I consider Alys an expert! Does she have any advice for taking these wonderful photos? Not just equipment (although that is always of interest), but time of day, how to get those amazing action shots, beautiful portraits, etc. I enjoy her photography so much! Thank you, Alys.
Betsy McGrath
New York, NY

A: Obviously good equipment does help a great deal, and you need a camera that is capable of shooting at high speed. I use a Canon 7D that was very generously given to me by the Mosses. A telephoto zoom lens helps me get close to the action when I’m shooting in a large paddock.
Light is one of the most important factors. Good light can make all the difference to a photo. In the summer I try to shoot early or late to avoid too much glare. The light is softer earlier on in the day especially in KY where we are quite humid. In the dead of winter it is pretty much the opposite—I go and shoot once the sun is at full strength.
As far as the action shots go, a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time. Most of the time the horses are pretty tranquil here so there isn’t a lot of action. The best time to shoot is when they are first turned back out. The yearlings and foals will usually run and play for a little while after they have been up and in separate stalls for a few hours.
I walk the fields and paddocks quite frequently as I find that is the best way to get to know the young stock and I always carry a camera, which often can lead to some nice shots. I am a total amateur so don’t let that hold you back. Invest in a decent camera and lens and fire away!!
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Black Caviar inducted into Hall of Fame
Posted by: AAP Filled in: Australian Horse Racing | 21/2/2013 at 9:45pm
Black Caviar’s stature in Australian racing has been further recognised with her induction into the Racing Hall of Fame.
The highest honour at Thursday’s induction ceremony went to Carbine who was elevated to Legend status alongside Phar Lap, Makybe Diva, Bart Cummings, Arthur Scobie Breasley and TJ Smith.
Carbine, who carried a record 66kg to victory in the 1890 Melbourne Cup, also had an illustrious career at stud and his blood is carried by many of the champions of the modern era.
The unbeaten Black Caviar, who won her 23rd race last Saturday, is just the second horse inducted before retirement, the other being dual Cox Plate winner Sunline.
Read more: http://www.justhorseracing.com.au/news/australian-racing/black-caviar-inducted-into-hall-of-fame/190473 #ixzz2LWtKiaNa
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Hoof-ray, Black Caviar! Thanks, Keta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this link. Congrats to Black Caviar. She’s just amazing. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear keta congratulations to black caviar thoroughly deserved legend next ???heard there was some snow in arizona bitterly cold over here hugs sheena
Rosemary McCauley-Pres./AZ/New Mexico RNC
Sheena.davies: My sisters live in Arizona and sent me photos of their vehicles and yards covered in snow. They said it has been very cold there. Have a great day.
We did have a snowstorm in Phoenix–big surprise.
Several baseball teams have Spring Training here.
It was quite a sight seeing the ballparks, playing fields & stadiums covered in snow.
The mountains around Phoenix are snow-topped. Quite beautiful.
I’ll be very glad to see our 70+ F degrees return.
Hugs, Keta
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Saw that a golf tournament was called off due to the snow – it certainly looked pretty dusting the cactus and mountains, but imagine it was a bit of a surprise! Hugs, KathyR.
Kathy R
Funny TV moments were tourists in shorts & flipflops with parkas.
It was beautiful. First time snow for many folks in Phoenix.
Hugs, Keta
Rosemary McCauley-Pres./AZ/New Mexico RNC
Beautiful photo of the Queen from the very talented Alys. Thanks to the Mosses for providing the camera to enable us to continue to see photos of our favorite subject.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
Have to share my great news and thank all you professional “pray-ers” for your expertise. My test went well (ugh) and the results were all good news!! I shall certainly be celebrating and thanking the good Lord.
Our prayers for Rachael seem to be helping too, it’s hard to contain our excitement for her with the cautions they always give, but “Whoohoo Rachael” you are one tough mama. Love you girl!!
Congrats to our overseas friends on BC’s great honor, and seeing that handsome Kauto float around the dressage ring. Fun to celebrate these horses whereever they are from.
Sending my love and nose kisses to my Big Mama and EARnie and that baby in the oven. Auntie Sue
Sue Fredrick
What great news!! Reading this was a lovely way to start the day
Hugs, Keta
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Sue, very happy for your good results. Congratulations and best wishes. Must be a tremendous weight off…..take care! :-)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Great news Sue :-) We knew it wouldn’t be fun, but it’s OVER and so glad for the good results!
