I consider Alys an expert! Does she have any advice for taking these wonderful photos? Not just equipment (although that is always of interest), but time of day, how to get those amazing action shots, beautiful portraits, etc. I enjoy her photography so much! Thank you, Alys.
Betsy McGrath
New York, NY

A: Obviously good equipment does help a great deal, and you need a camera that is capable of shooting at high speed. I use a Canon 7D that was very generously given to me by the Mosses. A telephoto zoom lens helps me get close to the action when I’m shooting in a large paddock.
Light is one of the most important factors. Good light can make all the difference to a photo. In the summer I try to shoot early or late to avoid too much glare. The light is softer earlier on in the day especially in KY where we are quite humid. In the dead of winter it is pretty much the opposite—I go and shoot once the sun is at full strength.
As far as the action shots go, a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time. Most of the time the horses are pretty tranquil here so there isn’t a lot of action. The best time to shoot is when they are first turned back out. The yearlings and foals will usually run and play for a little while after they have been up and in separate stalls for a few hours.
I walk the fields and paddocks quite frequently as I find that is the best way to get to know the young stock and I always carry a camera, which often can lead to some nice shots. I am a total amateur so don’t let that hold you back. Invest in a decent camera and lens and fire away!!
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear sue noel barnaby is way too clever for you!!!!!always love your stories hugs sheena
@peggy enjoy your trip hugs sheena
Nancy A Stamp
Dear Sue, So enjoy your stories about your adventures with Barnaby. If you have not
seen it, you should watch the PBS Documentary 2010 Martin Clunes Horsepower.
Very good about horse psychology etc. Can see it on Computer PBS.org under
Martin Clunes Horsepower. Great scenery and music and gorgeous horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Nancy:
Thank you for this info on Martin Clune’s Documentary. Will love to see it. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the “Horsepower” Documentary Nancy A Stamp is referring to. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Hey Martin Clunes, isn’t he Doc Martin?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny:
Yes, he is. I never knew he was horse crazy too like all of us. Hugs, JB
Sheena. Here’s a link to a photo and story on Nacarat, a lovely grey to you, but a lovely gray to most of the rest of us. Hope that he does well this weekend. He reminds me of the beautiful Z gal pal, Tasty Temptation. Look at his superb tail in that photo. Good luck Nacarat.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena and Z Fans:
Max, my gosh, Nacarat is twelve years old. What a beautiful, accomplished gray he is. Godspeed N. Hugs, JB
JudyB. That race is 3 miles of jumping. Nacarat has stamina to burn, as do the others. Go Nac!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Three miles. Wow, incredible stamina Nacarat and all these horses have. Hugs, JB
This is a nice story on Nac and his retirement. Very pleased that he is retiring in good health. Nice photo too. The gray horses always look special. Tasty Temptation, I’m talking about you too.
Peggn (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Sheena, Thank you so much. It’s just two weeks.
Good morning all Z nation fans, hope those of you hit with the snowy winter’s storm stay warm and safe. I’m in Chicago and its not so bad here. Queen Z, I hope you are keeping your lovely nose warm and not kicking up hoofs in the snow. If you must run in the snow, dress warmly and keep the little princess warm. You are always loved big mama. If prince comes by, tell him to charm Alys into taking more pictures or video of him, we miss him already with his handsome self. Give him a kiss for me.
Congratulations Black Caviar and to your connections! way to go kid, way to go, so Proud of all you’ve accomplished.
Hi Big girl Rachel A, hope you are keeping warm and being your pretty self. Still in Prayers for your continued well being. Your little princess is doing well and her wet nurse taking very good care of her.
To all those racing this weekend, a safe trip to both horse and rider and all connections.
Ebby hope you foot is feeling better, don’t race if your not feeling a 100%, our John wouldn’t mind. He wants you well first and foremost.
To all, have a wonderfully Blessed day and be safe.
Mizdirection wins the Buena Vista Stakes (Gr. II)
Interviews with Jim Rome, Steve Strauss, Alex Solis, Jr, Mike Puype, Mike Smith
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@all Midwest Dumplings–please stay safe and warm in your terrible weather.
When do we begin the official “pacing patrol”? It will be March before we know it.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Judy – Thanks for info on RAIL TRIP. I will follow up. That was so helpful. and the photo of Black Caviar’s dam and the newest baby. Could they look anymore identical -? Gorgeous photo. So much news and sometimes so little time to read all of it + plus the links. I love them, but sometimes 3 hours goes by like 3 minutes and I’m jumping from link to link and everything is so interesting and so new to me. I think it is beneficial in lots of ways, especially keeping “Zeimer’s out of my head”!
