I have a question about the colts. When is the decision typically made whether to geld or leave them intact, and what factors go into that decision?
Nancy Schaffer
Tucson, AZ
A:Typically we will never geld a colt before it leaves the farm, either for the sales or to be broken in, unless there is a medical issue involved. We often have a good idea that they may become geldings fairly soon into their training careers though! Some colts are definitely more “studdish” than others.
Buyers usually don’t want to purchase a yearling gelding, as this will often indicate they have a difficult temperament. On top of that, this is a dreamers game—when someone buys a colt they like to think they have a shot at owning a horse that will have a stellar racing career and go on to leave his legacy as a stud.

The other reason to geld a colt is if they are clearly not going to compete at the levels that would then lead to a career at stud. A gelding is usually easier to handle and deal with on a daily basis. I know a lot of people will say they have had difficult geldings or easy colts, and of course that can be the case but generally it’s easier to have a gelding in the shed row, especially when there are fillies in the barn.
Our Expert
Yearling Manager, Lane’s End
Cooper was born in Lexington, KY and graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Agriculture. He started working with horses in 1997 in the training barn of Al Stall Jr. Before coming to Lane’s End as the Yearling Manager in 2010, he worked at Wimbledon and Mill Ridge Farm.
Jan D./ Texas
Yes 12Z needs a little sister!
Pati- College Bound
While everyone is pacing fast and burning holes through their floors (I hope you’re on ground level) I thought I would share a quick picture of Cindy from today. She’s a Figi water girl too Zenny. You two would get along well.
Linda in NJ
Hi Pati: What a pretty girl Cindy is! Very pretty!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
What a beautiful girl. Hugs, JB
Pati. Nice photo. Sweetheart filly. Love Fiji water too.
Marshall (NC broad)
She sure is a beauty! Love those red horses.
Thanks for the photo!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I believe it’s going to be a Filly Too……………………………Can’t Wait…………………………………
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I’m hoping; but safe and sound first. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Yes safe and sound first.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I have basketball, Twitter, FB and the blog all going at once. My mind’s going to explode!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
You have me laughing out loud. None of us will get to sleep until this baby and Z are safely delivered. Love and Hugs, JB
Pati- College Bound
My poor phone is on page overload right now. It’s hectic.
Terra Turrin tweet
Zenyatta had a filly!
Welcome to the world princess
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you. Congratulations beautiful Mama Z and your new little girl. God Bless you both. Here come the tears (happy ones). Love and Hugs, JB
Keta. Love you for your tweets.
Z. Congrats on your new baby. You are a Queen in every way.
Linda in NJ
Is this offical!! A little girl!! How wonderful. Is she a gray filly?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Keta – I don’t know who this person is. Do you think this is for real??
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh My so happy. Oh a filly……………………………So Wonderful…………………………………………I’ speechless. Tears Tears Tears.
Dawn Conrad
Hello, Sis Peggy, can’t believe we were typing at almost the same time. So special to be sharing this with you and all my fantastic dumpling friends!! My heart is filled with love!!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sis Dawn,
So glad to hear from you. Typing at the same time. Well you know that’s Sisters for you. This is such joy. So So happy and so nice to be sharing this with you and everyone.
Dawn Conrad
Dearest Zenyatta and Friends,
I have been thinking about you all week my sweet Zenny and now the moment is at hand. Your little one is in the world. Welcome my beauty, I had been so hoping for a filly. You have a wonderful mother and a very special family, including all of us here who will love you forever. May you and our beloved Zenyatta remain happy, healthy and forever blessed. How I love you Zenny, words cannot express and what joy to have your little ones in our lives as well. Thank you to Team Z! Jerry and Ann, you are two amazing individuals, whose kindness is beyond measure. Hugs and kisses to you all!!! Dawn
Judy, I too have some very happy tears flowing!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn:
So good to see a post from you. Just love Z so much, as all of us do. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
For sure?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Not Official. Yet.
Inside Tips tweet
Hmm, I’m not seeing that on their twitter…
Linda in NJ
Keta: Is the foal a gray filly?
They probably won’t know until the foal is dry, they aren’t born gray
Linda in NJ
Oh, for goodness sakes.
What? It’s true – they aren’t.
Linda in NJ
Oh, I never knew that! I would think they would be born the color that they are!!! Thanks!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Linda:
It’s like some breeds of dogs too. They are born black and then they turn gray. Schnauzers are one breed and there are others. Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
So Zenny definitely had her foal?
Katie Ziberna
You can tell by a gray ring around the eyes, or muzzle also bay foals that gray out have black legs instead of the fawn-tawny color
carol in arkansas...PACE....PACE....PACE...
Team Z….no new tweets or fb posts….holding my breath for news
Allie in Texas
Congratulations, Zenyatta on your beautiful filly.
Katie Ziberna
Where is everyone getting the info there hasn’t been any posts?
