I consider Alys an expert! Does she have any advice for taking these wonderful photos? Not just equipment (although that is always of interest), but time of day, how to get those amazing action shots, beautiful portraits, etc. I enjoy her photography so much! Thank you, Alys.
Betsy McGrath
New York, NY

A: Obviously good equipment does help a great deal, and you need a camera that is capable of shooting at high speed. I use a Canon 7D that was very generously given to me by the Mosses. A telephoto zoom lens helps me get close to the action when I’m shooting in a large paddock.
Light is one of the most important factors. Good light can make all the difference to a photo. In the summer I try to shoot early or late to avoid too much glare. The light is softer earlier on in the day especially in KY where we are quite humid. In the dead of winter it is pretty much the opposite—I go and shoot once the sun is at full strength.
As far as the action shots go, a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time. Most of the time the horses are pretty tranquil here so there isn’t a lot of action. The best time to shoot is when they are first turned back out. The yearlings and foals will usually run and play for a little while after they have been up and in separate stalls for a few hours.
I walk the fields and paddocks quite frequently as I find that is the best way to get to know the young stock and I always carry a camera, which often can lead to some nice shots. I am a total amateur so don’t let that hold you back. Invest in a decent camera and lens and fire away!!
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Alys!
Great information! You are excellent with the camera. You do have the best subject in Zenyatta, and the supporting cast is pretty darn good, too!
We do appreciate your work and are grateful for all that you do. You are the best!
Kathy R.
Well said Marshall!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Left you a post about Nonios (and a photo of him) on Page 1. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks so much Judy. It’s just hard to understand why there hasn’t been any mention of him since that original release about his unspecified injury. Great picture too – I hadn’t seen that one before. Maybe we need to start a “power up Nonios.”
Hugs, Sandy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Unfortunately, that is usually the case. Makes me even more aware of how lucky we are to be given so much access to info on Z, The Prince, Paynter and RA. More than not, it’s next to impossible to find info on horses we love and want to keep track of.
Hopefully, Nonios will recover and be back racing soon. Hugs, JB
For MAX…especially…but calling all BigD fans….just went to drf….one of the topics near the top is 2013stallions….I clicked it….all kinds of info…but bios of some the major category leaders for last year….clicked and read Dyaformer article….it is super…
Also one last thought on Super ninety nine’s win in the slop at Oaklawn ….
wait for it…..his name should be Souper Ninety Nine …ha ha ha
carolinarkansas. Thanks for this. I do love Big D. I miss him every day. But there is another who carries on his bold, fighting spirit. Tiznow. Huge and tough in the tradition of Big D. Sister Tizso is mom to Paynter. We know where Paynter gets his incredible will to keep going. Here’s your link to the story on Big D. Look at those stats!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
All I can say is Wow! Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Ditto, Judy! What a horse!
Hats off to Dynaformer — long missed and long remembered.
Carolinarkansas, enjoyed the article about Big D. Thanks for posting. He was something else. Saw him at a distance at Three Chimneys. They would not let us go up close to him. Big big boy.
This is a great video by a fan of Z about Tiznow, Paynter’s “uncle”. Tiznow not only took down Giants Causeway and Arc winner Sakhee, but he also outran Galileo, Frankel’s father. Europe’s best were no match for this horse. Tiznow can trace his sire line back to Man o’ War. I love this guy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
What a handsome guy he is. Thank you so much for this video. Really enjoyed it. Hugs, JB
JudyB. I love the way the other horses take a run at Tiz but they just cannot get by him. He’s also a real tough character like Dynaformer. The handlers earn their pay looking after Tiznow.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Some really good ones tried to get by him; Giant’s Causeway and Galileo! That says it all. Those Man O’ War genes are tough. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone.
Thanks for the video, how you knew he was one of my favorites, hahaha.
Maybe I like him so much, is because he and Zenyatta look so much a like.
Ingrid. Here’s a link to a little story about Tiznow’s accomplishments with his close up photo. He does look like Zenyatta.
