I consider Alys an expert! Does she have any advice for taking these wonderful photos? Not just equipment (although that is always of interest), but time of day, how to get those amazing action shots, beautiful portraits, etc. I enjoy her photography so much! Thank you, Alys.
Betsy McGrath
New York, NY

A: Obviously good equipment does help a great deal, and you need a camera that is capable of shooting at high speed. I use a Canon 7D that was very generously given to me by the Mosses. A telephoto zoom lens helps me get close to the action when I’m shooting in a large paddock.
Light is one of the most important factors. Good light can make all the difference to a photo. In the summer I try to shoot early or late to avoid too much glare. The light is softer earlier on in the day especially in KY where we are quite humid. In the dead of winter it is pretty much the opposite—I go and shoot once the sun is at full strength.
As far as the action shots go, a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time. Most of the time the horses are pretty tranquil here so there isn’t a lot of action. The best time to shoot is when they are first turned back out. The yearlings and foals will usually run and play for a little while after they have been up and in separate stalls for a few hours.
I walk the fields and paddocks quite frequently as I find that is the best way to get to know the young stock and I always carry a camera, which often can lead to some nice shots. I am a total amateur so don’t let that hold you back. Invest in a decent camera and lens and fire away!!
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Hard to ignore Black Caviar’s little brother as colt continues to deliver on raceday
by:Glenn McFarlane From:Herald Sun February 24, 201312:00AM
All Too Hard, Black Caviar’s not-so-little and more valuable (at least in dollar terms) half brother, turned on another electrifying performance to win the Futurity Stakes yesterday and almost certainly has the Australian Guineas at his mercy.
If you have got nothing on next Saturday, make sure you are at Flemington to see it. If you do have something on, cancel it. Get out to headquarters anyway.
He’s that good and he’s well worth the admission price alone.
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Guess that story means that you’re heading Downunder?
Kathy R
Oh so temptiing-but oh so long a flight
But, a lovely thought and dream.
Hugs, Keta
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Love you, Hugs, JB
Judy B. Everyone needs to know what an amazing person you are! You have directly saved THREE thoroughbreds and get them in a safe place and you did all of this just within the last couple of months. You are one of fthe best people I’ve ever had the priviledge of knowing and you not only “talk the talk” but you quite definitely “walk the walk”. Congratulations, Judy, for saving these three sweet souls.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon C.:
What a sweet post from you. Thank you so much for your kind words, but please know that without you and the other EAN members, this could not have happened.
All of you and Angela made the rescue of Papa Charlie, Summer Wind Gigi and Hudson Township possible. Thank you from my heart. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. I must have missed Gigi’s full name before now. That is a great name, Summer Wind Gigi. And we are all very proud of you and Angela for finding happy homes for these horses. Please keep the stories about them coming. Love them all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Thank you for your kind words, Max.
Today I got some very good news from Angela. She is keeping Gigi and is adopting HT in addition to Papa Charlie. So they will all be staying right there on the farm. She wants them all to have an equal amount of attention, so she has arranged for Gigi and HT to have their own personal friend. Joanna will be grooming, exercising Gigi and giving her a lot of attention and Christina will be doing the same for HT. Angela wants to devote her time to Papa Charlie, so this works out for all of them. Angela is taking on the financial responsibility for all three of them. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met and I am so grateful to have found her.
Without the help and generosity of Sharon from Atlanta and other EAN members and Angela, we could not have rescued these beautiful horses. I feel so lucky because I get to spend time with them every week and because I have found friends like Sharon, Angela and you.
Will continue to post updates on PC, GG and HT. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
YAY, Judy B.!!
Thanks to you and EAN for all the wonderful work you do. Keep us posted on these beautiful creatures! Bless you!
Marshall (NC broad)
A million thanks to Angela, too! What a kind and giving heart she has!
Bless you, Angela, and all your associates. Best wishes, always.
Kathy R.
Dear Judy: I really look forward to your goodnight message to the magical Zenyatta, and her babies! Makes me feel good for the night too. Hugs to you, KathyR.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R.:
Love and Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear judy always look out for your goodnight messages feel all is well with the world hugs sheena
Good Morning Zenny…hope all is well with you….