Linda in NJ
I think there must be some that have an inside track
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Backside 55 Facebook reporting seeing Tweets Z had a filly. Will post when official. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Whether official or not, we already have a spot to light candles of gratitude and for well wishes: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=zenny
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Trina! Ready and waiting here.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Ready and waiting here too! I SO want to believe the tweets, but really think we need to be sure about this!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I agree!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Ditto. It bothers me that “a number of sources” are posting tweets, even two or more hours ago, yet still totally unconfirmed by TeamZenyatta. Just makes me think maybe those posters are just hoping they are first, trying to get attention for themselves, jumping the gun, without any basis in fact. All they may know is what we know: that TeamZ has arrived at Lane’s End, and will apparently foal tonight. I’d rather be wrong, but the longer this goes on, the more likely not.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Thanks. Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
Thanks again Trina!
Dawn Conrad
Thank you so much sweet Trina!! Hugs, Dawn
Allie in Texas
Inside Tips is saying we will see a video of the foal tonight.
Inside Tips tweet
Zenyatta did have her baby.
I’m awaiting a text back from vet who has been keeping me up to date on the sex.
I won’t guess until I know 100%
Keta Note: Reply to question FILLY OR COLT?
Inside Tips tweet
I will NOT speculate or guess.
I’m just passing information along to everyone when I get it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks. We’ll just have to wait until it’s official. Hugs, JB
Keta. No worries as the Aussies say. You are doing your best to get information to us as quickly as possible. If the baby turns out to be a colt, high hoof to him. We will love whatever baby comes.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Absolutely. Colt or Filly, doesn’t matter. Just good health for baby and Mama. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Liked your post about the Schnauzers. They are great dogs, from miniature to giant. Love their mustaches most of all.
Pati- College Bound
My trainer has a giant black schnauzer. His name is Grover.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes. One of my neighbors next door to my home had a mini. She was a little doll; name was Gracie. Hugs, JB
JudyB. Lost a favorite gold ring once. The schnauzer on the street found it.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Wow, Max. Details of the find?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Pati and Trina:
Wow! Besides being beautiful, they’re smarties too. Hugs, JB
Trina. My neighbor, Susan, told me that her schnauzer, Heidi, just stopped on the street one day during her walk, sat down and stared at my ring on the ground. Susan picked it up and later put up a sign about finding a ring. I was completely amazed when I saw that sign because I had written it off as gone forever. This all happened within the space of 24 hours. Schnauzers are as good as bloodhounds.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Max, Judy, yes no matter Filly or Colt. We’ll love either one.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Just waiting to hear they’re both OK and healthy. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Great story, Max! Thanks for sharing. Did Heidi the schnauzer maybe get a doggie treat as a reward?
Great news congratulations :))
Linda in NJ
Zenny: I have to say goodnight. Tomorrow morning rolls around real quick. 3 hour commute every day. I will check back later. Anxious to hear what other news we may get.
Nancy Osmundsen
Hope that all is well with Zenyatta and her baby. Know everyone is working hard to
care for them in the barn tonight. Will use my imagination but have a lovely image
of this event. Blessings to all.
Backside 55 tweet
No news is… no news :( I won’t hold out on you, don’t worry.
As soon as I know, you’ll know as fast as I can type!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks. Hugs, JB
There saying on facebook filly I don’t know if
It’s true
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Zenyatta,
In all seriousness, Just I’m praying so hard that all will be fine with you and the baby. May the Good Lord take care of both of you. May many angels be with you now also.
God Bless You Zenny and Baby Z
Love, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
New Tweet on Z’s Twitter Page. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the new tweet with a photo of The Prince. Beautiful. Hugs, JB
Backside 55 is unofficial and so are TWEETS !!
Diana Stuart
Isnt it past your curfew Nancy?
Diana Stuart
Dumplings and Zsters: If you scroll up from here – on the right hand side of the page is “Team Zenyatta” with Instagrams from LE. The most recent one is from Prince about being an only child. Click on the link and you’ll see his cute photo. Next one down is a bit older and shows Ann with Zenny. Next one down is their arrival at LE message with photo of sunset. I’m not on Twitter, but I can see and open these. Waiting for the next one!
diastu in tempe
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Diana:
I posted the link to the photo just a couple of posts above yours. The Prince looks absolutely stunning in that photo. I think it was posted about 3 and a half hours ago. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Off topic tonight:
“The great Black Caviar will be going back to Royal Ascot this year to run in the Group 1 King’s Stand Stakes over 1000 metres.
The two provisos are she can be mated with Frankel, which has been ticked off by Juddmonte Farms in the UK overnight, and that trainer Peter Moody is happy with her condition and fitness.”
Diana Stuart
Galloping across the finish line first and into the “arms” of the handsome Frankel! Now there’s a story book ending for an incredible career!
diastu in tempe
I love reading all the comments (except for the troll). I hope we get news tonight. The suspense will keep me up tonight. Prayers all is going well for Zenyatta and her new foal. Much love to all.
Judy, I’m glad you enjoyed the video.
Diana Stuart
Dearest Ashton, Your Moma has got to be grinning from ear to ear tonight! And she gets to find out first! Love and hugs from Arizona.
diastu in tempe
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Amen to that!
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (lost in the drama)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
I really love all the Animalsrock4love videos and that one was especially beautiful. Thank you again.
Waiting anxiously, like you, to hear that Z and the new baby are safe and sound. Wonderful to hear from you. Love and Hugs, JB
Hi Diane, Yes she is smiling. It may sound crazy, but I can feel her. Thank you for providing me with info about another horse I adore. He means the world to me. You set my mind at ease as much as a update about the Zenyatta and her foal would now.