What do you feed 12Z now that he is weaned? Do you feed all foals the same way, or is the meal different from one foal to the other according to some characteristics? How do the meals evolve from weanling to yearling?
Alexandra Usimaki
Lyon, France

A: Z12, along with all the weanlings, is fed both concentrates (grain) and a high quality mixed hay. We weigh and measure them monthly to make sure they are on track for growth and weight for their age. Our feed is tailored to the farm so any mineral deficiencies in the land will be made up in the feed.
They are brought in at 7 AM and will not be turned back out again until after their afternoon feed. This allows us to make sure each individual is eating well, and it means the more timid horses will not get bullied by the more dominant ones. During the winter months we have hay feeders out in the fields that are always kept full. As they grow and age the feed will not change aside from increasing the size of their rations.
Our Expert
Client Management, Lane’s End
Alys has been at Lane’s End for fourteen years. She has worked in every division of the farm and is now in charge of client management, keeping owners up to speed about the lives of their horses.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thanks to all at Lane’s End for being the wonderful caretakers to all the horses. We always are appreciative of any news regarding Zenyatta and her son. Soon enough, possibly mid-January news of her newest baby.
Trina, lovely poem and I am adding best wishes to Sherry for a very Happy Birthday.
Happy New Year everyone.
Please check out the Horse and Man blog and if any can contribute to those wonderful wild mustangs that are less fortunate than our beautiful Zenny. Thank you,
Mary in FLA
Wishing a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to all at Lane’s End. Especially our Queen Z and “Prince”. Thanks so much to everyone at Lane’s End for the excellent and loving care they give to all the horses there at Lane’s End.
Oh what a nice bit of information. Thank you LE you always make things sound so aok.
Zenny our big days are coming up. Bday’s
You my dear will be turning horsey 9 years of age .
Oh Zenny this is a hard one I will be turning in human years oh my goodness cover your eyes hide oh no!! 55. Wow that was a hard one to get out. Yes it is true we are getting older. I still think we have something even greater to accomplish and we are going to God will see to that he loves us. I love you big Z you will always be my biggest horse crush. Happy New Year Big Z, Prince and baby z13 !
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sue–You are a mere child compared to some of us–lol!
Thanks I am just trying to get used to saying 55. The first thing to hit ya for the new year is a big deal birthday. I pray this is a good year for all of us. I love you all Zensters.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy New Year Zenyatta and 12 Z
TC I want to make sure of the other big day in January. What is the day we are celebrating with the big flush? Was that the 27th or 28th? your RN flush friend Sue
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Wanted to give a huge Shoutout to Stonewall Farm Florida. Number one I am so happy that Leroidesanimaux Will be staying there for the 2013 breeding season. Yippee So hope I get to go see you this year
Huge Shoutout to you I just read where you will give 2% of all stud fees for 20l3 to Florida Thoroughbred Retirement Farm. This is such wonderful news. Thank You.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Dear Peggy, that’s so great to hear about their support of the Florida Thoroughbred Retirement Farm. I hope more breeders follow this model in the future. High hoof! Thanks for sharing this good news.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Trina,
I hope more breeders will too.
sue and tony
Another great question and answer! It’s amazing what we have learned from this site.
A huge Thank You to all of Team Z who keep us in the know!
Lisa in Colorado
Thanks you, Lane’s End, for being so patient with the fans, and fso informative. I love very post. Happy New Year to all with thanks.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Should be a big Paynter day tomorrow at Santa Anita — “Mrs. Chenery will present the custom-made Vox Populi trophy to Paynter’s connections at Santa Anita Park on Saturday, Dec. 29 at 3:00 pm PST. The public ceremony will be preceeded by an autograph signing beginning at 11:00 am.”
Ann NC
Thank you,Vicki B.
The trophy is beautiful and his portrait captures everything, Paynter!
Thank you for this. It is a great painting of the people’s horse. PUP!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the link Vicki! Very nice write-up and a beautiful painting. PUP!!! It looks to be a just dreadful day in So Cal – hope they will still be able to have the ceremony.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’re welcome Ann, Max, Sandy, & Janet. I wonder how the award went today. It was pouring rain when I went to a movie this morning, but the sun was shining when I came out of the theatre this afternoon. I haven’t found anything online yet about the award presentation.
