How do you decide which horses will work in company?
Meredith Ramirez
Sacramento, California
A:There are several factors to consider: age, fitness, and length of stride. You want the horses to be compatible as workmates and you do not want one horse more stressed than the other. Consider it like dancing and both horses are “in-step” when working.
Expert: John Shirreffs
What are the indicators or signs that let you know a horse is 100% ready to race for the first time?
Lisa Myers
Hopkins, Minnesota
A: When a horse has trained hard enough to run and off of that training he shows you he wants to do more, this is a good sign. The feed tub is also a great indicator as to how the horse is handling and internalizing his work load. When the feed tub is “licked clean” each morning, a horse is ready to run.
Expert: John Shirreffs
Has Coz had the pleasure of drinking Guinness? Does he like certain foods?
Judy Gadwood
Burbank, CA
A: Coz is not “old” enough yet for beer (ha-ha). He has fresh carrot juice three to four times a week. John makes this for Coz at the barn and he drinks it out of a large salad bowl (this was one of Giacomo’s favorites as well). Coz also enjoys the Horse Apple Cookies that Mrs. Moss sends to the barn for him and his pals.
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Dear Zenyatta.Congratulations at getting 19,500 “love Zenyatta likes.Sheena.
@ MartyR You must be thrilled to bits.I was sorry to hear of your Jewel.Most of us on the blog have been there.It’s difficult but time does help.Sheena
March 6 Cherokee Devotional
To live by one’s feelings is to wilt at the first sign of opposition. Feelings are driven by the emotions and they keep us forever on unstable ground.
When we falter we are taken back immediately to a time when things didn’t work out. If what we consider a failure is still reminding us years later, then it is a stumbling block that should be removed. Let the weak say, “I am strong.” And let that strength rise like the phoenix out of the ashes to overcome every weak emotion.
Although wrongs have been done me I live in hopes.
Black Kettle
Dear Kathy.It’s a beautiful day in Wales!The Dyfi looks spectacular and they have a new camera at the Loch of Lowes all ready for Lady’s return.Has she survived another year??They are watering at Cheltenham today the courses are drying out rapidly.Poor Miss Kitty looked tired in her video but she is still eating well.Jillian hopes it’s not diabetes or liver disease.They awaiting the money to come through for the tests.Zoe said there will be a new system to FB from march 12th something to do with “likes” getting deleted she’s annoyed!I wonder what Herman has in store for Hovis today!Bless him when mum brought out the marigolds!It’s auntie Becky’s birthday today just put my good wishes in.Our Olympic cycling champion Victoria Pendleton is becoming an amateur jump jockey!Hopes to participate at the festival next year.Crufts began last night a gorgeous retriever won the gun dog group.He was from Sweden and his granddad won best in show in 2013!Such a sad story on Mango about poor Muffin did you see her poor legs?The more I learn of humans the less I care for them!!!Pray they can help her.Oh,Marty ran out of ice cream!!!!Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
I’m off to the grocery store. Thumbs up for all the good, thumbs down for all the bad! Had to laugh at Marty’s page. Nothing but the best for those rats!!! lol So glad a Golden won the gun group at Crufts! I’m a big fan of Golden Retrievers! TGIF. Enjoy the weekend! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Really good article in the Bloodhorse magazine 2/28 edition about breeding to large and small stallions. Can see why they sent Zenyatta back to War Front as he is 15.3 hands. Tapit is 16 so chances are Ziconic is going to be a big guy. Also, a discussion on the fact that it takes the big colts and fillies so much longer to mature and that starting them early results so many times in injuries.
The Beast will have to settle for guarding The Queen.
Not a bad job!
A truly great job. The Beast could bring along his pony for additional guard duty. He’s a pretty good looking chestnut.
Was very interested to learn that War Front is 15.3. Z Princess appeared to be heading to be as majestic as her momma. Must have taken after Zenyatta’s female line. That line gave Big D his height.
