How will Zenyatta’s daily routine change as she gets closer to foaling?
A: Routine is one of the most important factors to keeping all horses, including Zenyatta, happy and settled. Other than moving Z to the foaling barn, her routine remains the same. She is out all day with her buddies and in the barn at night. She and the other mares in her barn are monitored 24 hours a day—with someone checking them in their respective fields during the day and with a full time night watchman keeping a close eye on them at night.

Is Zenyatta pastured with the same group of mares she was with last year at this time?
A: Z is currently with mares that have a similar foaling dates, that is how we “buddy” them up. This means that they will move into the foaling barn around the same time. Providing all goes well, they can go back out with each other post foaling and after the mares have had time to adjust to their new arrivals. One of the mares Zenyatta is with has been with her since last spring.
How will you know upon birth whether her foal will be dark bay like its dam or (will turn) gray like its sire?
A: Although some thoroughbred foals are born obviously gray, often it is difficult to tell whether a foal is going to turn gray until they are a little older. They can begin as chestnut or bay before changing color. Usually the first sign they are going to be gray is when gray hair starts presenting itself around the eyes and muzzle when they start shedding their first coat.
Questions from Roxanne Cook
Boulder Creek, CA
Our Expert
Assistant Broodmare Manager, Lane’s End
Originally from Birmingham, England, Donna joined the Lane’s End team in 2004. As Assistant Broodmare Manager, she devotes her time to ensuring the health and happiness of all the broodmares and their foals.
Linda Shull
She looks good but needs a bath. How often is she bathed? Is it because of the weather right now? Thanks for all the information that has been given. How is her baby doing?
Lisa Frey
Has 12Z been given a name yet?
Love the Zenyatta updates and the ask the experts column.
Keep up the good work.
Stonestreet Farm on Facebook & Twitter
Gearing up for this afternoon’s Rachel update from Rood & Riddle with four photos of her Bernardini filly taken on Saturday, with the very patient nurse mare Ojos!
Here are the PHOTOS from Stonestreet Farm tweet
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Keta–these are great! Thank you so much.
So exciting to see the filly thriving. She looks happy.
Wonder if she has any paddock mates.
Hugs, Keta
Did you notice that she seems to have Rachel’s (famous) eye? I hope that means she’s got A LOT of Rachel!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
RA’s little filly does have her “eye”. She seems feisty and spunky like RA was as a foal too. Here’s a photo of RA as a foal. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for these adorable photos of RA’s foal and Ojos. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks Keta – she looks like a handful! Maybe someday her Prince will come by :-)
Especially Horses / So Cal
Oh Keta! These are just wonderful.
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear Keta,
Thank you, you always find so many interesting things, you are a very special person. Ingrid.
How adorable!! Thanks for sharing, Keta. I haven’t had time to check the web and your messages and links always help so I feel like I’m not missing as much. :)
Lisag In Texas
Ms Zenyatta definately looks like she needs a bath, but how did she get this way? Having fun and living life to the fullest. You go, Queen. I love you, Lisag
The Queen certainly is enjoying the known benefits of mud baths. I’ll bet her groom gets mighty tired of currying her- that’s a LOT of real estate to cover, but oh she’s so worth it. THanks for the updates as always, and the wonderful photos. It’s nice to be able to stay “involved” with her. She’s one in a million, that’s for sure.
Thank you for the information! She looks healthy and happy. When is her “due date”?
Marilu V
Thank you for the information. Zenyatta is in good hands.
Praying for her safe delivery and a healthy baby.
Nora Peterson
I love how she’s all muddy! She looks just like my mares when they are pregnant. They all roll in the mud too. :) I think it’s part of their spring routine. Mud helps their winter coat come loose and I think their skin is starting to itch because of the pregnancy stretching. I love how she gets to be a real horse! She really looks happy. :)
Kathy R.
Dear Nora: Thanks for that comment – hadn’t thought about the itchiness with the stretching – just another terrific way you clever people teach me something every day! Cheers, KathyR.