Kathy R.
Dear Sue: Agree with all of the above!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wonderful news, Sue. We are breathing a collective sigh of relief with you. Big hugs.
Sue. Very happy for you. You must be relieved. Time indeed to celebrate.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Thanks, Sue, for passing along this wonderful news. Now I can exhale. Love in Dumplinghood, Trina
Sue: So glad to hear your GREAT news! I’m sending you major hugs of joy!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sue,
YAY!! So happy for you and what a relief!
Take care and lots of hugs
Peggn (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Sue, so happy you got good news. Take Care.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
So happy. Love and Hugs, JB
Doug O’Neill tweet & FB about Santa Anita Photography Day
Just a reminder that we are opening up our barn tomorrow
for a peek at Goldencents and other horses for the Santa Anita Photography Day. Purchase your tickets via Santa Anita Park.
Photographs and memories
By Barbara Livingston Daily Racing Form 02/20/2013 7:06PM
From time to time I ponder the question: what’s the measure of a person’s life?
I don’t know why I’m a horse racing photographer but know I never could have been anything else. My path has always been so certain, it’s as if preordained. Yet I sometimes think about the fact that, instead of having children, my life boils down to countless thousands of photographs. Is that better than children…or worse…or simply different? And when I’m older, will my answer to that question be the same as it is today?
Keta Note: Take a walk with Barbara through racing history as she sort photographs
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
To Barbara Livingston: We all give thanks that you have shared so many beautiful children with us–your personal creations, your unique and incomparable photos.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for this link on BL. Love her photos and commentary. Hugs, JB
Ann NC( PUR)
Good news, Sue. I was keeping you in my prayers.
Max, loved reading about Tank. What love she received and then returned it w/ her final win. Yes, keep the tissues ready when you read the article.
BC,wow,you are The GREAT! Congrats! Now I must get her line of grooming products.
This Carbine,here is an article about him.
He had colic and surgery! Ya hear that,RA you fighter you!
His owner wanted him shot! YIKES
He hated water and they made him a special hat.
Glad he finally got his induction! What a horse.
Alys, thank you for the photo. You are the best.
Zenny, you look great,enjoy your mud.We are knee deep in it too!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Great article Ann. Horse racing has been around for longer than I might have imagined (and longer than ME – LOL)
Ann NC
Terrific profile on Carbine!
I am beginning to think that all the greats come with quirks
Seems to be part of their personalities-part of the determination to win
Hugs, Keta
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Enjoyed the story of Carbine very much. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
Great horse, Carbine!
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear sue fredrick so glad your tests were positive you must be so relieved thanks for enjoying ourkauto’s dressage moves there was a lovely feature in our H and H today he looks magnificent is getting much bigger now his racing career is over it suits him and most of all he;s happyhugs sheena
dear keta must have been a surprise to see the snow I heard it on the radio when I was getting ready to go out we are very lucky to get temps of 70f in our summer!! keep warm hugs sheena
Kathy R.
MOL news: Stable name is …. Barbie!
Extract from Max Presnell article in the Sydney Morning Herald:
“Just in case you’re wondering, Miracles of Life was given the nickname Barbie because she’s got a beautiful long blonde mane and tail, which she won’t let anyone cut, and coupled with the fact that she’s a real girl around the stable” Lauren Stojakovic blogged for Racing Victoria.”
Should be able to post the whole Max Presnell piece on Barbie when the Sydney Morning Herald transfers the story to the Canberra Times sometime today.
Kathy R
Love that name–so girlie girlie and appropriate for her
Hugs, Keta
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Wish the news report I saw here had the shots of the folk in shorts, flipflops (we call them thongs here – know what they are in your part of the world) and parkas! Great image! Hugs, KathyR. PS: Agree, Barbie is just perfect for her.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
After your post about MOL’s nickname Barbie, I looked for a photo of her and found this article. She is gorgeous. Hugs, JB
Kathy R.
More on Barbie:
Ann NC (PUR)
Thanks,Kathy R.
Great photo of the team!
I did not sleep last night,I am so excited for them!