However, I did come across a wonderful story on Penny Chenery, from 2010, detailing the differences between real life, and the movie “Secretariat”:
Vicki B. I really enjoyed reading this article. The scenes in the movie of the final stages of the Belmont are very inspirational. Mrs Chenery is a great person as are the other people who were close to this wonderful horse.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And very nice photos #18-20, of Diane Lane & Penny Chenery at the Hollywood premiere of “Secretariat”: http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Penny+Chenery/Premiere+Walt+Disney+Pictures+Secretariat/x6Dsg7lAsOI
#13 is a good picture of Penny, too. #26 & 29 with Bill Nack. #37 & 38 Diane & Penny with Ron Turcotte between them.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I’m on a roll here — another article about Penny, where she says of her early days running Meadow Stable: But I really knew nothing about racing. That was the hard part. I had to learn the lingo. I didn’t know what a claiming race was, didn’t know what a furlong was. The basics. I had ridden all my life, I was a good judge of horses . . . but racing?”
And when Riva Ridge won, on her dad: “At that point, he didn’t speak anymore,” Penny Chenery said. “He didn’t respond. The nurse was feeding him dinner at about 5:30 in the hospital, she had the television on. She’s feeding him, she’s looking at the TV and all of a sudden she’s saying, ‘Mr Chenery, Mr. Chenery, your horse has won the Kentucky Derby.’ “He was (crying).”
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sorry, the link for the story above: http://m.rockymountainnews.com/news/2006/jun/10/down-memory-lane-for-penny/
Janet Newman
What a beautiful portrait of Paynter.
He will be home in California tonight.
Happy New Year to Queen Zenyatta and her colt…and all her connections in CA as well as in Kentucky.
So glad to hear that Paynter and his connections are being recognized. What a valiant horse and kudos to his people for all their efforts to keep him healthy. Paynter’s story is truly miraculous!
Janet Newman
Great story on Potesta.
She sells at Keeneland in January.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Wonderful news that she will have a happy life as a broodmare.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Especially Horses–I just found your comment on the old blog about the BU game. It was amazing. We stayed up until 1 a.m., watching. Thank you.
To all who commented on the “possum drop” from yesterday. Thanks for being such good sports, especially the NC Dumplings. One of my favorite places in all the world is the Outer Banks.
@Lisa–you asked the question my memory had fogotten the answer to last year. TC will reply…….
Ann NC
Barbara Wood,
You would enjoy this wonderful book about Taffy and her “Banker Pony!”
I hope you will visit the OBX again!
Marshall (NC broad)
I dearly loved that book — Taffy of Torpedo Junction. I remember reading it in elementary school, I think. I bought a copy of it a few years back and enjoyed reading it yet again!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day and are enjoying the 12 Days of Christmas, too.
Happy New Year!
Marshall ( and The Dogs)
Ann NC
It is a book for all ages,for sure!
Hope you are having a great holiday season. The acorn is all polished,saw it down the street from hubs shop,putting the spit shine on it!
Happy New Year!! We are firing up the fire pit tonight and having some oysters! Now to find ” Old Buck”!! HA!!
All the critters here say hi.
Thanks for all of these posts. I really love to read them because they are very informative.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Zenyatta, her beautiful colt, and to everyone at Lane’s End.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Thanks, Delrene, for mentioning the wild horses that have been removed from the range in Nevada and need our help so they don’t go to slaughter. Dawn Diovera of the Horse and Man blog is starting the January “Bucket Fund” early to help these 41 deserving equines. Update: There are safe places arranged for them to go if we can raise the funds for transport. Please help get the new year off to a good start for these horses. Together we can do it, Z-sters! Thank you. http://horseandman.com/
Ingrid Arnone.
Dear Trina,
Yes, I will help them, do you have and address where I can send the money? Because I do not like to used my credit cards in the computer. Happy New Year dear friend! Ingrid.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Trina–thank YOU, as always. Hugs.