Eat……rest……exercise ….sleep …..spa appts ……mud baths…looks like your schedule is full
read an article last week that said Derby picture would be clearer after Saturday …waters seem murkier ….oh well heres hoping Verrazano runs and gets some points at some point…still 6 races that winners will prob get in and another 7 where winners and seconds could get enough points to make it…like Orb
congratulation to MoL and and to BC’s little bro who seems to be the real deal
Kisses to all soft noses
maureen phi-llips
Good morning everyone, hope today is a gloriously Blessed day for everyone. Today am in sunny California, a far cry from the cold Chicago I left yesterday!
Dear Judy B from Rhode Island, I agree with everyone else about feeling all warm when I see your good night greetings to the Queen and her brood born and unborn. Sometimes I only just login to see if you have posted your good night greetings. Funny about life and what some little thing gives joy to people even when it was not intended and not the original intent. Lastly, whenever you comment on something I wrote I feel so happy with a capital H, not because you thought what I wrote was worth responding to but because you always said ‘Dear maureen’! Thank you.
Queen Z, hope the sun is shining out there today, enjoy and say hi to the Prince if he comes around and of cause, some carrots to the little angel still within.
To all Z nation family, peace and love.
To Rachel, sending good health and the best day yet. To your little angel, kisses on her forehead and her soft nose.
To All too Hard, Black Caviar’s little Bro, Congratulations. Isn’t he such a handsome dud though?
LOL to all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Maureen and Z Fans:
Thank you for enjoying my Goodnight posts to Z, Prince and Baby Z. Did he same thing last year when Z was carrying 12Z.
Wishing for an easy foaling and excellent health for Z and Baby Z and, of course, excellent health and racing soundness for The Prince.
It’s just amazing how our love for all of them has brought us together. Hugs to all of you, JB
Ann NC
He has some great- grand sires too.
Talk about shaking things up,exciting.
Ann C. Storm Cat. Wow indeed. That was a great race. Any one of the first five were in contention. Very exciting.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann, Max and Z Fans:
Wow, is right; 135 to 1. I remember ISAN’s sire, Yankee Gentleman racing at New York tracks. Being a Yankees fan, I noticed him immediately. ISAN has a really nice pedigree. Thanks for this article, Ann. Hugs, JB
I’ve Struck A Nerve’s Pedigree Chart
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops. Let me try that again. Hugs, JB
I wasn’t able to access your beautiful new edition to your family, but he/she sounds sweet and in need of some TLC! It is so very hard when a beloved pet dies, because they have become part of the family. I too had a similar experience, a barn cat that had been living outside all her life (16 years) was brutally attacked by a dog, it was so awful to see this dog throw her around like a rag doll, her injuries were so severe the vet recommended that she be put to sleep. As she was no longer aloud to live at the barn (the only home she had ever known) I was elected by my fellow co-workers to bring her home because I was the only cat owner in the bunch ( I already had 2) where I proceeded to turn my downstairs bathroom into a sterile environment for her to die in peace and in warmth. As it turns out she recovered fully and with such loving gratitude and with that she soon became a sweet member of our family! We had her an additional 5 years, she was sweet, kind, and oh so adorable even at 21, she passed last March 2012 in my arms, knowing how much I loved her, I buried her under a tree in my front yard where she occasionally would lay when I took her outside for some sunshine! I miss her terribly, she was “my couch buddy” always had to be right next to you, and sampling whatever it was you were eating! Unfortunately, my 18 year old cat is failing in health too, I know it is only a matter of time before she joins my sweet “Marbs” in kitty cat heaven, I am hoping she will hang on til spring so she too can be buried somewhere in my yard.
God works in mysterious ways sometimes, you know what they say “We make plans and God laughs”! ( I’m beginning to believe it!)
Best of Luck with your new little one! How Fun!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Girl Saratoga–thank you so much for sharing your story. You are a good mommy! Twenty-one is record-breaking, I would think. I am so glad they bring and have brought you so much joy, but it is so hard to let them go. Sympathetic hugs.
Louise Castello
GS, I love your story! How wonderful that cat got to live out her years and have a wonderful life because of you. I had a cat that lived to be 22 and died in my daughter’s arms. He was a wonderful boy and no one believed he was 22. These kitties can live so long, it’s amazing. I only wish dogs lived that long, too. I know small dogs can, but I always have big dogs and never had one live over 13. So sad! Of course, then the door is opened to give a new one a good home so God must know what he is doing!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Louise:
Love your story too. Wonderful long life your boy had. Hugs, JB
That is a special story thank you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Girl Saratoga:
What a horrible thing to have happen. God Bless you for giving this beautiful sweetie a happy, safe life for her remaining years. Hope your 18 year old stays with you for a while longer. Always sad to lose them. Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
Dear Girl Sarotoga: Agree with all the comments above. God bless. Hugs, KathyR.
