How do you decide which horses will work in company?
Meredith Ramirez
Sacramento, California
A:There are several factors to consider: age, fitness, and length of stride. You want the horses to be compatible as workmates and you do not want one horse more stressed than the other. Consider it like dancing and both horses are “in-step” when working.
Expert: John Shirreffs
What are the indicators or signs that let you know a horse is 100% ready to race for the first time?
Lisa Myers
Hopkins, Minnesota
A: When a horse has trained hard enough to run and off of that training he shows you he wants to do more, this is a good sign. The feed tub is also a great indicator as to how the horse is handling and internalizing his work load. When the feed tub is “licked clean” each morning, a horse is ready to run.
Expert: John Shirreffs
Has Coz had the pleasure of drinking Guinness? Does he like certain foods?
Judy Gadwood
Burbank, CA
A: Coz is not “old” enough yet for beer (ha-ha). He has fresh carrot juice three to four times a week. John makes this for Coz at the barn and he drinks it out of a large salad bowl (this was one of Giacomo’s favorites as well). Coz also enjoys the Horse Apple Cookies that Mrs. Moss sends to the barn for him and his pals.
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Team Z, JS and Dottie:
Thank you for this special opportunity for us to gain insight into the training and care of COZ and TBs in general. We’re so lucky, as fans, to have access to Z’s and her babies through this wonderful Blog. Great photo of JS and COZ. Thanks Kyle. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Thought you all would like to know about this new website. So much cuteness. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting. Cuteness overload!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Janet, Marshall, Maureen, Celeste, Ann and Sheena:
Glad you all enjoyed the new Foal Photos website. Will be great to be able to see photos of the new babies. All so very precious and beautiful.
Maureen, Blessings to you too. Paynter is a miracle horse, truly. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this link. They are so cute, what beauties!
Love the featured foal Paynter – Awesome Humor, love the extra white spot on the nose!
Have a lovely Sunday.
Hugs and Love
maureen ph[llips
Dear Judy B,
Thank you so much for the link. Love, love , love the babies.I have a question or 2, firstly, didn’t know Paynter was all grown and having babies and what cuties he produces.! His colt out of Awesome Humor is simply adorable.Malibu Moon’s baby girl is over the moon, can she get any cuter?
Again, thanks, here’s wishing you an awesomely Blessed rest of the weekend. It is always well at Z Nation. LoL to all.
What an awesome site! Thanks for posting the link. Good place to spend some time to lift your heart with all the awwws.
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Precious babies and Moms.
Dear Judy.All so cute.Thanks for the link.Love and hugs Sheena.
It is nice to see a post with Dottie and John. Hope Coz does well.
Paula Higgins
Loved this Q&A with Dottie and John! Coz so reminds me of his mom in the face. He is in such good hands. I hope he does well racing. I know he is loved.
Thank you so much John for these insights of training. I feel so much closer to every thing. Bless you and Coz. (always Dottie too)
Sally B
Dear sweet Zenyatta, I will be thinking of you the next three weeks while I am away. I will miss you and all that goes on here unless I can find a library.
In the meantime, stay safe, warm, and happy as you always are.
love you with kisses and to your sons
love to zprincess and my friend Sir
Auntie Sally B
Thanks for the tip about Giacomo enjoying carrot juice. Since our Facebook group saved his beautiful son, G Ten (Ten Cents a Dance) from the depths of Emerald Downs, running with oslets and severe arthritic knees I’ll pass this along to his new owner in his new forever home and see if there might be a case of “like father like son”.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Carolina Jude:
Glad to hear you are in contact with G Ten in his new home. Let us know if he too is a fan of carrot juice like his Daddy. Love and Hugs, JB
Catherine Uher
So glad to see these posted!!! I submitted a question close to Judy’s in wanting to know if Coz had a really great workout did he also get a Guiness like his mama and I wanted to know if he had a best buddy in he barn like Zenyatta had Life Is Sweet. Love hearing what they have to say about him!!! He is just stunning and I’m searching the Internet every day looking for anything that says when his first race might be!!! I think we’re all so excited that the anticipation is driving us nuts….at least me anyway!!!
Catherine Uher
It didn’t post my whole comment!!! I said lots of love and gratitude to John, Dottie, all of Team Z, amd Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and Z Princess (you may not be here with us on Earth but you will always be in our hearts)!!!

maureen ph[llips
Amen to ZPrincess being in our hearts forever.!
Faithful Z Supporter
So great to hear from John and Dottie, brings back wonderful memories. Appreciate John’s philosophy on training. Many of his horses are in my Virtual Stable to keep me informed on their works and races including Coz.
Marshall (NC Broad)
So good to hear from John and Dottie!
Thanks so much everyone for the Q&A today — very interesting and informative.
Hugs and Love
March 1 Cherokee Devotional
Unu’la hee
We throw ourselves under the protection of the Great Spirit above…we wish for peace and whenever we hear that pleasant sound, we will pay attention to it.
Joseph Brant,
A Brilliant Mohawk
March 1
When we stop to think, we realize that at one time our main teaching was to be honorable and just and compassionate. And now, most of our entertainment is watching someone bring down someone with a degree of innocence.
We are free to hiss and boo what we see and hear, but how many admire such a gift of treachery? What would it be like to manipulate and generally ruin other people’s lives for pure entertainment?
Who can we really trust or rely on? We can begin with ourselves. By weeding out past experience and by forgiving ourselves, we can be someone that can be trusted. It is a beginning-and a responsibility.
My children, you have forgotten the customs and traditions of your forefathers.
