How will Zenyatta’s daily routine change as she gets closer to foaling?
A: Routine is one of the most important factors to keeping all horses, including Zenyatta, happy and settled. Other than moving Z to the foaling barn, her routine remains the same. She is out all day with her buddies and in the barn at night. She and the other mares in her barn are monitored 24 hours a day—with someone checking them in their respective fields during the day and with a full time night watchman keeping a close eye on them at night.

Is Zenyatta pastured with the same group of mares she was with last year at this time?
A: Z is currently with mares that have a similar foaling dates, that is how we “buddy” them up. This means that they will move into the foaling barn around the same time. Providing all goes well, they can go back out with each other post foaling and after the mares have had time to adjust to their new arrivals. One of the mares Zenyatta is with has been with her since last spring.
How will you know upon birth whether her foal will be dark bay like its dam or (will turn) gray like its sire?
A: Although some thoroughbred foals are born obviously gray, often it is difficult to tell whether a foal is going to turn gray until they are a little older. They can begin as chestnut or bay before changing color. Usually the first sign they are going to be gray is when gray hair starts presenting itself around the eyes and muzzle when they start shedding their first coat.
Questions from Roxanne Cook
Boulder Creek, CA
Our Expert
Assistant Broodmare Manager, Lane’s End
Originally from Birmingham, England, Donna joined the Lane’s End team in 2004. As Assistant Broodmare Manager, she devotes her time to ensuring the health and happiness of all the broodmares and their foals.
Joanna from TX
Ah, Zenny. I love the muddy you! We’ve started pacing some, in anticipation of the arrival of 13Z. To all the connections, thanks SO much for the updates and information.
Susie Cartwright
Thankyou so much for the Zenyatta update! I have missed her updates! I can’t wait to see her baby!
Kathy R.
Dear Sue: My prayers are with you on the loss of your Dad – rest assured that he’ll be warmly welcomed in the great beyond by my dear Dad. Hugs, KathyR.
I just love Z updates. Is she ever going to write in “her” diary again.?
Allie in Texas
Am also hoping that Ann and Jerry can be there when Zenyatta drops her Tapit foal. Zenyatta always seems so relaxed and playful when they visit. Zenyatta, you still are the most beautiful thoroughbred that I have ever seen. Love ya oodles and oodles.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you for this update on the anticipated arrival of a possible gray foal. Always wish for health of Mom and foal, but just a smidge of luck for a gray baby??? It is getting very close and we are all excited.
Love her in her muddy coat!!!
sue and tony
Zenny, being “muddy” sure looks wonderful on you. We can sense the joy in your step as you prance around the paddock. Donna, thanks for providing more insight into our Queen’s life on the farm. And to the Mosses, soon your Zenny will present you with another awesome foal. We appreciate everything you do to keep us in Zenny’s life.
Brenda S., Fort Erie, Canada
I’m so happy to see Zenny looking healthy and happy and that she’s enjoying a good roll in the mud. As usual, Lane’s End is taking really good care of our special girl. I’m also happy and proud to know that there are so many “Limeys” involved in Zenny’s daily life, I wish that I could join them, what a treat it would be to brush that mud!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda:
Good to see a post from you. How is Vic doing? Love and Hugs, JB
meredith hughes
is there a viewing place for us. I hope there is no bad weather when she is foaling. How long between her last “Baby Z” birth and this one
I hope she is strong and still happy to run dance and have fun
Ann Maree / Tennessee
News about Z is always so welcome and appreciated. Love her “I’m just a horse” look!!! Though, of course, she never will be “just a horse”! Never in a million years! Hugs to all, and thank you Donna and Alys, and all at Lane’s End who look after “our girl”!
Paula Higgins
Thank you so much for the update Donna! It looks so cold out there. I don’t know how they tolerate the cold at night but they sure seem too without any problem.
Zenny, you looked a little annoyed and ready to burst..lol..You are still a gorgeous girl momma!!! I`m always so glad to see how well taken care of you are. Kudo`s to Lanes End!! I think we`re in for a “gray filly”. I undersatand that gray is the dominant gene. Well, God bless you and all of Lanes End both equine and human…Big hugs and kisses to Zenny…Always and forever!!!!!!! ALENE
Ingrid Arnone.
Zenny, no matter what you doing, running or playing, you always look so beautiful.
I will always miss you. Big kiss.
Louise Castello
Dear Sue, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
maryann lane
So happy for the updates on Zenyatta. I so miss her diary entries. Positive energy and thoughts for a safe foaling and well Mom and 13Z
Good Night Zenny…..and BabyZ….
dear Sue….do very sorry to hear of your loss….
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Stay warm and cozy. Love ya. Hugs, JB
AMERICAIN tweet with Photo of cover of brochure
Thanks @adam_sangster for my new brochure!
Irene Caty
Zenny, you are always beautiful in every way. We are anxously waiting for Z13 to be born and know that you will be the loving Mom as usual and are waiting to see what the Gender will be. The Color should be interesting and know how you like to throw yourself.
Sending you heaven’s grace for a good foaling and many wishes of love along the way. I will be watching and waiting upon the new arrival in your life. Love you very much Queen Zenyatta.
Candi E. Carter
zenny we love you take care and be careful always God blessed you.!!!.
maureen phi-llips
Good night Queen Z, Prince, little princess z and to all Z nation fans. May the Blessings of our Lord be with you all, Amen.
Laura Peterson
When, please, was the photo at the top of the p. taken? She doesn’t look as big as I’d have expected with her due date so soon; is this from some time ago!
Thanks so much for your wonderful updates and photos of much-loved Z!