That is one muddy mare! She looks happy and content just like a horse should. Beginning to wonder when…
Mucho Macho Man will miss Gulfstream Park Handicap due to virus
By Mike Welsch Daily Racing Form 02/28/2013 12:35PM
HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. – The much anticipated rematch between Fort Larned and Mucho Macho Man, the first- and second-place finishers in the Breeders’ Cup Classic, that was expected to take place in the Gulfstream Park Handicap on March 9 is off. That news came Thursday morning after the connections of Mucho Macho Man revealed their horse has a minor ailment that will prevent him from defending his title in the Grade 2 Gulfstream Park Handicap.
“Mucho Macho Man has been diagnosed with a mild virus, and we will not enter him in the Gulfstream Park Handicap,” trainer Kathy Ritvo said Thursday.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Disappointed for my Boy MMM. Better that he recovers from this virus though. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Oh no! Sorry Judy :-( Get well soon MMM!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Power Up MMM!
Zenny looks great. I’m another who is happy to se her enjoying life as a egular horse, although we know she really isn’t “regular” about anything. The questions were interesting. Thanks, Donna, for the answers.
Brenda Peterson
Mares often like the mud and use it as an insulator during very cold days of the year. Trust me, it has been very cold here in Kentucky this winter! It is an okay thing that she has dried mud on her, especially in the midsection of her body.
Kathy R.
Dear Brenda: Another terrific comment – I guess (coming from Downunder) we only have to think about protection from the heat – smart creatures knowing that the mud will act as insulation. Cheers, KathyR.
Oh, Zenny! You sure look like you’re having fun. If your groom needs some help cleaning you up I can be available on a moments notice.
Donna, I enjoyed your answers to some very good questions.
Soon, the pacing begins.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Loved the comment about cleaning Z is like “covering a lot of real estate”. That was great to know about the mud being a good insulator. Never thought of that. Our boy is a champion roller, and I don’t even want to tell you how long it’s been since he’s had a bath. But it’s been cool and very windy, even here in TX.
@Donna and Roxanne–thank you for the great question and answers. It’s been a while since we went through this last year, so I know know I needed a refresher course. Those who are in various stablemates programs have a heads up on the process.
Shuruq Storms To UAE Oaks Victory
Godolphin News Posted 28 February 2013, 18:32 GMT
Shuruq appreciated the longer distance of the Group Three UAE Oaks Sponsored By Al Dana Wealth Management at Meydan on Thursday, February 28 and won very well from two other Godolphin runners, Lovely Pass and Music Chart.
Trained by Saeed bin Suroor and ridden by Paul Hanagan, the three-year-old Elusive Quality filly raced in fifth of the nine runners for the nine and a half furlong Classic on Tapeta before improving to fourth at the start of the final bend.
She went third turning into the straight and soon hit the front after levelling up, going clear to win very comfortably by four lengths in 1m 58.72s.
Darley tweet
Godolphin’s Shuruq, by #ElusiveQuality, an impressive wnr of the G3 UAE Oaks at Meydan, bringing her sire’s total of Graded winners to 27
Debbie G/Kentucky (PUR)
Zenyatta looks so happy and healthy. I love seeing her covered in mud. It makes me feel good knowing that she’s doing all those things that horses naturally like to do. Thank you for answering all of our questions and sharing these great photos, Lanes End. You guys are the best!
Kathy R.
Second that comment, Lane’s End and Donna.
Mike Smith rides March 2 – Santa Anita
Magnum Force Wgt-124 Race 1 Maiden Special Weight
Sweet Factory Wgt-121 Race 4 Maiden Special Weight
Scarlet Strike Wgt-117 Race 6 Las Virgenes S.
Press Baron (GB) Wgt-119 Race 7 Allowance Optional Claiming $40,000
Fed Biz Wgt-118 Race 9 Frank E. Kilroe Mile S.
Game On Dude Wgt-125 Race 10 Santa Anita H.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Wow! Busy day for MIke!
Zenyatta, my lady…you look fabulous…ahh…what a good life…room to run and grass…friends and a nice, big muddy spot to roll in….
You are positivley glowing (even through all that delicious mud) and look as happy as any horse could ever be!
Looking forward to the birth of Z13.!
Please thank everyone at Land’s End for sharing your latest pictures and for the report on how you are doing.
Will be checking back everyday for news about your new baby…
God Bless!
Diana Stuart
OMG Zenny’s turning grey! Oh wait, that’s just a nice coat of mud. My bad. But I think she looks beautiful in any coat, any color!
