What do you feed 12Z now that he is weaned? Do you feed all foals the same way, or is the meal different from one foal to the other according to some characteristics? How do the meals evolve from weanling to yearling?
Alexandra Usimaki
Lyon, France

A: Z12, along with all the weanlings, is fed both concentrates (grain) and a high quality mixed hay. We weigh and measure them monthly to make sure they are on track for growth and weight for their age. Our feed is tailored to the farm so any mineral deficiencies in the land will be made up in the feed.
They are brought in at 7 AM and will not be turned back out again until after their afternoon feed. This allows us to make sure each individual is eating well, and it means the more timid horses will not get bullied by the more dominant ones. During the winter months we have hay feeders out in the fields that are always kept full. As they grow and age the feed will not change aside from increasing the size of their rations.
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Santa Anita: Paynter back in Baffert’s barn
By Steve Andersen Daily Racing Form 12/30/2012 5:26PM
ARCADIA, Calif. – Paynter, the Grade 1 winner who battled colitis and laminitis in the second half of 2012, returned to trainer Bob Baffert’s stable at Santa Anita on Saturday evening.
A 4-year-old in 2013, Paynter will resume training this winter for an intended return to racing. Just having Paynter back in the barn after two serious ailments has been an inspiration, Baffert said on Sunday
“I can’t believe he’s alive,” Baffert said. “He’s really tough, mentally tough. He’s a tough sonofagun.”
Owned by Zayat Racing, Paynter has not started since winning the Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park in late July. Shortly after that race, he fell ill and was in serious condition in late summer, first with colitis and then laminitis. Through the fall, his condition improved
Baffert said on Sunday that Paynter’s weight dropped as low as 908 pounds during his illness, and has rebounded to 1,109. Paynter will be walked at Baffert’s stable in coming weeks before resuming any racetrack training.
Last week, Paynter was named the winner of the Vox Populi award, administered by the owners of the late two-time Horse of the Year Secretariat. The award recognizes a horse’s achievements and ability to gain attention for Thoroughbred racing.
Paynter has won 3 of 6 startS and $952,224. Aside from the Haskell, he was second in the Belmont Stakes in June.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Barbara,
Left “BB runs off video” on page 2 for you.
Dear Especially Horses,
Left some comments regarding “E” recent work.
As John says “she has no speed”. But some other comments too.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, got it! Thanks!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Barbara,
Also thought of this:
Mike was holding him back and the horse let him willingly do it.
He held him back enough so he would not get the horse mad at him.
Horse was not fighting and wasting energy with this masterful riding of
Mike Smith.
If the horse, gets mad they are “rank” and pull on the jockey to go faster,
and the jockey may then pull back, that is the one that uses energy.
Mike just tried to rein in as much energy that he could, with out making
the horse angry. He was not able to rein in enough so he would win though.
But he will slow down as he matures.
Don’t you love the way BB argues, shaking her head around and the
“love” bites to her pony. And the nonverbals between her and her pony
when they turned around were too funny. Maybe John had to find her
a new pony as that one did not like her very much. Wonder what happened
to her.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Thanks! And another thanks for posting the BB video. That was fun to watch.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
She is a character, that BB !!!!
Nakatani Takes Off Mounts at Santa Anita
By Blood-Horse Staff Updated: Sunday, December 30, 2012 7:29 PM
Jockey Corey Nakatani, who was involved in a spill in the fourth race at Santa Anita Park Dec. 29, took off his scheduled two mounts at the Southern California track Dec. 30.
“He’s really body sore,” said Nakatani’s agent, Brian Beach, in a release. “He’s doing therapy today and hopes to ride tomorrow.”
Nakatani’s accident occurred while aboard the 3-year-old filly Fabulous Fashion in a 6 1/2-furlong contest that was scheduled for the hillside turf course but was switched to the main dirt track because of the wet conditions.
When the horses were going around the far turn entering the stretch, Nana Beach, a 5-year-old mare ridden by jockey Alex Bisono, broke down, with Fabulous Fashion falling into her. The incident resulted in both jockeys being unseated but escaping serious injury.
According to track notes, the stewards conducted an inquiry into the incident before ruling Nana Beach broke down on her own. The daughter of Unusual Heat was reportedly euthanized due to injuries from the fall.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/75271/nakatani-takes-off-mounts-at-santa-anita#ixzz2GaYmZH4D
10:30 pm tonight
Janet Newman
Had my calendar marked .
Would love to have a copy of this.
I just love where he goes off and gets into
the feed bin. The way he looks at the other horses
is like he is saying ” Don’t you wish you were this special.”
I could never see him retired just grazing in a paddock. He loves being busy.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Janet,
Lava Man is a very special horse, to have the drive and motivation to
mentor others is very special. He is a “workaholic” just changed jobs.
He is such a personality and sooo funny. Most horses are not funny
or have this big of a personality.