AJ from CA
Bo Derek making a difference in horseracing:
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Love Bo Derek and her love of horses. Thanks, AJ.
Eblouissante (3-Year-Old Filly)
Date: December 29, 2012
Distance: Four Furlongs
Time: 53:40 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 71/71
Wow what is up?
Especiall Horses / So Cal
Sue, I noticed that ranking too. I hope there isn’t more to the “bruised hip” incident…be it physical or mental (such as a bruised mindset). It will be heartbreaking if she doesn’t rebound. I don’t see her ready in time for the La Canada. Knowing how fragile and how so many things can go wrong when training these magnificent creatures it just once again brings home how amazing and wonderful it is when a Zenyatta, Black Caviar and Frankel come along. I sure am hoping I’m over analyzing and reading way too much into this workout.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow–that is certainly surprising. I hope it’s just a temporary off-day. Go, Ebby, go!
That ranking sure looks off to me, too. But, I’ve read that E still has some immaturity and the bruising incident may set her back mentally for a bit.
She’s surely got the talent but may not have the same drive as her big sis. Steve always said Zenny had so much “want” in her and loved training and her “job” of racing. There are so many hopes that E can achieve much success as a race horse but that not happen for a variety of reasons. We know she is in the best hands possible and every effort will be made for her to reach her full potential.
It really is amazing that Zenny never seemed to have an off day throughout her career. I wish the best for E. We’ll have to see how things evolve for her.
Especially Horses,
She has worked at the bottom of the rankings before,
Hope she is not ill. Think her bruise is all healed or John
Would not have worked her the next day, he would have put
Her on stall rest.
Ann NC
Maybe just letting her stretch those beautiful,long legs that go on and on……
Hope she is healing OK.
Best to you pretty girl.
Marty R / Colorado
This sounds to me to be more of a conditioning workout than one for speed. I’m also wondering about the La Canada. One thing we know for sure is that John won’t put her in a race if she isn’t in top form and, he has patience.
This is what I’m thinking as well. Also I’ve never seen Ebby post blistering work rankings. If she’s anything like Zenyatta (and that one race we saw shows that she is) the four furlongs is how long it takes her just to get up to speed!
She honestly should have no mental reason to associate the training track with the receiving barn before a race. If there is a physical reason (discomfort of some sort) still bothering her then I agree with Marty again that John won’t push it.
Remember, Zenyatta had the most important thing any racehorse can have. “Luck” Ebby might have all the talent and will in the world but none of her sister’s luck.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
This sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
As John says “E” has no speed, her weapon is getting in a good stride
And her turn of foot toward the end of the race.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Some conversation in another venue that she was just out playing in the mud!!!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Some really good thoughts and conversation on Ebby. Thanks everyone. I feel like I’ve been chatting with you all over coffee.
Great story about Stud Muffin today on TVG. 50 something starts. A wonderful group of people got together and purchased him and sent him to his comfy retirement. I think it was Aikendale Rescue? Not sure, anyway, a feel good story for the end of the year!
yes that was nice
Janet Newman
Yes Stud Muffin went to Akindale.
They posted pictures on their facebook page of him.
So glad he is going to a good home and enjoy being a horse.
Janet Newman
Here is a post about this beautiful boy.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
With Mike Smith up, the Moss-owned Mentor Cane was in the money for John Shirreffs in race 1 at SA, a two-year-old maiden special weight race won by Appealing Tale. Coastal Breeze was second. High hoof, Team Mentor Cane!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Way to go. Great news!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Mentor Cane….what’s in a name? Does anyone have any thoughts on this name?
Ann NC
Congrats to Team Mentor Cane. Exciting!!!
Thanks, Trina.
it’s to bad he was so hyper but I like him
Especially Horses / So Cal
Ah-ha…so was he raucous before the race? Do you think that played into his performance today?
Marty R / Colorado
Especially Horses,
I watched on Calracing and he didn’t want to enter the gate. They opened the front of the gate and he went right on through and had to be brought back around. He held up the start a little.
My own opinion is, I still have high hopes for Mentor Cane. He’s young, energentic and things haven’t all clicked with him yet. He needs to learn to listen to his pilot and not just go on his own cruise control, which is too fast from the get go.
