How do you decide which horses will work in company?
Meredith Ramirez
Sacramento, California
A:There are several factors to consider: age, fitness, and length of stride. You want the horses to be compatible as workmates and you do not want one horse more stressed than the other. Consider it like dancing and both horses are “in-step” when working.
Expert: John Shirreffs
What are the indicators or signs that let you know a horse is 100% ready to race for the first time?
Lisa Myers
Hopkins, Minnesota
A: When a horse has trained hard enough to run and off of that training he shows you he wants to do more, this is a good sign. The feed tub is also a great indicator as to how the horse is handling and internalizing his work load. When the feed tub is “licked clean” each morning, a horse is ready to run.
Expert: John Shirreffs
Has Coz had the pleasure of drinking Guinness? Does he like certain foods?
Judy Gadwood
Burbank, CA
A: Coz is not “old” enough yet for beer (ha-ha). He has fresh carrot juice three to four times a week. John makes this for Coz at the barn and he drinks it out of a large salad bowl (this was one of Giacomo’s favorites as well). Coz also enjoys the Horse Apple Cookies that Mrs. Moss sends to the barn for him and his pals.
Expert: Dottie Ingordo-Shirreffs
Our Experts
John Shirreffs has been around horses all of his life and has always felt it was important to help a horse become significant, to make history. Zenyatta’s Breeders Cup wins helped his dreams come true. Read John’s complete bio.
Racing Manager
As the Moss’ Racing Manager for the last 29 years, Dottie has actively been a part of each Moss horse’s life. It’s a family affair, as her husband John trains many of the horses that she manages. Read Dottie’s complete bio.
Deana from Tx.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I just saw a picture of Coz on the track and he looks fantastic. You have done a great job with him.
Deb E.
It’s official: Coz is spoiled, just like his Mama! When Grandma Ann sends delicious cookies for Grandson #1 and his pals, that’s spoiled! And I am SO GLAD that Zennie and her sons are spoiled because it shows how adored they are by their human family. The Mosses are truly exceptional custodians of these gorgeous creatures that God has entrusted to their care. Other horse owners could take a lesson.
Great questions and interesting answers. Hope Coz starts licking his feed tub clean soon! We’ll be interested to find out when he has his first Guinness. :)
Love the questions and great answers.Our greatest jumper Arkle was very fond of guinness too!Sooo looking forward to Coz’s 1st race!Love and hugs SheenaX
Is Coz going to run this year ? He sure has been in training since Sept. of last year. Is he ready yet ?
Deana from Tx.
Coz arrived for training with John at Belmont in June 2014. He will officially turn 3 yrs. old on March 8th. He is built a lot like Z, she did not race until the end of Nov., at almost 4 yrs. old. If she had run earlier, she would not of had the record she does. JS is the “mistro” of trainers, an expert horseman. He will know when it is time.
Love hearing from John and Dottie!!! Zenyatta has the best people!!
It’s so wonderful to see these huge horses being allowed extra time to grow and fill out before the demanding career of racing begins. Well done!!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Be still my heart! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love hearing from John and Dottie! My best to all at LE and at Mayberry, and Team Z. Thanks for all you do for us to keep us informed and involved with our precious Zenyatta and all that affects her and her foals.
Lisa Zalenski
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on Zenyatta’s babies – we love them as much as we still love her & regardless of how they do racing they will always have a place in our heart since they are a part of Racing Royalty
Enjoy so much to hear from John and Dottie. Good questions and answers. Love knowing the routine things that go one with Coz and his friends. I will always think of Dottie as the “voice of Zenyatta” so that is what struck me with her answer.
Sincere thanks to John, Dottie, Team Z, Lane’s End and Mayberry Farm for the time they gave us. Blessings to them and to all Zsters.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. CA ♥
LOL I didn’t think CoZ was a “legal age” to drink! Thanks for answering my question :-)
Yes, let’s hope he shows signs of wanting to race soon so us West Coast fans can see him here!
Team Z, John, and Dottie, have a great day! Always nice to see you at the track.
♥ Auntie Judy
Cynthia H.
I guess that would be like John contributing to the delinguency of a juvenile. Too funny!
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. CA ♥
p.s. Best of luck Protocol in the 5th at Santa Anita!
Bluegrass Girl
Learned good information from these great questions.
Thank you John & Dottie for your time and answers.
Good stakes races this Saturday – though some tracks may be sloppy!
And, a thank you to Team Z for all you do for us!
Shannon From Cool
Most enjoyable. Thanks for this nice Q & A session.
anita carter
Two questions for John. First, has Coz worked out or galloped on a turf course?
And if Coz progresses–would you consider bringing him to Saratoga? Thanks
again to all of you. Anita Carter
Our experts have excelled for us again in answering our questions and giving us more insight into life at the track, especially for our favorite three year old son of Zenyatta, Cozmic One. Knowing Coz is in the capable hands of John Shirreffs with Dottie also involved fills my heart. I am so grateful to all of Team Z for continuing to share the life of our Queen with those of us who love her and her family. Thank you!!
What a treat for our Saturday, hearing from John and Dottie! So enjoyed the Our Experts part where it talk of the training and managing as a family affair. And don’t forget Dottie’s son David who found Zenyatta and recommended her to Ann and Jerry and the rest of Team Z to begin with. Fresh carrot juice…that sounds pretty good! Happy Saturday, everyone. Thank you as always, Team Z!
