How do you decide which horses will work in company?
Meredith Ramirez
Sacramento, California
A:There are several factors to consider: age, fitness, and length of stride. You want the horses to be compatible as workmates and you do not want one horse more stressed than the other. Consider it like dancing and both horses are “in-step” when working.
Expert: John Shirreffs
What are the indicators or signs that let you know a horse is 100% ready to race for the first time?
Lisa Myers
Hopkins, Minnesota
A: When a horse has trained hard enough to run and off of that training he shows you he wants to do more, this is a good sign. The feed tub is also a great indicator as to how the horse is handling and internalizing his work load. When the feed tub is “licked clean” each morning, a horse is ready to run.
Expert: John Shirreffs
Has Coz had the pleasure of drinking Guinness? Does he like certain foods?
Judy Gadwood
Burbank, CA
A: Coz is not “old” enough yet for beer (ha-ha). He has fresh carrot juice three to four times a week. John makes this for Coz at the barn and he drinks it out of a large salad bowl (this was one of Giacomo’s favorites as well). Coz also enjoys the Horse Apple Cookies that Mrs. Moss sends to the barn for him and his pals.
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Thinking of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Hope all is well.
A quality field of 8 are declared for the Champion Hurdle next Tuesday.The short guy has yet to choose!Go Fly Go!!!!Hugs Sheena.
Thanks for the kind thoughts for my brothers. I was just feeling low. My three brothers totally don’t get my love for horses and my devotion to my Zenyatta family. Brother #1 doesn’t like any kind of animal. #2 loves his kitties and #3 loves cats and dogs. I think the three of us like animals a lot more than we like most people. We always had cats, dogs, horses, a rabbit, a lamb, chickens, a cow and calf and hogs. Unlike most folks we never could bear to have butchered an animal we had named and spoiled. My Dad sold his animals happy and healthy and tried not to think of the consequences.
Glad to hear things are better. Like you, most of the time I prefer animals to people. My sister in law jokes that if the house caught fire, I would save the kitties first and then come back for the people.
Blessings to you and your brothers.
If your house caught on fire, The Beast would save you. His pony would help too by carrying your luggage.
Dear Vicki.Like you I prefer animals to a lot of peeps I know.Their love is so unconditional.I could never be a farmer and they always tell you never to name an animal headed for slaughter.Hope your brothers feel happier soon for your sake.Hugs Sheena.
We are losing another great jockey in the UK.Champion on the flat jockey Richard Hughes will retire at the end of this year’s flat season .Best wishes for his future.Hugs Sheena.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
I emailed this video to some Zenny friends yesterday. One of them asked me to please share on Zen’s blog. I think you will enjoy this as much as we did. 5 minutes of Heaven….
♥ Equinisity Retreats – Somewhere over the Rainbow
Heaven indeed. God’s creatures.
Ann NC
Beautiful. Thank you.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
You’re welcome!
Beautiful video. Thanks for sharing here.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
You’re welcome! My pleasure.
OMG! Lucky horses, lucky ladies! Just beautiful. Thank you.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy the Beauty,
Thanks for sharing this beautiful video. The magical connection between women and horses is amazing!! I so love this version of “Rainbow” by this Hawaiian man who sadly now has passed. Just beautiful. love and hugs
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ Awwww
I have heard that version of “Over the Rainbow” at a few funerals lately. I love it. So pretty.
All our 4-legged friends deserve such happiness.Sadly they do not.Hugs Sheena.
Wow! Just saw a recent picture of Wicked Strong on his facebook. He has grown and really filled out over the winter. Splendid looking horse.
Sorry I don’t know how to post the picture on here but am tech challenged.
Dear Judy.Nissy has written the most touching blog tonight about his brother Anderson and how he came to live there.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Mr. Commons is entered in race 10 at Santa Anita on Saturday.
Cool Samurai is in the Big Cap.
Half brother to my lovely Lea.
Safe trip to all of them.
Just noticed that Lea has Galileo on the distaff, which means that Urban Sea is there too. Lea has some very nice chestnuts in his pedigree. This explains that cashmere coat.
Linda in NJ
Good news!!!! I’ll be watching!!!
