do the Q & A segment on the blog!
patricia jones
thanks for the info whats happening with coz and ziconic?
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
LOL first of all I cannot wait to see Patty Smith tomorrow so I can tell her how ALL her questions were answered. I’m jealous wink, wink. BTW she’s married to a “Mike” Smith :-)
I just want to say I love it when John and Dottie do Q&A. This one made me feel closer to them since they are in NY! And, all the Z Dumplings miss you! And, Sophie!!!
♥ Auntie Judy
p.s. HugZ to CoZ and ZI !! XO
Dee in the Hudson Valley
This is fascinating. I could read about your responsibilities and methods for hours. Thanks, John and Dottie, for taking the time to share this with us. Got a big kick out of Dottie’s story about Styler!
You two are a great team – love how much you love the horses…….thank you!
Dear Judy.So very happy to hear about Lola Mae’s amazing recovery and your’s also.Such sad news from Tunisia today 5 British tourists and 1 Irish among the dead.Also terrorist attacks in France and Kuwait.Very sad.RIP.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Sad news indeed. We’re still reeling from the nine deaths in So. Carolina. Praying for peace in this troubled world.
Thank you for thinking of Lola and me; we continue to improve every day. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Ann NC
Thank you, Dottie and John. Great questions and answers.
I really love the story about Styler. Typical girly moment. Too Cute! Reminds me of my girls leaving the house.
Thanks bunches!
prayers for folks in sad news about Tunisia and chemical factory in Lyon France,, hope wind didnt carry chemical substances on stables, good video of Mario and Zenny, i will guard Coz and Taco like their moms guarded them when they were lil foals, Coz and mates i like your breeze, :-) choose speed that you like on long distances and keep it constant, breeze on soft course, Coz say hello to Zi :-) , beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates kiss your soft noses
Dear Andrej.Thank you so much for thinking of the victims of today’s terrorist attacks.Love and hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear JS, Dottie and Team Z:
So wonderful to have your input on your experiences working with these beautiful beings. So informative and kind, both of you. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions for the fans. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you so much for today’s commentary from John and Dottie. Such an interesting life they must lead and as a team they are unbeatable.
We do miss you in California! Hope to see some of Zenyatta’s fans tomorrow at Santa Anita for race day and the parade of our Triple Crown Champion.
Barbara Wood
Wow! Thia ia one of my favorite posts of all time! I have been asking the question for years about Dottie’s job, and I had NO IDEA it encompassed so much. Dottie, you are Wonder Woman!! I thought it was probably just handling the business end of making sure all the entry paper work had been done for the races. What did I know? I agree with Juanda, who posted above. I’m nearly 70, and cannot imagine working that hard. But it is fun, I know.
The insights about mares and their foals was very interesting too. I love this blog , and I need to get more time to be here.
Hugs to all.
P.S. Coz–we’re checking out your latest really good workouts. ‘Atta boy.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Mikey’s aboard a Chestnut filly by Curlin out of Foxysox named Curlin’s Fox. Too cute. They’re in the 6th race at SA (Senorita Stakes) tomorrow.
Here’s a photo of Mikey and CF in a previous race. She’s a real beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Will be cheering for Ms. C. Foxy! Go Foxy!
She is beautiful.
Dear Judy,
Saw her last race, Mike likes her a lot, she must be learning,
Curlin is really producing some nice progeny. Will check
out the race, great link. Glad you and Lola are doing so
Love and hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann and Tizgood:
Ann, Curlin’s Fox made me think of your Foxy.
Tizgood, CF did not have a good result today. Hope she came out of the race OK. She’s a beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.She’s a real beauty!!Hugs Sheena.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Congrats to Samantha Niclole, full sister to Rachel Alexandra, who won an allowance race to day at Belmont. She won by a neck and had to go five wide to get the win. Nice race, too, with a $70K purse.
She may try stakes company next.
I saw her last race she is a real talent, will look up this one. Thanks
for the update.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J:
Thanks for this info on Samantha Nicole. Congrats to her and her Team. Love and Hugs, JB
What a wonderful Ask The Experts blog today!! Thank you so much for taking the time to sort through all the questions and give us the information in such a thoughtful way and thus bringing us closer to the world of our Queen. It is insights like these that endear Zenyatta’s human family to my heart even more as both John and Dottie’s kindness and sensitivities are so special. Thank you.