How will Zenyatta’s daily routine change as she gets closer to foaling?
A: Routine is one of the most important factors to keeping all horses, including Zenyatta, happy and settled. Other than moving Z to the foaling barn, her routine remains the same. She is out all day with her buddies and in the barn at night. She and the other mares in her barn are monitored 24 hours a day—with someone checking them in their respective fields during the day and with a full time night watchman keeping a close eye on them at night.

Is Zenyatta pastured with the same group of mares she was with last year at this time?
A: Z is currently with mares that have a similar foaling dates, that is how we “buddy” them up. This means that they will move into the foaling barn around the same time. Providing all goes well, they can go back out with each other post foaling and after the mares have had time to adjust to their new arrivals. One of the mares Zenyatta is with has been with her since last spring.
How will you know upon birth whether her foal will be dark bay like its dam or (will turn) gray like its sire?
A: Although some thoroughbred foals are born obviously gray, often it is difficult to tell whether a foal is going to turn gray until they are a little older. They can begin as chestnut or bay before changing color. Usually the first sign they are going to be gray is when gray hair starts presenting itself around the eyes and muzzle when they start shedding their first coat.
Questions from Roxanne Cook
Boulder Creek, CA
Our Expert
Assistant Broodmare Manager, Lane’s End
Originally from Birmingham, England, Donna joined the Lane’s End team in 2004. As Assistant Broodmare Manager, she devotes her time to ensuring the health and happiness of all the broodmares and their foals.
Happy Birthday to Lisa B
I am having a severe case of Cigar Withdrawal …I not successfully “stalked” him in days and today we are getting Pikeville…not his pasture….oh well…
going to Oaklawn later….Calvin has a good chance in Race 5….but its cold…if they let him have the rail he could get it done….his horse is a deep closer like someone we all know and love…
kisses to all soft noses…
and hugs to all in Zennyland that need them and even to those that dont
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Hope you get to see Vision of Liz.
carol. I saw him earlier this week, wearing his trademark blanket. He’s still there. Hoping that they fix the camera soon.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thanks Carolin for the Birthday greeting.
Have fun at Oaklawn. I hope to visit there someday.
Lisa B
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
oops sorry… I meant Carol.
Linda in NJ
Hi Carol:
I have always wanted to go to Oaklawn. They say that is a beautiful racetrack. Have fun!!!
Judy in South Carolina
Thanks for the update on Our Queen. Today is March 1st! Let practice for our pacing begin!
I, too, think this one is going to be a gray filly. Just a hunch but one that many others also seem to share LOL!
Be safe Zenny and thanks to all at Lane’s End for taking such good care of Our Girl!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Lisa B.–Happy Birthday! Don’t blame yourself for not beeing on Z. You are a quick learner, and that’s what counts!
@Trina–thank you yet again for bringing us “up close and Personal” to our fellow Dumplings!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank You Barbara for the Bday greeting.
Lisa B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisa B.:
Happy, Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thanks Judy!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
“betting”, not ‘Beeing”–aaugh!!
Andrew Bensley tweet ALL TOO HARD has been scratched from the
Australian Guineas with an elevated temperature.
More to come.
Eblouissante (4-Year-Old Filly) Workout
Date: March 1, 2013
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 48:60 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 11/24 –
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for these works on Ebby and Market Quote. Hugs, JB
I had to look at this muddy pic again. How I LOVE the fact our glorious Zenny retired healthy, fit and very happy. She deserves every inch of that ole mud that is lucky to have landed on her awesome body. Zenny, I only wish I could be there to actually see you “get down and dirty”.
Santa Anita Park tweet
1st time in the 76-yr history a showdown between 2 past winners will take place!
Game On Dude vs Ron The Greek!
Who will you wagering on?
Diana Stuart
Keta: How about a dead heat?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Diana:
I’m all for that. Hugs, JB
That is a Solomon choice & a good one
Hugs, Keta
Market Quote (4-Year-Old Filly) Workout
Date: March 1, 2013
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 48:40 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 6/24 –
Daily Racing Form tweet Ahmed Zayat was allowed to bet on credit through
New Jersey’s account-wagering system, report claims
Here is the story & link
New Jersey extended Ahmed Zayat betting credit, report claims
By Matt Hegarty Daily Racing Form 03/01/2013 2:42PM
Ahmed Zayat, the prominent racehorse owner, was allowed to bet on credit through New Jersey’s state-run account-wagering system in violation of state laws, according to a report on a New Jersey website.
Northjersey.com published Zayat’s name after receiving copies of exhibits in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday by the owners of Freehold Raceway against the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority. One of the exhibits identifying Zayat as the bettor was later redacted by a judge, and a copy of the lawsuit obtained on Friday did not include the exhibits identifying Zayat by name.