The track was a big sloppy mess, too. Don’t know if that was a factor. I would be interested to hear Mike’s take on the race. Marty R.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Thanks Marty for the info. I think that explains a lot. I too still have high hopes for him.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Mentor Cane finished 3rd beaten by 12 3/4 lengths, on December 29, 2012, at SANTA ANITA PARK in Race 1. Off odds: 1.10
This was his second start…he finished a very encouraging second in his debut, so that explains his odds of 1.10 for this race. Can’t help but think there must be a bit of disappointment after seeing him finish 12 ¾ lengths behind the winner.
When race three comes up, here’s hoping the third time is a charm. No reason not to have lots of high hopes still for this youngster.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Mentor went out too fast and took hold of the bit. I hope he learns to rate.
Trina & Z=strs
Race 1 Santa Anita Park
Purse: $56,000
Date: December 29, 2012
Age: 2 yo
Distance: 1 mile
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/race/USA/SA/2012/12/29/1/race-1#ixzz2GVmZ4E1o
It doesn’t even show Mentor Cane breaking through the gate and being reloaded.
Can’t imagine what Mike’s shoulders, arms, & hands felt like post-race.
Interesting that Clocker said Mentor had not shown any of these tendencies
during his workouts.
Hopefully, better starts ahead.
Hugs, Keta
Ann NC
Poor , Mike.
OK,Mentor cane,will have to call him, Smarty Pants. There was no turning back,hold on for life!
It will be very interesting to see his next go round.
Mentor Cane, you are so smart and good looking.
Marty R / Colorado
I didn’t mean to make it sound like MC broke through the gate. He was turning sideways as they brought him up to load. So, as they sometimes do to help a horse enter, they opened the front of the gate. He then went in and just kept on going right out through the front. He was caught right away and brought back around. “Caught” was the announcers word. He wasn’t on the run, just somebody on foot was close and grabbed him and led him. Sorry for any confusion. Marty R.
Maybe a little while before this young talented guy can rate,
He is like John Shirreffs BB, blast off,
Bet he will be a front runner, just Budget some energy for the
He is a cutie !!!!
I agree. Handsome with potential
It will be fun watching what the next months bring
Hugs, Keta
Janet Newman
Lane’s End posted that Lord Avie passed away yesterday at the age of 34.
I posted the link to Barbara Livingston’s blog about Lord Avie and his trainer.
What a milestone in equine years. RIP Lord Avie.
RIP great horse, Lord Avie. You will not be forgotten.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Janet. That got to me, all about the old horse.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Janet, thanks for the news. He was a grand old man.
AJ from CA
That story really touched my heart – thanks Janet.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Wonderful story, marvelous photos. Thanks for posting, Janet. RIP Lord Avie.
Kathy R.
Dear Janet: Thanks so much for the post about Lord Avie: had not heard of him Downunder; you folk have a lot to be proud of in the way you honour old champions – the piece on Lord Avie and his former trainer was just magnificent. Here the industry is a much harder beast and there tends to be little emotion (except at a very individual level) for the horse. I just really admire the way you all respect and honour the champion. Well done. Hugs, KathyR.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Amen to what Trina said so well!! Thank you Janet!
So very glad he lived out his pensioned years at Lanes End,
And his trainer was able to visit.
These old guys are really something special
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks so much for this link. How touching — such a sweet horse and equally devoted trainer. What a fine horse! RIP dear Lord Avie.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
RIP Nana Beach, the filly who went down in the fourth at SA. Did not recover, per Zenny’s Tribe.
Janet Newman
I was watching the race on HRTV.
RIP Nana Beach.
Marty R / Colorado
Trina and Janet,
I’m so sorry to hear about Nana Beach. I was watching on Calracing and it looked really scary with two horses and jockeys going down. That was supposed to have been a turf race and John Shirreffs had an entry, Market Quote, but scratched her when the race went to dirt. RIP Nana Beach.
Janet Newman
End of another year and good-byes to human and equine in horse racing.
I loved Hollywood Wildcat and of course my Pulpit. RIP to all.