Come on my wonderful fillies. Have a safe trip.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
She’s a Barbie alright…… a Barbie “Doll”. Real cutie. Hugs Sue
Kathy R.
Helsinge news (BC dam):
Keta. Wonderful find. Helsinge is a lovely horse, and a very good mother.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
OMG, the foal looks exactly like her mama……lovely…..she sure stamps her babies.
“Blessed are the broodmares.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Wow, Helsinge has had three foals and they have won 33 races out of 38. Fantastic.
As Sue said, this filly looks just like her Dam. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
What a great picture – thanks Keta!!! I don’t think I’ve seen a foal (of course I am dealing with a pretty small sample size) that looked THIS much like its Mom. So cute :-)
Kathy R
Great article about this amazing broodmare
Can’t wait to see how Belle Couture races
Love the photo with Helsinge & foal in perfect step together.
Hugs, Keta
Kathy R.
Black Caviar news:
KathyR. Thanks for this and the above story on Helsinge. I got Keta mixed up with you as you both post such good information.
BC is a very interesting horse. I read that she enjoys eating an egg mixed in with her oats each day. I like details like this about these great mares.
Kathy R.
Dear Max: I take it as a great compliment to be likened to Keta – thank you! Think that meal of muesli and egg sounds like a good start to the day. Might give it a whirl.
Kathy R
As am I to be mistaken for you! Great posts!
Hugs, Keta
Market Quote (4-Year-Old Filly) Workout
Date: February 21, 2013
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 51:20 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 13/17
Keta Note: Market Quote had a bit of a problem with the starting gate last race.
Leslie R.
Thanks Alys! I always love looking at your pics. You do a terrific job and I appreciate your tips. Thanks also to the Moss’ for providing you with the camera so we can all enjoy the pics you take of Zenyatta, 12Z and the others.
Hugs to all,
Chantal Sutherland Kruse Announcement – 2/21/13
TVG tweet If you missed the @jockeychantal announcement live on TVG,
you can watch the replay
Keta Note: Chantal will be covering the Santa Anita Derby for TVG
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Love Chantal. Commentate like a girl, Chantal!
Editor needed!!
Santa Anita Derby should read Santa Anita Handicap.
Hello–that is why they call it Big ‘Cap Day!
Jay Hovdey: Age hasn’t diminished competitive fire in Smith, Stevens
By Jay Hovdey Daily Racing Form 02/20/2013 4:25PM
Just to recap:
Bill Shoemaker turned 47 in August 1978. Two months later, he rode Exceller to victory over Seattle Slew in a Jockey Club Gold Cup for the ages.
On Aug. 26, 1979, one week after celebrating his 48th birthday, Shoemaker climbed aboard Spectacular Bid in an allowance race at Delaware Park. They became inseparable after that, winning 12 of their 13 collaborations over the ensuing 13 months and the title as 1980 Horse of the Year.
Keta Note: A fun interesting read about the Sunshine Boys: Mike Smith & Gary Stevens
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Totally unrelated to Zenyatta, but since the big race on 3-2 @ Santa Anita is for Older Horses, it reminded me of “Rail Trip” What has happened to him. Has he been retired and resting/playing on a farm? Does anyone know. I know Awesome Gem is being retrained as a stable/pony horse, but don’t recall any news about Rail Trip. He is an another amazing gelding. Thanks if anyone knows.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene:
Could find no new articles on Rail Trip.
Rail Trip last ran in the BC Dirt Mile on 11/3/12; he finished second. His last owner of record is Samantha Siegel of Jay Em Ess Stable. She may answer an inquiry of where Rail Trip is now. His last trainer was Ron Ellis. You might be able to write to him care of Santa Anita Race Track, 285 West Hungtington Drive, Arcadia, CA. 91007 Phone No.: 626-574-7223
Here is a link to Ms. Siegel. Hope you have good luck finding RT. Hugs, JB
Pati- Drowning in Graduation Requirements.