Love this guy, hope to copy or get the DVD. Will try and post it from
the website.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
BLOODHORSE: Mucho Macho Man works, with blinkers; Groupie Doll arrives,
(after spending some time with Brass Hat, he must be giving her some tips and keeping her in shape running around the paddock. Geldings are the best and he probably
love the female company)
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
BLOODHORES: The story of Potesta
Anne from Paramount, CA
Just finished watching (and recording) Lava Man (Inside Information) and following that, HRTV Rewind. Enjoyed both shows, I must say the Lava Man special made me smile and/or laugh—very uplifting to re-visit his life. What a special bond he has with the people in that barn. Delightful to see. Stick to the credits and you’ll see Zoe C having a conversation with Himself, Lava Man. In “Rewind,” seeing/hearing BB’s son Bode try to answer questions about Paynter was a kick. Also giving Paynter his due with the Vox Populi award. And, later going over which trainer would win the Eclipse Award, reminded me that when we were there on the 26th, we watched the Malibu down near Clockers’ Corner, so when it was over we did not have far to go to our car. Anyway, standing directly behind us was Steve Asmussen, eyes glued to the field going in the gate. Rod made a friendly comment to him, but he ignored that or did not hear—I like to think the latter because after all he was concentrating! As the horses came down the stretch, he then ran down the apron. Unbridled’s Note finished third. (I like to see out of town trainers here. Helps spread goodwill, I like to think.) To end where I began: High hoof, Lava Man! You da Man! :-)
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Anne, Janet and Zenny Fans,
So very much enjoyed the Inside Information on Lava Man.
He is such a hoot. Love the footage on him giving IHA a bump
on the behind, “get it together will you and calm down”. Did not
realize IHA was such a “handful” until Lava Man taught him
how to “behave”. Love the story of Lava Man having a flash back,
weaving and sweating in his stall before IHA was racing. Dennis
told Doug to have another pony with Lava Man in case he decided
it was his race time instead of IHA.
Love your story about Steve Assmusen. You are all so lucky in California
to have access to top trainer and horses at your tracks along with the great
and talented at all levels. Just makes one realize how truely talented
Zenny was on the track and how long it takes for others to “make it”.
Ann NC
Thanks, Anne.
Enjoy the season.
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Shocking news: no wonder an ambulance follows the field. It will really hurt the Kiwis – they are a very tight knit community in racing. Hugs KathyR.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Good luck today to STANWYCK, the Mosses’ 3-year-old filly by Empire Maker out of Set Them Free (mom of Tiago and Giacomo), trained by John Shirreffs, Garrett Gomez up, in SA Race 8 at 4:05 PM Pacific Time.
Ann NC
Good luck,pretty girl!
Kathy R.
Dear Zenyatta family: It’s after 9pm, New Year’s Eve down here, and I just wanted to send you all blessings for 2013. I hope all your dreams come true, and that those of you who are ill, or have family unwell, will enjoy full health in the new year. I’ve been blessed to find this site, and the kindness that is here. I also wish all good things for the folk at Lane’s End, to Mr and Mrs Moss, and of course for the magical Zenyatta herself, for a safe birth for Z13, and new and exciting beginnings for Z12. Many hugs to you all, love KathyR.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Thanks so much for the well wishes and
Ann NC
Happy New Year, Kathy R.
You are welcome at the ‘drops” anytime!
Hope 2013 is a great one for you and yours.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy 2013, Kathy!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Zenny fans, Dumplings and All,
Lord, this year we want to change,
and we have said this in the past.
but now our prayers are different,
because we understand at last.
We are putting our prayers
into your loving hands,
We promise to understand
your path for us, and continue
love and gratitude to you, Lord.
We recognize that the safest
place for us to be is in your gentle
care. We will promise to follow your
loving plans for us with joy and pleasure.
Please be our shepherd, Lord,
that is all we ask of you.
In good times and bad this year,
Take our hands and lead us through.
Ann NC
Thank you,Sign.
I hope 2013 is good to you!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
(a photo of Zenny and 12 Z day after he was foaled, lovely article about Rachel, too)
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
(Includes Frankel’s last race; Black Caviar at Royal Ascot)
AJ from CA
Thanks Sign for that link. Glad The Shack made it in (my fave!)
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
sue and tony
Happy New Year to all who read and post here, the fabulous folks who make up Team Z, 12Z and the one and only Queen Zenyatta!
dear sign lovely new years prayer a very happy one to you hugs sheena
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, all:
Just checking in to wish all of you all over the world and the U.S. a happy and, above all, safe New Year. You feel like part of my own family, and this site is such a blessing to so many. Hugs to all.
hope all have a safe day and evening…
have a horrible feeling we will end up at the bowling alley tonight…
would rather stay home really..
too many idiots out there ..
used to call it “amateur night”/.//
Zenny…..eat sleep rest exercise….spa appts…mud baths….
soft kisses to all soft noses worldwide…
PACING will start soon
Dear friends I have lost my very special outdoor cat Mr. Bubbles. I found him 5 years ago he was maybe dumped off and looking for a new home. He found one with me. I thought he was a girl that is why he was named Bubbles. I found out when I took him to the vet he was a boy. I couldn’t find him around 5pm last night and looked for him off and on for 3 hours. I went out again around 7am and found him a few yards away just laying there dead. Not a mark on him all clean and white. He had been dead for a while. I got a box and carried him home. I dug his grave and said goodbye to one of the nicest kitties I have had. He was about 6 year’s old way too young to be dead. I hope he was not poisoned by a neighbor. I am so unhappy what a crappy day. Thanks for listening.
