I am wondering how often the mares are able to deliver the foals without any assistance from the staff. All of the foaling videos that I’ve seen show considerable help being provided. I know that horses foal in the wild without any help – are special precautions in order for TBs?
Sandy Wyper
South Euclid, OH
A:A month from foaling mares are brought to the foaling barn, and until they foal they are watched 24/7. They are turned out in the daytime so they can move around freely and exercise, which is very important for heavily pregnant mares. Someone from the barn will patrol the fields frequently to make sure no one has decided to go off and foal outside on their own. Late afternoon the mares will be brought in and fed and have their bags (udders) checked for any changes. Wax on the teats or dripping milk gives us a good indication that the mare is getting close to giving birth.
I know some of you are worried about the pain Zenyatta will go through during the foaling process but you needn’t worry! The birthing process is far quicker than that of humans. Once they break water, as long as the presentation is correct, it is all over in a matter of minutes. Horses have to be able to give birth and recover quickly in the wild, as they need to be able to protect their newborns from potential predators.
Once the mare has broken water we check the presentation is correct with the nose and forelimbs coming first. The mare will typically lie down to foal, although very occasionally we will get an “airmail” when a mare foals standing. This can happen with maidens that haven’t quite got the process figured out yet! Provided the mare is comfortable with our presence we will help guide the foal out gently. Normally a mare will rest for a few minutes post foaling and then get up, which is usually when the cord breaks.
The foals are usually up within an hour and nursing and getting that much needed colostrum that helps boost their immune systems. They are designed to keep up with their mothers almost immediately, so provided they are strong enough we like to get them out into a paddock or a round pen on day one for a few hours and let them begin their new lives.
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Eveline / Maryland.
Thanks for the beautiful picture!
Karen Gogue / My heart :)'s ♥ / Nanny/Granny again soon!
Love you beautiful girl! ♥ PACE … Pace …
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
Thank you for this helpful information. Sandy, thanks for asking the question :-)
♥ Yes, some of us Auntie’s will be pacing the floor soon, but I know she has excellent care at Lane’s End! I hope to visit you later this year… ;-)
All my love, Zenyatta!
Auntie Judy ♥
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
p.s. Your due date (I’ve been told my a good source) is the last week of March. If you don’t foal then, I think it would be awesome if you foaled on your very own birthday, Sweetie! XO
Luv you ♥
I love learning all about this stuff! Thanks, as always, for keeping the fans posted. I know Zenyatta is within a few weeks of foaling baby number two, and I’m wishing her and her connections the best! Love Big Mama Z!
Karen Gogue / My heart :)'s ♥ / Nanny/Granny again soon!
Sandy ♥ Wink Wink! Blush Blush! Great question! Well … Whup! Whup!
Zenny, have I told you lately that I love you?? Well, I do!! More and more and more and more … ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ …. you are my ♥! PACE … PACE … PACE
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Hope that Zenyatta’s time to foal is getting close. The suspense is excruciating! Thank you again for all the wonderful information. My maiden quarter horse mare had her foal in a pasture in the middle of the night unexpectantly. She hadn’t waxed up or shown any signs the night before, so it was a big surprise to find the colt with her the next morning. We were blessed that there were no problems and the colt was perfect and healthy.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Congratulations, Roxanne!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
That is wonderful!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Roxanne:
Thanks for sharing your story about your mare and foal. Last year on the night 12Z was born, Mr. and Mrs. Moss went to dinner thinking there was no sign Z was ready to foal and then they got a call that she was. Sure enough. 12Z was born a few hours later. I guess there are not always signs.
Here’s Dottie and Z’s Diary Post about the night The Prince was born. Hugs, JB
Mary in Boone
Hi Alys!
Thank you for the information. Although I know Zenyatta is receiving the best care possible, this auntie is still pacing! Thank you also for the photos. Our Queen looks very healthy and happy….and large!! Hope it is a gray Prinzess, and she makes her appearance this Saturday evening. She can do an Irish step dance in honor of the day.