Keta Note: Do Not know the full story until all the facts are in
Keta, As always thanks for the information. Personally, I don’t care if Mr. Zayat is involved or not. Kinda doubt it. With the love, care and concern he and his family showed for Paynter, I just don’t think he is that kind of person. What so many people did not realize was that with mortality insurance on Paynter, Mr. Zayat would have been financially ahead if the horse had not lived. It must have cost an untold amount of money to care for and treat him all those months. Seems as if the media always wants to find something they can exploit on the good guys.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max a good Cheltenham preview on radio5 live last night and our boy kauto with laura very excited about tomorrow and his dressage debut also heard that the great one has covered 28 mares up to yesterday as professional in the breeding shed as on the racecourse and the 1st scans are due over the weekend someone tweeted does he wine and dine them not like that with horses !!!hopefully good news soon neigh sheena
Sheena. I just learned that Kauto has given up tweeting for awhile because Clifford Baker’s son was killed in a car accident. (Clifford Baker was Kauto’s exercise and training rider.) Hoping that Kauto does well on the weekend.
You are right. Horses do not wine and dine. It’s mints and carrots with some oats thrown in. Apples and pears too. Neigh!
Sheena. Should have mentioned that Zenny likes Fiji water and Guinness rather than wine.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Max:
How sad for Mr. Baker and his family. RIP. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear Lisa Happy Birthday! Hugs Ingrid.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max was trying to find out what had happened with Clifford baker so very sad he was a great friend to our boy he had a lovely daughter Danielle she made a tribute to kauto when he retired Clifford adored denman and kauto was so proud of them hope he does well tomorrow hugs sheena
Sheena. According to Kauto, it was Clifford’s son who was killed in a traffic accident. Very sad news for him and his family. Out of respect, Kauto has stopped tweeting for the time being. Kauto loved working with Clifford, who seems to be very nice and gentle with horses. I have always enjoyed hearing his views on Kauto and others, a true professional.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear judy goodnight sweet dreams stay cosy and warm hugs sheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
OOPS—I missed Sharon Call’s birthday (Sharon in Atlanta). Here’s a belated poem, revised a little from last year’s poem.
A Birthday Poem for Sharon Call
(February 22, 2013)
Our Sharon with us did share
The story of her dear mare,
A strawberry roan named Jess,
A cross of Tennessee Walker and Saddlebred,
One of the best
To be found,
Who, as Sharon said,
Could rack a hole in the ground.
For seven years
In the show ring,
Jess did as she was asked
Midst the crowds’ cheers.
Then Sharon desired
For Jess to be free at last
To do her own horsey thing,
So she Jess retired
And let her run free,
In a green pasture,
Unrestrained by human master.
Sharon’s heart was deeply stirred
To see
Jess running by day with her herd
And at night enjoying her stall.
But then in the course
Of a bitter divorce,
Sharon Call
Lost her sweet horse.
’Twas truly sad,
But she no longer had
The where-with-all
For the care
Of her beloved mare.
For Jess’s own welfare
She was sold,
But the new owner by Sharon was told
He’d better always be good
To dear Jess,
And he understood
That he surely would
From Sharon face redress
If ever she learned
That he did fail
To act as he should.
I imagine he might even have turned
A little pale
Contemplating what him would befall
If he ever earned
The wrath of Sharon Call.
It was fortunate for him, I’d suppose,
That never a negative rumor arose,
So there was no need
To come to any blows
Or a brawl–
Reports via the grapevine
Always were fine,
And nothing untoward did ever befall
That dear Jess,
Who had Sharon Call
So blessed.
She continued a good life to lead—
Two more years of shows,
Then out to pasture on the new farm.
Today Sharon, with her cohorts in Equi-army,
Continues to be
A guardian angel
For horses in need.
Sharon’s quick to raise an alarm
For equines in danger of harm
And does for them help wrangle
Safe haven
When they alas require savin’.
Sharon Call,
Horse advocate of repute,
We you salute
In all
That you do
As you horse welfare pursue.
Happy belated birthday, Sharon, and many, many happy returns!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon C.:
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Love this poem for SC. Hugs, JB
Louise Castello
Happy Birthday Sharon! Great poem Trina!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Happy Happy Birthday Sharon!!
Lisa B
Happy Birthday (belated) to Sharon!!
Linda in NJ
Happy Birthday Sharon!!
Happy Birthday to Lisa B!!!
Wonderful poem Trina!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
LATE MARCH! The Wall Street Journal says Zenny is due in late March!
