How will Zenyatta’s daily routine change as she gets closer to foaling?
A: Routine is one of the most important factors to keeping all horses, including Zenyatta, happy and settled. Other than moving Z to the foaling barn, her routine remains the same. She is out all day with her buddies and in the barn at night. She and the other mares in her barn are monitored 24 hours a day—with someone checking them in their respective fields during the day and with a full time night watchman keeping a close eye on them at night.

Is Zenyatta pastured with the same group of mares she was with last year at this time?
A: Z is currently with mares that have a similar foaling dates, that is how we “buddy” them up. This means that they will move into the foaling barn around the same time. Providing all goes well, they can go back out with each other post foaling and after the mares have had time to adjust to their new arrivals. One of the mares Zenyatta is with has been with her since last spring.
How will you know upon birth whether her foal will be dark bay like its dam or (will turn) gray like its sire?
A: Although some thoroughbred foals are born obviously gray, often it is difficult to tell whether a foal is going to turn gray until they are a little older. They can begin as chestnut or bay before changing color. Usually the first sign they are going to be gray is when gray hair starts presenting itself around the eyes and muzzle when they start shedding their first coat.
Questions from Roxanne Cook
Boulder Creek, CA
Our Expert
Assistant Broodmare Manager, Lane’s End
Originally from Birmingham, England, Donna joined the Lane’s End team in 2004. As Assistant Broodmare Manager, she devotes her time to ensuring the health and happiness of all the broodmares and their foals.
Beth Alexander
Thanks Lane’s End for the pictures of Z. She is still my favorite and I will love her always!
Jane Wade
Thanks for the update and pictures! Wishing her a safe and easy delivery!
When is her due date?
maryp ny
Love Roxanne’s questions. Thank you Donna for anwering them and for posting new pics of Z. She sure looks happy being all “messy”! It’s great to know there is always a watchful eye on all the mares. What a great job you have!! I am soooooooo GREEN!!!
Best to you,
A good sign for if they’re going to turn gray is if they’re born looking a very rich, dark bay. Bays usually aren’t born looking bay.
Cathy VanKempen
I was told that besides obvious genetics how a broodmare is fed can determine the size and substance of a foal, that much of the development determining adult size and substance is established during gestation and nutrition is key. Is this true, and if so how and what are your broodmares fed? Are they all fed the same or basically the same, or does a big girl like Zenyatta get a different formula then a more average size mare.
Lovely pics! Am amazed that in the top photo, Zenny doesn’t look as if she’s in foal – carries it high and tight.
I’m also curious as to what Lane’s End feeds their broodies; especially what supps they administer to help prevent DOD’s in the babies.
Donna, thank you for the updates and yes, you are absolutely living the dream!
Z looks so happy and healthy and gorgeous! Thank you for all the info;) and especially for the photos!
Perky Green
Thanks for the photos. I’am on pins and needles already,and hoping for you a safe and healthy delivery. Please keep us posted.
Great Q & A. Getting excited for big Mama Z to have another baby!
I have to say she looks great – the (muddy) pic of her above. Her body – still as beautiful as ever.
Thanks for the updates! I know Zennie is Loved and cared for by all. Can’t wait to see what baby number two looks like. Praying for her to have another safe delivery.
Thanks for the info and pictures. I love seeing Zenyatta just being a horse all muddy and everything.
Dirty mare.. She does not even look in foal in that top pic, let alone due within a month!
Jan S. / Houston
Thank you Donna. As always, the Q & A are so interesting & informative.
Zenny looks big & fabulous. How is 12Z doing.
Good Day Zenny
I see you are keeping up with the spa appts and mud baths…good girl
On another front …just saw a handful of pictures of RA13 and Ojas ….the not-so-little one is very feisty…found them on fb..but I am sure Stonestreet has posted them too
have a great day everyone…
come on Calvin….get number 5000 today
kisses for all soft noses…
carolinarkansas. Zenyatta seems to be following your advice on the mud spa. She looks extremely agile for a horse who is about to give birth. Beautiful too as always.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I was thinking the same thing. She looks full of energy. Hugs, JB
JudyB. She also looks quite proud of her muddy coat. Zenny is making sure that grooms can keep their jobs. She’s so great.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Too cute, Max–Zenyatta’s full employment program!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Leave it to Z. She helps the Industry in so many ways. Hugs, JB
Mary - Lynchburg, Virginia
Thanks for the update. As someone said above…… I will also always love her. I miss seeing her race and feeling the excitement as you see her coming from the back. But it is more wonderful seeing her so happy because she deserves it at this time of her life. She brought all us fans so much fun and happiness and now it is her turn.