I’m thinking PINK (and grey) (that’s how I spell it and I’m stickin’ with it :-) )
dia-back-under-my-rock-stu in tempe
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Diana:
I’m thinking Grey Filly too. Love and Hugs, JB
sue and tony
We think gray and filly, too!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
We’ve missed you!
I am thinking Pink and Dark Bay!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lane’s End Team and Team Z:
Thank you so much for these wonderful photos of Z. She looks like she’s having so much fun. Maybe all that rolling will hasten the foaling. She looks great. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear lanes end wonderful to see our Zenyatta blooming great Q and A very informative was very sad to hear about sue’s dad he is at peace now with God may her memories bring great comfort hugs sheena ps great news about rachels ‘improvement lovely pic of her outside eating!!
sharon in seattle
I’m happy to see Zenny all muddied up and lookin’ good!! I can’t believe it’s time for foal#2 already. Seems like just minutes ago she was chasing Blame to the wire in the BC Classic. In hindsight, I think I’m one of the poeple who now consider that Classic race one of Zenny’s finest moments. (and th 2009 Classic!)
Thanks for the photos. She looks good in mud, and its great to see her just being a happy horse, whether it’s rolling in the mud or dancing in the snow. Love her and think of her every day, with a smile.
Rachel Alexandra’s Road Toward Recovery “Better than Expected”
Stonestreet Farm News February 28, 2013: Lexington, KY:
Veterinarians at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, KY remain pleased with Rachel Alexandra’s progress following abdominal surgery resulting from foaling complications in mid-February.
Dr. Brett Woodie, who performed the surgery, calls her recovery “better than expected.”
As updated over the weekend, Rachel’s appetite was good enough that she was taken off IV fluids and nutrition on Saturday. She continues to hand walk and graze several times a day and her vitals are normal and her trademark spirit has returned, including a nip here and there.
Keta Note: For full story & photo of Rache grazing, click on the link.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks Keta for your always timely postings and updates. So good to hear that Rachel is doing well, but i’m sticking with the PUR for now. Is that thing she has on like a rain coat? Not sure if the point is keeping the horse warm, dry, or both?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you so much for this update article on RA.
Sound like knows the hospital staff is trying to help her and she’s surprising even them with the progress she’s made. Power Up RA. Prayers are with you. Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Thanks for the information on Rachael – agree with others, don’t think it’s time to let St Francis go just yet. Hugs, KathyR.
I agree…Rachel still has a long recovery road in front of her and we need to still keep her in our thoughts and prayers. She is one awesome mare to fight her way back from being so sick. She and Paynter are showing us how tremendous the strength and courage is in our horses and what a strong will they have to survive!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Thanks, Keta. Power Up Rachel!
I wonder if Ann and Jerry are planning on visiting Zenyatta near the time of the foaling. I sure hope so. I know their presence must have been very reassuring to Zenny.
Today has been a heart breaking day.
I want to say that this site is one of the best things I have ever participated in.
I love Zenyatta and that fact brought me to all of you here.
I can’t imagine what I would feel like without this site.
I hope that the Z team knows what a difference this site makes and it is not just a blog.
This is a home and a family.
Zenny’s home and extended family.
I love you all and a special thanks for the love filled messages today.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sending you Z-size hugs, Sue, in this heartbreaking time..
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
♥ Our hearts are with you and your family, Sue. I’m glad you could check in today to see the messages for you. ♥
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sue, I’m sorry you lost your dad. Take very good care.
Thanks so much. Interesting info. She looks so happy!!
Zenyatta is still the MOST beautiful horse I have ever seen, and her magic is still as strong as ever. I am really thinking a grey (spelled the European way, with Street Cry being Irish, and Vertigineux being a French name) filly is on her way. Beautiful, beautiful Zenny, roll in the mud all you want! You deserve to be the happiest mare on earth. much love and many prayers around you, sweetheart. h+++
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear sue thinking of you at this very sad time and keeping you in my prayers hugs sheena
Alex Bowdoin in MA
She looks SO HAPPY and love to see her covered in MUD…..She deserves this life after her racing and training days!! THANK YOU LEF for this wonderful post. HUGS TO ALL…..P.S. how about 3/16 Dear Sweet Z……