Elizabeth in NM
Wonderful article and bios. Thank you, Team Z, for everything you do for all of us fans. Every day, it is inspiring to come to this website. Sending much love and many blessings to everyone on Zenyatta’s Team including her fan family. with love, Elizabeth
RIP. Cavalryman who has been euthanized after fracturing a leg at Meydan yesterday.3d to Sea the Stars in the 2009 Arc he went on to become a successful stayer with the Goodwood cup amongst his wins.A sad end.SheenaX
Bluegrass Girl
Horse racing: Saeed bin Suroor tribute to Cavalryman
Bin Suroor told http://www.godolphin.com:
“He was a real character in the yard and was treasured, not only by me, but by everyone here – all of the team; we are very upset by the tragic news.
He had a wonderful career and he will be hugely missed.”
Marshall (NC Broad)
So very sad. Condolences to his connections.
RIP Cavalryman
Dear Sheena,
Always horrible to hear of another beautiful thoroughbred having to be euthanized. RIP Cavalryman. All seems will with the FB furbabies I’ve checked on. Diane had a good day yesterday. Zoe is taking such good care of her. There is a sweet black and white pic of Ray and Hawley sleeping together. Marty’s mom is going on bacation. Will be shipping Angel Marty pillows. Have a blessed Sabbath and take care of yourself. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Kathy.Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus!!The Dyfi is back and the live streaming!It’s damp and dreary so far hopefully the sun will shine when the ospreys return.Gosh,Hovis certainly made some new friends over the weekend Sue Tilford is going to help Debbie with the admin now.Our boy is a superstar but then he’s always known that!!Boo and Buddy are on their travels this weekend!Zoe is an excellent carer her mum will be better in no time.Poor Mango lost a friend in very sad circumstances Harley was given a flea medication called comfortis(sp) and he started getting seizures and never recovered!Shortie has been shopping online for a gun(of all things)to become Abby’s bodyguard he did get into trouble!Katy is much better these days did you see the lovely new fountain?A wonderful video on Joey today of the dog and kitten.Loki had a great caturday as did Haven but Miss Kitty’s mum is still very sore after her fall.Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you John and Dottie for your thoughtful and informative answers to these very good questions. I really love the photo of Coz and John getting acquainted. Thank you again to all of Team Z from Kentucky, to Florida, to New York and to California for keeping us involved with Zenyatta and her family. With gratitude.
Marty R / Colorado
@ Carol in Arkansas….Sincere best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow and a full and speedy recovery. Please, when you are able, let us know how you are doing.
@ Terry Crow….My sympathies for your personal loss. From Native Diver until Zenyatta is a long loyalty and Mr. Lambert was there, too.
@ All in Zenyatta Nation….Stay safe and warm. Our winter got a little later start, but It came and I will be battling long, low hanging icicles today. It’s March, so Spring is coming, hooray.
Terry Crow
Thank you, Marty.
Dear Carol.I will be thinking of you tomorrow.My best wishes for a speedy recovery.Hugs Sheena.
Lady Cecil’s !st runner over jumps finished 2nd at Huntingdon today.Good start Jane.Hugs Sheena.
Jan S. / Houston
The Q & A are very enjoyable and knowledgeable! Thanks!!
Bluegrass Girl
Matt Dinerman on Sunday March 1 2015
Cozmic One just worked. Worked in company and finished right with the workmate
on the wire.
I give it a B-. Galloped out WELL past the wire
Cozmic One will probably benefit from racing experience & wants two turns,
but I will say he looks better working than he did 6-7 weeks ago
Bluegrass Girl
Nick Rogers on Sunday March 1 2015
1:00.3 for Cosmic One this morning.
Looks like he’s starting to pick it up
carol in arkansas
RIP Creator
Janet Newman
Sad news fro Old Friends,
Creator was euthanized due to complications from colic.(ruptured intestine)
He was a beautiful chestnut and had 29 years on this earth and resided at OF since 2004 when he was returned from Japan.
Son of the great Mill Reef.
Bluegrass Girl
Old Friends on Sunday March 1 2015
Creator 1986-2015.
Spent final hours surrounded by loving staff & volunteers.
Thanks @roodandriddle @salleehorsevans
Creator. Our first horse off the van from Japan.
He loved Harry & David pears, strawberries & Diane
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
I am shocked. I just saw him yesterday–left him some strawberries and some gingersnaps. He didn’t want treats when we came by, but being standoffish wasn’t unusual for him. Poor guy, he must have been feeling ill by then. He was one of my favorites.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
RIP Creator. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
May his soul rest in Peace. It is well. LOL to all.
Marshall (NC Broad)
So sad — condolences to Old Friends. I am glad that Creator was back home in his last years and could enjoy his favorite treats at a wonderful home. He will be missed greatly.
RIP Creator
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
SA Press Box on Sunday March 1 2015
Baffert has confirmed that Dortmund will run in the March 7th San Felipe
on Big ‘Cap Day @santaanitapark @TVG @HRTVinsider
Bluegrass Girl
Terry Crow
I am so sorry for your loss.
Here is a great interview with Jerry Lambert plus video clips of races including
Native Diver and his famous match race with Bill Shoemaker.
Jay Hovdey · Feb 26 Carlsbad, CA
Savor this wonderful HRTV feature on Jerry Lambert, narrated by Peter Lurie
Inside Information Jerry Lambert
HRTV Wednesday, Feb 25 2015
Terry Crow
Thanks, BGG. Just the way I remember him. A class act.
Ingrid Arnone
RIP! To all the great champions!
Thank you to Z fans for the up dates.
Hugs Ingrid.