I am wondering how often the mares are able to deliver the foals without any assistance from the staff. All of the foaling videos that I’ve seen show considerable help being provided. I know that horses foal in the wild without any help – are special precautions in order for TBs?
Sandy Wyper
South Euclid, OH
A:A month from foaling mares are brought to the foaling barn, and until they foal they are watched 24/7. They are turned out in the daytime so they can move around freely and exercise, which is very important for heavily pregnant mares. Someone from the barn will patrol the fields frequently to make sure no one has decided to go off and foal outside on their own. Late afternoon the mares will be brought in and fed and have their bags (udders) checked for any changes. Wax on the teats or dripping milk gives us a good indication that the mare is getting close to giving birth.
I know some of you are worried about the pain Zenyatta will go through during the foaling process but you needn’t worry! The birthing process is far quicker than that of humans. Once they break water, as long as the presentation is correct, it is all over in a matter of minutes. Horses have to be able to give birth and recover quickly in the wild, as they need to be able to protect their newborns from potential predators.
Once the mare has broken water we check the presentation is correct with the nose and forelimbs coming first. The mare will typically lie down to foal, although very occasionally we will get an “airmail” when a mare foals standing. This can happen with maidens that haven’t quite got the process figured out yet! Provided the mare is comfortable with our presence we will help guide the foal out gently. Normally a mare will rest for a few minutes post foaling and then get up, which is usually when the cord breaks.
The foals are usually up within an hour and nursing and getting that much needed colostrum that helps boost their immune systems. They are designed to keep up with their mothers almost immediately, so provided they are strong enough we like to get them out into a paddock or a round pen on day one for a few hours and let them begin their new lives.
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Zenny, you look marvelous and Alys, thanks for the picture and good information.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thanks Alys for the wonderful reminder of foaling. The birthing process is such a beautiful experience to watch. Mother Nature is best left alone but, it is always good to be close by when difficulties arise. I sure do miss those days. Memories I will never forget. Each time is just as exciting as the first. May the angels watch over you Zenyatta and the little one, and all the mommies and babies to be.
Kathy R.
Dear Mary Margaret: Well said! Hugs, KathyR.
martha (Oklahoma)
Thank you for all the information, Lane’s End. Zenyatta looks none too happy in the photo, but, at 10+ months preggers, who would? I wonder how her mood is at this stage of pregnancy? My prediction for delivery date: March 24, but, I hope it’s a bit sooner.
Love you, Zenyatta!
Sue Fredrick- Starting to pace
Oh thanks Martha that’s my birthday and what a present it would be!!!! hugs Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Frederick and Martha:
That’s my sister’s wedding anniversary. Happy Early Birthday Sue. Hugs, JB
Thanks for the information and picture of Zenny.
Love the Queen, may God keep her and all the others safe.
maryp ny
Oh Zenny, you look like “I’m ready whenever…….” but you’re still beautiful!
Thank you Alys for the photo and the in depth answer to Sandy’s question. Always appreciate everything that all of you at Lane’s End do for every horse in your care.
Won’t be long now….pacing….pacing!!
love you Z!!! YOU look gorgeous as always;) thanks, Alys, for the info.
Linda Shull
Will the Moss’s be at this foaling? I would think so. Everyone is looking forward to this foaling. How often are they bred? Is there ever a break of a year between each one.
Mary McCrea
Beautiful article … we are waiting with you Ms. Z …
Hi Alys….us? worried about Z?…how did you know? :-)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article from the Paulick Report on Verrazano’s pedigree. Hugs,JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
So exciting! Pace, pace, pace!! Momma Z looks like she is ready any day! Thanks for keeping us updated. What a gorgeous lady is our Queen! Hugs to all!
Lynn N
Zenny we are praying this will be fast and easy . As the folks that love you do worry .
She looks beat in this picture or maybe just carrying a big load . Thanks everyone that looks after her , I would donate my time to sleep in the barn with her , If I were close by , Zenny is a sweetheart , God Bless everyone watching over her and Zenny of course
Jeanne Sutton
Thanks, Alys!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I was watching a newborn foal get on it’s feet for the first time yesterday and it just amazes me that 24 hours later or even sooner they are tearing around the stall like a little whirlwind! Mother Nature is amazing.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks so much Alys for answering my question. It’s very reassuring to know that there are always people standing by (whether or not the mare actually needs any help). Getting those long legs out can’t be easy so it’s good to know that guidance is at hand if permitted by the Mom. It’s a real tribute to the wonderful staff not only at LE but the other farms that the mares are so trusting – accepting help not only with the foaling process but also with the care of their foals.