“[Tapit has] already mated with Zenyatta, the 2010 Horse of the Year, whose foal, due in late March, may steal some magazine pages from Kate and William’s baby.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Thanks for this. Hugs, JB
Looks like LauraJ was right. Time to get ready to pace.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
So exciting! Can’t wait to see Beautiful 13Z. Hugs, JB
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Thanks for sharing, Trina. Very interesting article. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for sharing the link, Trina. Its always great to see an article about our TBs and/or horseracing in the mainstream media – and especially if it mentions our Zenyatta!! Loved the poem also – you are so talented!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Thank you all for the prayers and special messages for me and my family. I was just looking at the candle site and my Dad has almost 60. I showed my Mom today that Dad had 51 candles earlier this morning. Later when I showed one of my sisters he had 57. I think my Mom liked that he had the candles. My sister knows about the Zenyatta site and thought it was really nice that you all had done this for my Day.
I hope they all stay up till Sunday but I guess some will go out.
Again Thanks a bunch
Love Sue
Z Fans. Trina started the candles for Sue, and they are giving some comfort in a very sad time.
Let’s all keep them going for Sue’s Dad, for her Mom, for Sue and her entire family until at least Sunday as she mentioned above.
Thank you so much
Lots of times when I have been reading about Z I have been brought to tears. I have been crying over Zenyatta for years. There is just something very special and different about her. Today I am crying because you all our just unbelievable. I love you all even more Sue.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
We all love you back.
And good night, dear Zenny. Love you always.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Yes, we love you back, Sue! Hugz and love in Dumplinghood, Trina
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
Dear Sue:
We are all thinking of you!
– Linda
maryp ny
Yes, Sue, we love you back. You are and your family are now on my prayer list. God bless.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Thank you, Max. I hope people will start relighting candles so we can keep them burning through Sunday.
sorry typo Dad not day
Happy Birthday Sharon …..hope for the best day ever…
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Happy Birthday to Lisa B. It was nice to meet you at the BC among all of our Zenny friends. Still smile at the picture of all of us. Best wishes for a great year.
Belated Happy Birthday Sharon from Atlanta – hope to meet you too some day.
Great poems as always Trina. You are our historian as well as our poet laureate.
Hugs to all,
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank you very much for the birthday greeting Sandy. Hope all is fantastic with you. Will you making the trip back to SA for BC 2013. I will make plans to spend more time with all.
Lisa B
Wishing Z and 12z well,hoping the new foal will emerge soon. Stay safe Zenny,
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank You very much Ingrid.
Lisa B
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Lisa B.,
All the very best wishes to you for an absolutely grand day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more! Cheers!
Dear Sharon Call,
A very sincere greeting: HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Hope your day is just what you like and that the year will be good to you. Blessings to you for many birthdays to come! Hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Trina,
Yet again, you have created the ideal birthday gift with your well-chosen words which are just lovely!
Thanks for the love! Hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
Earth to TC — more accurately, Zennyland to Terry Crow!! Come in, please!
We sure miss you, Mr. C.
Drop us a line when you can; we worry about our friends, you know. Hope you are okay and that we will hear from you soon.
Take care, dear friend! Over and out!
I miss your redneck jokes.
maureen phi-llips
Our deepest sympathies to Mr C. Baker and his family, may his son’s soul rest in perfect peace. How very tragic to loss one so young. He will remain in our prayers. Good luck to Kuato this weekend. May the racing spirits be with him,
Good night Queen Z, Prince and little princess z, sweet dreams. Good night to all and may tomorrow bring us news of good tidings. It is well.
Dear Lisa, Happy Birthday, hope you had lots of fun and was awesomely Blessed today by our Lord.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I know that when owners pass away their horses are often sold in a dispersal sale. I was wondering what provisions have been made for Zenyatta’s future if the Moss’ are no longer with us. I’m currently preparing my will and making provisions for my two dogs in the event that they out live me. That is what got me thinking about this. We never know what the future holds for us and I want to make sure my two have a home together and plan to leave some funds for their care. I’m sure the Moss’ have addressed this issue as they are such wonderful people.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
Oh what a great picture of our happy, muddy, Zenny. Don’t worry girl, YOU LOOK GOOD IN ANYTHING!!! I’d be glad to come and brush that beautiful body anytime.
Happy Birthdays sent to Sharon Call and Lisa G. March is a great month to be born in…..Spring is just around the corner.
My sympathies go out to Sue FL and her family on their loss. I will check my candle and make sure it is still lit…….blessings to your family.
As for the Big Cap today, I love RTG and GOD but I’m going with my heart on this one and rooting for StephanOatsee, my INDY kid, who is a brother to Shack. Go,baby,go.
I’m getting nervous already for the big day, course I have a personal stake in the delivery being on March 24, but whenever your ready big girl.
Love and kisses on noses Auntie Sue
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear Maureen thank you so much for your sympathy it’s just too sad to lose a young son in such a tragic way have just seen kauto on tv at newbury he looks wonderful hugs sheena
Kauto Star posing after his Newbury appearance. Check out his braided mane. Very nice.
Kauto working.
Sorry about the above. This is an easier access link to Kauto working.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks so much for this. What a gorgeous horse. He has a beautiful eye. Hugs, JB