Samantha Siegal was last tweeting with a fan who had asked about him, and she told the fan that he is on farm rest. For how long she did not say, or I don’t remember. I’m sorry.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thanks. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max great photos in our H and H magazine of kauto looking magnificent and so happy you remember the tweet when he was raiding the fridge for mints lauras sponsors saw that and a large box of minty treats were delivered to a mr k star. a nice piece about frankel in the racing post banstead are having to get used to the media attention now they’ve got a superstar living there they are easing him into his new life as a stallion one mare a day to start they will decide about may whether he will cover southern hemisphere mares and george the banstead cat now demands a fee for his public appearances (he was in the first photo with frankel when he moved to banstead last nov) what a bit of fame does!!! hugs sheena
Sheena. I saw a photo of Kauto looking at his story in Horse and Hound on his twitter account. I am so glad that he is doing well in his new career. I am also happy to hear about Frankel. George the cat is turning into an entrepreneur like Bullet Train. BT now has his own crest. Hope that BT is attracting good mares because his fees are an incredible bargain.
Here is the link to Kauto studying his photos in H&H.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Too cute! Thanks, Max.
Kathy R.
Love it!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Love this photo of KS. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, JB
Ann NC (PUR)
Looks like he has his eye on the lovely Laura.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
That’s what I thought too! :-) Great picture from any angle.
Santa Anita: Eblouissante nearing a work, might make Santa Margarita
By Steve Andersen Daily Racing Form 02/21/2013 3:24PM
ARCADIA, Calif. – Eblouissante, an unbeaten half-sister to the 2010 Horse of the Year Zenyatta, is nearing her first workout since mid-January.
Trainer John Shirreffs said on Thursday that Eblouissante will work “in the next couple of days.”
“She’s been galloping on the main track,” he said.
A potential stakes debut in the $300,000 Santa Margarita Stakes over 1 1/8 miles on March 16 is contingent on how Eblouissante works.
“We won’t know for sure until she breezes and we see where we are,” Shirreffs said.
Owned by breeder Eric Kronfeld, Eblouissante has won two starts – a maiden race at Betfair Hollywood Park in November and an optional claimer here on Jan. 17.
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
High hoof, E! Thanks, Keta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this update on E. Hope she can make the Santa M. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max great pic of our boy admiring his handsome face thanks!!! hugs sheena
Sheena. Kauto appears to get along very well with Laura. Glad to see him so happy with her, his career and his mints. Neigh!
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Alys–This has to be one of my all-time favorite pictures of Zenny—mud and all!! You really ARE a genius with a camera!!! You have a wonderful way of framing many of your shots in a very artistic way. Someday,a really marvelous coffee table book of your shots could be used to raise a lot of money for some of the Mosses pet charities. Just loved the photos of her playing in the snow–her contentment and spirit really are evident in each one. We are so blest to have these windows into her ongoing life and adventures!! Truly,not a day goes by that I don’t send a blessing from my heart to the Mosses for their generosity in continuing to share her with us!!!
Have been trying to catch up with the posts before writing–am almost there. It has been so very busy at work,as we have had lots of tourists in town and had many evening rehearsals for the concerts we did this past weekend–the Dvorak Mass in D Major. We had the most wonderful organistaccompanying us,Dave Tascher,of Boise. He is really something–wish you all could have heard him. Someone vidioed it and said it was on YouTube,but I haven’t been able to find it yet. If I do,will let you know. I find that most things on YouTube don’t have very good sound quality,but you could get the general idea.
Anyway–sorry it has taken me so long to get a Barnaby update on here! The past few Saturdays I’ve been working with his new apple-flavored bit,which he seems to like—as long as Sue is riding him–and not me!! It is funny,there is something I am doing when I ride him which is not to his liking. I feel that I’m riding him with a loose rein,but he thinks it is too tight and gets restless with me on board and is just not happy. Of course,I want our rides together to be as much fun for him as they are for me and when he is not enjiying himself,I get off. A week ago Saturday,I deciding to neck rein him,even though I’m riding in an English saddle. As soon as I did that,he relaxed and pricked his ears forward and was a good boy. I thought,great,I’ll just do that for awhile and make him happy.
This past Saturday,we let them into the arena,tack-free,as we always do,to play and gallop around before grooming them and tacking them up. He was a good as gold through all of this. Then I took him into the round pen to warm him up a bit in there,taking the mounting block with me. I led him up to the block and climbed onto it to mount,and he took two steps back so I couldn’t!! This is something he often does and I usually try several times and then Sue will get impatient watching me and she will get off and hold himso I can mount. This week I said don’t help me–I want to have him LET me do it . I spent about 40 minutes leading him around and around. I would talk to him,telling him I was going to neck rein him and trying to coax him. Finally,one time when I was talking to him,he did the funniest thing!!! He very gently ,while I was earnestly looking into his eyes and talking to him,placed his left front hoof on my paddock boot! He put no pressure on it at all. It was as though he were a person who is trying to explain some thing to you that you seem not to be understanding,laying their hand on yours for emphasis–meaning–“listen,I’m talking to you and you’re not understanding me—listen up and pay attention”!