Jerry Bossert New York Daily News tweet
Violence is off Derby Trail after sustaining sesamoid fracture
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
I just heard that too on TVG. What a sad story (and to think what a great race he ran!). They didn’t say when or how they noticed – I suppose it could have happened after the race but . . . . Hope you get well Violence!
Really sad about Violence. Love him and his pedigree. The way he ran in the race marked him as the horse to beat for the Derby. At least he will have a good life back at the farm in Kentucky.
On an upbeat note. It is so heartwarming to get on this blog and see the pictures of our sweet Zenny each morning. Not too much longer until little Z13 arrives. Hope it is a filly and looks just like her.
PAYNTER UPDATE SUNDAY FEB. 24 2013 Justin Zayat tweet
@santaanitapark #LOOKINGFORWARD #poweruppaynter #roadtorecovery
ESPN Horse Racing tweet
In The Gate reports 2012 Belmont Stakes runner-up Paynter will return to the track
with a 3 furlong breeze on Tuesday.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this update on Paynter. Hugs, JB
Keta. Thank you. Paynter, power up. Stay healthy and safe.
Darlene Daniels
Great news about Paynter, sad news about Violence. Continue to pray for Rachel and now Violence. Hugs.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Has anyone posted that RA is off her IV fluids and nutrition? If so, I’m sorry for the repeat. Go, RA! She is so much improved.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Barbara,
Yes, this is wonderful news. I saw a picture of Rachel Alexandra on facebook, they said “she has her Diva look in her eyes again” and I have to agree. Hugs to you. Give Money a kiss for me, tell him his Indiana friend thinks of him often.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Darlene! We can thank our friend, Zenny, for telling him about pears. He has a “party” every time he gets one.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
So glad to know RA is doing so much better. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Orb comes out of Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth in good shape
by Press Release | 02.24.2013 | 3:45pm Gulfstream Park/Paulick Report
Trainer Shug McGaughey reported Sunday that Orb exited his stretch-running victory in Saturday’s $400,000 Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth (G2) at Gulfstream Park in good order.
“He came back fine. He’s at Payson Park – that’s where he lives. I was with him when he got on the van (Saturday) night, and he was fine. And they tell me he’s fine today.”
Orb, who had won an entry-level allowance race at Gulfstream on Jan. 26, rallied from seventh under John Velazquez to capture his stakes debut with a half-length triumph over previously undefeated Violence, the 3-5 favorite.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this good news on Orb. Wishing all stay safe and sound. Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
Barakey update (courtesy of Deanne Lester on Punterspostmortem on Skysportsradio). Deanne was with the trainer of Barakey (Jim Taylor) and the jockey (Jason Brown). Jason told Deanne that Barakey was stirred up when a horse in the adjoining stall kicked the barrier – the jockey said he reacted as if the gates were meant to open, and dived, getting caught up under them in the process. He banged his head quite hard in all of this, with only a minor scratch, but the connections all felt happy with the scratching under the circumstances.
The field is held here when a horse needs replating – they have a farrier at the gates. If a horse is being particularly hard to load, they will scratch, but usually the field is backed out while farrier work is done.
Justin Zayat tweet
@jazz3162 For those who are wondering how to see Paynter work on Tuesday.
We will have it on his page!
Keta Note; Here is the link
Kathy R.
Barakey update from the Adelaide Advertiser:
Kathy R
Great news that he is okay.
Can’t wait for his next race
Hugs, Keta
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi to all Zsters; It is sad to hear of Violence fracturing the sesomoid(spelling?) I sure hope that the evaluation goes well for him. (However, why would someone chose a name “violence”?
So thrilled to hear RA is progressing and congratulations to Black Caviar!!!
I read some of your projected due time for our Zenyatta. Geez, pretty soon I will refuse to travel away in March!! ha Z has and will always be on my mind and I will be thinking of her and praying for Z and her new foal……princess Z?
I hope soon after the birth of her new foal, our dear friends The Mosses will give us the name for 12Z. I am sure they have given a lot of thought as he is growing up and showing his stuff, but the name has to fit him in their minds. Do you remember when Dotties son, David?, who was at the auction when he purchased Z said something like, “You better come up with a great name, because I think she is a winner”.?