Terry Crow
Mr. Commons at one time had great potential. I hate to say but but now he is what we used to call an also-ran,
Dan fans. Here is The Danimal today sauntering about his domain, looking totally cool and interesting in his chestnut cashmere coat. Kick some butt, Danny.
Ann NC
Thanks, Max. Dan looks great. Barn heaven.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Just wonderful to see Dan. Thanks so much Max
Guess he likes Amy better than the “dratted” Johnny V. Don’t think he tried to throw her. He looks good. Just walking along checking out it all is okay at the barn.
Danny loves the ladies. When he was at Woodbine in 2013, two local women from Toronto looked after him. He loved it.
Bluegrass Girl
Santa Anita Park on Wed. March 3 2015 VIDEO
Shared Belief has arrived! #SantaAnita #BigCap
Dear Max.Dan looks superb!!The ground is drying at Cheltenham.Not good news for the Fly!Did you see Kauto meeting up with his old buddies?Those were the days!Sheena.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Is it possible that my boy Night Prowler want see Johnny V in the starting gate on Saturday……. Well the Palm Beach Stakes in which my NP and Johnny V were scheduled at 430. Well I hear Johnny V is riding Carpi Diem in Tampa at 5.23.. Just across the state but I don’t think this time is possible for him to do both. Maybe my Night Prowler has ran into a little good luck. Hum wonder if Johnny is going to be all day at Tampa. OK going to have to check this out. Anybody know.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Andrej
Just love your posts. They seem very much come from the heart.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
To the Beautiful African Story
Best Best wishes sent your way for Saturday. Have to find out the time you race and where I can find you. Sure hope TVG carries your race from Dubai. Love Ya.
Bluegrass Girl
Mike Smith Entries
March 7 – Santa Anita
Dad’s Princess Wgt-122 Race 3 Maiden Special Weight
Circling (IRE) Wgt-121 Race 6 Allowance Optional Claiming $40,000
Ocho Ocho Ocho Wgt-120 Race 7 San Felipe S.
Curlin’s Fox Wgt-117 Race 8 China Doll S.
Za Approval Wgt-118 Race 10 Frank E. Kilroe Mile S.
Shared Belief Wgt-125 Race 11 Santa Anita H.
From Equibase
March 5 Cherokee Devotional
Once you hear the cries of geese in flight, you never forget it. Distance may muffle the sound at first-but then all is silent and that clear spirited call comes through.
The sound of geese is one of the earliest signs that the season is changing. Long ribbons pulled along in v-shape, turning like silver flecks in the sunlight before they fade into the blue.
Like other treasures we want to preserve, we need to provide a place for them as an invitation to come and awaken us with their primitive cries.
Such nearness to nature as I have described keeps the spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers.
Santee Dakota
Elizabeth in NM
Beautifully written. We’re early risers, so we can get in our study time, then go for our very early morning hike. The day before you posted this, the 4th, we heard the Sandhill cranes calling high above us. Their chorus (they all call out at each other fairly continuously in flight and usually hundreds fly together) is the most beautiful ancient ‘song’ I’ve ever heard – almost like trumpets. The cranes are on their return home now. They winter at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge every year, and we drive over almost every year (it’s about 4 hours from our home) and spend usually 3-4 nights camping there. Up before dawn, we’re out taking photos of the ‘fly out’. The cranes sleep in the lakes and ponds at night to be safe from predators. Then they all fly up and out of the water in small groups and over to the fields to spend their day eating and dozing. At night, they fly back at sunset to the water. The fly-outs are amazing! In the evening, they look like parachutes when they land with their long legs down and out in front of them. It is the most beautiful ballet with the sunset in the background and their reflections in the water. The cranes and other geese and ducks (thousands of them) winter there. The sound and the beauty of this experience is unprecedented in our lives. Thank you again for this post. with love, Elizabeth
Anybody else going to Breeders Cup 2015? I bought my ticket yesterday for the grandstand. Good seat, too! Took me an hour to get through the process, though.
Was thinking about it but the times I have gone at Churchill it has been a terrible crowd. All I got to see was a few horses’ tails go by. With Keeneland so much smaller than Churchill, I really have some concerns about going.