I’ve never seen,or heard of,a horse doing this. He was so gentle,but just wanted me to hear him. He listens so carefully when I am right in front of him,looking into his eyes,as though he were trying to understand every word. I think he is so smart to try to make me understand what he wants,and doesn’t want,in his language. I really try to understand what he is telling me by body language and actions. I tell him all the time that I love him unconditionally,whether or not he wants me to ride him or not. It will be interesting to see how it goes this week. I am anxious to hear from Sue tonight,as she was going to stop on her way back from Twin Falls and ride them both. He loves to have her ride him and behaves perfectly for her,which makes me know that it’s all something I’m making him unhappy about that is the problem. Sue says that she tends to be somewhat of a bully in her expectations,so horses pretty much do what she wants because they feel they HAVE to. I want horses to do things for me because they WANT to! So–we’ll see what happens on Saturday.
Last Thursday,when Sue got there for her ride,Rancher Tom was giving a cutting class,working with mechanical flag. The first time Barnaby saw it working,months ago,he was fixated on it,looking as though he knew what it was for. Tom said Sue could bring him in and they worked with the flag and he was a really good boy–it will be fun to hear whether they diid that again today.
The longer I know Barnaby,I learn more and more about what a smart and complex guy he is. It is just a joy to learn more about his layers of personality. I think he realizes how much he is loved and tries hard to be patient with me and guide me to understand him. I was telling Tom two Saturdays ago that I believe I have the world’s best horse (plug your ears,Zenny)–at least,I believe he truly IS the best horse for ME! I love him more each time I am with him!!
Sorry for the birtdays I’ve misse dand all. Was thrilled about Black Caviar’s win–amazing. And the story about Royal Tiara moved me to tears! Hope all in Zennyland have a good and blessed night . Our love to you all—and power up Rachel–we all love you!!
Sue Noel
Another interesting Barnaby story!
He is one smart horse–he might have been saying
“i’m in charge. I am bigger than you.
We are going to do things my way!!”
There is something in your energy when you approach him.
Before going into his area, try to refocus and be strong and positive.
These are elements of love.
Leave all thoughts of poor Barnaby, he’s been through so much at the door.
Horses are sensitive & do read people.
Keep sharing this journey
Hugs, Keta
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
Thank you, Sue, for this fascinating update. I think you are right, Barnaby John was trying to communicate his wishes to you when he placed his hoof so gently on your boot. I take it you wound up not riding him at all that day? I hope you two can solve this puzzle to everyone’s satisfaction. Blessings to you both from one of BJ’s aunties.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Love reading about you and your Barnaby John. He’s an amazing boy. Hugs, JB
Sue. What’s Barnaby eating these days? Fuji apples?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Sue – I wonder if Barnaby just wants to keep you in the role of hug and love provider while seeing “rider” as someone who is trying to have control over him??? I know, I know . . . . . what do I know about these things? NOTHING! But that was the first thing that came into my mind when I read the story. In any case, great to hear from you. Would love to have heard your concert so please DO let us know if it’s on Youtube. Hugs,Sandy
Star South African mare Igugu suffered a surprise defeat to Sajjhaa on her reappearance in the Group Two Balanchine Stakes at Meydan.
Mike de Kock’s charge had carried all before her at home but had been off the track since winning the Group One J&B Met at Kenilworth last January.
Christophe Soumillon was positive from the off aboard Igugu, taking it up six furlongs out in the one-mile-one-furlong (1800m) heat and she was on top turning for home.
Read more: http://www.justhorseracing.com.au/news/australian-racing/igugu-succumbs-to-sajjhaa-at-meydan/190624 #ixzz2LadPE7K1
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sue Noel–it’s about time we got another Barnaby story from you. You know we love these! And it’s so true–horses do communicate. We are so glad you found each other. Your musical life sounds like such fun, too. Hugs.