Zenyatta, the first time I saw her, the name fit her!! There was something so special about her. Perhaps Ann & Jerry have been looking for “signs” coming from 12z and then they will know……YES, his name must be _________.
I know Ann & Jerry will be arriving at Lane’s End for Zenyatta’s 2nd foaling. I don’t think you could ever keep Ann away; Jerry too!
Perhaps I have not thanked all of you for all your imput day after day when I am away from the post. You all are just so great keeping our contact with Zenyatta alive. I love you all for this! Have a wonderful evening, hugs, Sally B
Goodnight my love Zenyatta, pleasant dreams and peace.
love & kisses on your soft nose, kisses for 12z too Auntie Sally B
Especially Horses / So Cal
It is sad about Violence, I heard that not only is he off the Derby Trail, but he has been retired. I too don’t like the name “Violence”. I know his dam is Violent Beauty, but with his sire being Medaglia d’Oro there had to be more appropriate choices for such a beautiful animal. Sometimes I think it is fortunate that the horses don’t know some of the names given to them.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I agree with the comments about the name. Don’t understand that at all.
Oy–we are so busy here with basketball–I hope I don’t miss the big day. Will try to keep up through March Madness. Will be on the road a lot (I hope!)
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi again; I covered again for Sun a.m. out at the Horse Sanctuary today. There had been two weeks of big Sir showing his dominance as taking over the herd so to speak.
If you remember, the little Hakney ponie was chasing Sir away from the hay feeders and such and of course Sir was the last one to arrive there. Now, Sir was chasing every one whenever he decided and one had to be prepared when working outside. (I did feel bad for the oldest, Fancy & Frito as they never had really bothered Sir) Then there was a wound discovered on Frito back end and every one became concerned about Sirs aggressiveness. At the monthly meeting some were saying what should be done about Sir. Has he shown his teeth to anyone? etc. I spoke saying since he arrived he was always chased away from feeding on hay and stood out waiting for a time he could come to feed. In our cold weather perhaps his instincts told him to go for the food. I am learning however, that whether the need for more food in this cold Wi weather or as was suggested he could be in pain somehow, all seemed to have settled down in the last week. Today was just perfect. It was sunny, about 20 degrees, there was no chasing and all were so content I hung around much longer, picking up poop and observing thinking what a great morning I have started my day with. I sometimes think that all us member volunteers become so concerned when in the end the horses work it out among themselves. I sure feel so close to these older horses. I wish I could get my BFF to come down and share a day with me.
hugs to all, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
So glad the horses have settled their differences. They have a way of working things out. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
I note there are several ‘Barbie’ fans here — along with Australian racing. I put this little montage together to enjoy her races, articles about her, and her amazing jockey Lauren and her lovely trainer. Hopefully all of the links will work for you. (I will also post this at the Forum). Here goes:
They were taking on the might of Darley, of Peter Moody, of David Hayes, but Daniel Clarken, Lauren Stojakovic and Miracles Of Life handled the pressure with ease to score a dominant win in the $1,000,000 Group 1 Patinack Farm Blue Diamond Stakes (1200m) at Caulfield on Saturday. – Trainer Clarken wasn’t far off giving the game up and apprentice Stojakovic had only just started her career but they brought brilliant filly Miracles Of Life across from Morphettville and breathed more life into what is now a fairytale story.