Glad you have your tickets!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Yes, I also made it through the annoying process , but can’t say I wound up with great seats. Debbie G and I are going, and also Brenda from Ft. Erie. We were thinking about both of you, LauraJ and Shirlee. The ticket limit was a real problem.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Forgot Darlene Daniels – brain freeze – and I knew it wasn’t the right number :-(
Linda in NJ
Hi Sandy
I hope all is well with you. I was also tossing around the idea of going but also thought it would be way too crowded. I went out to the site last night and the tickets of course were all sold out.
I hope you guys have a wonderful time.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
Hi Linda!
I never got around to replying to your email – if I was going or not.
I love Keeneland track very much, but IMO it is too small of a venue for hold the BC. Therefore, I’m not going either. We shall see, I might be wrong!
LauraJ (Cincinnati)
I guess that if they hadn’t limited the tickets, then scalpers would buy big blocks and resell them. The dining areas were what they intended for big parties, I think.
I’m pretty pleased with the seat I got. It’s in the first row of Section M, mid-stretch.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
PS to LauraJ. Thank you for your information and insights about the Derby back on the previous page. We can always count on you to be the voice of facts and reason.
Marty R / Colorado
Sandy, Thank you for your comment to LauraJ about the KD discussion or I would have missed them, because I didn’t go back to it.
@LauraJ, Thank you for imparting your knowledge about the KD history and present conditions for the race. And, thank you for answering my question about the nomination fees. I know so little about the actual workings of horse racing, only seeing the races as they happen, so to speak.
@Terry C, I still appreciate your views as well. There are so many considerations and it seems, as in running a country, the ideal isn’t always met. I was even thinking of two heats of fifteen horses each with the winner being determined by time. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause at any number of levels? I need to stop stressing and just enjoy the race.
Terry Crow
Marty–I, too, respect LauraJ and her views. I may not be in total agreement with her, but the differances are slight. All the more reason to have a racing czar, so that individual tracks cannot dictate to others.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I agree Terry! I meant to say that earlier. It’s one thing for the hosting track/organization to set the rules, but no track should be shut out by those rules.
Found Beastie’s facebook page. Lots of nice photos. He really is a splendid looking guy. Thanks for letting us know about him.
Love that Beast. Also love the Snake. He’s running out of NY now. Hope that the cold goes away soon. He’s been improving, but needs warmer conditions.
Sounds like Kentucky got a lot of snow today. Zenyatta, stay in your barn and keep safe.
Dear Kathy.This time last year everything was in full bloom even the “yellow perils” are slow It’s meant to be warming up over the weekend thoughGreat pic of SDG enjoying himself on West Wittering beach this morning he reminded me of Red Rum who always trained on Southport sands!!12 are still in the Champion Chase.Crufts begins to night!
I haven’t had much time to visit the furbabies yet I was late coming home from town.Miss Kitty face is so grateful for the help and all the well-wishes.I do hope it’s nothing serious.Zoe will be back on her therapy visits next week Miss Diane is a lot better.Loki is very playful and well!Boo’s had 1/2 his donations already and has the whole month to go!Off to visit the rest now.Have a lovely Friday eve.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.It won’t be long before the new ratties arrive!
Dear Sheena,
I’m running late this morning, too. Have to scoot. Thank you for all the info. Have a love day as well. Will talk more tomorrow. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Marty R / Colorado
Hello All, I’m feeling a little melancholy today, but don’t mean this to be a sad posting. Tomorrow, the “Love Zenyatta” heart on the home page will be up for one year. Right now it has 19,484 fan likes. I think it would be so cool if it makes it to 19,500 (or more) by the end of the day tomorrow. The reason I remember this is because also a year ago tomorrow I had to say goodbye to my little Pomeranian mix, Jewel, due to cancer. I came here to talk about it, but the site was down for construction. However, the heart was up and working and it somehow seemed appropriate. Maybe some gentle nudges among friends could get that total up. Love, Marty R
Bluegrass Girl
Sorry you are feeling bad.
Wish I could help on the number-but, like many here already did “Love Zenyatta”.
Sending caring thoughts & a hug
Dear Marty,
Sorry you had to say goodbye to your little dog a year ago. I know the anniversaries of the loss bring everything back so vividly. I have 2 poms myself. They are a beautiful and very endearing breed. I gave my like to “Love Zenyatta” long ago. Fingers crossed it gets to 19,500!