Terry Crow
@Max-This is sort of a horse joke. Hope you like it. There was a group of old friends who always met at the races. They were standing around talking when one of them said, “Hey, have any of you sen George lately? I’m getting worried about him.” “I agree. It’s not like him to miss any racing day,” said another. The group checked with the authorities and found out that the train George usually rode to the track on had an accident and several people were killed. The authorities further told them that there were still unidentified bodies at the morgue. The friends decided to go there to see if George was among them. “We would appreciate any help in identifying the bodies,” said the coroner. “We would like you to go into the cold room and take a look at them.” The friends shuffled into the room where there were five bodies covered with sheets. They lifted the first sheet. It wasn’t George. Second sheet, same result. Third sheet, same thing. Fourth sheet same result. When they lifted the fifth sheet, the friends gasped. It was George. As they stood there, one of the group said “Typical of George. Even here he is out of the money.”
TC. Thanks for thinking of me. Very dark joke. Got any more horse ventriloquist jokes?
Oh Terry! Thanks a lot for a great Friday afternoon laugh.
We really look forward to your jokes.
Ann NC
Oh no, poor fellow.
Thanks, TC.
Dear Jag
thanks for posting the video. It took me back to such a happy time. When I was twelve my Dad brought home a 19 year old paint horse that someone was planning something evil for and put him in the pasture behind the barn. Spent most of that summer playing with Tony. Tony loved being groomed. He still had most of his teeth surprisingly and he loved getting his mane plaited and getting a bath. We rode him placidly around bareback with a hayrope for a halter. Shared many long talks about growing up with him. He lived to be 23 and took a nap one sunny day and crossed the rainbow bridge. I wish I had a picture I could share.
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Vicki, /what a wonderful memory, thank you for sharing. Your Dad was a hero for Tony and you as well for giving you such a great companion.
Elizabeth in NM
Vicki and Marty,
Agree with Marty about your Dad, Vicki. Loved that you had such special time with tony. Wonderful story. Happy for you that you have such special memories with Tony. with love, Elizabeth
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
I’m glad you enjoyed it! ♥
Bluegrass Girl
TVG on Friday March 6 2015
Reported by @RacingPost: #BCClassic runner-up Toast Of New York will miss
the #DubaiWorldCup w/ a soft-tissue injury.
Speedy recovery for Toast.
Ann NC
Poor Toast. Get better Champ!
Bluegrass Girl
Horse Collaborative @HorseCollab tweet on Friday Mach 6·
The Upset of Man o’ War
(links to article) Upset of the Century
Sad to hear about Toast of New York’s injury.Get better soon boy!Hugs Sheena.
California Chrome is now the favorite to win at Meydan. Love to see Chromie take it. Go Chromie.
@Max.Yes,that would be great for CC.Did you hear they are watering at Cheltenham it’s been a gorgeous day over here.Kauto,Denman and Big Buck’s are parading on Tuesday.The old neighbours get together!Sheena.
Watering? I’m looking at acres of snow. Could be more. Clocks go forward on Sunday so that we can see the snow earlier in the morning. March madness.
Nice to hear that the three amigos are together again.
Ann NC
The moon must be beautiful across those snow covered acres tonight.
The Christmas lights are still up and running. Too cold and too much snow to remove them so they are probably there until next year. Solar powered. White lights might look good in summer.
@Max.Judy’s had another 8ins of snow too.The winter is never ending for you.Our clocks go forward at the end of the month one hour less sleep not good for me!!!I am sure spring will arrive with you one day,The ground worries me for the Fly it will suit Sprinter Sacre though.Sheena.
Bluegrass Girl
Derby News on Friday March 6 2015
Working toward the Dubai World Cup, Ky Derby winner California Chrome
moved 6/8 in 1:11.00 today at Los Alamitos. Best time of 8 total.