Janet. Very interesting slideshow. We sadly have lost a lot of great people and horses in 2012. I miss Big D in particular. The photo shows what a giant of horse that he was. Big D, always near in my thoughts. That kind of a love never goes away.
Janet Newman
Max, yes we have lost a lot of people and horses. I know that not all (horses) from this year made it. Big D’s son Purim left us early on in January. Difficult to keep track of them all. But they are all a part of us and will always be loved as you said.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Janet, thanks for posting a great slide show. It was heartwarming to see that so many of the retired racers lived to a ripe old age. It’s a blessing when horse people take really good care of their equine friends.
Thanks for posting this lovely slideshow Janet.
Are you ready for Lava Man tonight????
Janet Newman
@ Vicki B near Hollywood.
Got to watch the Vox Populi award. Penny Chenery was under the weather and her son Christopher presented the award to Bob Baffert accepting for the Zayat family. They had a nice video presentation on Paynter before the presentation.
Definitely brought tears from my eyes.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thank-you Janet. Maybe the video on Paynter will appear on line later.
dear Z family wishing you all a happy healthy and prosperous new year but more than that one filled with love and friendship love to zenyatta and 12z it’s going to be a fun year for you!what a wonderful story about lord avie such a good age RIP over the rainbow bridge hugs sheena
Especially Horses / So Cal
More Mentor Cane:
When you watch this replay put in full screen mode, you’ll be able to see what a tight hold Mike has on this guy…nothing relaxing about this race for Mentor Cane. It’ll be interesting to see how Mentor Cane matures. Once he “gets it” he’ll be a force to reckon with.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I have a questions about this. It looked as if Mikie was struggling so hard to hood him back that a lot of energy might have been wasted in the pulling from both man and horse. What if he had just let him run? Don’t some horses (Shackleford comes to mind) love to be out front the whole way. How do you tell early on in a horse’s career?
Dear Barbara,
2 year olds tend to use everything up early on as Mentor Cane did in this race.
He was not rank and pulling, Mike wanted to have some horse left for the finish.
Remember most horses are not even ridden until they are 5 or 6 and a 6 year old
Is considered a baby. So riding a two year old as Mike Smith says is YEA !!! HA,
Anything can happen
Did you see the video of John Sherriffs with mare BB “blasting off” and
he said BB you have to save some for the finish. Will post this video for you.
Shack’s style was to go to the lead, he always, when he did not ” throw a
Clunker” was in the money and always had enough to finish and win.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Barbara,
Here is the video from Backside, Barn 55;
BB runs off, John has a lot of good comments,
seems Mike was trying to get Mentor Cane to
save a little for the finish, but he used it all up.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, sign. I didn’t know he’s only 2. It did look to me like he was pulling really hard.
Ann NC
Thanks for the video.
I was in ” hog heaven” watching it!!!
He is beautiful and I think a start in the future.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Happy Sunday to all! First, thanks to the many who responded on previous pages of Rightful Image’s second place finish on Opening Day. Much appreciated. It was a lot of fun being there screaming our lungs out for him. He did well!! And Karen, thanks again for that neat video. So great of you to do that. Good to chat with you that rather cool (cold?) afternoon by the paddock, but much nicer in the sun! So glad it–and we– came out in the afternoon, although due to the crowd, Rod and I could not find two seats together, so we roamed around until our backs, legs and knees said NO MORE! Then I found Karen and all was well. I could sit! We were never 100% sure if R.I. was going to be scratched, as three others were in that race, but no, he did well on dirt. That afternoon the track seemed to be fine. (Yesterday, as observed on TV, it was a MESS! ) So all in all a very fun, invigorating and exciting time on the 26th. Being a holiday week, traffic was not bad, although we had the advantage of the car pool lane. P.S. If this cold weather (for us locals) keeps up, next time we go to the track I will wear my sweat shirt I got in Alaska last summer! (What’s wrong with that sentence? Hmm..Alaska, summer..sweatshirt…hmm.)
Other things: Hoof ray for Paynter!!!! Only caught part of the interview on HRTV yesterday, with Baffert and Kurt Hoover. Janet Newman, thanks for letting us know it was Mrs. C’s son Christopher–I missed hearing who he was. Anyway, hoof-ray again!!