Take care, everyone,
Mary in Boone
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Thursday to all at LE and Z’sters. Good question Sandy. Thanks Alys for explaining the mares foaling stages. It makes me feel comfortable knowing that all the mares get top medical attention during this time. Zenny really is big, but looks gorgeous as ever. Like the others, I am getting nervous, and pacing, but excited to see her new foal soon. Kisses and love coming Big Mama’s way. xoxo
good answer, but you didn’t even come close to answering the question.
Checking the position of the head and forelegs and then guiding the foal out if the mare is comfortable with them being there means yes, they do assist the mares, and it sounds like every time unless the mare gets agitated about them being there. If the mare decides to foal while standing, there is definitely, definitely going to be somebody there to catch the foal.
PatB from NM
Z, you look like you’re in great shape. Can’t wait to see your new little one. Love you always!
Long Time Z Supporter
Ok, here we go. Most opinions are she should give birth by end of March. Wish LE would provide more info on this since they know the date she was in foal. Hope The Mosses visit again…miss seeing pics and videos of them. Wonder if Z is getting tired of carrying all that extra weight by now! Who hopes for a filly this time?
So very true, lots of rumors but no fact about due date !!!
How do some get special privileges !!!
I love our girl, and eagerly watch her progress and life. But this article didn’t answer the writers question at all. He didn’t ask the protocol or barn procedures during foaling. He asked why there is so much assistance and if TBs need special consideration when foaling. The answer should have been, “every barn is different when it comes to how they handle pregnant mares, here’s how we do it…and no, TBs are perfectly capable of giving birth on their own, but we take every precaution to ensure a successful, healthy birth with these very expensive animals.”
Diana Stuart - Pacing Pacing
Alys: Nice discussion of the process – thank you!
Sandy: Way to go, Girlfriend – great question!
Zenny: I remember feeling how you look like you feel in today’s picture – “Okay, baby, I’m really ready now, really I am. You are getting a bit much to lug around, but I’ll be waiting for you patiently. Soon would be okay, though. Love, Mom.”
dia-pacing-stu in tempe
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Diana:
I think you captured Z’s thoughts perfectly. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I agree on all points. Way to go, Sandy and Alys!
I’m hoping for a grey filly on March 26, but I will be thrilled with whatever Zenny gives us. Especially praying for her and the little one’s health. Z. looks ready to get it done!
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
It’s almost time!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy and Lane’s End Team:
Great question and thorough answer from Alys. Love this photo of Z. She looks like she is getting very close to foaling. She’s so beautiful. Hugs, JB
Hey Carol,
Glad you and Kathy R are so proud of people
“Getting kicked” off the site. One thing you both
Forgot is what goes around comes around, so
Perhaps instead of using a cane with a chair you
will be using a walker or a wheelchair.
Keep pacing !!!
Linda M
Mama Z – You are looking FABULOUS in your final weeks!! We love you and cannot wait to hear the news – soon!! George and Linda
Thanks for the great information and the beautiful picture of Zenyatta. We’re all anxious for Zenyatta’s foal to arrive…can’t wait to see pictures of her beautiful baby….girl…(hopefully)!
I have pink bubble gum cigars waiting! I am as nervous as when 12 Z was on the way. I hope she has an uneventful foaling and the precious new one is healthy and strong.
We are all in anticipation of the coming event. Wishing you health, and happiness.
My finger nails are nubs now.
Sending my love to you, and hoping Alys will give you a great big hug and kiss for me.
Love you Zenyatta.
Thanks to Lane’s End and their continued respect for Zenyatta’s fans and keepinng us updated. So appreciated
Every foaling is so exciting. The wonder of it all never gets old. The promise of a future champion is always on our mind. ps. Zenny I would like a filly..
Perky Green
I’am pretty sure you can’t wait to foal I know it takes a toll, but we are all excited to see what your angles have allowed you to gift us this time. It really does not matter,as long as you are both safe and healthy. LOTS’O’LOVE and Kisses coming to you
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you so much Lane’s End for this important information . We are all so appreciative of the photos and remarks. Great question Sandy….. the picture of Zenyatta is beautiful, but I must say she does look like it would be a relief to have the baby very soon. Z Mom you are definitely loved and thought of every moment of the day. Hope all goes well and we have a foal soon.