But my fanny is getting bigger from sitting. Always happy to know they Rachel is steadily improving but it will be a long haul and good news about E’s workout. Just touching on a few articles, but thanks to all for so much info. And you lucky ones that actually have a horse to call your own. Give them all a kiss and a peppermint from one that only lives vicariously through your terrific adventures with this beautiful creatures.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene and Z Fans:
You’re so welcome. I posted a link above to the documentary “Horsepower” that Nancy A Stamp mentioned in her post. I’ve been glued to the computer (unfortunately with the same result you observed) watching videos of this series. Just wonderful, beautiful and informative. Mr. Clunes touches on everything in the horse world from his own horses, the wild horses of Asia, Arabians in the desert of the Middle East, our Wild Mustangs, American Rodeo, the horse nation of the American Indians, horses of Mongolia, a horse race in Italy that has been run since the Middle Ages and of course our beloved Thoroughbreds.
He also has pieces with Marty Roberts and Jean-Francois Pignon.
Well worth watching. Thank you so much Nancy. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max thanks for news of nacarat will look out for him tomorrow just love the greys can hardly believe only 3 have won the grand national and i’ve seen 2 of of them!! still more sad news over here about horses i’m afraidso enjoy coming on the blog and seeing the love we all have for these beautiful creatures hugs sheena
Sheena. Let us know how Nac does. Hooves crossed. I noticed that Kauto has gone to bed. His dressage date is coming up and he needs his rest. Neigh!
Go Rachel Go!
Stonestreet Farm tweet
This is how we celebrated ‘No News is Good News’ Friday @roodandriddle,
how about you? #gameface #gorachelgo
Thanks for the update on Rachel. She looks very good. Seems to be alert and curious.
Good luck and safe trip to Dreaming of Julia tomorrow.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for this photo of RA. OMG she is so beautiful. Hugs, JB
Ann ( PUR )
That’s great!
Nice to see some smiles and RA looks like she is getting her spunk back.
Thank you,Keta.
Marshall (NC broad)
Hi, Ann!
I see we both picked up on the smiles! Guess we were in the same zone since I didn’t read your post until after I had replied to Keta’s post.
Have a good weekend!
Ann NC ( PUR )
You too,Marshall.
We will need our duck outfits today.Rain,rain,rainin buckets!
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Keta! RA looks pretty good and her people are smiling!
Cheers and hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks Keta. It must be a good sign that she’s outside?? I’ll latch onto any indication of progress!
Kathy R.
Good girl Rachael – keep it up St Francis. (And thanks Keta)
Peggn (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Sandy you said that so well. I feel the same way I’ll latch onto any signs of progress. Power Up Rachel.
Peggn (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Thank You so much. Was so hoping we’ld hear something soon. You just want to hear something everyday. But I understand its going to take time. Beautiful Rachel, great picture. Power Up Rachel. Keta, Thanks a million.
Andrew Bensley tweet about MOL aka Barbie
Daniel Clarken can’t fault Miracles of Life.
Horse had good sleep. Bright and well this morning.
Wouldn’t be upset if filly led Blue Diamond
Eblouissante (4-Year-Old Filly) Workout
Date: February 22, 2013
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 50:60 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 23/26
Stanwyck is entered on February 23, 2013 at SANTA ANITA PARK.
Backside 55 tweet Racing tomorrow! Stanwyck
Race 2- 1pm $60,000 allowance race, 1 ⅛ on the turf
Garret Gomez riding Good luck to all!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Good luck to this 4yo filly, owned by the Mosses and trained by John Shirreffs. Safe trip one and all, and go STANWYCK! Run like a girl!
The new baby Z should be making her appearance soon. Must be getting close to ‘count down’ time.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear judy thanks so much for photo of charlie my email has an error again so will send you one tomorrow hope you get to see the horses over the weekend love and hugssheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
You’re so welcome. Will be visiting the horses and Angela tomorrow morning. Hugs, JB
Ann ( PUR )
Give them a big ole hug from me, Judy B.
Have fun!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
I will give them all a hug from you. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Give the horses a hug from me. Happy Saturday
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Will do. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
MOL (aka Barbie) news:
Kathy R.
Terrific picture of Barbie: (and stable cat!)
Now I’m getting nervous: safe race gorgeous girls!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R.
Love this photo of MOL. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Ann ( PUR )
Thanks, Kathy R. for introducing us to this horse,jockey,rider and now the barn cat.
It has been a real treat following them on this journey.