♥ Love Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif.
♥ What a pleasant surprise to check in today and find an update on Our Queen!
As her foaling date gets closer all her Aunties will start pacing the floor awaiting the news! Personally, I’m hoping for a pink blanket :-) IF Zenny waits until April, I hope she foals on the 1st for her birthday – that would be TOO CUTE!!
♥ {{{HUGS}}} Auntie Judy (sending all my love and best wishing for a safe delivery). XO
♥ Love Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif.
p.s. Zenny loves those Mud Baths lol
I wish you a safe and happy foaling this year! I’m hoping it’s a little princess this time.
Especially Horses / So Cal
A couple of more weeks for Baby 13Z…..Alys, you are camera ready right? LOL.
Joyce Groth
Hope that all goes well for Zenyatta. We all love her so very much. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
A muddy horse is a happy horse.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
I’m glad I read this before I said something ignorant about the mud (i.e., oooh, ick, yuckie, etc :-)
Wow… someone had herself a good roll in the mud! She sure looks happy though. Loved the THREE questions for today. Thanks to Roxanne for asking and Donna for answering, and of course Alys for always taking the most wonderful pictures. Today’s photos remind me of going out to catch my horse to tack up for a trail ride and finding her looking just as muddy as Zenny, and I knew I was in for a major cleanup before I could even think about riding… very fond memories.
Ann NC
Thanks,Donna for the great info.
Thanks,Alys for the photos.
Zenny, you look so happy and beautiful!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thank YOU for the update. Always love the pictures!!
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Thank you for answering all three of my questions! I am SO HONORED!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Roxenne:
Very interesting questions I think a lot of us were wondering about. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Great questions Roxanne – high hoof!
Well somebody sure enjoyed her mud bath!!! How are you supposed to know what is an acceptable weight gain for a pregnant mare, especially one as big as our girl?
Suzie Stammer
Yes, a big thank you for keeping us all in the loop with our beloved Zenny! She certainly looks happy and enjoying just where she is meant to be. I’d say you better bundle her up today as the temperature has dropped and will continue to do so today here in Lexington, KY.
Thanks for your loving care not only of Zenny, butof all the horses at Lane’s End!
maureen phi-llips
This is a good day!, imagine my surprise when I logged in again this morning and saw a new pic of the Queen!, quite frankly I thought I had the wrong page and took a double take!. Thanks Alys for the new pics of the Queen, she is looking mightly royal, happy and healthy!. Am so happy, I knew it was going to be a great day.
Again, Z, eat an extra carrot for the little princess. Say hi to Prince if you get to see him. Missing him, for real.
LOL to all, may God’s Blessings be on all. It is well.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
I have sad news to share. Our dear Dumpling Sue in FL’s dad passed away this morning after a brief hospital stay and transfer just yesterday to hospice.
Dear Sue, I am so sorry for your dad’s passing. My heart aches for you and your family as you suffer the pain and grief of your loss. In the midst of your sorrow, I hope your hearts will nonetheless find some comfort in knowing that he now rests beyond pain at the side of the Lord.
In sympathy,
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Yesterday I started a virtual candle site for Sue and her dad. I invite you all to join me there. If you are unfamiliar with the site, just click on any unlit candle and follow the five guided steps to keep your candle lit. It will then stay lit for 48 hours. Thank you all.
Thank you for letting us know.
My deepest sympathy to Sue & her family. Candle has been lit.
Hugs, Keta
I am very touched by your thoughtfulness. I love all of you. Sue
So sorry for your loss, Sue. I will hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Trina,
Thank you for the candle link. Hugs
Dear Sue in FL,
Sincere condolences to you and your family. May warm memories of your father help to comfort you. Hugs
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUDJ
Oh no!!! Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. I also lit a candle. Thank you Trina.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
So sorry to hear of Sue’s Dad passing away. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
My deepest sympathy to you and your family at the loss of your Dad. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Dear Sue,
I’m so sorry for the loss of your Dad. We’re all thinking about you and your family at this difficult time.
MC Parris
Zenyatta looks so happy!!!!! Thank you Lane’s End for all the information to be able to learn! It’s fun to see her having fun being all muddy too!