Is Coz really a race horse? To me, I can see him in eventing, dressage and jumping. I just don’t see him as being fast-at least the fast that is needed for graded and stakes racing. Maybe my big mistake. Thanks for the continued info for us fans.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Loved this Q&A today. Thanks so much for taking the time. Great questions and answers. Love to hear from you both. My best to Coz and all his stablemates. We look forward to seeing his first race. Definitely want to be there to be part of the Zenny crowd.
Safe racing today at all venues. Great racing today at Santa Anita and other parts of the country. Enjoy your carrot juice and cookies. Very healthy snack for a growing boy!
Janet Newman
Love the salad bowl with carrot juice, Coz is in good hands with John.
Just saw that Tasty Temptations boy I’myoursugardaddy ran in the 7th race
at Laurel Park.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Yes, he finished 5th – 2 1/2 lengths behind a crowd for first through fourth and was claimed. Sure hope Tasty’s boy is off to a good and caring new owner.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Janet and Sandy:
Thanks for this info on TT’s boy. I too hope he was claimed by loving, caring people. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy and Judy B.,
I, too, hope that “I’myoursugardaddy” is going to a loving, caring owner who will give him a good home.
Hugs and Love
Barbara Wood
Thanks so much for the interesting answers to our questions. We need something fun to keep our minds off the miserable weather. Always a bright spot.
Denise in St. Louis
This picture says it all – Coz is at ease with John and John’s gentle nature shines through in how he is holding Coz in hand. You can see Coz is with the BEST trainer in the universe !!!! Thank you John and Dottie for sharing your time with the Z fans.
Hi Dottie & John!
It’s GREAT to have you back here with us, busy as I know you are. I loved the questions and found the answers interesting, especially the “carrot cocktails” and apple nibbles!
As a former teacher, I am right there with you on your “equine philosophy” and so glad that COZ is with you!
Love & hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Really great to hear from John and Dottie and to see the nice picture of Coz with John. I hope that was just “Part 1” as I’m sure there were lots more questions. Seems like old times . . . . ♫♪♬♩
Terry Crow
The old times were the best.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Welcome back, Terry C. We missed you!!
Hugs and Love
Rosemary McCauley
Hello Terry. Nice to see a post from you.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Dottie, John Thank you so much for the update and questions and answers on Coz. Just made my day. Have so been wanting to hear an update on him. He looks just wonderful. I have been on Coz Watch and Wise Dan Watch. OK now we’ve heard from Coz. Hope too, we hear something new from Wise Dan soon.
I’m off now to see how my boy does in the 11th race at Gulfstream. On pins and needles.
God Speed to all. Go Night Prowler……………………….
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Afraid he will be waiting for another day Peggy. Horrible weather at Gulfstream :-(
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Yes, I went to start watching saw the bad weather. I’m glad though. That weather was too bad. They have posted the Palm Beach Stakes will be next Saturday. The weather is really bad here too.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sandy, I though oh no when I first turned TVG on. We’ve just started getting Gulf Stream races. OK where are they. I thought OK now got to be bad weather. Yes then I heard all cancelled from race 5 on. I am glad though, safety for all horse and jockey and everyone first important.
Will be looking forward to next Saturday. Lo, I have another week to worry about Uncle Johnny. Wonder if they will still have same post positions or if they will redraw. Does anyone know how this works?
Terry Crow
I just got some news that was personally distressing to me and many others. Ex-jockey Jerry Lambert has died. Jerry was nice to me when I was just a kid and he was the rider of Native Diver, who was my favorite horse before Zenyatta. He had recently been involved with Arabians. There was a campaign a few years back to get him elected to the Hall of Fame. He deserved it, but did not gain admission. I wrote a letter in his behalf in an attempt to get him in the hall. Another piece of my childhood is gone. I feel very old today.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m so sorry Terry. I didn’t know him, of course, but the important thing is that YOU did. It’s hard to lose the source of good memories. Sending good thoughts your way.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Terry
I am so sorry. I didn’t know him either but sure sympathize with your pain. It’s so hard losing aquatances, friends and family in our life. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Terry, So good hearing from you.
Terry Crow
@Sandy and Peggy-Thank you. He was a good guy.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Sorry to hear about the passing of JL. RIP Champ. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Terry C.,
I am sorry to hear about Mr. Lambert. Sincere sympathy to his family and to you.
I am sure that Native Diver is giving him a hearty welcome; they must be racing again.
RIP Jerry Lambert
Hugs and Love
Rosemary McCauley
Terry I am sorry to hear about Jerry Lambert. My sympathy to his family and friends.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Thank you Team Z and John and Dottie for the Q & A. Very interesting questions and answers, love the Guinness one especially. So glad we have this connection to Zenny’s family!! I saw a track picture this morning from SA and I wish I could figure out why I can’t post pics on this site, but it was a very “Zennyesque” picture of CoZ galloping on the track and makes you do a double take, he looks so much like her. I am willing to wait for him to be ready and only John knows when that is……it’s very exciting to have two of her babies in school.
Hope you had your date already Zenny, and that little one is already growing in your belly. Love and kisses to you and Coz, Ziconic, angel Princess and my Indy.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Again, Just Love, Love Love, Hearing from Dottie and John. Wonderful Old Times Indeed.
carol in arkansas
Hi all…
Oaklawn canncelled racing today and yesterday….word is that they will race tomorrow…will be warmer…but possible rain…so our Beast will get his chance..i hope
Thank you so much for taking time to answer our questions. The both of you are so kind and generous. Your horses that you train have those same qualities. They learn from THE BEST!
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.X
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Dottie and John,
Thank you so much for answer these very import questions, I fill much better to know that Coz is taking his time because is better for him to become a great racehorse.
Like always is a great pleasure to see you both.