Great they all found each other.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for the photo of MOL (Barbie)! She is a beauty!!
Best of luck to her and rider for a safe and successful race!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
This is such a great story. Thanks Kathy (and the barn cat is adorable). Best of luck to all!
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Thanks, Kathy, for this great pic and great story! Go, Barbie! Go, Lauren! Safe trip to all.
Kathy R.
More Barbie:
Kathy R.
Go Ortensia!
Kathy R.
Dear Keta (and Zenyatta family): Does anyone have any news on how Americain is settling into his new home? Is Stephanie Nigge still with him? I know he’ll be well cared for there, but was sad to see him go. Hugs, KathyR.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Have been looking for updates on Americain and so far cannot find anything. Will keep trying. Hugs, JB
Louise Castello
I wonder if Zenyatta has been moved to the foaling barn? Anyone know? I have already started pacing!!
Hi Louise! Yup, I’m in pacing mode too. If I remember correctly from Z-12, I would say that she’s been moved by now. The big clue on what’s happening with her will definitely be when the Mosses arrive and we get daily twitters/instagrams!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Abilgail Whow; Are you really thinking late Feb.? Perhaps I am counting wrong but 12z was not foaled until March 8th I think. What am I missing? I can not remember when Zenyatta was brought to Tapit. My senior years are beginning to haunt me and I better start marking things on a calendar! ha
I can so remember the pacing, anxiety with Zenyatta’s very first. I was on vacation in Fl. and was running to the library every morning and/or late afternoon to get on line.
I kept in touch with my BFF by phone, I brought my Zenyatta plushie down with me and this plushie layed with me at bedtime so I could pray for Zenyatta and her new baby.
When are you thinking that Z may be foaling? I don’t think I am going to be as near a library as last time!! But, I will remind myself that God hears our prayers, but please let me know what you think.
hugs, Sally B.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
You are right; The Prince was born on 3/8/12. But, I think Z was a couple of weeks early with him. She was bred to Tapit probably about three weeks later. So two weeks either way, early or late, she could foal late February or early to mid March, I’m guessing. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Well, I get confused where to reply so took a stab at it.
I’m thinking Zenyatta went to visit Tapit during her birthday weekend last year, like maybe even her birthday, April 1st. It just seems it was a busy couple days and Mr. and Mrs. Moss were there for Z’s birthday and for presenting that ginormous check to the Kentucky Red Cross for the victims of the tornado. I just think I was thinking that “Grandma and Grandpa” could babysit while Mom went on her date. (Although, I think I’ve seen Mr. and Mrs. Moss referred to as 12Z’s second parents.) Too Cute.
I’ve been watching the foaling list and comparing it to last year’s list and some foals are coming earlier in the month than their sibling’s foaling date and some are later. It’s kind of a mixed bag for times. My guess is she’ll foal in March again and probably a little later in the month than last year. Nothing scientific here, only a guess on my part.
Does anyone know if we need to sign up again for the e-mail announcing the birth? Marty R.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
Yes, I think you’re right about the time she was bred to Tapit’ late March/early April. Getting anxious and excited all at the same time. Can’t wait to see the new Baby Z. Hugs, JB
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Judy B, 12Z was not early. You may be thinking of Taco, who was 10 days early. 12Z was right on time, just a day off his calculated due date, which isn’t exact anyway.
We were never actually told when she visited Tapit. His choice as her second mate was announced March 22 here and March 23 generally, and she was publicly pronounced in-foal May 8. So the earliest she would have been mated would be the last week of March, and the latest the end ot the third week of April.
FWIW, I had heard from a fairly reliable source that she visited him the day before her birthday while the Mosses were in town. My source is not someone who makes stuff up. However, he had heard it second-hand and was not 100% sure of the information.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you, Laura J. It sounds like several of us are thinking the mating took place in the same time frame. I don’t know if it’s been said whether Mr. and Mrs. Moss will be there for the birth. However, if they are at Lane’s End next month, the pacing can probably proceed in earnest.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Ha! I’d be willing to eat my most expensive hat if they’re not there for the birth. I think something truly dire would have to happen to keep them away.
(Just kidding about the hat, though.)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Thank you for clearing that up. Got my Mamas mixed up.
Yes, I think your right about the time Z was bred to Tapit. So two weeks either way. Late February to mid March. I also agree; Mr. & Mrs. Moss will be there for the birth. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Alys; Thank you for your inspiration for photography. You have captured Zenyatta in so many ways and just beautifully.