His full sisters Tizso and Tizamazing are moms to Paynter and Oxbow.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Max,
Thanks so much for this video of Tiznow — absolutely outstanding horse. He is both tough and beautiful; stayed in the game and refused to give up. Very fine addition to the gene pool. His sisters are doing quite well in the broodmare field, too. What a family!
I have a joke please it’s just for laughs I mean no disrespect.
An old, redneck wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders some coffee.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the waiter; ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says;
‘Before you tell that joke, Redneck, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things: 1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 2. The bouncer is a blonde girl. 3. I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weightlifter. 5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. ‘Now, think about it seriously, Mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke? The redneck thinks for a second, shakes his head, and mutters; ‘No…not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.’
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sue–too funny!
Anne from Paramount (I think) mentioned that the trainers prefer afternoon racing to evening. That is one thing that really bothered me about Zenny’s 2010 BC. It was cold,and it was dark. It realize all the horses had the same circumstances, but horses get up so early in the morning, that I remember thinking, “It must feel like the middle of the night to her.”
Trina Nagele in So Cal --PUR
I’ve thought that too, Barbara, about Zenny’s last race. And Mikie has mentioned, I believe, that she seemed distracted by the lights.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Sue,
Hahaha! Good one. I can really appreciate this. I am a blond, and much to my chagrin, I do have to be told a joke, oftentimes, more than once, before I get it. LOL.
As a blond (or used to be blond-now more gray) I loved the joke. If you can’t laugh at yourself, life is going to be very dreary.
Marty R / Colorado
Sue, this was really funny. Thanks. I was born blonde, how time changes things, but I can still relate. This was a great way to start the day.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Great joke Sue – the twist at the end is everything! Thanks! :-)
Ann NC (PUR)
Thanks,Sue,just what the Dr. ordered, a shot of humor!
That is funny!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Too funny. Thanks for a good laugh. Hugs, JB
Debbie G/Kentucky (PUR)
Great joke, Sue! I used to know a bunch of blond jokes, but I’ve forgotten most of them. (Does that make me an honorary blond?) One I always liked was:
Three blonds walk into a bar. The first one says to the bartender “I’d like a BL”. The bartender says “What is a BL”? She says, “Duh, a Bud Light”. The second blond walks up to the bartender and says “I’d like an ML”. The bartender says “What’s an ML”? The blond says “Duh, a Miller Lite”. The third blond walks up to the bartender and says “I’d like a 15”. The bartender says “What in the world is a 15”? The blond says “Duh, a 7 and 7”!
Like Sue said, this is just for laughs, no disrespect intended!
Good one Debbie.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sue,
Good one!! I am still giggling!
Darlene Daniels
Dear Zenyatta, Only you could look so lovely, so majestic, so royal in a mud bath. You look fabulous dahling. I love you forever my angel.
Alys, thank you so much for all of your fabulous photos of our precious Zenyatta. Your photos keep her “present” to us all, and for that I am grateful, beyond words. I agree with all previous comments, you are very talented. Thank you to you Alys, Lanes End and Mr and Mrs. Moss, for keeping our beloved Zenyatta in our lives. It means more to me and I am sure most of us, than you will ever know. Love and blessings to all of you.
How much longer until we can expect the arrival of Z13? I know the date is sometime in March. After the scare with Rachel, extra prayers for our sweet Zenny and her baby.
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max left you a post on page 2 about kautos tv appearance last night if you go on his twitter page and click on the itv news link you’ll see him he looks magnificent neigh sheena
Sheena. Here’s the link to Kauto’s appearance on ITV. He looks fantastic, and he is still a ham for the camera. This horse has talent. It goes to show what a TB can do if given the chance.
Ann NC (PUR)
Thanks you so very much for sharing that fantastic video of KS.
Isn’t he looking great and nice to see him taking to the new job.
Best wishes go out to him. Loved hearing the big ole slap on his neck,that is always music to my ears!
Marshall (NC broad)
I agree with you about the good ole slap on the neck!