Ditto….love hearing about Barnaby..
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Pati,
We miss you! Please let us hear from you when you have a chance. Hope you are okay! Hugs
To All,
Goodnight and sweet dreams! Hugs and kisses on your nose, Zenny!
Take care and rest well.
Ann NC (PUR)
I was thinking/wondering about,Pati last night.
Hope you are well,Pati.
Love to SHERR.
Pati- Drowning in Graduation Requirements.
Wonderful Marshall and Ann,
I am fine. Thank you for asking. I am just desperately trying to keep up with grades and the graduation project.
I’ve also been on a writing spree, and I started a script for a children’s tv series. So no problems, just running around and hoping to keep up. :-)
Pati- Drowning in Graduation Requirements.
SHERR has been good from what I see on FB. Ginny has said that Gus, the past few weeks, had walked over to Bing’s grave and standing there. Perhaps he’s grieving, but he’s gotten a bit better. Everyone has been making a point to treat him extra special and he’s been coming around to being himself again.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Great to hear from you and know that you are well. Certainly sounds like you have been busy. Congrats on the children’s tv series and good luck with your grades and graduation project. I’m confident you will do really well with both.
Glad that Gus is starting to feel better. He misses his BFF. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z. Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Love you. Hugs, JB
Anne from Paramount, CA
Sue Fredrick, great news! :-) :-)
Congrats and a high hoof (or two) to Black Caviar!
Sue FC PRC and Debbie G, enjoyed the jokes, smiled, LOL.
Keta, thanks for the AZ snow updates and the Hovdey column on Mikey and Gary.
Rachel Alexandra, keep up the fight “feisty” GIRL!!! Each day sounds like progress, even if small, it is still progress. :-)
And how interesting about Chantal and the Big Cap. Also how she misses racing “a lot.” She also used the word “incredibly” in the same context.
More Hollywood Park news:
this time about the nearby casino. Seems it will be under new management soon (if not already) and said mgmt has given everyone working there their pink slips. Said they interviewed all of the current workers but no one has heard back. The article (in Times) described in some detail about what the plans are for the racetrack. Oh dear, to me this revamping of the Casino means the demise of Hollypark is not far behind. Not official yet of course, but it would not surprise me if this year is its last. Well, we’ve known for sometime this would happen, but now that it appears imminent…..(This article was in the Business Section, not high on my list of reading material, but nevertheless, there I was reading. I prefer the so-called comics and Ask Amy in the Calendar section. I’d mention horse racing, but they have very little of that anymore.
Now, back to thinking about our QUEEN’s upcoming foal…..and of course of the QUEEN herself. Goodnight Zenyatta–although you are probably already sound asleep, having wonderful horsey dreams.
Peggn (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Ann NC
Thank you so much about the article on Brushing Groom. Always love reading about Leroi. And, in that article it talked about War Pass too, such a beauty, Gone too Soon. He was Gabby’s sire.
Keta and Ann I hopefully am going to go see Leroi when i am down in Ocala. I am counting the days.
Judy and Max too, I will tell you all about my visit.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Can’t wait. Have a great time. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC (PUR)
Glad you read it,Peggy.
Have a wonderful visit to Ocala.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Another Derby Prep coming up on Saturday; The Risen Star at Fairgrounds. Hugs, JB
Ann NC (PUR)
Thanks, Judy B.
Exciting. I like the Chad Brown horse. Shaping up to be a good weekend for racing!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Yes, wishing all of the horses safe and sound trips. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here is the remarkable story of N. F. Destiny; miracle horse. Godspeed NFD. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy,
What a survival story! Unbelievable what happened to N.F.’s Destiny in his first year!
So glad that he has good people looking after him. Best wishes to him for continued success AND safety.
Thanks for this link! Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome.
What an incredible will and determination he has. Wishing him safe and sound always. Hugs, JB
Icy day in Indy. Getting down the driveway to get the paper was an adventure.
What an exciting weekend this is going to be. All the Derby preps. Can’t wait to see how Violence (Rachel’s little brother, I know not considered her brother) does as well as Oxbow and Palace Malice. These 3 appear to have the pedigree to get the mile and a quarter distance.
The Derby picture will look a lot different on Monday morning. Safe trip to all.