Barrier one was supposed to be problematic but Stojakovic rode like a seasoned professional, sitting just off the speed, taking advantage of a dream run after straightening before kicking clear to score a commanding victory in the second biggest two-year-old race in the country. More ==> http://www.thoroughbrednews.com.au/australia/default.aspx?id=65014
Post race review Blue Diamond Day, including All Too Hard and Miracles of Life wins: http://youtu.be/AkVKnCcTJ4U
Miracles of Life takes Blue Diamond Stakes http://www.racingnetwork.com.au/miracles-of-life-wins-blue-diamond-stakes/tabid/83/newsid/11875/default.aspx
Blue Diamond replay, Feb. 23, 2013 http://www.racingnetwork.com.au/?nvId=523584 –
First start: Dec. 22, 2012, 1 of 10, 5.5, Morphetville Parks 1000m Centrebet Plate http://youtu.be/j3vLB5Y-1Es
Second start Jan 5, 2013, 1 of 6, 9.0, Morphetville Parks 1050m, Adelaide Cup http://youtu.be/38y_9g2n_vI
Third start, Jan. 26, 2013, 1 of 10, 4.3, 1000m Caulfield – Patinak Blue Diamond Preview: http://youtu.be/k5P77A-VcYo
Fourth start, Feb. 23, 2013, 1 of 14, Caulfield, 1.5, 1200m, Blue Diamond Stakes G1 : http://youtu.be/09voxZsBg4w
Profile Page/Form Guide: http://www.racenet.com.au/horse/miracles-of-life
Punters Paradise Profile page for Miracles of Life http://www.puntersparadise.com.au/horses/Miracles-of-Life_214705/Breeding/
Article on Blue Diamond win http://www.sportal.com.au/horseracing-news-display/miracles-of-life-wins-blue-diamond-223195
Pre-race article on Blue Diamond day http://www.news.com.au/sport/superracing/tiny-barbie-goes-up-against-giant-blue-blood-when-miracles-of-life-and-guelph-meet-in-blue-diamond-stakes/story-fndpqu3p-1226583821284
Preview video: http://youtu.be/HHo63IIqUwY
The sky is the limit with this filly!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
I just posted several links with all of Barbie’s races, but, apparently there are so many links my post is being “moderated”. I will post a special discussion about B arbie at the Forum for anyone interested! Hugs to all!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Ann, I tried to post two comments late in the week. They too never appeared. For one of the comments that did not post I got an “error” message that said “this appears to be a duplicate”. However, my comment never posted so it was not a duplicate. Oh well. Not sure what is happening.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Here is my original post in smaller “batches”!
I note there are several ‘Barbie’ fans here — along with Australian racing. I put this little montage together to enjoy her races, articles about her, and her amazing jockey Lauren and her lovely trainer. Hopefully all of the links will work for you. (I will also post this at the Forum). Here goes:
They were taking on the might of Darley, of Peter Moody, of David Hayes, but Daniel Clarken, Lauren Stojakovic and Miracles Of Life handled the pressure with ease to score a dominant win in the $1,000,000 Group 1 Patinack Farm Blue Diamond Stakes (1200m) at Caulfield on Saturday. – Trainer Clarken wasn’t far off giving the game up and apprentice Stojakovic had only just started her career but they brought brilliant filly Miracles Of Life across from Morphettville and breathed more life into what is now a fairytale story.
Barrier one was supposed to be problematic but Stojakovic rode like a seasoned professional, sitting just off the speed, taking advantage of a dream run after straightening before kicking clear to score a commanding victory in the second biggest two-year-old race in the country. More ==> http://www.thoroughbrednews.com.au/australia/default.aspx?id=65014
Post race review Blue Diamond Day, including All Too Hard and Miracles of Life wins: http://youtu.be/AkVKnCcTJ4U
Miracles of Life takes Blue Diamond Stakes http://www.racingnetwork.com.au/miracles-of-life-wins-blue-diamond-stakes/tabid/83/newsid/11875/default.aspx
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Barbie’s first 4 races:
First start: Dec. 22, 2012, 1 of 10, 5.5, Morphetville Parks 1000m Centrebet Plate http://youtu.be/j3vLB5Y-1Es
Second start Jan 5, 2013, 1 of 6, 9.0, Morphetville Parks 1050m, Adelaide Cup http://youtu.be/38y_9g2n_vI
Third start, Jan. 26, 2013, 1 of 10, 4.3, 1000m Caulfield – Patinak Blue Diamond Preview: http://youtu.be/0teuH-4OwWo
Fourth start, Feb. 23, 2013, 1 of 14, Caulfield, 1.5, 1200m, Blue Diamond Stakes G1 : http://youtu.be/dGNHHQFY0_A
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Barbie’s first 3 races – her 4th was the Blue Diamond Stakes posted a bove:
First start: Dec. 22, 2012, 1 of 10, 5.5, Morphetville Parks 1000m Centrebet Plate http://youtu.be/j3vLB5Y-1Es
Second start Jan 5, 2013, 1 of 6, 9.0, Morphetville Parks 1050m, Adelaide Cup http://youtu.be/38y_9g2n_vI
Third start, Jan. 26, 2013, 1 of 10, 4.3, 1000m Caulfield – Patinak Blue Diamond Preview: http://youtu.be/0teuH-4OwWo
Kathy R.