Yes, Kauto Star looks marvelous (“mah-velous”)!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Was so hoping you would find a video of Kauto Star in his new job and post it. Thank you so much. Hugs, JB
Dear Alys, Thank you for yet another wonderful photo to love, to admire the majesty of our Queen. The fact that you consider yourself an amateur has nothing to do with the amazing photos that you share with us through this site – your pictures are always visually stunning and such a salve to my soul. Thank you also for sharing your tips on camera choice, lighting and times of day, but I see more artistic talent in your photos than you may have thought you possessed. You’re a star!! The wonderful subjects you have certainly do lend themselves to your talent, too, and I think that your walking through their fields to become better acquainted with them probably has a role in all of it, too. At any rate, your photos are awesome, I agree with all those you say you have such a great job and one more time, I thank you sincerely for all that you do for us.!!
Marshall (NC broad)
Great to hear from you, Celeste!! Hugs
Thanks, Marshall. I read the blog every day but have little time (or energy for posting.) Your kindness is appreciated. :)
Max, thanks for the link on Big D!, he was a favorite of mine too!. Loved the article. Berni of Queen Z reminds me of him, not in the handsomeness department, but in his brooding elegance.!!. May he rest in Peace. He is truely missed. Of cause, I love Tiznow!, what a guy.
Thanks, Carolinarkansas for digging up the article in the first place.
Hope all Z nation fans have a great and Blessed day today. Stay warm if its burning cold where you are.
Rachel, I hope you’re having a good day. Keep getting better big girl.
Queen Z, have a wonderful day. LOL to all your connections and to all.
With all of the sad news of discarded horses and horses as meals, here’s an uplifting story of a TB who found a very good home. She’s a big girl like Z. And she shares a nickname with Denman. The woman who loves her reminds me of our Judy and Angela and others on this site who care for retired TBs and other horses. Bravo to you all. You make us proud.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great story, Max. Thanks for sharing!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you for this link and your kind words. Love stories like this. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
This is such a nice story – thanks Max! (Get the tissue if you haven’t read it yet folks).
Kathy R.
Excellent story. Thanks Max!
Sweet story about the good people involved in racing. Long and happy life, Tank.
Marshall (NC broad)
Love this story — makes you feel so good. How wonderful that Tank’s owners were kind enough to be sure that she had a good home after retirement. Great that Kaylea and Tank should end up together!
1. Payner is happy and healthy boy ! Ready to breeze ! Can’t wait
@JustinZayat @Midnightlute
2. Here you go. This is the picture! #PowerUpPaynter
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for this photo of Paynter. What a miracle. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone.
Keta, thanks for the photo, he looks great.
Keta. Many thanks. PUP!
Myra Lewyn tweet on IGUGU
De Kock on Igugu “The race will show if she still has her competitive spirit.
We’ve done what we can to get her fit and now it’s up to her.”
I Am Lava Man tweet from Gulfstream Park
Wed. Feb. 20 with PHOTO
A nice bath at Gulf stream park after going around the track several times to get used to it. With He’s Had Enough #FOY
Ann NC (PUR)
Wonder what movie those two watched on the plane this go around?
Lava,you are so wonderful. Enjoy your visit to Fla. Keep em in line,Lava!!
For all of us who have lost a loved one
For all of us who mourn Kari
Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings
where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.
Thanks to Nick Hines for his lovely tweet
Ann NC (PUR)
Takin care of business!! He puts the C in ,concentration!
Ann NC (PUR)
Sorry,that was to go under,Paynter photo???
Anyway…he is head turner!
Ann NC
He looks so strong, powerful, healthy.
Hard to believe the fight he went through.
Yes, he is a head turner
Hugs, Keta
Brown Almighty through with dirt
By Sports Network — The Sports Network Published: February 20, 2013
It appears that 3-year-old colt Brown Almighty is off the Kentucky Derby trail and headed back to the turf. The chestnut colt finished up the track in Monday’s Southwest Stakes at Oaklawn Park.
Trained by Tim Ice, Brown Almighty didn’t like the sloppy Oaklawn track and finished eighth in the 10 horse field. According to the horse’s Facebook page he came out of the stakes “fine and healthy.”
His ownership group and Ice will enter him in a race on Monday, March 11 at Ocala in the OBS Sales Stakes on the synthetic track then have him race on the turf again.
Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2013/02/20/2282410/brown-almighty-through-with-dirt.html#storylink=cpy
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear Keta
I hope to be in Ocala that week. Think I am getting there on the 11th. Trying to dedide If I want to go a day early so I can actually go to the races on Monday. Thank you so much for letting us know about Brown Almighty. I am waiting to see the full list of horses that are going down to run. Ocala Breeders Sales said the list would be released. Hoping I have time to do everything I want to do.
Ann NC (PUR)
Have fun ,Peggy. Peggy did you read this about the Brushing Groom line via your guy, Leroi?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Have a wonderful time and please tell us all about it when you get back. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Road to the Derby: List of contenders for the Fountain of Youth Stakes at Gulfstream on Saturday. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks Judy – nice to have the little bios along with the horses’ names and post positions.
Ann NC (PUR)
I can’t wait. Judy B. , thanks for that info. Falling Sky,Orb,Violence,well all looking good.
Who is your exacta pick,Judy B?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy, Ann and Z Fans:
Elmutahid is a son of Street Cry and He’s Had Enough is a son of Tapit. So that’s my Exacta. So much for handicapping. Hugs, JB
RACHEL UPDATE: This was posted by Stonestreet about 20 mins. ago. It’s very good news but I really need to understand what is meant by the “long journey with many obstacles” regarding her full recovery. I certainly respect their privacy but would like to understands the condition better……
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks for posting this Abigail. Recovering from a colon resection (and abdominal infection) would be a difficult course in humans so I suspect the same is true for horses, but I will be “all ears” to hear from someone who actually knows.
In the meantime, Way to go Rachel!!!! Keep up that fighting spirit and feisty attitude. Those qualities will help your care givers a lot!
Kathy R.
Many thanks for the post on Rachael Abigail. Keep it up St Francis. Hugs, KathyR.
Adding to Abigail’s comments:
One of the very good news parts of the article was the removal of the
abdominal drains. This was done yesterday.
Rachel’s appetite keeps improving & she is “feisty”
Hugs, Keta
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear ABigail, I would like to know some more on this also. I would like to understand the condition better. It is still so worrysome.Keep fighting Rachel Really Really hard.
Power Up Rachel. (PUR)
It sounds like she, RA is slowly getting better. I know a couple of people, elderly, who had and still have serious colon issues. One, from colon cancer ( surgery, removal of part of the colon) and one from uterian cancer (radiation damage). For boths it’s several yrs and still unpredictable. So RA is probably going to deal with this for a good while, how are her bms? Nice good size apples?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail, Keta, and Z Fans:
Thanks for this update on RA. Does sound encouraging. Will keep praying for our beautiful girl. She’s a fighter like Paynter. PUR Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear max thanks for sharing the video of kauto is’nt our boy doing well and looking wonderful was reading about our denman he really enjoyed his day out at newbury and charlottle got to meet the girls from ditcheat with the shocking situation over hereits so lovely to see these grand TBs enjoying their retirements always loveyour videos hugs sheena
Sheena. I am amazed at how well that Kauto is doing at dressage. He’s all concentration when he’s working. It is wonderful to see him cared for with his hooves getting such special attention. And he’s lost none of his attitude.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Sheena:
He looks wonderful and is doing so well for having such a short amount of training in Dressage. Hugs, JB
sheena.davies(wales) power up rachel
dear abigail so good to hear rachel is improving she’s a tough girl am sure as sandy said infection is always a worry after abdominal surgery she has a long way to go hugs sheena
Racing Victoria tweet with ORTENSIA Photo
Star Paul Messara mare Ortensia looked a treat at trackwork this morning
ahead of Saturday’s #G1 Oakleigh Plate #MFoR
Ann NC (PUR)
Well,hello there!
Oh my golly,she takes my breath away.
Thanks for sharing her w/ us,Keta.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta, Ann and Z Fans:
Ortensia is just beautiful. She looks like she has some pretty good dance moves too. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear Judy,
The race way above that Keta was telling us that Brown Almighty would race in was the one I was telling you about. Can’t wait to see all who are going to run. Sure wish Gabby would be there but I didn’t see her name on the list as probables. Sure would like to hear some news on her.