Workout Vidoe Cal 3 6 15 Reprt Published on Mar 6, 2015
California Crome Workout highlights at Los Alamitos Race Course on 3/6/15
Ingrid Arnone
Thank you Blue, you know I love CC !!!!!!
Hugs Ingrid.
Dear Judy.Hoping your computer problems get resolved soon.Miss you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Ingrid Arnone
Yes Dear Judy
We miss youuuuuu!
Marty R / Colorado
Good Evening All,
It was a busy day today, I was only here for a quick moment earlier. The weather was good enough to spend time outside getting rid of more ice. I have a symphony of water dripping into buckets on the patio. I ran out of buckets and had to grab an empty flower pot and the dish it sits in. I have quite the Ma Kettle operation going on out there.
When I came to the site just now. there were 19, 523 “Love Zenyatta” fan likes. WOW!! I know we had a scramble going on yesterday to reach a milestone number of 19,500 for the one year anniversary , but the majority of these fans came here on their own to register their love for “Zenyatta the Queen of Racing.” After being out of the spotlight since retiring, I think it proves she is one of the greats to racing fans. And how lucky we all are to be able to stay involved in her life here and to have created an expanded family for ourselves with so many wonderful friends. With gratitude and love, Marty R.
Enjoyed your mention of Ma Kettle. My grandmother loved to see her and Pa in the movies.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee and Marty,
Ah yes! Ma and Pa Kettle were very funny. Classic comedy entertainment that I used to enjoy whenever I could catch these old movies on TV. Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride (I think that’s him) were a hoot! Marjorie Main was a fine character actress — I remember seeing her on Gunsmoke in particular, and on other shows, too. She had a distinctive voice which was easy to identify. Loved her.
Thanks for reminding me of these great characters.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Matthew Lyons on Friday March 6 2015 PHOTO
Paynter filly enjoying the snow
#threelyonsbred @WoodfordTbreds @WinStarFarm
@JustinZayat @ZayatStables @jazz3162
I’ll be gone overnight, so here are the Devotionals for today and tomorrow.
March 7
Never underestimate the power of quiet determination. It changes the most severe circumstances and holds the line against impossible odds. It is the handle by which we make or break our lives.
Nothing can stand against quiet determination. When we decide to be well, we will be well. When we decide to prosper, we will prosper. Something as simple as the way the sun sifts through misty leaves, or the quavery call of the screech owl, erases all time but the primitive. Something happens to change all sense of proportion and things slip into their rightful pattern.
We saw the great Spirit’s work in almost everything: sun, moon, trees, wind, mountains.
Tatanga Mani
Stoney Indian
March 8
It staggers the imagination to believe we can influence the direction of our lives. But we do it day after day. Every word we speak, everything we believe, builds our consciousness and makes us who we are.
If we never expect anything good, it will oblige us by going to someone who does believe in it. What others are doing matters little when we begin to see that we are as unlimited as we say we are. It is in our power to make the difference.
Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth and the great Silence alone.
Santee Dakota
@Max.The short guy has chosen and it’s Faugheen!!!Where’s the luv Ruby???No sentiment in racing or any other sport come to that.Rock on Ruby has scoped dirty and won’t run,disappointing for Harry Fry.Sheena.
AP is quoted as saying that The Fly is the best horse entered at Cheltenham. Mullins wants The Fly to win. We will see what the racing gods make of this shorty show of loyalty.
Heard that there will be rain this weekend, although a UK rain is mist to us. When it rains here, it rains. Kick short butt, Fly.
Dear Sheena,
Have a fabulous Saturday. All seems well on all the FB furbabies I’ve visited. I’ll write again tomorrow when I get home. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Kathy.Enjoy yourself!Great devotionals today.I have always seen myself as quietly determined!Not quite so sunny here today in Wales but beautiful in Sandown.Haven’s dad is sick and a problem with the heating!See you when you return.Have a wonderful weekend.Love and hugs to you Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Peggy.African Story wins the Al Maktoum out in Meydan!!!Hugs Sheena.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena
So So Happy, Yes what a great race just love this boy. So proud of him. I’m just over the moon. Great races from Meydan this morning. My computer has been down. I made a post earlier but it didn’t come through. I was worried about Prince Bishop and Frankiefourfingers. But my boy did it.