Celeste, sending good thoughts to your husband (and you!) from SoCal.
Ann NC, loved your Outhouse magazine story! Really a kick!! LOL. Any foldouts?
I, too wondered about “Ebby’s” recent work. Perhaps, as was suggested, it was more of a leg stretcher than anything else.
Yes, RIP Lord Avie. What a great story about this horse and his trainer. He did have a good life, though. Janet Newman, thanks for the link.
@Kathy R: I have meaning to tell you I enjoy reading your feedback from Downunder. Thanks, from this side of the globe.
In case I don’t revisit here before the new year (I hope to do so, but one never knows), happy new year to ALL Dumplings, scattered though we may be. This is the place “where horse lovers gather.” And I would be remiss if I did not send the same greetings to our QUEEN, her first born and the soon to come foal. Also to the Mosses, John and Dottie and Lane’s End, all of you VSP–Very Special People.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Anne – always nice to hear from you (movie star or not – ha, ha), and best wishes to you, Rod, and Rightful Image for 2013!
Kathy R.
Dear Anne: Thanks for that – second you with the New Year greetings to all who love and care for the wonderful Zenyatta. Hugs, KathyR.
Dear Anne from Paramount CA,
So glad RI did so well, really enjoyed KG video of him, now we
Know what he looks like in person. The weather was tracherous today,
With hale. Hope all the Dumplings survived.
RIP LORD AVIE, a very special boy.
Keep us posted on RI NEXT RACE.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
So sorry about the typos above–aaugh!!
RIP dear Nana Beach and Lord Avie. So sad.
Congradulations to Simon Callahan !!!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
DAILY RACING FORUM: QARABBA (spelling incorrect above) an English
mare, for Simon Callahan, wins the Bobby Frankel, Grade 3.
A really nice looking talented mare, very fast.
LAVA MAN, the horse mentor,
Kathy R. Such sad news! I am so sorry. Hugs, Keta
Jockey’s death hits NZ racing industry
Posted by: AAP Filled in: Australian Horse Racing | 31/12/2012 at 11:30am
Trainer Lisa Rae says New Zealand racing has been hit hard by the death of Gold Coast-based New Zealand jockey Ashlee Mundy after a fall at Sunday’s Kurow races.
A freelance jockey, former Cantabrian Mundy returned from Queensland in mid-December to ride the South Island’s summer circuit.
She had been working at Rae and husband Kenny’s Riccarton stable in Christchurch during her stay and planned to return to Australia in February.
Her mount Elleaye fell with 600m to run in the seventh race at Kurow in North Otago.
Nigel McIntyre of the New Zealand Racing Integrity Unit (RUI) told NZ Newswire it appeared Elleaye had clipped heels with another horse.
Mundy, 26, was flown to Dunedin Hospital in a critical condition with serious head injuries and a hospital spokeswoman confirmed she died on Monday morning.
Rae said Mundy had returned from Australia to contest the southern holiday circuit for the past couple of years.
She spent Christmas with her parents in Westport, then had six races at Wingatui on December 28, including a win on Fintorro for the Raes.
“She’s the wrong person – she’s been taken too soon.
“She’d rock up every morning ready to ride – she was just one of those people who have a natural way with animals,” Rae told NZ Newswire.
“Our owners are broken, they’re distraught. Ashlee was just lovely. She’s touched so many people’s lives.”
McIntyre says the RUI will conduct a full investigation into the incident, including talking to riders and viewing the race video, and will be working in conjunction with the police who will prepare their own report.
Deaths at New Zealand race meetings were rare, McIntyre said. The last one was in 2005 at Riverton when 16-year-old Sam McRae died after his foot became entangled in his horse’s riding iron and he was dragged for 900 metres.
Mundy had ridden 232 winners in New Zealand and 43 in Queensland.
Read more: http://www.justhorseracing.com.au/news/australian-racing/jockeys-death-hits-nz-racing-industry/181503 #ixzz2GaRRr7xJ
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Ashlee Mundy, gone much too soon. May she rest in heavenly peace.