Does anyone remember when it was last year that we got to see a series of videos (three I think) that Donna made about the foaling process? I’ve looked through the archives and can’t seem to find those posts. I might be looking for the wrong thing – they may have followed a post so weren’t depicted in the pictures. It would be a great review to see them again as we move into serious pacing mode!
You do look a little tired Zenny. Just hang on – we’re all supporting you with our good thoughts and prayers. It won’t be long now until we see your new little one. Your guy Tapit just became the proud dad of a little girl over at Winstar, but despite all of the hopes for a gray filly, she looks like a beautiful bay (like her mom :-).
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
I think these might be the videos you’re thinking of? I think there are three of them.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Yes! Right on Judy!!! And there WERE 3 of them! How you do this is beyond me! <3
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Glad I was able to find them. Hugs, JB
Diana Stuart - Pacing Pacing
Sandy: The little Winstar filly still might be a grey. Lots of them are born very dark and can fool us. But our little pink princess wouldn’t do that, would she?
dia-thinking pink-stu in tempe
Marilu V
Thank You Alys for the information.
We are all anxious for Zenyatta. She is in my thoughts and prayers every day.
She is a beautiful girl thank you for the information. Debbie
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
Zenny – You have an Auntie in New Jersey who is also sending you love and hugs for your last few days (we hope) before you foal 13Z. We are on pins and needles! So exciting!
And you are the best mom EVER! I can still remember the video of 12Z just walking under your belly like that was supposed to happen, and you taking it all in stride.
Everyone at Lane’s End…please shower her with kisses and hugs since we all would like to be doing that! Extra mints for all of the moms there!
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (lost in the drama)
Oh, Big Momma Z you look so tired in this pic. If that was last week, I can only imagine how you’re feeling Now. Not much longer and we’ll all be blessed with a new foal. Love you and yes, thinking pink and gray.
Anja Martin
Thank you so much for the insight! Zenny looks wonderful.
Sandra Harris Frey
I’m so anxious for the birth of 13Zenyatta! Walking the floors here in Kentucky, baby! She looks amazing and I’m sure she’s ready for this foal to be born! Alys, you and the staff at Lane’s End are amazing! Blessing and love to all!
sheena.davies(wales) waiting for Z's big day
dear Zenyatta you must be getting tired now carrying your precious foal not much longer sweetheart you have a new auntie pacing for you in wales this time am getting so excited you are in the best hands God bless you have a safe and easy foaling thanks for all the info hugs sheenaX
Christine in Northern Michigan
Your still all muscle Zenny! Thank God every night for His blessings on you, Baby Z and the one on the way. Thanks too for giving you good owners!
sheena.davies(wales) waiting for Z's big day
dear judy goodnight sweet dreams stay warm and cosy thanks for gorgeous pic of Charlie my emails are off again!!!!!hoplng they be back tomorrow kauto getting very excited about his parade tomorrow said he’s been secretly coaching paul’s new horse silviniaco conti on his Ipad!!!!love and hugs sheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
You’re so welcome. Love the fact that Kauto is so in touch with his many fans. Hope the weather is good for his parade. Love and Hugs, JB
Joanna from TX
As always, thanks SO much for in information! OK Zenny, we’re just hangin’ around waiting on you…pacing as patiently as we can. I’m still hoping for a gray girl.
Pati- College Bound
Zenny sure is living the good life. They have stalls that are nicer than almost all the barns in North Carolina, and they’re watched 24/7. I wish I had a really nice barn, filled with really nice horses, and someone to watch them all the time for me. ;-)
At least we know that there shall be none of this “sneaking off to give birth” business. Everything is monitored and safe!
Ingrid Arnone
I love you girl! Pace…..pace….pace…..and pace……
Big kiss Ingrid.
Thanks Alys for the great explanation. I loved the “airmail” comment. I pray all goes well for Zenyatta and all the other mares during this foaling season. It is a relief to know, that Lanes End has their act together. Which is important when you have as many mares to foal this time of year as they do. They have an exceptional facility and staff.
Let the pacing begin.
K Scott
Is Zenyatta overdue? Is there any problem when a mare goes past her due date? I am asking because Baby Z was born March 8 and I thought she and Tapit got together earlier in the year than her get-together with Bernardini, which came after the unfortunate miscarriage. Just curious…and concerned for her, as always.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
The Wall Street Journal says Zenny is due in late March:
“[Tapit has] already mated with Zenyatta, the 2010 Horse of the Year, whose foal, due in late March, may steal some magazine pages from Kate and William’s baby.”
This due date was confirmed somewhere else too, but I don’t remember exactly where.