Zsters; Where is Sue Noels story of Barnaby? I love to read about Barnaby.
hugs, Sally B
Nancy A Stamp
Sue wrote on page 4 2-21-13 5 pm. Love her stories. Nancy S.
Karen Gogue
All animal lovers, please help and share this! Thank you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
As most of us cannot attend the hearing for Miracle Rescue would it help if we called, wrote to or e-maiedl the City Council to urge them to allow the rescue to open in Ludowici? I found this website with the City’s address, phone number and list of officials and departmtent heads. Would be so sad if they have to pack up and have these animals lives at risk again. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s another article on the plight of Miracle Rescue. It says the hearing is scheduled for 3/15/13. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue
Yes, I’m sure it would. Thank you for this. I got several different locations in my research! lol! I thought perhaps some Z dumplings lived close by to attend. It would be such a shame if this were to close down. Anything to help.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
Yes, Karen, I think there are some Georgia Dumplings on the Blog. I will call myself this week. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen and Z Fans:
Found this general e-mail address for Georgia Municipal Association, so if you want to send an e-mail urging them to allow MIracle Rescue to remain in Ludowici, GA, just reference Miracle Rescue, Ludowici, GA on the Subject Line of your e-mail. Hope they allow the rescue to stay. Hugs, JB
The e-mail address is: info@gmanet.com.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Zenyatta; Goodnight my love, pleasant dreams, my love
love n kisses on your soft nose, some for 12z too,
Auntie, Sally B
Oh, Zenny…I love to begin the weekend by looking at your sweet face on this site.
Alys has mastered taking the greatest photos of you. I know she must realize how special you are to thousands and how thankful we are to have you at LE with people who truly “get” you.
Sweet dreams. 13Z will be here soon.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
This is an adorable photo of a little puppy named Gucci and Dressage horse Sky Master. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear Judy,
So cute!!!!!! Hugs Ingrid.
Ingrid Arnone.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Ingrid,
This is a very cute kitty. Thanks for the link!
Take care and have a good weekend!
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear Judy and Z fans look at my link above.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
What a little Doll. Those blue eyes just melt your heart. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Ingrid, that’s a really cute kitty and looks like she likes to get into mischief. Good for her adoptive folks to nurse her to good health. She will give them lots of joy in return. Thanks for sharing. Marty R.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Just adorable – thanks Ingrid. I had seen one of the photos before, but this is an entire collection. Those blue eyes!!!!!
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear friends,
I am so glad you like it. Hugs Ingrid.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy,
This is just precious! Wonder who the puppy’s rider will be? LOL
Thanks for the cuteness!!
Have a good weekend!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. What a cutie he is. Love and Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
How cute is that!! Thanks, Judy. for sharing. Marty R.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
You’re so welcome. He’s a brave little thing isn’t he. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight and sweet dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear RA:
Love you. PUR. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Pati,
Thanks for the update. Sounds as though you are really busy and working hard. Good luck on the children’s TV project. Best of luck in your studies, too.
Glad to hear that Gus is adjusting — it is tough to lose a good friend. The good folks at SHERR are doing a great job by making him feel special — of course, he IS special.
Take care and touch base with us when you can!
Cheers and hugs
Racing Victoria tweet with Photo
She’s only small but #BlueDiamond favourite MIRACLES OF LIFE
looks nice and relaxed in her stall
Su-Ann Khaw tweet with Photo
Another photo of Miracles of Life
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for these photos of “Barbie”. Love this girl. Hugs, JB
Ann NC ( PUR )
Judy B. I love her too.
Notice how smart she looks and knows it is racing time. She looks ready and eager!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Yes, she looks like she’s ready. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max, Kathy R and Z Fans:
Thought you would enjoy this article by Jay Hovdey on Steeplechase jockey, Bob Champion and his winning partner Aldaniti. Mr. H discusses the movie, Champions, based on these two winning the Grand Naitonal in l981, after both of them overcame potential career ending illness and injury. Wonderful story. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Found this photo of them. Hugs, JB
Ann NC ( PUR )
Thanks,Judy B.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this, Judy! Sounds like a winner to me! Would love to see it.
Take care and have an enjoyable Sunday. Hugs
Kathy R.
BARBIE HAS WON BRILLIANTLY!! Apologies for the screaming capitals, but it was just wonderful to see. Lauren also rode brilliantly. Must off to watch the reply. Hugs to all, KathyR.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Great news. Please post the replay video if you can. Congrats MOL/Barbie. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Just found this partial video of MOL’s win. She looks full of run at the end. Impressive. Hugs, JB
Ann NC ( PUR )