Dear Ann Maree: I think you had better book yourself a ticket for Adelaide to go visit with Barbie and the stable! Agree with you, I’m delighted that the stable will treat her with care, and not rush her into racing too soon. Really like trainers who say they will let the horse tell them what to do. You may be interested to know that Barbie is owned by Sri Lankan textile businessman Muzaffar Yaseen who bought a filly in 1994 he called Shantha’s Choice, who become the mother of Redoute’s Choice – he is currently in France, and still co-owned by Yaseen and Arrowfield Stud. Teeley Assets (his breeding company) has 29 racehorses (of which Barbie is one) 45 broodmares and 49 weanlings and yearlings as well as stallion interests. It’s a great racing story. Hugs, KathyR.
PS: While you’re in Adelaide, make sure you find out what Lauren sings to Barbie – Keta and I want to know!!
Janet Newman
Very distressed to hear about Violence. He ran a gutsy race in defeat.
With that being said, it does not surprise me coming out of Todd Pletcher’s
training barn. This happened last year with Algorithims and another time with Eskenderya. It is like you get snake bit with TP as a trainer on the derby trail.
Now we have to sit and wait to see how many more fall off.
Ingrid Arnone.
Yes, is very sad, he was my number one for the Derby.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet, Ingrid and Z Fans:
Hope it’s not a year of injuries like 2012 was. Hoping brave Violence recovers to lead a long, happy life. Hugs, JB
Janet, I have to agree with you about Todd Pletcher. I wonder if his stable is just too big???
Especially Horses / So Cal
So didn’t I read in several posts that the calculated due date for Zeny is February 28? We are very close right? Oh my, I hope Alys has her camera ready and gets a sweet headshot.
I am no expert but I thought mid march was target….pacing anyway
sorry Violence is hurt and hope he makes full recovery…somehow he was never on my list….no reason why….couple folks saying “why name a horse that?”…I found it interesting that he is the 5th Tb of that name …the first 4 were female..hmmmmmmm
speaking of names…there is Demonic….he has a foot bruise…but should be ok
rest Zenny…..play Z12……
Why name a nice horse I’ve Struck A Nerve?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirley, Carol and Z Fans:
I know. Seems more positive sounding names would better suit these beautiful horses. They are all so majestic and regal looking. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Catching up on all the posts. Enjoy reading them all. Hugs,JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Stay warm and cozy. Love ya. Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Hi to everyone,
Please pray for my ‘not so little’ little brother. He’s battling cancer – again – and we’re on the way to see him. He’s got 5 boys. Haven’t had much of a chance the past month, but small snatches, here on Zenny’s website. Think of everyone here. Will give you an update in a few weeks. Love to everyone.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth in NM:
So sorry to hear of your brother’s relapse. Will keep him and you in my prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
sue and tony
Elizabeth, we will certainly pray for your brother as he continues to battle this awful disease. Stay strong…we’re sending some cyber hugs to you. {{{ }}}
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Elizabeth,
Sending healing thoughts and prayers for your brother. Lots of positive vibes to you and your family. Blessings and hugs.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Well said Marshall – no way to improve on this so “ditto” from me Elizabeth.
All of us will raise your brother and your family up in prayer for healing, peace, strength and comfort. May your brother feel God walking beside him each day.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Elizabeth in NM–I am so sorry. We will keep him in our prayers and you in our hearts. Please update as you are able.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Thank you so much. Will relay your message to Angela. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Just wondering,
Does anyone have any news about Susan in TN? She hasn’t posted in months. Sure hope she is well and continuing the work at the horse rescue facility. If any Z’ster knows if Susan is okay, please update us. Thanks!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Marshall (NC broad)–you are so right. Many of us have been worried for the longest. We have tried e-mails, handwritten letters, some have sent gifts with self-addressed envelopes, and no reply. If anyone knows she is ok, please put our minds at rest. She has been a large part of our Z-family.Thank you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W. and Marshall:
I miss Susan C. too. Haven’t heard from TC in a long time as well. Hugs, JB
Haven’t heard anything about Zenyatta’s first foal being named yet. Since David Ingordo was the one who pointed her out to Jerry and Ann, think it would be cool if they named Z-12 after him. ( Prince Ingordo / Zingordo )
Sheena and Kauto fans. This is a little treat to start the week, photos of Kauto Star in Horse and Hound retraining for his career in dressage. He was the greatest jump horse of his day. He looks incredibly good in these photos along with Laura and his owner, Clive Smith. Rock on, Kauto Star.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Sheena sent me this link through e-mail. Kauto looks magnificent. Love how he bows his beautiful Roman head. Just gorgeous. He really seems to be enjoying his new work. As I said to Sheena, you can tell from the smiles on his handlers faces how very much he is loved. Hugs, JB