Hugs, Kathy
Terry Crow
Marty-My heart goes out to you. I lost my old basset hound about 20 years ago and it still hurts.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thinking of you Marty. Wish I knew someone who hasn’t clicked on the heart. We’re probably not going to get too many new peeps at this point.
Elizabeth in NM
Marty, I’m so sorry for your loss of Jewel. We always carry our critter family in our hearts no matter how many years have passed by. And we still miss them. It says in the Bible that all the ‘creatures’ are around His throne. I love that, and it always helps my heart to think that when I miss them. Will keep you in my prayers. Zenny has always helped to cheer me when I think of them. So glad you shared this on her site. With love, Elizabeth
Bluegrass Girl
The Big Beast on Track for Count Fleet
HorseRacingNation.com March 04, 2015
The Big Beast earned a preliminary Beyer Speed Figure of 97 for his 1 ¼-length comeback victory in a conditioned allowance sprint Sunday under leading rider Ricardo Santana Jr. Trainer Tony Dutrow said Monday morning that The Big Beast appeared fine physically and is scheduled to make his next start in the $300,000 Count Fleet Sprint Handicap (G3) April 9.
That photo of The Beast is from last summer. He’s bigger now.
Simon Claisse may decide to water at Cheltenham tomorrow.The 3 courses are drying out fast.Not good news for the Fly.For the record I clicked on the heart a long time ago.Sheena.
Barbara Wood
@Marty R.–sending hugs to you.
Anyone have a report from Carol in Arkansas on her knee surgery?
Forgot to mention that Cool Samurai is owned by the Ann and Jerry and trained by John.
Also, in the article on the Beastie on Bloodhorse.com they said he was not touched with the whip in his race. If I were the jock, I would sure think twice before I hit him. He just might pitch you on your assets!
Yes, I knew about Cool. That’s why I posted it. Cool is a Moss and he’s a chestnut. I first learned of The Beast when he ran against another Moss horse, Guggenheim, in NY. Guggie is also a chestnut. He recently won for the Mosses at Santa Anita.
Peeps love The Beast, but I think that you’re right. Putting the whip to an 18 hand colt is not the wisest idea. Dutrow has said that The Beast is his toughest trainee and the biggest. He breaks free everyday. Most of the photos of the Beast in his stall show him casing the place for an escape, but he always comes back for meals.
Marty R / Colorado
Max, What a character….gotta love The Beast.
@All. I’ve been away all day, but when I came here I saw the heart now has 19.497 “Love Zenyatta” fan likes. I haven’t had a chance to do any nudging since I was gone, but I will try. It’s just silly, but I would sure like to see it grow those last three fan likes to 19,500 by tomorrow. And, thank you to all who expressed your kind thoughts. I know so many of us have been through losing a pet. Your caring kindness means a lot.
Marty R / Colorado
WOO HOO…..19,500 “Love Zenyatta” fan likes RIGHT NOW!!! I’m excited. I know some of you are the reason this has happened so, thank you. I’m acting like she’s my horse, how silly, but this is fun. Everyone, have a good night. Love, Marty R.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marty,
WOW! I was composing my post to you (see below) and after submitting it, found that the goal you were hoping for has been reached. YAY!!!
The lovely power of Zenyatta moves us all! Hope your spirits have been lifted. :-)
Big Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marty R.,
So sorry about your little Jewel. Passage of time helps, but the loss still hurts. Most of us here have been there many times, and the love makes it more than worthwhile.
I, too, have already clicked on the “Love Zenyatta” heart. It sounds promising that the 19,500 goal you desire could be attained since it just got to 19,497 likes — 3 new likes since this AM., so just maybe? Keep the faith!
Hugs and Lots of Love
For all Hovis fans.He suggests those of a nervous disposition to look away.His mother is evil!!She put on her marigolds and….!!Herman is visiting today again.Safe trips to all horses and jockeys this weekend and especially for our Cheltenham festival next week.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for our Hovis update. Poor boy! When will it all end? He’s right, though. They probably are trying to clone him! Happy weekend, everyone. Safe trips for all horses and jockeys.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Poor Hovis! There is just no end to the indignities he suffers! Thanks Sheena for our Friday treat.