Peggy (N)
Hope you get to see him run.
When I see the rest of the field, I will share.
Can’t wait to read your comments afterwards
Hugs, Keta
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear Judy
Still nothing new since Jan l7 on Gabby. (At Equibase) No new news on LeRoy’s Boy either.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I keep on checking on Gabby too. It’s strange but I looked for her trainer to see where he was racing horses and he was listed in races at Gulfstream still. I didn’t see him listed in any races at SA. Harris Farms, who owns Gabby, is racing horses at SA. So they must have some reason for moving her from Florida to CA. Just have to keep checking. Hugs, JB
Alys, I never tire of seeing pictures of Zenny, the most beautiful horse in the world.
Sally Wade
Love the caked on mud!!! Shows that even though she was and remains a superstar, she still gets to be “just a horse!!!” :-) Nothing my horse likes better than rolling in the mud!!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Our boy currently has mud balls in his forelock……
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
Too cute. That will be a challenge to brush out. Hugs, JB
Hi Max, thank you so much for that video on Tiznow dueling with Giants Causeway, it was a thriller and even though Tiznow won, Giant Causeway was a champ too. What heart shown by the 2 horses. I’ve watched that video over and over its pathetic, in a good way.
Did anyone notice what I noticed, first, Tiznow looks so much like our Queen Zenyatta, the same white marking and Giant Causeway, has a similar marking like Rachel A!!., uncanny!. What came to my mind was, this is what it would have looked like had Rachel A and Zenyatta had the opportunity to duel it out!!.
Tiznow is such a handsome dude, he should be Queen Z’s next date.!
Again, thanks Max. Good night everyone, hope you all had a wonderful, wonderful day. Glad to hear Rachel A is fighting the good fight. To God be the Glory.
Good night Z, Prince and baby Z.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen:
Tiznow’s Blaze did remind of Z’s. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Tiznow is without a douct the most impressive stallion I have ever seen. “up close and personal”. However, I don’t believe the Mosses would ever consider him because he is big, and Zenny is already an Amazon. They don’t want the foal to be too big. But you are right: what a gorgeous baby that would be!
Louise Castello
Hi Barbara! I noticed on Winstar’s Stallion page that Tiznow is a “sire of big horses” so you’re probably right about him being too big for Zenyatta, but I just love him, too. He’s gorgeous!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Prince and Baby Z:
Love you. Hugs, JB
Congratulations to Black Caviar & all the Inductees!!
Racing Victoria tweets Racing Hall of Fame Inductees in order of presentation
DELTA, a winner of 1949 Cox Plate and VRC Derby and 1951 Melbourne Cup, has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame.
SIR GEORGE JULIUS, the man who invented the totalisator in Australia & NZ, has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame.
Legendary Sydney farrier & teacher of the craft ALBERT O’CASS OAM has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame as an Associate
Australia’s most famous jumper CRISP has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame. Famous second in 1973 Grand National at Aintree, UK.
Melbourne Cup winning jockey HUGHIE CAIRNS, a star both on the flat & over jumps in the 1920s, has been inducted into #RacingHallofFame
Breeding icon STAR KINGDOM, sire of the first five Golden Slipper winners, has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame.
The late Queensland racing icon BRUCE McLACHLAN, a winner of 16 Brisbane trainers’ premierships, has been inducted into #RacingHallofFame.
Leading SA bloodstock agent & administrator DAVID COLES AM has been inducted into the #RacingHallofFame as an Associate
RacingHallofFame inductee GEOFF LANE won five Victorian apprentice titles & the senior Melbourne title in his final year as an apprentice.
Unbeaten champion BLACK CAVIAR has been inducted into #RacingHallofFame. Joins SUNLINE as the only horse to be inducted whilst still racing.
Racing Victoria tweet
The immortal CARBINE has been elevated to Legend status
alongside Phar Lap, Makybe Diva, Scobie, Bart & TJ Smith.