Thank you so much for the new pictures and new information!! It is always so interesting to learn what the experts at Lane’s End have to say to enlighten us on our journey with Zenyatta. I am so grateful for the continuing efforts to share our Queen with those of us who love her from afar – thank you, thank you!!!
Susan In Fl
Z you look great! Thanx for the update. Peace & Happiness
maureen phi-llips
Good morning everyone, may today be the best day yet, full of joy, good health, peace and God’s Blessings.
Queen Z, be happy, and have a wonderful day with your friends at the farm. Eat an extra carrot for the little Princess and say hi to Prince, I miss him.
LOL to all. Peace, it is well.
Great to hear about Zenny. I am checking this site more often because she must be due very soon. Hope the birth is uneventful and that mother and baby remain healthy and strong throughout.
Thank you for the information and the photos.
Bless her heart, our girl looks as if she is through with being pregnant and wants this baby to come. All of us who have been there can relate to that feeling.
No one wears mud as beautifully as Zenyatta.
Hi Zen-sters.
I’ll come back later to chat, but picked up this article in my email about Tapit and thought it very interesting. According to the author, Zenny’s foaling date is LATE March.
Let the pacing begin!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Great article. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Thanks for the article on Tapit. I love him, his dad, Pulpit, and Hansen. I am certainly no expert but have had my doubts about his progeny getting the classic distances of a mile and a quarter and the Belmont 1-1/2. Being mated with a mare like Zenyatta who hasthe stamina hopefully will produce a filly or colt who can go the distance. Think I would go to Tiznow or Afleet Alex for the stamina.
As I said before, I am certainly no expert and know that many of you all will disagree with me. Just thought I would throw this out for possible discussion.
Mary in Boone, NC
Hi Everyone!!
Abigail, thank you for posting the Tapit article. Alys, thank you as always for the photos of our Queen! Zenyatta looks so happy and healthy. I am pacing on the inside!
Take care,
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Birthday greetings to Lisa B. (The following poem is only slightly revised from last year.)
A Birthday Poem for Lisa B.
(March 1, 2013)
Our dear Lisa B
Was blessed six times to see
Beloved Z
Race from victory to victory
And additionally
Was at Churchill Downs
That day
When some, Lisa included, would say
Z reached
The loftiest peak
Of her glory
As she defended her Breeders’ Cup crown.
Here’s the story
Of how Lisa began
An ardent fan
Of Queen Z
To be.
Looking back in time,
Before August ’09
And the Clement Hirsch Stakes,
Lisa was not known as someone who takes
Particular interest in any horse race,
But soon, due to Z,
She would make
A complete about-face!
For her Del Mar
Was just a nice place,
Not too far,
With soft ocean breezes,
A place to take one’s ease
As one pleases
With a convivial friend.
’Twas by good fate
That with friends Bonny and Rosie
She made a date
That August day
At Del Mar to spend.
Together, as Lisa does say,
They the horses did play–
She and Rosie liked the name
Lethal Heat
And thus did choose
That stakes winner,
Already on simmer.
Lisa thought she’d be hard to beat,
But all the same,
Lethal Heat was about to lose…
Lisa won’t ever forget
On whom she DIDN’T bet—
That remains her one regret—
If only she could hit “reset”!
But Lisa to the paddock didn’t go
The horses better to know
And had no inkling of who Z was—
She’d heard none of the buzz—
But as she stood at the rail,
Horse by horse
They came onto the course,
And then there was Z!
Oh me oh my!
Lisa looked in her beautiful eye
And couldn’t fail
Therein to see
A wondrous quality.
After the race was run
And Z number 12 had won
(Though heaven knows,
By only a nose!),
Lisa went home, and her son
Asked her what she that day had done.
Learning she’d been at Del Mar,
He said, “You bet on Zenyatta, right?
She’s the West Coast superstar!”
He couldn’t believe his ears
When he the truth heard,
And I fear
That night
He was so bold
As his dear mom to scold
When she him told
She’d bet not on Zenyatta,
But on the horse who was third!
Nonetheless that day was the start
Of how Lisa B
Was stirred
To be a devotee
Of the great Z.
She soon knew the facts
And followed Z to other tracks–
Both Santa Anita and Hollywood Park.
Before each race,
She at the paddock would wait
For Z to arrive,
And, coming with her face to face,
Lisa would feel more alive,
Absorbing positive energy
Emanating from Z
And feeling it through her body flow.
To hear Lisa tell the tale,
It’s an inexplicable experience
As if being in the protective presence
Of the Holy Grail,
For standing next to Z you know
A special grace.
As Z’s force
Through her did course,
Lisa deep in her soul recognized
Z is a heaven-sent angel,
Only disguised
To human eyes
As a horse.
Happy birthday, Lisa, and many, many more happy returns!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Oh dear Trina,
Thank you Thank you Thank you. How this poem brings back such great memories. I Love it soooo much. I sure hope that I will get to see you soon. Maybe when Ebby races. Love YOU and God Always be with You.
Lisa B
Louise Castello
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank you Louise!!
Lisa B
Diana Stuart - Birthdays
Dear Lisa B: Very happiest on this special day! Hope to see you soon in SoCal!
Lovely Zenny: You seem a bit smaller than expected. Maybe a dainty filly within?
Aunties and Uncles: Wednesday, March 20th is the Equinox. Wednesday, March 27th is the next full moon. Of course before those dates there’s March 8th and March 9th. For some reason, I seem to recall those being important dates. :-)
Start brewing the coffee. Scratch up a foal watch shift chart. Sign me up!
diastu in tempe
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Diana:
Maybe St. Paddy’s Day! Hugs, JB
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank you very much Diana. When will you be heading out to CA? I sure hope it is soon. Take Care
Lisa B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Lovely. Hugs, JB
Happy Birthday Lisa B. Hugs, JB