The 27th is a good day!!!! Anyday is good. Hoping for safe delivery and happy healthy baby, girl or boy. Gray would be the icing on the cake!!!
Jeanne from Texas
It is my understanding Zenyatta was bred back on her foal heat which would be about 9 days after the birth of Z-12. Then gestation is about 333-345 days before the impending birth of her second foal making its birth date right around the corner.
This picture of Zenyatta is the first picture I’ve seen where she doesn’t have that alert look in her eye like she always does. She seems to be far away in thought doesn’t she? I pray for an easy delivery and that the Mosses’ are there with her. She knows who they are! A comfort to her I’m sure….
LE does not breed back on their foal heat.
Her probable 15 day US took place on May
8 when her pregnancy was announced. But
only LE and Mosses know breeding date and it
Appears that is private information. Remember
Zenny is privately owned.
I’ve wondered that same question myself so thank you Sandy for asking and Alys for answering and also for providing the usual great pictures… that foaling barn looks absolutely spotless!
BTW, I love the term “airmail.”
I haven’t been following this, so who is Z bred to?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Frances:
She’s in foal to Tapit. Hugs, JB
Marlaine Meeker
Thanks again for keeping us in the loop and the wonderful pics and info. I’m kind of hoping for 3/29- Man o’ War. 3/30- Secretariat. I’m most hoping for an easy delivery and good health of mother and daughter. Can’t wait.
Starting to chew my nails and pace some. Us nervous grannies just can’t help it! Not when it comes to our Big Momma Z.
Great question and great information. I run a cattle operation, the difference between cattle and horses is cattle can take up to eight hours after there water breaks. Zenny you look great. As to her due date I have March 22 marked on my calender, but I am not sure where I got this date from. Date doesn’t matter as long as Zenny has a easy delivery and a healthy foal.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow–thanks for the extra info. about cattle. Didn’t know that.
sue and tony
Alys, thanks for providing yet another great response to a good question. We love every picture of Zenny and appreciate every morsel of information we can get on our Queen. She sure looks ready to have 13Z. We are like the rest of you…so excited!
Anne B
Thanks so much, yet again, LE for the current pic of Zenny, and the great info.
For those wondering, I’m not sure she “caught” on the first breeding attempt if it was done on the foal heat, and no one was real forthcoming about the breeding date, EXCEPT: She foaled 12Z on 3/8/12. On 3/22/12, they announced she was going to be bred to Tapit , which announcement was 2 weeks after the foaling. On 6/21/12, they announced as of that morning she was 60 days in foal. That puts the mating at 4/22/12, if I counted right on a calendar. The Horse.com gestation calculator says that the range can be 320-362 days, with most between 330-345 days. I entered in her estimated breeding date of 4/22/12 in their calculator, and get a foaling estimate of 3/19-4/3. That’s about as close as we can get, I think. I’m staying with my guess of 3/20 but now I’m thinking it might be a bit later by a few days. Also, the Wall Street Journal article about Tapit which came out recently mentioned she was due in “late March” which goes with the above range……
maryp ny
Thanks Anne B for your excellent research. There was “talk” awhile back that Zenyatta’s and Vertigineux’s due date was the same, 3/15. Close but no cigar!!
Not much longer to wait.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
March 20th is good – it’s the first day of Spring :-)
♥ Auntie Judy
Ann B
Not sure where you are getting this hypothetical
Information. LE stated they don’t breed in the foal
heat and the only firm formal announcement was in Bloodhorse
On May 8 that she was pregnant . that was probably
An US date but was it 15, 30 or 60 day US???
Only LE and Mosses know that, all this is speculation
And spreding rumors.
Lets just be surprised and go with that !!!
Sandy in Colorado Springs
Here’s the 60 day announcement Anne is referencing: https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/zenyatta-confirmed-60-days-in-foal