So sorry sue…..
Marty R / Colorado
So very sorry, Sue. I hope the new year has a better feel for you.
Kathy R.
Dear Sue: Second Marty’s comment to you. Think only happy memories of your time with Bubbles (great name!). Hugs, KathyR.
Janet Newman
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Mr. Bubbles had a good life with you.
Hugs to you.
Yeah,that’s shocking, when you find them like that, totally unexpected.
It happened that way with my TigerLilly, not a mark on her but a little speck of blood on her mouth. She was hit by a car. I was on my way to work and found her right by the edge of the front yard, it literally took my breath away, thought I was going to pass out. She made it that far and then collapsed. Is there any possibility that Bubbles got hit? If she were poisoned wouldn’t there be a lot of salivating around her mouth?
Anyway, I am very sorry for your loss.
No he was in a back yard I don’t believe he was hit.
Sorry, meant He.
Ann NC
Dear Sue FL,
I am very sorry about your, Mr. Bubbles.
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sue Fl
What a sad way to end the year!
So sorry that you lost Mr. Bubbles
Hugs, Keta
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, Sue. I am so sorry! I can identify, as we lost our dear Russian Blue, Smokey, 30 years ago when we had to go away to a funeral out of state. We never did find her. I know exactly how you feel. RIP, dear Mr. Bubbles. I remember the Jacksons who owned Barbaro saying, “Grief is the price we pay for love.” So true. Sending hugs.
@Sunny Boyd–ditto to you for dear Tiger Lilly.
Kathy R.
Dear Barbara: You had a Russian Blue! We had two not long after we were married (many moons ago now) – Boris and Steffania – they were such good friends. Very true the Jackson comment.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Dear Sue, I send very sincere condolences on the sudden loss of your dear four-footed friend. Mr. Bubbles would have wished to stay with you many more years. Bless you for being there for him when he was a stray and throughout the few short years that were granted to him thereafter. He’ll wait for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
In sympathy–
Hugz, Trina
Trina I was thinking that my Brian that I lost in 05 never got to have the pleasure for playing with MB. As I was covering Bub I thought Brian now you get to have our kitty. Till we all our together again.
Thanks everyone you are a fantastic group of people. I love you Sue
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Sue, that is a beautiful thought. Now Brian and Mr. Bubbles will have the pleasure of each other’s company.
Ingrid Arnone.
So sorry about your beautiful cat, RIP.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sorry about that Sue — not a Happy New Year, at all. I remember years ago, when my cat disappeared, and I looked for three days, calling her name — finally she came whimpering out from under the house. I rushed her to the vet, and luckily she recovered from an infected leg bite (from a fight), though she always limped afterwards, at least she got a full life. But there are so many dangers for our furry friends. Take care.
AJ from CA
Sue – My sincere condolences to you. I worry about my two outdoor kitties who have taken up residence in the backyard. I provide them food and keep the garage door open in case of rain or extreme cold but they will not allow me to get closer than a foot.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sue,
So sorry for your loss. RIP Mr. Bubbles.
You gave him a wonderful home with lots of love. Take comfort in the good memories you have and in the happiness you gave each other.
Take care and lots of hugs.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
My sincere condolences on the loss of your kitty. It’s hard enough when you know it’s coming. An unexpected loss is just that much harder. ((((Hugs))) from me and my canine crew.
Happy New Year!
Wishing you blessings this New Year…
the warmth of home, the love of family
and the company of good friends.
All the best in 2013
Kathy R.
Dear Keta: Return blessings for 2013 to you! Had left you a comment on the tragic death of the young Kiwi jockey: thanks for posting the piece about the accident. Hugs, KathyR.
Camille Wade
Happy New Year to Zenyatta, 12Z, and all those who love and care for Zenyatta and all the other amazing horses at Lane’s End. May 2013 hold an abundance of blessings for each of you!
Anne from Paramount, CA
Sue, so sorry about Mr.Bubbles. Yes, our furry friends are not always safe, are they? But do think of the good life he had with you. Again, my condolences.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Well, it’s official, in New York anyway, Happy New Year to ALL!!!!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
Darn, missed that, thanks for sharing
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Sue: sorry about Mr. bubbles.
Zenyatta & 12Z
A very Happy BIrthday & Happy New Year!
May 2013 be healthy, safe!
A new foal will be welcomed to the family soon
Nose kisses & neck hugs,