African Story love you so.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy……He did it. ……………. I have had computer problems too last night. Will text you. African Story he did it. Love this boy. Ok now off to a good day. Go Night Prowler………………….Hey NP, Johnny V is in Tampa.
Go Carpi Diem.
Go Go Go Night Prowler and Javiar………………………………
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh Dear, Can’t forget Hunter’s Light. Great Race. Congratulations to all the Godolphin Team. Sure wish you would let some of these boys come to the US. Hint, Hint.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh Gosh, I have a problem. Love California Chrome But my boy African Story has had my heart for many years. Should be a great World Cup. 3 weeks from today. Wow
Janet Newman
Okay only fifteen minutes watching HRTV under TVG control and it sucks already!
When I had dish and got both TVG and HRTV, I always enjoyed HRTV more.
Dear Peggy.So happy for you!Judy’s emails are working,She’s just having problems posting on the blog and has asked me to tell all the Z family she is missing us!Hugs Sheena.
Terry Crow
Here are some rednecks for today. You might be a redneck if you have Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap in your bathroom. You might be a redneck if you know someone who died in an apple bobbing contest. You might be a redneck if you ever pulled a tooth because it was too white. You might be a redneck if you are one stamp short to fill up your free bail bond card. You might be a redneck if you ever wrote a note to the family on the fridge with maple syrup.
Marty R / Colorado
Terry, Thanks for the chuckes
Another one: You might be a redneck if you dismantled two chairs, a rocker/glider and a rocker/recliner totally with hand tools and put them out for trash pick up in plastic bags or bits and pieces over a few weeks time because you didn’t want to pay the fee to have them hauled away . Also it was easier that way than trying to get them to the curb in one piece. Yes, I’m telling stories on myself. I did that early in the Fall. I know,,, a dyed in the wool redneck would have gone the other direction with duct tape and baling wire to get more use out of the chairs. I was totally over them.
Marty R / Colorado
Rosemary McCauley
Marty and Terry. In the redneck dictionary the definition of duct tape is: “the solution to most all problems.” One year on Father’s Day I found a card by Hallmark that appeared to have torn and then repaired with duct tape. On the front was the usual thank you phrase and inside it read “After all I learned it all from you!” Perfect card for my father.
Terry Crow
Rosemary–You will always be a charter member of the club. Great to see you posting.
Terry Crow
Marty-You are still president of the Colorado charter.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Woo Hoo! Rivers Run Deep just got a win at Oaklawn. I’m sure he was trying to help Carol’s recovery!! He looked great! Are you out there Carol? We’re thinking about you and sending best wishes and healing thoughts!
carol in arkansas
I am at a rehab….just settling in
Survived surgery….will be here at least 2 weeks..
GO RIVERS GO….he had a new jockey today…seemed to do better
Now to get some pain pills..
Feel better soon. Happy for your boy Rivers.
Carpe Diem sure showed he was none the worse for the long layoff.
carol. Glad to hear that you are on the mend.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great to hear from you, Carol!
Good luck in rehab — hope your recovery goes smoothly and speedily!
Congrats to Rivers Run Deep!!
Hugs and Love
Donna Z
Congrats on River’s win, Carol!
I’m happy to hear that all went well with the surgery & that you are now at rehab.
I refused to go to rehab; I wanted to go home because I missed my dogs. I saw the doc last Monday & he gave me three more weeks off to continue working with my physical therapists.
Thank you to the person who posted the link to Wise Dan’s latest video. It’s great to see him under tack again. Go, Danny, go!
Everyone, enjoy your weekend! Warmer weather is coming…
Terry Crow
Good to hear from you, carol.
Great to hear from you again! Power up on that rehab!